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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Kandre just listen to Clay and all will be well! Good Luck. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  2. Good Morning everyone! eeeeeeeeee I booked my flight to NY last night! Good thing - It cost $7.50. Bad thing - I have to change planes. Ah the joys of FF miles! My DH found out this weekend that I have 150,000 reward points Note I said I have! He wanted to know what we I was going to use them for. Guess honey? I figure if I do all the things to get the most points I get to use them. Right? So who else will be there on the Nov 7-10? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Can you tell I am a tad excited??
  3. I've done one or two montages!! and THANK YOU!!! Yep I knew I knew your name from somewhere! Welcome to the most fun board out there!
  4. Hee I bought my maid a Dyson...she loves it. Me I've only used it once but it picked up stuff!!!
  5. Since I have been kinda busy this weekend I didn't get chance to check out the Rainbow Connection! Can anyone post the link to that colour site again? Now a shamless begging sentence........does anyone have a Clay Aiken keyring that I could buy? Mine has broken and it can't be fixed. I don't mind what it is like but I hatess having a Lexus one!! Hey kandre my DH just surprised me with a new computer!!!!!! 6GB memory and 750 GB Hard drive! I can't wait for it to get here. I think it has everything I need but even if it doesn't I'm not going to complain!!! (My hubby's a keeper!) Thank you I'm a boring Aqua!!!! Hardworking...OK Writer....Bwah Ha ha Analytical....Well ok too
  6. OMG I have been lol at that picture......Clay trying to leave a room with some fan being dragged along clutching the jewels.!!!! Meanwhile Jerome is fiercely beating them about the head trying to make them release! :Kolobok_Laie_haha: :Kolobok_Laie_haha:
  7. I right clicked on that sucker so fast. He is gorgeous and that baby well just gahh gahh!
  8. I'm thinking of flying in for the GFI. Anyone else?
  9. I hope that's not in the TOU cos I'm in big trouble if it is!
  10. Honeycrisps=$2.99lb Fuji=$.97 I bought Fuji and while picking them out who should serenade me but one hawt sexy singer! This Is The Night....oh yeah babee! Yep I could make you forget you are gay*g*
  11. I got nuttin' other than: ::waves to 00lsee:: :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  12. You know how something really bugs you because you have the answer right there just out of reach? Well I knew I had heard the name India Hicks before(she's the host of a decorating show on Bravo) and it was driving me crazy and all of a sudden....bingo...she was one of Princess Diana's bridesmaids!! I am so glad things have slowed down around the fandom. I can only take so much angst! I was watching that video by mariedrummond. It was really good and then I started watching more and more and more! Well now I have nothing done tonight but I did see some clips I had not seen before so that was fun. College Tuition..We gave my daughter a choice a very expensive private college with no extras at all school and nothing else or State University with all the extras. (Sorority, single room, spring break etc.) She chose all the extras as well as school. Thank goodness the Out-of-State one was (in 1992) $96000 for four years!!!! We three would still be paying for it*g* When she went to Grad school she qualified for loans and grants etc and if she teaches one more year in her low-income district her loans will be forgiven.
  13. I did that was too cute.....he is such a goofball! Yes my day did get better.....wait for it....I finished my Christmas shopping!!!! I did it all online and now waiting for the stuff to arrive! I love online shopping!!!!!
  14. What a great day it is! Parker is 2 months old, no annoying Google alerts and the Support thread is no more! Can it get any better...oh yes the boss is gone for the day!!!!! AND......I still love me one Clay Aiken!!! I hope he keeps his hair like this I really, really like it......no truly I do!
  15. I just read a google alert and I won't add the link because it is kind of stupid and doesn't like his singing but here are a couple of quotes: Wow he may not like his singing but there is a glimmer of respect!
  16. As that thread is closing I posted a few final thoughts: For giving me some wonderful music to listen to ….I owe Clay Aiken. For providing me with great entertainment at concerts….I owe Clay Aiken. For allowing me to meet some wonderful people who have become not just “Clay” friends but real friends….I owe Clay Aiken. For me having more fun, with these friends, than should legally be allowed….I owe Clay Aiken. For giving me the opportunity to see parts of this great country that I have never seen before….I owe Clay Aiken. For enabling me to learn new skills very much out of my comfort zone….I owe Clay Aiken. For teaching me about UNICEF and all it does….I owe Clay Aiken. And I could go on and on but you get the point………..Come to think of it I owe him more than I could ever repay.
  17. And neither are we...pure as the driven snow yep that's us! Well at least I am just ask the eHP....no on second thoughts don't!!!! :Kolobok_Laie_haha: I just got this in an email...thought it was appropriate! Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says... 'Oh shit....she's awake!!!'
  18. Hee mine too! I hope UNICEF gets lots of support because this is really not about him.
  19. I love Clay's teeth in fact I love Clay Aiken from his head down to his toes!! Boy has it really only been 2 weeks? It just seems like a lifetime!
  20. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed the hypocritical person on the OFC. I hate his behaviour and won't support him any more but oh wait I have this ticket to Spamalot and air fare from Houston so i'll just use that because it doesn't count. See it was bought before the great reveal so that's ok. I was not supporting a gay man at that time. Now don't you guys go attacking me in my burberry hat in seat whatever. Gee build a bridge already..... It is not about you!!!!!! If I read one more thing about he was lying and still is I might not be responsible for what I post!
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