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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. eeeeeeeeeeee This time next week I will be watching the best, funniest show in NYC!!!!!! Since Lotus is in Houston on the 4th & 5th we will be meeting for dinner one of those nights. If you want to join us just PM me for details.......oh wait I don't have any yet*g* Typical eHP!!!!
  2. Wow the Obama video is taking off! It is now over 354,114. That's a lot of hits. Love the banner....love Clay Aiken!
  3. Hee it's a good job it's not like the old days when everyone it seemed, was a mod!!
  4. I can remember the angst on some boards who said when Clay had the baby it would curtail his excursions! It seems to me he has been out and about more now than ever. They must have a really good sitter! I think Jaymes is really good for him!
  5. http://www.wireimage.com/ItemListings.aspx...9133&nbc1=1 Look who's here!
  6. I can't keep all these people straight. Jerome is worth his weight in gold.
  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/7696986.stm Didn't Clay visit Somaliland as opposed to Somalia?
  8. Me too! I can mess up as good as the rest of them*g*
  9. I'll help but I will have to look tonight, when have more time, to see which ones I can do. I'll check websites.
  10. SO not going there...no not me! Jaymes & Parker where there last night at Spam!
  11. Yeah me too!!! Though it can't possibly be 19 with the wind chill.....can it? Wait...wait...isn't it next week?
  12. Ok Nov 7, 8 (mat) and 9 (mat) so far! Evening too!
  13. They might write and say a lot of garbage about him but no one can ever question his work ethic http://www.jamd.com/search/?q=clay+aiken THis site has a colection of the best and worst photos of Clay Aiken. Oh bottlecap there are plenty of you know what photos!!!!!
  14. Yeah it's raunchy to the extreme but also highly recognised as important in the entertainment industry. Clay really is making some important connections now and who know where that may lead. The jokes about Clay may not have been the most tasteful (ahem) but the difference now is that he is no longer the butt of them but in on them and it will make a difference in how he is perceived. And in the business he is in perception unfortunately is very important. He is no longer the charicature to be made fun of but someone who becoming respected by his peers. (By peers I just don't mean music industry types.) I believe he really does have friends (and not just aquaintances) in high places. He does show up at all sorts of interesting events and not just at a party to celebrate opening up a Target! Methinks he is so smart!
  15. Happy days are here again....da da da da happy days are here again!!!!!
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