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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. If that is what a guest does then he might be on the show longer than just as a singer.
  2. http://www.thefutoncritic.com/news.aspx?id=20081112cbs01 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  3. ((((cagney1950)))) So sorry. http://www.drphil.com/slideshows/slideshow...&versionID= New pic
  4. OK here is mine: .................deleted................ . That's weird because when I copied the url it worked perfectly in preview! I figured if I didn't want to know what it said about me then you surely wouldn't want to know either*g*
  5. OMG did you post that on the OFC?? I am doubled over laughing here!
  6. Ooo him telling me not to lecture him is kind of hawt!!!
  7. couchie check your PMs. Is a snus infection worse than a sinus infection? He is a hoot....no we wouldn't dream of lecturing him! Bwah ha ha !
  8. bottle the Posters ($40) and the Playbill ($20) are both signed by the cast and Clay. The posters are a Broadway size poster so you cannot just get a frame at Walmart. You can buy the frame for both at Playbill.com. Solo just called and said Clay is a no for tonight. I was just over at the OFC and I noticed that before the "news" there were around 9,900 members of the fan club. There are now 10,088! He he is gaining fans. Wonder why?
  9. You know the other night Clay sang the parts of some Spamalot songs in a lower register and there was a discussion on the OFC about whether or not people like him singing lower. The consensus was they liked it. Well I decided today that I like Clay's lower parts too. Oh 00lsee should I say....me likey?
  10. Oh my I was having withdrawal symptoms!!!!! Since I just realised how much I missed the board, it got me to thinking....I know a dangerous thing! Well.....anyway...isn't it about time we had another fundraiser/donation thingie (yes I believe that is the technical term) to keep this board up and running?
  11. http://zennioptical.com/cart/home.php Try this site for a cheap pair of glasses. You never know someone might like lose a pair!
  12. Well I am bummed that Clay cancelled but to quote him "I 'ad a feelin'" His voice was rough at the beginning of the matinee show and it got progressively worse as the show went on. He did a different oiy and at the end he went really low on the I've found my grail song. He told someone at the picture taking that he felt fine in himself but his voice was not good at all. Regular folks would never have known he had a problem but those of us that had seen mumblty something shows really noticed the difference.
  13. If Spamlot wants to raise more money then they have to reach out to Spam fans! This time around it is almost always NJU and they have no idea what went on before or have already been and have pics etc. I have no idea what is going on with the other shows and what they are doing. Also the time frame is short to raise money.
  14. Ha! Last spring Perusing One and I said we would have our pic taken together and half the $250 price but when we got up on stage we both ended up getting a picture. He says give me money and I open my wallet. I should just give him my debit card & pin just to save time. It's a good job I'm gainfully employed!
  15. OK this afternoon the pic was with Clay, Rick & Tom and it was $50. Tonight it was $100 just with Clay.
  16. Best Amen evah!!!!!!! It was soulful and jazzy and went on forever!
  17. OMG tonight he slid down on top of the parapet, spread his legs and proceeded to simulate rubbing himself! Tom was out and his replacement did OK. Clay kissed the girl on the cheek!
  18. OK I have to post even though I haven't read everything. I was at the Mat performance and Rick was not annoyed! It was funny because only a few people got the joke! Tonight Clay was Hawt..randy...hawt and randy! OMG He did pelvic thrusts and when the king said you can have your picture taken with Clay for $100 and be mounted with him...well the look on his face was priceless and he kept mouthing mounted, mounted!! It was hilarious and sooo hawt! I will post more later because I have to calm down after seeing the pelvic action! I paid $50 this a fternoon for a pic with Clay, Rick & Tom!
  19. The story last night was that he will not be doing SD because of the BC/EFA fundraiser and there were no barricades that I could see. Also last night he had the winner of the BC auction backstage.
  20. Ok now I am awake! Last night it seemed to me that Clay has improved so much. I thought he was good before but now he just appears to be a seasoned Broadway professional. Everything is just so smooth and the little changes make it seem like a new production. I thought I'd die when the girl rode piggy back! (as for which one snuck backstage...we'll never tell) He didn't sing the Amen so I will just have to go back again! He also didn't do the Iff..iff..iff...um line which I missed. I love the new king! He comes across, to me, as British comedian and he seems to fit the part better. I like the other one but he always seemed to be playing the role to me. This one is the king! Not too many fans but those who weren't really seemed to enjoy the show. The guy next to me got busted for taking a pic during intermission and they tried to escort him out until he proved that the picture didn't come out. The eHP is crazy as usual and having a blast! We have rearranged the rooms to our liking, plugged in our 5 laptops and are stocked up with the essentials of life but alas no Cheezy poofs!
  21. OMG the guy just gets better and better! He was good before but now he has become a seasoned Broadway veteran. That's all I can say tonight I am in a Clay induced high!!!!
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