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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Ok this is a waste of a post...just trying to get to a new thread!! Ha now I know what this means...it's in the title of the emoticon!!! :lmaosmiley-1:
  2. Wow great pics Scarlett! I'm off to NY City and Boston next week with my daughter, to do a literary tour, but I will not take any photos worth showing. Trust me I take the worlds worst pics. I was in Nigeria on vacation and came home with some wonderful pics of lizard's tails!! My Daughter wants to see some plays in NY but said she will not go to Spamalot with me! What would make her think I want to see Spamalot? Hee Hee!
  3. Today an associate came in to the office and told me about his new twins. His wife loved the name Clayton so they decided to name one of the babies that. Well it's a girl so they spelled it Klayton! One of my friends went to the hospital last week. She is 41 and pregnant and anyone over 40 is high risk. Her blood pressure was 180 over ? and she had problems with her liver & kidneys. They told her if the BP did not come down they would have to take the baby! She is only 25 weeks! She had no clue she was that ill, just swollen feet and a headache. Toxemia creeps up on you. Luckily her BP is coming down and they are making her have complete bed rest for as long as she can and no stress! The only cure is to deliver. It was literally life threatening for her. It made me think of Jaymes and hope everything is going well.
  4. It may be heresy but I never liked the Beatles!!! It may have had something to do with the fact that my one cousin dated George for a while, another cousin used to be buddies with them and John's Aunt was good friends with my Aunt!!! My Dad would never take me up to Liverpool to visit so my chance to get to meet them never occurred! I guess now it's the Kevin Bacon theory! Only it was only one degree....so near yet so far! I love Eric Burdon and most of the boys from Liverpool. I miss Clay news so bad! It seems like forever even though it isn't. Come back Clay we miss you and some are not behaving nicely. Ooooo we need teacher Clay to chastise us!!!!
  5. I LOVE THIS BOARD!!!! Just thought I'd let everyone know! Well my new stuff is all installed and it is fabulous! Clay looks so good in widescreen and sooo big!! Now I need to go out and find comfy furniture for the room and i hate looking for funriture. ansa :F_05BL17blowkiss: Just cos!
  6. OMG you mean it isn't real! It's "real"!!!! Wow,who knew! Yes!! (Where's the pumping fist emoticon when you need it) Snark is alive and well!!!
  7. Word of warning! Do not go into your attic in Houston in the middle of the summer.......even if it is 6 in the morning! I was freakin' hot up there. Next time the eHP comes over I know where we can get a sauna!!! Yesterday certainly was an interesting day in the Clay fandom! Is the full moon gone? The question of the day is if it is 7am in Houston what time is it in California and do you think the eHP would like it if I gave them a quick wake-up call? (Hee we're not called evil for nothing!!!) Na better not, their paybacks are hell!! I love, love, love that pic of Clay in glasses! He looks so intelligent and gorgeous too!
  8. I cannot believe what is happening out there tonight!!! Calgon take me away!!!! Oooo Clay nekkid in a bathtub endorsing Calgon......yup works for me!
  9. OK rub it in why don't you!!!!! Next thing you will posting a certain picture!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  10. eeeeeeeeee It's the weekend and I get to have my 50" Plasma TV, Blu-Ray player and Bose surround sound system installed! Guess who I will be watching and listening to tomorrow? He will be upconverted...that sounds almost durrty! Meanwhile anything new in Clay Land...no? Thought not. I miss him like crazy!
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gcCk-rxoME Talking of dancing......I love this video!
  12. Bwah ha ha! I just realised that the first boy I kissed had red hair, freckles and was really skinny with big ears! Do I sense a pattern here. I left to go to Istanbul for 3 years and when I saw him again he had a red beard which I hated.
  13. OMG I love the glasses!!!! Just so sexy in them!!! Yikes I am so going to you know where....the guy is doing good works for the chirrun and I use the word sexy about him!!!!
  14. Well Clay has no shirt on and he is in tight white linen see-through pants! OK it's in my imagination but I like it and stickin' to it! Beige Linen shirt, surrounded by kids and he has the most beautiful laughing smile on his face!
  15. Oh come on now guys he has to be that classic English dessert!! Spotted Dick! bwah..what is that merrieee Couchie it is a steamed dessert that is very "stick to your ribs" and it's made partly of flour, suet and raisins. It is always served with custard which to us is a creamy vanilla sauce served piping hot (not soft ice cream). It is really stodgy but oh my it is comfort food to the extreme. You can also get chocolate Spotted Dick too.
  16. Oh come on now guys he has to be that classic English dessert!! Spotted Dick!
  17. So i take it, it will be on the FCA site?
  18. So is it a web page designed to solicit money for UNICEF?
  19. THis better not take to long I have company coming tomorrow.....oh wait it's Scarlett
  20. Oh FC you don't want to know! Be brave like Sir Robin! Hee. Where is this going to be posted etc?
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