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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. You know that guy Clay Aiken sure knows how to make life interesting. We have always said there is never a dull moment in the Clay Nation. I honestly would not miss this for the world. I cannot wait to see the GMA show but I can't take the time off to watch it. I will have to sneak into the kitchen at work.
  2. And/Or a lot more camps get funded for next summer. Where did you read this? Kim... Thanks for your post. merieee Please tell me here or by PM where you have been reading this kind of crap and I'll be sure not to go there! The figure came from MSNBC and the un-christian post was at the OFC but the one particular poster is going to all the boards she belongs to and asking to delete her membership. It is just sick.
  3. I was married in Washington Cathedral and was told by a priest that I was going to hell because I had not married my catholic husband in a catholic church. I told him that if I was living in sin then I was sure having a good time! Needless to say my MIL was horrified I would speak to a priest that way. What saddens me most is the judgemental posts that I have read (not here) by posters who call themselves christians. I never thought to read words like abomination. abnormal, perverse, disgusting and unholy in any post about Clay. I understand having to process and understand all this but to out and out condemn.....well I am at a loss for words.
  4. I just read that Clay probably got a measly $500,000 for the interview. Times are tough in the magazine biz. I guess Parker's college fund is secure.
  5. I too have a confession to make...ok here goes! I LOVE CLAY AIKEN
  6. My radio station says the magazine will be out early...today, because of the leak.
  7. People magazine's website will be posting an article at 7:00am EST
  8. Well I've been reading all sorts of sites tonight, including gay ones and by far the articles and comments are very positive. There are a few nasty posts but on the whole it is like ok so what, lets move on! Some of the gay sites are showing support and of course there are the one or two that say they are waiting for the "haus fraus" to desert him! Hee what fun to prove the stereotype wrong. Homophobic....not us! The more I think about this the more I am so proud of him. It must have been a very difficult and soul wrenching decision to make to come out.
  9. No wanda but I think I will go buy another ....you can never have too many Clay Aiken CDs
  10. Way to go wanda!!!!! The Daily 10 just said Clay Aiken came out of the closet...story tomorrow. I have to say I am very disappointed. There is way too little knashing of teeth over at the OFC. Oh my I just realised I am now going to have to fight the gay guys for front row seats. Thanks Clay!
  11. Photoshopped????? I wish I knew. Love him to pieces anyway.....you know Unconditional!
  12. OMG People magazine cover http://theclaymatewoodshed75085.yuku.com/topic/3490
  13. Yeah! 00lseeeeeee is back!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: That says it all today!
  14. I think I will stay over here where I feel welcome and can post what I like.
  15. EEEEEEEEEEE for the GMA IIT! I think the Coke machine at work will need half stocking on Thursday am. I spent this morning texting OOlsee who has NO internet access. I just had to tell her all the good stuff. Boy there was a lot to text. Cotton...take care of yourself! I found out this week that Hersheys has substitited Vegetable Oil for the Cocoa Butter in some of their candy bars! They now say chocolatey instead of Chocolate! I can see I am going to have to be more careful checking labels. When I want Chocolate I want the real thing babee!!! By the way in case there is any doubt........I love Clay Aiken's new do! I just want to give him a big hug. He just looks so adorable. Wow what a great review!!!!
  16. Happy Birthday Akim. Well I get to go back to work today! everything at home is now normal....yeah......including the mess! If I could just figure out how to put the shelves back in my fridge all would be well. Got home from OKC last night and the first thing I checked was guess? Yep the internet! Gosh we take so much for granted. I read that blog and I've decided that from now on it's going to be "Being a Clay fan means never having to say you are sorry"! Some are OTT but not all. At almost all of my 10 shows there were mostly non-fans and everyone was applauded as much as anyone else.
  17. September 20th is a good date for weddings. It is my 39th wedding anniversary tomorrow, but who's counting! You'd think I was going to see Spam tonight the way I am excited today.
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