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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Clay and I have a con.nec.tion! We both have the most gorgeous green eyes! Well Ok his are gorgeous and mine are just green but I can dream can't I? Oh and Kandre that gibby is turning out to be quite a minion!
  2. I haven't seen this posted in a long time......Isn't he CUTE!!!!!!! Does anyone have something I can put my eye back in with????
  3. 45 or so years go I had a girly crush on a fashion designer. Yves St. Laurent. I loved his clothes and he was just so...French! Now I learned he just died...boy does that make me feel old. I would hate to have my private life dissected and put up to such intense scrutiny!
  4. Well, the thread from hell was zapped right? Or have they whitewashed it and put it back up? Somebody post for her to go read somewhere else cuz I'd hate for her to think that what she read there is representative of the whole fandom. The problem is that the girl who was creating the major problem has started a new thread about not being alone etc and it is 2 pages long and has become a real nasty battle! Not a mod in site either. It is just pitiful! She was not in that thread. I just had to log out as it kind of felt like an invasion of her privacy. knowing where she was reading. I know I'm weird!
  5. The Muppet song is It's In Every One Of Us. John Denver sang it with the Muppets on a Christmas Album
  6. There are just some things that I just cannot let go such as one sNOflake pic! I think I will dislike that pic as long as I live! It appears there is going to be a eHP recruitment drive splash-in at my place next Saturday so if you are in the general area and are very brave just PM me for details, of which there are none as yet (That's how we flow..never make plans cos you know how those things tend not to work out) Gibby who?
  7. I'll certainly agree with the bitch part!!!! but since she is funny with it you can forgive her....well most of the time anyway :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  8. I've had two people mention it. My daughter asked me if I didn't think it was kind of creepy and a friend called to tell me her DH had heard about it and wanted to know why she hadn't told him!! He knows she has this friend who is up on all the lastest CA news and just knew I would know all about it. See I too am the "Clay Aiken expert"!
  9. I think the really bad thread over at the OFC has been deleted as I can't see it anymore. it was way overdue and I can't believe that it was allowed to go on for as long as it did.
  10. Oh Scarlett the room won't be ready for while! I have to clean out a lot of junk and as you can see we are both procrastinating. I was just getting estimates today. If I want to do it right it gonna cost a lot of money! Do I need to tell the DH how much? 3 red leather recliners with cup holders are awfully pretty! Sigh!!!! I think I will have to have a Popcorm machine and a mini fridge and a box for Raisinettes etc. This could be fun.
  11. Would that be Clay's version of soon? Oh and no I don't have ny of those there new fangled games. I hate everthing except Solitaire and Bookworm! Today I went out shopping for stuff for a media room in my house I'm thinking of a Sony 52in TV. Blu-Ray and all the trimmings. I want theater style seating with cup holders. This brings me to one fine point......whoever, in the eHP, claims the red room in my house well.....sorry!!
  12. Too true and by the way we will eat any and all snacks period!!!! Not just cheezy flavoured ones! You know you could always come over to my place...I promise to try and find a cute pool boy for Scarlett! If your place is free... On Saturday, instead of going to a Greek restaurant why don't I just pick up kimiye early in the morning and then we can either have some Greek food delivered or *someone* can bring food from downtown (or vice versa, I can get the food if someone else picks up kimiye). We also need one person to get some ouzo. We can hang by the pool and KAndre and I can put our new swimsuits to good use. Alternatively we can make some Htapodi me paprika or Htapothi sti Skhara at your house... (Chinatown's on my way here to kimiye's sister's place) -- LOL! /just kidding! :cryingwlaughter: Ok you talked me into it! Yes my place is free!!!!! I know where I can get ouzo!!!!
  13. Too true and by the way we will eat any and all snacks period!!!! Not just cheezy flavoured ones! You know you could always come over to my place...I promise to try and find a cute pool boy for Scarlett!
  14. Ooooo Saturday works for me too! See I'm easy.......no wait I'm not that easy!!
  15. One of the things that I am upset about is the talk of "damage control" What has been done here to warrant that? This story , again if true, is not earth shattering except to the parties involved. His career will still go on unless he chooses otherwise. For goodness sake other stars have slept with underage kids, been filmed shooting up, assaulted people, spent time in jail and yet they continue to be idolized by many and have major careers. Bottom line for me: Is he still gonna continue to sing pretty to me and am I going to have as much fun with my buds as always have! Yes I believe he is and I am and the rest well....I don't care!!
  16. If this situation was between Ashton Kuchar and Demi Moore there would still be the ::wink, wink, nudge, nudge:: from the media but it would be of the "way to go Ashton" variety and there would be high fives all around. Why because Ashton Kuchar is cool and Clay Aiken is not!
  17. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I love Greek food and I can drive to wherever!!!!
  18. If I never hear the name Geek Squad again I will be happy! It cost us $800 and 2 months to get a laptop back that ended up not being fixed when we got it home! It had thousands of $s of software on it so we didn't have a choice. After about 6 weeks and no laptop my DH went to get it back and the manager of the store told him that it was not fixed and he had to wait. He told her he wanted it back not fixed and she told him that it didn't work that way and that people "of his age" didn't understand these things(computers)!!!! Now my DHs business is IS and he certainly knows how these things work but she was so condesending that he was not happy. Ageism is alive and well! Talk about discrimination. I'm looking to to buy a 60 TV and guess who will not be getting my money!
  19. Hey play I thought it was a great ad for the CD and it was really odd there was no pic of her. They had one of the babyuncle! Warning Rant ahead! I was just over at the OFC. I have never read posts quite like it. Talk about holier than thou! Clay owes me nothing! I don't care if he ever comments on this! I don't think he needs to! It's his business and not mine! In fact I hope he doesn't comment! The world is not going to end becauseof this! I want to rant over there but I would probably get booted. Quite a few are talking about leaving...well go it will mean my chance at a Meet & Greet just got better! [/rant] Thanks I feel so much better now(TM Night Court judge's dad*g*)
  20. Is that AI (American Idol) or AI (Artificial Insemination)? Obviously both!!!
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