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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. I'm loving that Gupta site. It just keeps playing OMWH over and over. Yup I still love this song and if you are alone in the house it is a pretty good song to dance to. Has quite a beat to it. Very catchy. I cannot wait to see what shows up tomorrow. Every day has been something new. I am relying on you guys to keep me up to date as to what, when and where I am supposed to buy the CD. I've pre-ordered from Amazon and Walmart. Anywhere else? ldyjocelyn that's only four pre-orders and you know we have to have 7!!!
  2. Today when I saw the new pics I felt like crying I was so happy! I am happy for me and us, but I am so happy for him! It seems he is finally getting the respect and promotion he so deserves. I never thought I would ever be this invested in a guy who can sing! I too am running headlong into this and I am loving every minute of it. No-one can bring me down. If others don't like the CD then they know where they can go. I will be over the moon because he will be singing with the most beautiful voice to me. I will listen in the dark late at night and let his voice just wash over me. I will listen in my car and enjoy my commute. I will listen in my home and make the housework easier to bear. I will listen at work and let the annoying phone calls just fade away. He has the power to make my world a better place. I still think that ATDW was a throwaway album to deal with the crap. Get that stuff dealt with and over and now it is all about the music and his career. Oh my I just figured that it is just over 2 weeks to Spamagain for me! eeeeeeeeee
  3. Hey, even that Texas State Trooper stopped us so he could hear us singing at that time of the morning!!!!!
  4. The video is so..........cute!!!!! I am loving all the surprises that keep cropping up every day. No-one can say he's not getting a lot of promo this time around. This has been such a win win for both Clay and Spamalot! What a fortutious pairing.
  5. Muski...calling muski...... I had the track on all day today at work. I still love it! I was singing it on the way home. Seems catchy to me. The only thing wrong with it is that it is not followed by 9 more songs. The eHP and I almost parted ways last night! Yup it was that serious. I have been working 21 days straight and most days going in at 5:30am and coming home at 10pm. Last night the Shell Houston Open was finally over and I got home and crashed! Kandre said they were going to call me at 1:00 am so I could listen to the song! Let me tell you I would not have been a happy camper! Now I am the "nice" one of the group but I would not have been too nice if they had done that. You know in reality though I probably would have squealed for joy and loved it. Isn't it great to have Clay buddies? Ok so when is the QVC thingie? I guess I will have to buy one on there. Is there a limited amount? OK so I have one ordered from Amazon. will get one from QVC and now one from iTunes! Alrighty then! Look up the word "edgy" in the dictionary and you will see eHP. Yes that's us
  6. "Bring out your dead" oh wait there is no-one left alive!!!! Love it Love it Love it...............................................Gahhhhhhhh!!! I keep singing the refrain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PS. I love Solo!!!!!!!! Psst! I really really like it
  7. Sneaking in from work...yep these 16, err 17, oh no 18 hour days are a killer!!! As for today's angst of choice my response is: La la la I can't hear you!!!! And my 10 cents worth please no countdown clock thingie! I can't d/l the thing (at work)and I end up getting an annoying pop up banner!
  8. Boo Hoo....I am snowed under at work (yes I've been here an hour already and it's only 5:30) and already I am forgotten, not there, unaccounted for, left out, dismissed and am no more. It's a sad sad situation!!!! Hey where's keepingfaith?
  9. This week is the Shell Houston Open golf tournament and I have probably 200-300 people come by my desk every day. I have the "do me on the floor"pic as my desktop and quite a few people have asked if it was my son!!! One of the guys asked who it was and when I said Clay Aiken he said "That's Clay Aiken! He is beautiful". Needless to say it made my day. Hee I got a Myspace blog note about the Album coming out May 6.
  10. OMG, Halleluija & praise the saints!!!!!! I just made that profile pic the wallpaper on my new laptop and I am now having a religious experience!!!! I am at work too....I should be ashamed and contrite! Should I say some "Hail Marys and Amens"? Na! And that folks is as much religious talk as you are ever goin' to get out of me! Hee keepingfaith I see you down there! How's everything going? Good I hope!
  11. I want to have that picture's babies!!! Oh wait i'm too old....dang it!!!! That is really one hunk o' man there!
  12. Bwah, ha, ha I just got an email from Clay Online telling me they are missing me and I should join for 3rd year. Oh well I guess the Chapstick & tote are figments of my imagination.
  13. Tonight I recommend something a teensy bit stronger than Kool-Aid
  14. OMG cotton...I love it!!!!! John Cleese is splendid!
  15. I don't like the green sweater but I can't help thinking how nice it might be to snuggle up with.......well Clay would have to be wearing it of course! I am in lust with the new pic that surfaced today. All these goodies are going to get me through the next two weeks of hell! I'm loving my new laptop. I bought it for a couple of reasons but I got it now because I will be moving into a hotel next week so I can be closer to work and they have free wireless. Well I tell you what good is that without a laptop? If I have a 5 minute commute instead of a 35 minute one I have more time to surf!!!!! Do you think we will get a press release soon? Is the 5/6 date going to stick? How long before we hear more snippets? I wanna know and I wanna know now!!!!! I also love ATDW and no-one puts that babee in a corner!
  16. Oh happy day!!!! I finally got to see the new video. I can.not wait for the new CD. It is going to be fabulous!!!!!! Yes it is...cos I said so. It was fun getting an instant message even though I couldn't stream ...I could dream!!! Thank you :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  17. GAH....Oh, how I'd love to be there when these people actualy see and hear him singing---like BOTW or Solitaire or AIW or Without You or... Well, hell---any ole' thing! And that first sentence in the quoted part? So true...so very true. post ho'ing here... Treenuts! You're going to be in NYC this week? So am I! And so is Gibby! And so is ldyjocelyn! When are you going to be there? I wrote this over at the CH but I thought it was appropriate here too:
  18. merrieeee comes out of her coma long enough to say me likee!!!! Swaaaooooonnnnnn!!!!
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