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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. I could tell you but then....well you know how the saying goes!
  2. Hee! You just became a member of the eHP!!! I have to say the Cheshire Cat has nothing on me today!
  3. See I think he left the bag open intentionally...so to speak.
  4. Unfortunately It wouldn't be the Claynation without it!
  5. Ok the girl that found out about the writer sent him a message on his myspace page and he responded. Now supposedly Ryan Tedder has not recorded the song. It is just a demo on his site. This post brought to you with a caveat....I am just readin' stuff out there!
  6. I don't see anything wrong in trying to figure out who a person in a clip is but contacting people to ferret out information...wrong! Clay knew what was being filmed and he so knows us! If he had not have wanted the guys pic out there it would not have been. He and Linda Loveland seem to have a special sort of relationship about his coverage and he seems to let her have little tidbits first! Here couchie for you only *g* From CH:
  7. I read that it was Matthew "someone" who was also out sick.
  8. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee OH WOW Another critic liked him! Eat that EW!!!! ETA: I agree with the "do it now" Mantra!!!
  9. From RVz Lady at the CH: Scarlett did you notice this?
  10. It must be something in the air 'cos I had two hours in the middle of the day that were not the best! I'm driving to meet my daughter for lunch and suddenly I get steam coming out of the engine of her Beetle! Well one tow truck, one good samaritan, one nosey cop and one rental car later all is well! I say that now because we don't know the cost yet! Oh well it's only a car! But it kind of put a kink in the plans for the day! Nothing better than to come home and watch some Clack! I broke down and am trying to work on a Spam-A-Bear! Who knows how it will turn out.
  11. One of the things I like about Spamalot is there so many instances where you wonder if they meant this or that or was it deliberate or not. There is one line, I think in the Camelot scene, where they sing they are "not just idol bums with royal mums". Now I think that really has to be a dig at Prince Charles but then again I may be being a little bit silly (hee). As I listen to the original Spamlot soundtrack I keep hearing little things like that and I realise more and more how well written and smart it is.
  12. My husband once told me I wouldn't get very far with the 25 cents I'd make! I posed this question at the CH and never did get a definate response...so here goes! In the "Not Yet Dead" scene Robin says he has a brother who is a guard. Then is the guard he plays in the "Prince Herbert/Lancelot comes out" scene his brother? Prince Herbert says that you can see Lancelot pumping at the Camelot YMCA so the palace is close to there.....see I really need to get a life!!! I'm still in a post reviewal glow! Anyone got a Gauloise? I have to tell you there is nothing better than calling up a fellow Clay obssesive fan and eeeing over a great bit of press! ::waves::
  13. I want one! I want one! Can I have one ? Can I? Can I? ::merrieeee stamps feet, pounds the floor and whines like a bad four year old:: I love the bears. All I need is the costume 'cos I have lots of bears. How did you make the tunic? What fabric did you use?
  14. As I saw the Google alert I sat here saying "Please, please, please, let it be good." And it was!!! I am so happy right now I want to dance!
  15. http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/02/22/...t-Revisited.php Just a little something to brighten up your day!! (eeeeeee)
  16. If anyone is noticing a lack of butterflies around. It is because they are all in my stomach!!!! I am just so excited about the CD news and yes I know don't get you hopes up, no promotion, date will change etc!!! You know what I DONT CARE!! It's coming and I can feel it!!!!!!! And if I want to be excited I damn well will be because the naysayers will not be rainin' on my parade this time!!!!
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