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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. So how come everybody and his brother "knew" Clay was gay? From the media/blogger types who are going "neener, neener, I knew and you didn't" to a couple of my co-workers who in essence said Duh! Did no one except us allow him the courtesy of self defining? I'm sure that a lot of us had hints. I know I had my doubts and saw signs but I always felt until he said something It was not my place to comment. Now my co-workers are like "Well who didn't know that"? Was it really that obvious to the NJU? Was there really an alternate universe where everyone knew he was gay except a lot of fans?
  2. One of the posters said she loved him unconditionally but couldn't love him gay. I felt like posting a link to the dictionary. She obviously never understood the definition of the word. I said unconditionally back then and I meant it. Hee I guess I was not lying.
  3. I have read a lot over there these last few days. If you can get through all the quoting I would think it is indeed a very small percentage may be as little as 5% or less that are OTT. Now there may be a 95% that have left and are not posting about it I don't know if we will know until it's time to re-up.
  4. You know how good it feels to laugh over this stuff. Why should I wallow in the mire......it ain't my life!
  5. But Scarlett that was when there were just nasty rumours about us and we were OMG lying!!!!!!! Now the truth is out!
  6. I'm sure for a small tip that could be arranged. Wanda those posters listing his follies & foibles are the ones that said immediately they were out of there. The one must have done hours of research to get her two post list. Or did she have a sneaking suspiscion all along and was ready. Hmm doesn't that make her a bit of a hypocrite?
  7. Wanda you are the best! I was in the Dardanelles in Turkey and had to go to the loo. There was is usual two footprints and a hole. Beside the hole is this wooden stick. Well I asked someone what the stick was for and was told very straight faced it was in case you missed. I could have died with embarrasment. I still have the brass souvenir toilet that I bought that day 44 years ago.
  8. See it all comes back to the me, me, me syndrome. I've said my piece, bye bye, oh but wait I really have to tell you more about how I feel, bye bye, oh just one more thing about me and then I really am outta here! Oh but.......... Go already! I'm sorry but I'm running short on sympathy for those people. If what he is is so abhorrent to you then why are you sticking around? It's sure as heck not to work it out because you have already said you can't tolerate it. Leave room for those that are struggling and coming to terms with it.
  9. Hee my first thought was dang more competition for the front row and my second was I can hear the heads exploding now! And then the important thought....he looks mighty fine!! Love the hair.
  10. When I was young I always wanted to be tall, blonde and blue eyed with dead straight hair. Now I just want to be thin!! See I have always wanted to think the word "christian" was an all encompassing term meaning you were a good person and lived a good life. It really for me is not about what faith you are or aren't and this is an example of why I think this way. When my grandmother died when I was in my 20s. My DH paid for my DD and I to fly back to England even though we really couldn't afford it. At the funeral her SIL and BIL didn't come. They told us it was because it was raining. Now they had a car and it was about 5 miles from their house. My Mum's friend lived 25 miles away, left 3 young children with her neighbour, took three buses to get to that funeral to support my Mother who was having a really bad time. Her friend didn't have any organized religious beliefs left any more (she had come from Holland after the war and saw a lot of inhumanity during that time.) My grandmother's relations were devout Baptists who went to church 3 times a week but didn't show enough compassion to support us when we needed it. Did it matter that my mother's friend had no belief system? No I think she did the "christian" thing. Treating anyone with caring,respect and dignity is not about any religion. Oh and yes she got a ride home!
  11. Yep still the same old goofy Clay! I've always thought I was (and still am) a heavily invested fan. I love him, I belong to message boards, travel to see him. oo and gah ...well you get the picture. I have suddenly realised that I am nowhere near as close to being invested as some of his fans are. My fandom has always been rooted in reality. He's human and not perfect. I don't expect anything from him other than to entertain me. I don't think he owes me anything and it's his life to live not mine but reading some of the posts over there opened my eyes. I really don't know him and he never even knew I existed. He really is just a great hobby. Some people like knitting, some like model trains, I like Clay Aiken. Did these people really think he was "theirs"? Did they not understand he was just an entertainer? I feel for those having struggles with the faith issue and those having to come to terms with the news but the "he lied to me" stuff? I just don't get it. He is not their child, significent other, their bff or anything else close to him. It's like he lied to them personally. How could he when he has no idea who the vast majority of these fans are? If you are going to go over there to the ofc just go early...trolls like to sleep in! Now I'm going to watch Paula and the stage door again cos I know I can just send vibes through the video to Clay and he will come on his white charger and take me away from all this.
  12. You had better cheer extra loud for us and give him a big hug.
  13. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ooo a new club Waldo Watchers are us!!!
  14. I've tried to be over at the ofc to be supportive of people but it has become the wackiest place ever. Trolls have really highjacked the thread. I don't think it was what Clay envisioned at all.
  15. I just got back from the grocery store, carrying my Clay Aiken tote bag!!! It was really strange seeing his picture on the endcaps. I love the Paula show. He is too cute. I found myself watching to see if he looked any different to me....you know gay*g* Looked like the same old goofy Clay to me! You know the ofc has always been a toxic place. That's not going to change but giving everyone free range has just made it worse.
  16. I just have to say: I LOVE THIS BOARD An island of sanity in the rough seas.
  17. There is one person over there who happens to be from Houston and I have met her. She is really on the way far end of the spectrum. She thinks Clay should remain celibate because it's ok to be gay but not to act on it. But then she goes on to say she loves everyone!!!! I have a feeling she really might just leave.
  18. You mean your not? I'm shocked I tell you shocked. Love you :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  19. Back when my DD was in 11th grade, on the 4th of July, a group of 10 of her fellow students went into the gay part of town and beat a man to death with a board studded with nails. She and I knew these kids and she had even tutored some of them. Our eyes were certainly opened when they came back to school (they had to because at that point there were not guilty of anything). Instead of being appalled girls were actually fawning over some of these guys and treating them like heroes! I was disgusted that they were even allowed to walk the halls. Thank goodness most of them ended up serving long sentences but I will never forget the attitude back then. That was back in 91 and I really thought we had come along a lot further than that....I guess we haven't
  20. There is way to much polygamy goin' on here. We should just form our own commune and live happily ever after. Since Clay's talk with the mods everything has certainly calmed down over there...or is it that "they" are not awake yet? There are some pretty insightful posts and a lot more respect being show. No it's not all wine & roses but it is a lot better.
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