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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Well so far every clip someone has picked has become my new favourite! I did not start d/l Clack quite a while into my fandom so some of these I have not seen! God he is good and can sing just about any dang thing! I have one or two that I just love, like SOB to his Grandfather, any AI Solitaire, the whole concert on LI because he was so sick an he spoke to ME and almost everyone where he dissolves into fits of giggles! So just keep bringing the pretties and I will continue to study dilligently and maybe by the time the next tour starts I will have narrowed the field!
  2. What happened on that day? Umm wasn't that the day when the infamous pic from Tangerinee was posted and someone...I wonder who ....posted about it on another board and everyone came over to look atogle it
  3. OMG isn't he dweamy??????? Here endeth my shallow post for the day! {{{{{Couchie and Mum}}}}}
  4. Perma this would be the perfect board except for the fact certain people keep posting a certain picture (that shall remain namless)that certain people (ok just me) don't like! Hee! I don't drink but the good thing about not drinking is when your buds do is they have to call you the next day to find out who they have to apologize too! And you can laugh, laugh and laugh at them!!! I ordered too! Am I out of the FCAMB?
  5. Moi? Curses foiled again...........where is the twirling moustache emoticon when you need it?
  6. Oh trust me she is not kidding!!! I cannot believe I have to wait until the end of April to see HIM again!!! Maybe my infatuation will be gone by then! Maybe I won't love him anymore! Maybe the package will no longer hold me in thrall! Maybe I will be tired of his voice! OMG I think Ineed some chocolate!!!!!
  7. Does an outdoor pavilion count as an Amphitheatre? I hope so 'cos I live 5 minutes from one!!!! It is big and holds a lot of people if you count the lawn! Hey perma stay. We love people who bring prezzies!!!
  8. Wow I just got kissed by Clay Aiken........Ok so it was his chapstick but a girl can dream!! Yes I got my Clique package! Tote bag, chapstick and four button pack. Oh Wow!
  9. Hee I don't think any Clique number works! Surprise, surprise! For Xmas my hubby bought me a portable Bose speaker for my iPod. Well I have it sitting on my desk and I've listened to it but not really listened if that makes any sense! Tonight I took it upstairs to my treadmill and turned the volume up really loud. My god Clay can sing!!!! He just sounded so good. I guess a combination of his talent with some really good speakers just did me in! As I'm walking I begin to realise that I miss him. Oh he was wonderful in Spamalot and I cannot wait until I see him again in April but I really miss him singing! No TV appearances to tide me over till the CD comes out, no concerts to go to, no charity performances or anything that has him just singing! Come back Clay I miss you!!!!
  10. I also hate swearing! I have a really hard time repeating a joke if it has a four letter word in it. On Clay's opening night when I was doing the cellcert I told them that Clay swore and I used the word, it really bothered me! I felt I was heading down a slope where I did not want to go! My dad always said it showed a lack of intelligence using swear words and I could surely come up with something more creative!
  11. Aaarrrggghhh!!! keeping faith when we are sleeping together in NY you had better keep one eye open at all times! Just sayin'
  12. Are we going to be together in NY, at the end of April? Cos paybacks are hell!!!!!!
  13. I've read a lot of things since yesterday and the one thing I don't get is where is Clay to blame in all of this? What did he do that was so wrong? "We" don't know what went on backstage, "we" don't know how angry he was, "we" don't know what he told Jerome to say, "we" don't know what the cast said, "we" don't even know for sure what was done by whom and "we" are getting differing reports of what Jerome actually said! All we have is circumstancial evidence but hey let's convict him anyway! Sometimes I'm ashamed to claim membership in the Clay Nation!
  14. I can guarantee you will get your hands on a copy!!!!!!
  15. Ok so I ordered my laptop and I'm sorry but I did get a Dell. *g* I know 3 people who have them and love them. It was actually cheaper than anything I priced at Best Buy. Oh and Kandre it has a good video card and stuff! It came with a free Webcam but I doubt I will ever use that! But it is kind of cute, black with white stripes on the side, very fancy....well you know how important looks are! I had a fuschia one in mind but I might not be able to sleep with that, might keep me awake! Hee Hee. You guys are such enablers Now I will be a happy camper on my eHP adventures! Hee before I "knew" Clay I couldn't care less what machine I had and now it's so important to get wireless access. high speed and a big one (for muski) hard drive I mean!!!!
  16. There's an engineer on a CD? Who'd of thunk it? I thought they were the guys who ran trains!!!
  17. Over at OFC they are already questioning if it was fans or not and whether they were actually standing up. Maybe good time for a blog Huh!
  18. From CB: Uh, oh! More from CV: Quote: Words just fail me!
  19. See couchie I think a 17" is not practical for travelling and sleeping with. Besides how would that big one fit into the room with all of the other eHP's electronics? One does have to be considerate of others....yeah right!!!! Does he have a sexy English accent? I'm looking at a Dell and it has a good video card!
  20. So who is going to NY soon and can get one of those Playbills and the New York thingies. I would so love one ! Cheerio Karen Eh! Safe travels! :F_05BL17blowkiss: She called me yesterday from the Post Office wanting my address so she could mail me something! Talk about last minute...she leaves for Baku today! Ok I am buying myself a new laptop this weekend. Do I really need 15.4" with 3gb Memory and 250gb Hard Drive? Talk me down of the ledge guys!
  21. Love, love, love the WRAL videos!! Anyone know who the CUTE guy in the pink sweater is????? Today a friend of mine came into the office with a gift for me, She just got back from Vegas and had a backstage tour of Spamalot! They gave her the ugliest looking plastic chalice as a souvenir! Guess what? It was sitting on my desk! I finally found my grail!!! I thought that it was nice of her. Her hubby wanted to throw it out before they came home but she said she knew someone who would love it!! And she was right.
  22. IMO...this is the only reason for a party ...for fans to get together and EEEEEEEEEEEEE together and just have fun. No need to make a big PR deal about it. Gosh if only I had a few friends to come over my house and party with!!!
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