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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. What a night of mixed feelings! Sadness tinged with excitement!
  2. You know I am not pure in this sense because I know I have some Clack that is not on the up and up but everything that can be bought I will buy. I lent ATDW to a co-worker and she ripped it to her computer. I went out and bought another copy as it annoyed me to think that she had "stolen" it. I did not even go looking for a site to D/L OMWH. I think I can wait a few more hours. I'm going to miss the Spamalerts! It has been fun but I think we are all on to bigger and better things.
  3. Ok I'll have what she's having cos I need sedated too! Come on Tuesday!!!!!!! Eta: Hey Gibby I think she'd rather have Clay out of the white coat.....if you know what I mean
  4. I just got an email from Walmart telling me my CD with bonus has shipped! I now have this stupid grin on my face!!!!! It is finally on its way here! Could I be more excited....No!!!! I'm not stressing counts of any kind. It will sell what it does and I'm not worried because Clay is going to be around a long time.
  5. http://cliquemerch.sparkart.com/clayonline...p?merch_id=2721 I just had to have one of these!
  6. http://abcnews.go.com/entertainment Bwah ha ha . The one thing Clay wants us to know about his album....where to buy it!
  7. I always joke that the British will take the country back........ one person at a time! Well I think Clay Aiken is winning them over....one person at a time!
  8. Atlanta Journal http://www.accessatlanta.com/blogs/content...ay_aiken_i.html SFGate http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../PKG410D6EM.DTL Hey 00lsee....yes I think it should!
  9. Err guys I think the 5/6 means the date!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  10. OMG there is going to be better audio! I will not survive!
  11. Clack of Broadway Cares is up at ClackUnlimited http://www.clackunlimited.com/clack/Specia...onnet_Spamalot/ DO NOT POST ON YOUTUBE Just gorgeous!!!
  12. Yes we did and it was fun, I tell you fun! The folks on the subway at 1 in the morning thought we were all drunk and that was fun too! Yes that is what life is all about! Having fun and when I am with my buddies I don't give a flyin' flip what anyone else thinks of me. I maybe old but I ain't dead yet......not by a long shot! And thanks to ShelleyC I am now officially 12 years younger than I was before this weekend! Hee!
  13. I feel so much better now (tm Sir Galahad)! Those "huge tracts of land (tm Herbert's Father) are not quite so impressive in these pics *g*
  14. I just caught the end of something and it sounded like he said something about Clay on Broadway. I must have misheard.
  15. OMG He is just so.......Oh I don't know.........CUTE!!!!!! And 2nd place rocks!!!!!!
  16. What did Randy say about Clay?
  17. I could tell you what can cause that but I think Muski can do it so much better!
  18. Is it Tuesday yet? I want that album in my hands like...yesterday!! I think he sings the songs unbelievably well especially in that setting, which is not the most conducive, with not so good acoustics! By the way if anyone is in Houston, Monday night, The eHP will be having a genteel soiree to welcome in the new issue from one Mr. Clay Aiken. Tea & Crumpets will not be served
  19. Earlier today I told keepingfaith that I thought that Something About Us sounded like a classic song. one that was retro and yet new and would be around forever. I think that more than ever. I love that song but The Real Me. OMG I NEEEED that song!
  20. I love Clay Aiken!!!!!! He put his arm around me, he asked me my name, he thanked me for coming, he looked me in the eye, he stuck his tongue out at me on stage and all for the low low price of $250 not including shipping!!!! Had a blast last night in front row center!!!! Before he was acting and now he is the actor!!! Does that make any sense? He has improved so much that I cannot believe it! I will have to write more when I can digest it all. Meanwhile it is just ......gah!!!!!!! My signature says it all...one of those moments!
  21. http://www.clayaiken.com/mothersday/ Hee great minds think alike!!
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