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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Well my local Fox station is reporting it. One of the most successful AI etc.
  2. Gee I have done nothing all night! Just keep refreshing and refreshing! I cannot tear myself away as I keep thinking he will blog any minute now and I will miss it! I need to get a life...obviously Clay has*g*
  3. Except for the one person who said he should post because most are upset about this! Well she got shot down pretty quick! There are 1100 people on the OFC right now!!! Must be a slow Clay news day!!!
  4. On a slightly different subject.......I gave a CD of "On My Way Here" to a good friend of mine. He is in his late 40s and listens almost exclusively to Garth Brooks. I asked him to listen and give me an opinion. Today he called me back and said he loved the CD! He listened to it 5 times in a row. Said Clay has an amazing voice and it was just beautiful. I said to please not kid about it. He knows of my Clay love and I thought maybe he was having fun with me. He said he was being truthful. If he didn't like it he wouldn't have finished listening to it once let alone 5 times! I know that's not as exciting as today's little tidbit but hey I was pleased. OMG People are actually thinking of leaving the fandom over this.....it's a sin don't you know!
  5. Shouldn't the thread title be changed to "I know I can , I know I can"?
  6. Ok so who is F-Aiken the story?? And if he doesn't take care of it will it be Fos-Aiken???
  7. I just can't go on (insert Edward Gorey figure here) argh! Does anyone have a knife? I have two wrists that need slitting!!!!!! I mean there is no reason left to live now Clay has fallen so far!! Oh wait I just listened to Scarlett Johannsen's song..OMG bad doesn't even cover it! I think I will have to live on to listen to Clay ! eeeeeeeeeeeee Thanks Iseeme. I didn't even notice. I didn't know I was that wordy*g*
  8. Just got home and watched the Sessions videos!! I loved them and I didn't notice scratchy or non-mobile Clay! I just don't care about stuff like that...it's Clay Clack and it's all mine. Well Ok I'll let you watch if you promise not to mess up the screens with your drool! That is just one hot hunk o' man! And he is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Hee first concert..Acker Bilk in 1963. I waited outside to get his autograph! Next concert Bette Midler 1974. I was 6 months pregnant and went without my DH, just some friends. I had a blast and got in at 3 in the morning! What a rebel! All the rest of the hundreds I have been to are a blur ( I had a friend who got in free to a perfoming arts pavilion) but I have loved every one of Clay's!!! I hope the eHP has a fun weekend....boo hiss I won't be there!
  10. As soon as I saw the post by berkeley brought over from CH I thought of keepingfaith. She knows a lot more about music than I do and I wanted to know what her take on it was! So....kf where are you?
  11. Hi Tijala....hee another one comes to the dark side wonderful FCA board!!!!! Welcome! We really are harmless! Well most of us except for bottlecap :F_05BL17blowkiss: ......she can be mean sometimes! (Do I see some precipitation in the air )
  12. Ah meeting new Clay fans!!!!! I didn't know anyone who was fan and I saw there was going to be a dinner with the Houston bunch and even though I'm not good at that sort of thing I just knew I had to go! Well my eyes were not that great and I only drove where I knew I was going so I had to find a kind soul who would meet a complete stranger and drive her! 00lsee :F_05BL17blowkiss: agreed to meet me in the parking lot of a Pizza Hut! She drove up, I got in and drove off with her!! I guess she could have been an ax murderer but she was too cute! We hit it off immediately and never quit gabbing the whole way to the dinner. Kandre, :F_05BL17blowkiss: Scarlett, :F_05BL17blowkiss: Karen eh, :F_05BL17blowkiss: Kimiye :F_05BL17blowkiss: Solo(?) :F_05BL17blowkiss: and some others who I cannot remember (bad me) were there. It was a great dinner and I remember feeling envious of them going to travel to see Clay. Next thing you know I have invited myself to go to Atlanta with them. Now Kandre was going to be my travelling buddy and I was to meet her at the airport...one minor problem though. During the dinner she sat at the other end of the table and as I said my eyes were bad so I couldn't see her clearly! Well I knew she was African-American and had short black hair but that was all! Imagine looking at everyone of that description in the airport trying to figure out if it was her! Needless to say when she did show up there was no mistaking her, except she had long hair...go figure*g* Best thing I ever did!! I love my buddies and would not have missed this exciting ride for anything! I know I have never had this much fun in my life! Thanks Clay, I owe you big time!
  13. ooooo Page 1! I think it can! I think it can! I think it can! I know it can! I know it can! I know it can! Finally a thread with a title I can open up at work without explaining!!!!
  14. Hee growing up my nickname was also a euphemism, in England, for the toilet and my DHs name is John. My maiden name was also a first name and my hubby's last name can be a first name, so I think we were destined to be together!
  15. Oh couchie you mean your real name isn't couchtomahto? I'm shocked!!!! Hee my first name is hyphenated and no one has ever called me by it! Hmmm Maybe I'll start now.
  16. I am not keepingfaith nor do I play her in a staring role on Broadway but I have dutifully been requesting OMWH every week at Sunny 99.1. I have yet to hear it or receive other than a form reply.
  17. Hey, it's a great day! The sun will shine and I get to listen to Clay for 45 minutes, without any interference, on my commute!!! Couldn't get any better than that....well it could if I didn't have to go work but then I would not have the money to buy more CDs and travel with my peeps! Hee I have peeps...shh don't tell them though!! Hurry up and blog Clay your natives are restless. I mean it has been so long already
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