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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. I was reading the comments on the YouTube Obama Love Story and I just had to bring this over... There are now over 65,000 views....hmm, not just us are listening to this gorgeous voice and song!!
  2. Aww I want a First Edition FCA pin!!!! Does anyone have one that I could buy? Clay Aiken.....I love him! Some folks live to complain. Someone made a cartoon of Clay as a super hero and it was not seen as funny by some and one thought he came across as a little egotistical in the Somalia speech. I guess that is it in a nutshell. Don't ask! I just reports 'em! Hee I've been to both Londons! I saw Maggie Smith in Stratford (Ont) as Lady "Scottish Play" and fell asleep!!
  3. Mornin' all! You know I should learn not to be surprised, that something as good as the news yesterday, will always be turned around in the Clay Nation! ::sigh:: Be careful out there! This is my safe place (tm TB) :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  4. Oh yes you are going to fit in here real well!!!
  5. you hate Tom Hanks? That's like hating the easter bunny or puppies heee. Well I am a cat person!
  6. Well they do mistake us for one another when we are together!! \ I honestly don't know what it is about that pic other than I do think he looks ill! I don't mind other pics from that same shoot but that one just sets my teeth on edge! I guess it is either you like something or you don't. Kind of like I cannot stand Tom Hanks and will not see any movie he is in and my DH thinks he is great. I love Opera but hate with a passion jazz........can't explain it just do! Come to think of it that is probably the only photo of Clay that I sincerely dislike. (Of course now it has become a "thing" for everyone to tease me! Revenge...hmmm..never crossed my mind! Just you wait 'enry 'iggins just you wait!!!!) ETA: My hate started with Bosom Buddies!
  7. You know how sometimes something that you just can't quite get, can drive you crazy? Well I'm having one of those senior moments and I know you guys can help me out! I have a picture in my mind of Clay getting ready to start to sing a song and before he starts he holds his nose and looks down. I don't recall any more details unfortunately. This scenario just keeps haunting me and I cannot remember where it is from. I'm sure it's Clay and now I cannot get it out of my head. Does anyone have any clue what I am talking about? Bueller!!! While I was typing this stupid post someone who used to be my friend posted a pic that shall remain nameless. (oh by the way the red bed is no more....so I don't know where you will stay if you ever come over again......just sayin' )
  8. Oh Yesss!!!!!! Thank you keepingfaith....see somebody loves me!!!
  9. Very true now you've posted here!! Welcome to you and the other newbs! At this board I think we are kind of like Clay, we make families wherever we are. It sometimes does seem like an extended family here. We may fight and argue but we love each other and will stick up for our own, when neccessary! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hee England is a good place to be from! I left in '69. It was so different then. I miss it, or rather I miss what it used to be! I would not go back there to live any more. Way too expensive for one thing.
  10. Hee that looks like the eHP welcoming everyone!! I'm loving the flashbacks to funny Clay! Keep 'em coming! cotton: Have you tried the Bailey's Chocolate Mint?
  11. ewww! Vinegar and salt on good old English chips!! Yummy
  12. Oh wow! That LAL is just fabulous in XviD. Thank you Scarlett. I did have a hard time concentrating on the words though...there was that bead of sweat on his neck that was so fascinating!!! I love Xvid it is just so clear and crisp. I really like LAL. It has always been one of my favourites but today I just read the words out loud as if it was a poem and wow the feeling of it being so personal to him just hit me like a ton of bricks. I love kitty cats too and it is almost a year since mine died after 23 years. I still miss her and I don't think I could possibly have another one or I should say let another one have me. I am not allergic to cats but I am allergic to cherries! So no Ranier thingies for me. I love them too, such a pity! ETA: My cat was the most lovable cat there ever was until I tried to bring another one into the house. She went absolutely beserk! Started clawing at the box, hissing and snarling. It was very clear there was no way she would have any other cat around. I honestly feared for the other one. The minute the cat was gone she was the same lovable creature.
  13. Word to the wise: Never tell Scarlett to pick up some Feta cheese to go with the Gyros for lunch. Most of us would go to the local Krogers and pick up some stuff in a plastic tub.........not Scarlett she goes to a Middle Eastern shop and brings us about 2lbs of cheese still in brine.......real feta cheese!! Boy was it good. Thanks for the warning about the sNOflake pics. The montage was worth the few seconds I had to put up with them but at least I was prepared. IMO Tyra hair....best evah!!!!! I can't believe how much liner paper that you need to re-line kitchen cabinets! I have to go back to the store for a third trip! Oh well it will look great when I'm fiinshed. Please remind me how much work it is to empty and put back all the cabinets if ever I want have my kitchen re-done again. I'm tired!
  14. I think there were a lot of us at that concert were whispering more than Je-sus...more like whimpering OMG over & over!! I'll never know how I survived the front row. That man is lethal!
  15. I just found the eHP's new hobby to while away the time till Clay returns to us!
  16. See luckiest1 we have a connection! I used to live near Buffalo and Detroit! Oh and Cleveland too! I loved Buffalo and I hate cold weather but that place was just so welcoming. I know I am a tad tardy but just wanted to wish Miss Couchie a very Happy Birthday...well at least what is left of it! As for the doom & gloomers they can say what they like. MY guy is taking a well earned rest and he is going to come back bigger & stronger! The next tour is going to kick some you know what!!!!!
  17. Oh me too! Oh we were discussing music....I got lost while looking at the pics.........GAHHHHHHH!! He is so..oh I don't know....CUTE!!!!
  18. I cannot go a day without listening to OMWH. Everytime I listen to it I hear a new nuance or note or tone and it's like I'm listening to a new song and Cd. There really are so many layers and I am beginning to understand more & more how good he really is and how much work went into this, by all concerned.
  19. Nah...baseball players wear cups. Can't tell. Would that be anything like the Grail? Mighty uncomfortable if you ask me!
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