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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. A good Clay buddy of mine sent me the Linda Huber print of the People magazine spread! It is gorgeous. My husband who is decidedly not a Clay fan told me I had to frame it and put it on my den wall. Michaels has matting and frames that are ready made and they fit it beautifully. I found a black mat with silver interior mat and a silver frame.....stunning! It really is a work of art.
  2. {{{{wandacleo}}}}I am so sorry for your loss. I understand what you must be feeling now because I lost my Mum 18 months ago. It is so very hard for you but right for her. She is at peace.
  3. Playbiller many years ago my DH asked me if I would keep Holy Supper or Wiglia for him. I started the tradition even though we are not at all religious. I really don't like the food...sauerkaut & peas, herrings, bulbulki (bread in honey & poppy seed), pierogis and fish but I always make it! Over the years I have had a lot of people come and share it. I love to have folks that have never tried these dishes. One year I invited my husbands co-worker and his wife over and they brought her 85 year old Uncle. As we are eating the food he starts to cry and I'm thinking OMG is my food that bad. It turns out his background was Russian and he had eaten these foods before and the last time was at his Grandmother's when he was a little boy! It was one of the best memories I have of Christmas Eve. Oh I just remembered something...we had been married about three months and were at my MIL for Christmas with numerous Aunts & Uncles. Every one was sleeping all over the place. We went to bed and were almost asleep when my DH's Uncle came into the room singing! Yes he was drunk! Well he thought it was his room and in the dark didn't notice that we were in the bed! I started to say something and my husband,who has the weirdest sense of humour, put his hand over my mouth. His uncle proceeded to take of his shirt and unzipped his pants. Just as he was about to take them off my husband coughs and his Uncle figures out he is in the wrong room. You have never seen anyone move as fast as that out of a room! By that time we were laughing so hard we woke up most of the house. That was the talk of the family for many years to come. By the way if any one wants to meet some of the eHP for lunch on Saturday come on down! Well we don't havea time or place set yet but that's never stopped us before*g*
  4. I guess my story about finding my new parakeet having his way with the plastic bird in his cage on Christmas morning is not the kind of teary eyed story he is looking for? My mother was in tears of laughter trying to explain to a five year old what exactly he was doing!!!
  5. Aaarrrgggrrr! I just knew it.....there I was having a really good time looking at YouTube Vids and reading the board and all of a sudden someone had to mention SNOWFLAKE HAIR and then someone else (who I used to think was a nice person) went and posted my all time favourite picture...eww! gag! yuck! phew eee! I have no clue why I hate it so much. I guess it is the same as trying to understand why I have this fascination with and love for Clay. Oh and yes I do have all my Christmas stuff done. Prezzies are bought, cards are done and cookie doughs are in the freezer! I used to send presents home to England and one year I was late mailing stuff and it cost me $95 to send the package! Then and there I decided never again. After that it became a challenge to get everything done by Thankgiving. Now my DH, DD and I go out at 5:30 on the morning after Thanksgiving and have more fun laughing at the crazy wonderful, polite shoppers, knowing we don't have to buy anything! Oh and besides I do have a three-fer date with my boyfriend and nothing will get in my way of that
  6. Oooo thanks for the screen caps. Did the guy go to bed with his number on and how did he get to room with Quiana? He always seems to gravitate to the ladies. I think it is so great that he managed to take her along with him on his fantastic ride. They must have become real friends in Hollywood. Aren't we the luckiest fans to have all this stuff?
  7. Now that is really weird! I'm obsessed with the sightseeing quote!
  8. Well I just got back from doing the last of my Xmas stuff! I was in Wal-Mart and I heard Open Arms sung by some cute, good singer, really good singer named Clay Aiken! (tm. HH) I just froze in my tracks it was so nice to listen to him. Right before that they were playing a Sousa march...yep that's Wal-Mart quite the eclectic place!!! Ok so now I get to watch the Clack again...do a chore....watch a little Clack.....do another chore....watch some more Clack.....another chore...oh to heck with the chores...I'm going with all Clack all day!!!! Don't forget to obey teacher Clay or he might just have to make you stay after school. By the way the offer still stands if someone wants me to read their tome. OK so when did I get to be a personal manager? Me likee!
  9. I used to think that my Cuisinart and my microwave were my favourite inventions ever! Well along came Clay and I quit cooking...I'm sure it was coincidental So now my all time faves are the DVD recorder and my video iPod. I recorded the most recent episode and can now watch my cutie whenever I want...love, love, love it!!! Next week almost everyone will be gone from the office and I can plug in my iPod and watch Clay at work! Hee life is good. There appear to be some folks out there who are going through some "stuff" so this is for you Now I really have an important decision to make.....watch AI Rewind or the skating vids!! Oh is it just me or do you think Clay is cute? DeepSouthGurrl at the CH made these screen caps and I think they need seeing again!
  10. Here you go Bookwhore. Hee I'm quoting myself. Does that make me a famewhore? Oh muski......wouldn't you like to know!!!
  11. Wow I've seen more of Clay than I thought I would! I cannot wait till next week. The snippet was intriguing.
  12. {{{{{KAndre }}}}}love you girl This will cheer you up. Snippets from AI Rewind He's a cutie alright! http://www.clackunlimited.com/clack/Americ...ollywood_Part1/
  13. rohdy If people want to just buy gift cards from a store (B&N or Borders etc. I would be willing for you to have them sent to me and I could keep a list for you and bring the cards to the venue. The teachers could use their discount to then get more for their money.
  14. Meet & Greet buttons are up at the OFC. Main page under tours.
  15. Well I'm forcing myself to go to 3 concerts...tough job but someone has to represent! Count me in for Waukegan, K'Zoo and DC.
  16. rohdy I went and posted backing your book idea at the CB. I'm the one who mentioned the Mikayla book! You know one of the things I just love about Clay...I know you are all holding your breath for this one.... I really admire how he goes out there, does his thing and quite frankly doesn't give a hoot what people say about him! He really looks goofy hamming it up on the skates yet he does it anyway. Now we all know he does skate but he chose to go for the comic effect despite what critics might say. That man must be so comfortable in his own skin.
  17. Hey luckiest those are some cute looking folks in those pictures. Aren't I the luckiest1 to be on top again*g*
  18. I'd say he was more of a CUTE HOTTIE myself!!! Hee just like I am now I'm top o' the page!
  19. Those CUTE pics of Clay make me think that he is in a very happy place right now. He is singing great, looking fine and his career just seems to be booming! As I said somewhere else Clay Aiken is really rawr inspiring! Play you really got a break there didn't you? I hate the Kazoo idea too and I think the books would be something he would like. Oh and the black skates........way too small for Clay!
  20. I have sat here all evening watching Clack...(oh and i made a new banner in honourof the occasion) I have had a grin on my face all night long. The guy is not only CUTEhe is freaking AMAZING I say could not love him any more than I do but then I watch something like last night and my heart takes another leap. I think I need an intervention! I'm kidding of course...I never want this feeling to go away! It constantly amazes me that after all this time that I still cannot get enough of Clay Aiken. One of my favourite bits is right before AIW when he crosses his fingers. I know last night I was sitting here holding my breath...wishing him to hit that note and when he did I jumped up and started clapping, like a mad fool*g*
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