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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. See now that makes you a member of the eHP! Tonight I am toast...I can't get a thing done!
  2. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'm home and on holiday which means I get to see Clay tomorrow EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I an excited and nervous and happy and giddy and crazy and I cannot wait. Do you think it is too early to go to the airport now for a 6:30 am flight? Yep thought so! And I'm on top how great is that?????
  3. I thought the diss from Simon was mild. Whoop de do! He's always going to say something! Green is not good colour on him!
  4. Well 00lsee could you clear something up? Are you excited? I just couldn't tell!!! Thanks for the phone call! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Isn't he the cutest thnng you have ever seen??
  5. May..scmay!!I don't care when it comes out. I know now it is really coming this year and he likes it!. He sounds so up about everything...that's why I'm excited and nuttins gonna get me down! (((couchie & mum)))
  6. Happy, happy, joy, joy! More Clay in May!!!!!! OMG I screamed out loud when I read that article....I have it bad! How can I be more excited than before?
  7. OMG. He is such a cutie pie!!!! I get to see him on Friday. I get to see him on Friday. I get to see him on Friday!!! Do you think I am excited? Well maybe a tad! I don't think I will ever figure out why he just makes me so giddy! Just the thought of seeing him again...well I cannot describe it! I have NO qualms that he will not do good on Friday. After all it is Clay and under pressure he always brings it. I used to be really nervous but when I read that people like Mike Nichols have such confidence in him, I just know he will be fine. As for Clay and the Full Monty...I'll stick with my imagination thank you very much! This post has been brought to you by Fan Girls R Us
  8. 1. I will not comment on the Insider Picture 2. I will not comment on the Insider Picture 3. I will not comment on the Insider Picture <snip> 498. I will not comment on the Insider Picture 499. I will not comment on the Insider Picture 500. I will not comment on the Insider Picture Oh to heck with it........I really don't like that picture! Now I love, love, love Perma's Kalamazoo pic!
  9. I can think of one cellcerter that is always fangirly....Hmm who might that be? I can in fact guaranteeee there will be no "pissy" stuff from this CH cellcerter! Nudge, nudge, wink, wink!
  10. I have it on the best authority that there will be no "pissy" remarks on Friday night from the CH cellcerter*g* Trust Me
  11. Now I have never heard of anyone recognising a picture in an Antique shop until last week. My DH's cousin was at my MIL's funeral and he told us he was in an Antique store in Michigan and saw a picture in a frame that he thought he recognised, It turned out to be a wedding pic of my MIL & FIL! He bought it for $10 and is going to scan it and send it to us as none of us has ever seen it. The owner of the shop said she had never had anyone recognise a pic before and she had been in the business over 30 years. I just got lost in the videos of Johnny Tillotson! OMG Poetry in Motion (back then) was my all time favourite. Thanks for finding those for me! Don't believe anything Kandre says about the eHP! We are innocent! Also I was not there.... I didn't do it .....and I don't know these people. I think I'll take the 5th! :11:
  12. Welcome Claytonic. Don't believe everything you read on the internet for instance, I am not really a member of the eHP. It really is a faux merrieeee you see! I don't get into any trouble with them! No not me! Why it has to be the other merrieeee the one that spells her name wrong! (Too many eeeeee's) By the way was it Kandre that came up with the name eHP ? It does not describe those angelic ladies at all!!! The first music I ever listened to was Ghananian Highlife music. I loved and played it all the time until my Mum told me I had worn it out and it was damaging the record player. Hmmm! The first record I ever bought was a guy called Johnny Tillotson...something about a pillow and tears I think. So I don't think my early music tastes influenced my current tastes at all. I still hate the Beatles! Oh yeah where is keepingfaith? HE BLOGGED
  13. Ha! A while back it was reported that Queen Elizabeth II walked out on a photoshoot with Annie Leibovitz because she was mad! Only NOT! It turns out the tape was edited that way by the BBC...yes that bastion of authentic news actually had the gaul to not be quite factual! So if the report (in error) is that Clay walked out.....well he's in pretty good company! And as for the stupid comment about Spamalot? Well it is stupid. It was written that way. It also is unbelievably funny but a then lot of stupid stuff is. I personally dislike the 3 Stooges but their stuff is stupid too and yet millions love it.
  14. But see you are only a "star" if you go around being followed by paparazzi all the time, being photographed without underwear..........................................oh where was I..............Oh yeah being seen drunk, going to rehab, no, no, no, on the front page of the rag mags all the time, are anorexic, are too fat, had plastic surgery, shave your head in public, get divorced or not get divorced etc. etc. etc.. Wow Clay Aiken according to these standards is not and is never going to be a "star" Thank goodness.
  15. OMG I cannot wait till Friday! I kind of thought my excitedness was dying down a bit but no it was just there on a slow simmer waiting for him to turn up the heat! 5 Years and it has not only not gone away but it has become stronger! Go figure!
  16. Ha Scarlett...just because Clay was "Right here waiting for you" no need to get confuzzled! Well I booked my flight to NY so I really am going to see Sir Robin in a week! Oh boy did I really book the same flight as Kandre and Scarlett....Continental watch out! Oh by the way another Sir Robin had merrie men so this one can have merrie(eee) women and I am first in line....so there! oh muski I wouldn't miss the dinner! Is it still the 4th. How many from Houston are joining us? Everyone is welcome you know! PS: Is it polite to bold ones own name? OMG Gibby he is gorgeous!!!!!!! Love love love love the hair!!!!!
  17. Well I'm back....did ya miss me...well did ya???? I can tell you I missed you all. We stayed in a Bed & Breakfast built in 1804 and it had free Wi-Fi and I had no lap top ! Boo Hoo! I have to say this was the best funeral I was ever at!! Weird I know. It really was a celebration of my MIL's life and we had good times remembering stuff. I am so glad she went relatively quickly. We mourned of course but she had a good long life and was ready to go. I saw relatives I had not seen in 20 years. One mistook me for my 33 year old daughter......she is now my favourite relative! I guess the fact she doesn't see too well helped*g* {{{{{claygasm}}}}} My thoughts are with you. OK so who was at the Pittsburgh airport? They have a record store there and there was one lonely ATDW! Yes, it was front and center like someone had placed it there.....and no it wasn't me! I am getting so excited about Spamalot. First I wasn't going, then I was, then I wasn't and now I am! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  18. Oh boy I cannot miss an eHP get together! Count me in for the 4th!!!
  19. Ok so who is posting under Perusing One's screen name?*g* waves frantically........come back PO and post again.... we love you!!!
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