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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. I just want him to talk to me...really just talk to ME! I wonder how much that would cost....too much!
  2. http://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Spama...ht_116_20010101 Hee I'll remember now!
  3. Oh my I will have to go in the bad fan handbook! I forgot about tonight! Too busy getting ready for tomorrow.
  4. I can so drive in the dark but only during daylight hours, when the roads are well lit and I've been there before! It was great meeting the delightful Lotus and from a couple of things she said she would fit in well with the eHP....if you know what I mean and I think you do! She even said next time she was in Houston she would meet us again! I guess we weren't evil enough*g* We tried to get her to come to NYC this weekend. We told her we were only going to do some shows........well OK one show. Yes we do like multiples, why do you ask? eeeeeeeee tomorrow, tomorrow!!!!!
  5. Wow the you Tube Obama Love Story is now over 390,000 views!
  6. Here's an article about white space: http://telephonyonline.com/wireless/commen...-1105/?cid=hcom Hee love the last sentence.
  7. Well I'm not happy today!!! Clay is sick and my insurance people called last night saying I haven't paid my bill in 3 months despite the the fact the bank shows it has been paid! I guess them posting it to the wrong account might have something to do with it!!!!!! I called this morning and if the girl said one more time, not to worry, I was going to jump down the phone line. Maybe I'm just in a lousy mood.
  8. He is just too darn cute!!!!! How come we've never noticed before?
  9. couchie thought you might like the bolded part. From LizInToronto via the CH:
  10. aarrgghhh he has laryngitis!!!! Not performing tonight! Snap.......he'd better be ok by Friday or there will be hell to pay!!!!!
  11. Hee I just noticed what Scarlett wrote.....hmmm. Isn't that a tad personal!
  12. People magazine seems to really like Clay lately. Hmmm could it be because he gave them an exclusive? Na they wouldn't be that shallow surely!
  13. Yep delicacy is the word for it! Ha it's considered a gourmet item here! As for Spam-a-not-clap-a-lot..... It's either full of Clay fans who are so mad they sat on their hands or just maybe it was a lot of folks who are not and were not as enthusiastic as we are. You know us fans are not the only ones going to see Spamalot.....I know you are shocked!!!! We ain't that important!
  14. Hey guys 7:30 at Kirin works for me! I like Kirin and there isn't one in the Woodlands. Lotus it is really easy to find! 00lsee are you in? I get off at 5 so I will go to shopping first.....I need something for NYC! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I get to see ykw on Friday. Oh and I do like Vegemite but Marmite is my favourite...I can just eat it out of the jar! That goes on my list of essential hurricane supplies!
  15. Ok eHP and Lotus where are we going to meet and eat on Wednesday night?
  16. I don't think I can take this gerbil wheel again!!!!! Still it's nice to know that the Clay Nation is back to normal!
  17. The following websites are not active (na) or not updated (nu). Another Day With CA.....na Carolina Clay.....nu CA-The One....na The CBN....nu Clay Lovers....na Clay Maniacs....na Clay Report....nu Crazy 4 Aiken....na Dreaming of Clay....na MI Clay Nation....nu Mid Atlantic Clay Fans....nu OK Clay Fans....na PA Clay Fans....na Raleigh Clay Fans....nu Touch of Clay....na
  18. I have heard that licking one's laptop monitor does not produce any serious negative long term problems with the computer but it does however make one feel warm and tingly inside!!! At least that is what I've been told!
  19. and it's 5 days till I get to see Clay in Spamalot. eeeeeeeeeee No-one had better be disruptive during the show or Kandre will go all Clay Aiken on their YKW! Hee Hee! luckiest1....For your sanity.....Stay away! Stay away!!!!
  20. Say it isn't so.......5 fans brought signs to Spamalot!!!!! Hope it is for the stage door!
  21. I can't stop staring at the banner. That is one sexy gorgeous man up there. It will be a lifelong regret of mine that I did not see that show! The last pic on the right...well he just looks happy! OK the eHP will be meeting Lotus for dinner on the 5th of November....that's Guy Fawkes Day! Some people have to you know like vote on the 4th!!! Place to be determined but near Willowbrook.
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