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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Clay is going to be on my TV tonight! That is all....you may return to your regularly scheduled angtsing! Ok Well not here but elsewhere!
  2. ::pets Kandre...just because:: Enough of the doom & gloom already!!!! The guy has a KA album and it is going to be around for a while. He will be fine and so will we!!! Rah Rah Rah Sis Boom Bah!!!!!! So as they say in England....keep your pecker up!!!! (that means chin by the way..what were you thinking? Tsk Tsk!!)
  3. The blog appears now to have disappeared from the public side too!
  4. What a crazy day? BWAH You can see his blog if you are not a member but not if you are!!!
  5. Dreamer..there are none so blind as those who will not see!
  6. Unfortunately some are not getting it and they are the ones who should! His whole post is now a blog.
  7. Holee Christmas!!!!! He's not too happy!! (((Clay)))
  8. She has different places with figures but I can't bring it over...OFC rules. QVC is not listed.
  9. clayandr posted one day figures at the OFC ATDW 70k OMWH 18K Some places not yet reporting. (Amazon, B& N etc) Hmmm Strawberry Margaritas are mighty fine!.
  10. I just saw this and had to laugh! George Bernard Shaw. Change it to: They know nothing; and they think they know everything. That points clearly to a..... fill in the blank. It just struck me as funny in light of today's angst!
  11. Yes well now we have it's all about bad promo too!! The more things change the more they stay the same!!! I'm happy!!!!! (TM NDF)
  12. Hee I'm happy I got my Walmart order today. I had one without the bonus that I paid $10.00 for and 2 that I paid $14.88 for online. Since they are now on sale for $9.72 I just went to WM and exchanged the one without the bonus for one with and got an $11.00 refund on the other 2! Add that to the $2 refund from Amazon I think I''m doing pretty good today! And no I didn't spend the refund on another CD........though I did think about it*g* I love this CD!!!!!!
  13. Guys don't go out...it is a jungle out there! HDD projects 85K and the "his career is over" posts have started!
  14. http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/SummerConcert/wireStory?id=4789468 He is such a cutie pie!!!!
  15. A little Clay is better than no Clay and I still have one fabulous album to listen to!!
  16. Point to Couchie!!!! We were lacking the unannounced two week lead time!
  17. Being sober helps too! You can get a decent pair of Sony headphones for 50 bucks at Best Buy. Does anyone have a Spork? Solo says a good whack upside the head would probably solve all hearing issues! Perusing One says she didn't know CD release parties were this much fun......and they sound good too!
  18. Being sober helps too! You can get a decent pair of Sony headphones for 50 bucks at Best Buy. Does anyone have a Spork?
  19. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE The eHP got the email...well except for Perusing One!
  20. Hee Kandre I take it you won't be doing "first listen' at my house tonight then? And here I have been holding out!! ::merrieeee rushes over to AOL::
  21. Finally no more days and only hours. The eHP will show be showing up at my place tonight for a listening party! Anyone in the neighbourhood is welcome to join us. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee On My Way Here is really here!!!!!!
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