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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. As someone said before...Things that go on in Vegas better not stay in Vegas!!!!! OK is Clay there yet? Any sightings? I want my Clack!!!! Fun times everyone and don't lose too much at the Crap (tm. CHA) tables. Oh and to all Happy Guy Fawkes Day!!
  2. Well actually did something productive today! I did all my Xmas shopping! I love the Internet. I can shop in my jammies, listening to Clay while periodically refreshing the boards so I don't miss any Clack or gossip or stuff! Ain't technology grand? I'm glad play got to LV ok. You know I should have visited my MIL and SIL this week...yeah they live in Vegas. I haven't seen them in about 3 years. Do you think it would have looked a might suspicious if I said hi and I'm off to a skating show. Maybe I should have just sneaked (is that even a word?) in.
  3. All the pins are.......well just too cute! But I could never wear C so it's A or B for me!
  4. Finally a reason not to diet!!! Thank you! See there then would be an excuse for Clay to touch my big butt to move me out of the way if I ever got a meet & greet. Works for me!!!
  5. Hey just saw this Sacha Cohen thing on the TV. Anyone know who was singing? He sure sounded CUTE!!!!!!
  6. Good Morning everyone. I slept on the quandary, that infused the FCA last night and after a sleepless night re-running videos and pics in my head I officially declare Clay is in fact Cute! Thank you one and all! Don't you just love that guy? I mentioned to my DH that I was going on another trip with the "girls". Why was he not fooled for a minute? Only for Clay would I go to Chicago, Kalamazoo and DC in the winter! I hate, I mean really hate winter! There is a reason I live in Texas. I'm also going to NY in January. It must be love.....cos all common sense goes out the window then!
  7. My goodness are we in the middle of a Clackapalooza or what? You can never have to much Clay. Today driving home the local guy was talking about Clay Road in Houston and how there is a ghost on this road. It's a woman in her night clothes running past Clay's bar!
  8. I spent most of the day at work suffering withdrawal symptoms!! No Clay and then wonders of wonders my boss left and I just happened to have some videos of Clay on my iPod...lifesaver I tell you! Then I get home and watched the Fox news report with some hawt guy and now I am going to watch AYSTAFG for the third time. I just went to the cable company and got me a DVR thingy....best thing I've done in a while. I lurve my new DVR!!! That guy that was on last night...you know the one that won $300,000. Was he cute or what? How come I never noticed him before? How come no-one told me? I mean where have I been? Oh and CG I love the glasses! Before my eye surgery I was considered legally blind, without my glasses so I always had a thing for guys who wore specs! They were always hot to me. Something about them being vulnerable without them! Bottle..I am not a dog lover so....he is way cuter!
  9. You know what? It is so much fun being a Clay Aiken Fan!! And sharing it all with you guys!!!!
  10. I'm so hoping to hear tomorrow from some NJU to see what they thought of him. I'm kind of biased!!!! You didn't know that? No really I am...I kinda like the guy...no wait I'll confess...it's time you all knew...I just love the guy!!! I already paid my pledge. I might just have forgotten that and will pay again. Well worth the money.
  11. It would have been AI2 Wednesday nights all over again! ^^^^^^OMG Is he cute in that pic right up there?^^^^^^^^^^ Rawr!!!
  12. Ok so who didn't know that the real name of Lewis Carroll was Charles Lutwidge Dodson....and even I knew Mark Twain was American...duh! Hee I am smarter than a fifth grader!!
  13. Ok I've eaten......got a drink......gone to the bathroom........called DH to tell him not to call....anything else?
  14. Hey did any one else hear that Clay is on TV tonight???? If I've nuttin better to do I might watch it! Oh yeah who am I kidding.....the DVD recorder is set......the door is locked ......blinds drawn.....phone off...... answering machine.....on! Did I forget anything?
  15. I talked to Scarlett last night and all she could talk about was how all the Clack came out fine at the Sedaka tribute but for some reason Clay's was shaky!!! She must have been in the Aiken Fog mode or she was so overcome with the sight of yummy Clay that she couldn't stop shaking! Scarlett :F_05BL17blowkiss: ladyJ so sorry about your family's loss! From CH about AYSTAFG .
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