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Posts posted by Scarlett

  1. Not getting into the current discussion but just dropping off a recap of a sort of eHP weekend, if you could call it that with major people missing.

    KAndre?!! Now you show up. Where have you been? This last month and especially last weekend. And don't get me started on warm. There's a bunch of things that's all your fault.

    I thought about you on Sunday, with much fondness and longing, make that plenty of longing, something along the line of, "If KAndre had been here we.would.NOT.be.doing.this!" Not in Philly. Not in the Delaware River. Not kayaking, And certainly NOT in July! And the person who planned all that? Was nowhere to be seen at all. The Pacific Islander gods have been playing tricks on me all weekend.

    And we deluded ourselves that we enjoyed it and planned another longer trip to do the same thing. In Seattle. In November. Where were you when we needed someone to talk us out of our bright ideas?

    And the Pacific Islander gods didn't stop there either. Back in the office Tuesday. Old officemate IM's out of the blue for lunch. I mention how my weekend went. Turns out the officemate knows where to buy one, how to store it, and all the places to go on it, yes in Houston (who knew?).

    I think the cuprit to all this was the person who planned the activity and didn't show up all weekend. Couldn't travel because of food poisoning. As I recall, both PerusingOne and I had bad cases of food poisoning from sharing that entree in The Newsroom where we ate with Couchie and Thankful and a couple of others, but we were still good to go. Of course back then we had 2nd row seats to a show that evening so that may have been a factor.

    Yet I couldn't complain. Because I took myself out of the planning process for this trip. Kept my promise made 3 years ago during the last drou--, er, extended period without shows. Back when I thought it would be a great idea to go check out the Class IV and V waters around Asheville, and actually talked the same eHP members who were supposed to go on last weekend's trip into trying it out. Even though one of us couldn't swim. Not just couldn't swim well. But can't swim at all. As in doesn't even get into the water. But I thought it was a great thing to get people try new things! Wonderful, even! Until the morning came and we were about to get on the raft and it dawned on me that something really bad could happen to this person beside me. And then what would I tell her parents? That I, uh, have this philosophy about risk-taking? Yes, they would have wanted to hear that. So I made a deal. With myself mostly. But I was sorta hoping Someone up there was listening. That if we got through the day with no mishaps, I'd give the said person veto power over any activity involving water. And we had none. Well, the part where I slipped and hurt my hand just enough to be unable to help carry the raft back to the storage shed didn't count as a mishap. It was a goodhap.

    And so when this Philly trip happened and some things involving water were mentioned, I stayed out of it. Completely. Didn't even join in the PM'ing sessions despite all the ehem'ing and *cough*Scarlett*cough*'ing going on intermittently for the past few weeks. I know better now. Because that same person who couldn't swim, planned this whole kayak enterprise. and then took herself out of it. I'm sure the Pacific Islander gods made a deal with her. Will make sure I'm in the loop next time.

    End of recap.

  2. It was just plain luck, jmh. That was the first combination I tried. :hug:

    (my teammates from years back have always remarked on my luck. they swear that computer bugs fail to materialize whenever I'm around, and once threatened to ship bits of me with every box of CDs we sold. the users got frustrated too because they couldn't show me the symptoms they'd been having up until I walked in the door. I guess it's the computer equivalent of that noise in your car going away whenever you drive into a mechanic's shop)

    Thanks again for :blowkiss: :BlowKiss: and :claykiss: :claykiss:

  3. Just got home (finally!) and I just want to say a quick thank you to merrieeee for her help tonight. I just got in from a delayed flight and could not for the life of me remember where I had parked my car. My car's pretty distinctive once you're within 10-20 feet of it, but our main airport has 5 terminals each with a multi-level parking garage. Thanks a bunch! :thankyou:

    The minute our flight delay was announced, I just knew things would happen around here. So glad to see that good things are happening.

  4. Hi y'all!!! Just drove back from my guild meeting and it's so hot out there! I'm all thumbs from seeing the beautimous craft pieces at show-and-tell!

    On topic: :Iluvclaysbutt:

    ETA: Belated HBD, kimiye!!!


    EATA: I know I can comment on how I'm already on topic just by using the words "beautimous", "craft", "pieces" and "show-and-tell" but I'm being good today.

    EYATA: {{{desertrose}}} I hope things get fixed soon!!!

  5. Sadly, there are no guarantees with ticket-buying, especially with an unknown site.

    The problem with this event is that normally, a non-profit fundraiser can be handled by a small, relatively low-cost web storefront. However, the fandom has been known to bring large sites like Ticketmaster or TicketsNow to its knees, and gobble up the smaller sites for breakfast. It's ridiculous for a relatively small foundation to have to use and tack on Ticketmaster charges for a gala. However, a ticket-buying fiasco is the last thing a newly-renamed/remodeled organization wants to have for its first big event.

    Unless other events are announced and unless the venue is expanded, the demand for this one will greatly exceed capacity and there will be disappointed people. I hope not to be one but even the fastest fingers aren't foolproof. It would be good if the new organization could send out a survey to gauge interest so that it could take whatever steps it can, if it can still do anything beyond sending an "expectations-setting" e-mail at this late stage, to meet majority of the demand (if possible 2/3rds to 3/4ths) while acknowledging that there will be people who will not be able to attend.

    ETA: There's a cute game called Typing Maniac on fb, in case anyone wants to hone their skills!

  6. treenuts, you were responding to my post where I talked about wanting to help fill the need for care, possibly at my church.

    That was an earnest offer and I was hoping to receive suggestions on where to look, organizations that are doing a great job, previous experiences with volunteering at places that provide help and/or match needs with resources, maybe even just general encouragement and advice.

    No, I wasn't expecting anyone to say, "Here, have mine." and that's why I posted my response. I don't think there was anything offensive in it but I'm sorry that you felt hurt by it.

  7. jmh, strange things to be thankful for. *nodnods*

    I must say though that things I miss the most about my Dad are what used to drive me up the walll!

    ETA: BTW, I was able to find a 4-cup rice cooker last night and that should be ok. Should have thought to get one in Japan (or asked KAndre to pick up one) since they have 1-cup and 2-cup pots over ther. Would have loved to have yours!

    ETAA: Eeeep, I'm so late for services... *runs*

    EYATA: Ok, I give up. I guess I can't make it to something that starts at 10:30 am if I leave the house at 10:35 -- unless I drive faster than the speed of light. *sighs*

    EOMTTA: Shhhhh! I *did* find a way to travel faster than light... and then I thought to myself, "why stop at 10:30?" So... I'm smack in the middle of the JBT right now and hush all of you, you're talking over his singing. *turns back to the stage*

  8. Hee, couchie! I could use a free trip to the Bay Area!!!

    But really, if you should need some in-house care, try the local community particularly in Daly City. Maybe emmasage (is she still around?) can make some inquiries.

    OTOH, if you're able to sit more than 2 people, it may be a good way to get something extra. I think the going rate in NYC is $120 for 12 hours of care, though my cousin's friend in Chicago who got paralyzed on her entire left side was able to find an negotiate a good price -- $150/a day for 24-hour help (the person stays with them).

    Does anyone else know of the current rates in various cities?

  9. treenuts and desertrose, you probably don't mean any harm but I don't particularly find elderly care and jokes about people's needs as they age to be any laughing matter. I know I am very fortunate to have grown children, good friends, a company that still provides medical care to its retirees and a very active church group that supports its members.

    the care team at our church is so efficient that even while I was still an occasional visitor and I just casually mentioned I had been in a hospital, they immediately offered to send people to help me with transportation, food delivery and other needs. Not everyone is that lucky and there are real people out there who need help, don't have the means to pay for special care and have no one to depend on.

    this board serves a fandom whose members are at or close to the time when parent care is a critical need. then in a few years, they themselves will need this type of care. who will help provide for them? these are people who have been and continue to be generous with various causes, from mosquito nets to actors' retirement funds to youth camps to safe drinking water.

    at some point in our lives we will all find ourselves at the receiving end of this deal, and not necessarily because of age alone. the way the world works is that the strong and independent one day could easily be the weak and the helpless the next.

    just mho

    ETA: desertrose, :thbighug-1:

  10. Good thoughts going to all of you caretakers of elderly parents and othe relatives. I remember Clay speaking at the Caretakers meeting and how much he admired what all of you do on a regular basis.

    And when I heard it I never for one second thought that ever would be me. One more good thing Clay has done for me--prepare me for this.

    So very true! One never imagines this will be a part of your adult repsonsibilities when you're young. At least I didn't. I'm grateful though that I at least still have one of my parents to care fore for!! :wub:

    OT - I just get a feeling (nothing specific to base it on) that Clay may be in a funk right now both professionaly and personally and I want to send him a hug! Well, I'd love to hug him even if he's not in a funk, but just in case he really needs one too right now.... :bighug::affection:

    People tell me that I'm fortunate because my parents were able to live life to the fullest up until just a few months before passing on but I'm feeling strangely useless right now because I have no one to take care of and can just offer support to family and friends. I need to adopt a parent. It's a good thing my new church has plenty of seniors.

    Here are a few more hug icons:

    :thbighug-1: :hug::console:

    This is surely the least important of any issues anyone has here but my rice cooker broke down and stupid me automatically put a batch of bread in the breadmaker without thinking. I *really* want some rice today but now I have to wait for the bread to get done, think of something to use it for and only then head out across town (Houston is 50 miles wide = the width of the state of Israel) to Chinatown and hope to find a rice cooker that's both the right kind and is NOT big enough to feed a family of 10. Do Asian stores ever carry anything just right for 1 person?!!

  11. jmh, my aunt is 95. Until early last year she did most things on her own and just had people to assist her with a few tasks, like when she was puttering around in the garden. They didn't need to be around all the time.

    Just mho -- when people get older, I think it is more important for them to be around those whom they like and trust more than anything else. As long as a responsible person is with her who can call for help, the physical lifting part isn't as important. Neither you nor your bil can prevent falls. Hopefully it doesn't happen, but if she falls and you're around, you can call for help and sit with her and soothe her until help arrives. Unless she is pinned down in a life-threatening position I don't know that she would have been better off if your bil had been there instead. He may be able to lift her but if he's not in the same room, it could take him several minutes to discover her laying there, perhaps the same amount of time for you to dial and receive emergency help. With some types of falls, it may be even better not to lift her until professional help arrives.

    couchie, my aunt sleeps deeply for long stretches of time and also takes a while to get oriented when she wakes up. I don't know that it is something to get worried about. Right now, we're just very happy that she wakes up because we were so scared when she was in a coma.

    I think just the fact that they're still with us each day is a cause for celebration! {{{jmh and couchie}}}

  12. :hugs-1:{{{to the FCA moms and dads}}}

    I didn't get to tell you this but last month, when kimiye was in town I almost didn't make it to our dinner because my aunt had fallen into a coma and I was on the phone with my cousins, helping them get home to her. We thought we were going to say goodbye that night, but somehow little by little she came back. Today was a good day for her and she was able to talk to my cousin on her cell phone, even tease her a little by answering, "How are you" with "Still breathing" and a little laugh. I know these are just what my cousin and I call "Bonus Days" as she'd been ill for over a year and a half with what was finally diagnosed as an aortic aneurysm, and we're happy for an extra special bonus day today.

    I didn't think to offer this before but my cousin's is an RN with a lot of experience with elderly care. If you have questions or need some advice on some things, she may be able to help. I'll keep watch on the caregiver thread. Meanwhile hugs to everyone with a lot of worries about their loved ones today. :thbighug-1:

  13. Love the ideas, Scarlett! I hope to have a netbook by that time and would be glad to participate. I believe the hotel internet last year was OK....but y'know....it's hotel internet! :(

    FromClaygary, most of us are still getting our stuff together (I haven't upgraded my phone, either), so we probably should set the dry run for September, maybe Labor Day weekend in the US? I know I'll be meeting up with some of the eHP on that weekend (some of them don't know it yet, hee!) so we should have some interesting updates.

    We do need someone to 'scope' out the venue beforehand & report on the strength of both the Wi-Fi and 3G (if it exists) connections. Any chance you'll be in the area over the next month or two, jmh?

    O canfly, the 'e' can mean anything you want it to mean!!! ;)

    ETA: Fear, I was thinking of both the night of and the morning after. Yes, a laptop would probably work best at the breakfast but the way I've known this fandom is this: as long as there's something available, 2nd- & 3rd- hand breathless recaps included, there will always be someone who'll either stay up late or wake up early to get it.

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