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Posts posted by Scarlett

  1. Just an addendum, I've sent the ringtone to others on AT&T and can also take requests.

    I think ringtones / answertones are fun to play with because they don't cost very much, sometimes they're even free, and we can mix and match them like we're "redecorating" our phones. Some services allow you to assign different tones for different groups of people.

    ETA: Answertones aren't free but they're cute because the people who call you can listen to them while waiting for you to pick up the phone. This is a transcript of the less suggestive one at AT&T called "Busy":

    Hi there this is Clay Aiken.

    I think they're a little busy at the moment but maybe they'll pick up. Hang on and I'll check.

    I don't know if they can get to the phone. You'll just have to wait and see.

  2. Ooops sorry, FromClaygary, I meant cell phone number... (I was rushing off to read some answers so I just dashed that off. Could I at least get credit for stopping to respond before running off to the OFC? lol!) BTW, it didn't work for a lot of people, no matter where they lived. Actually, could we have a show of hands on how many were able to save the original ringtone?

    HBD, Fear!!! Nice bike!!! (and nice present from the cute guy this pm. you should make everyday your birthday!)

    --> wait, didn't you just have a birthday? Sorry, I don't think on "Answer Days".


  3. Ha I know I don't have to tell Scarlett my answer tone...It's Right Here Waiting For You and my call tone varies from On My Way Here to BOTW to The Real Me depending on whether it is text/call/voicemail! I have Sprint.

    It was hot here again today. I went shopping but I gave up and came home. I love air conditioning and pools....makes summer worthwhile!

    Scarlett, My DD called me from Rome today. She knows to talk fast because of the cost of calls from a cell phone! She said shepherding 6 17 year old girls around Europe is like herding cats...too many hot looking men! She said she was blessed by the Pope today and even thought we are not Catholic (or religious) she said it felt kind of special. In the middle of that conversation I heard one of the girls say look at that cute Italian guy and she said "Gotta Go" and ended the call pretty quick! Hee!

    Now where is our cute guy?

    merrieeee -- Like I'd ever forget your answertone -- Lol!

    I'm not even going to talk to my DD while she's away; we're going to text -- 100 overseas text messages for $10 is reasonable. (if you don't sign up beforehand it's $50) And *sighs resignedly* I'll have to sign up on Tweeter to follow her notes and pictures.

    clayzy, when my phone goes off during a meeting people look at the door instead of in their bags because it sounds like someone came in. Hee! No one has ever said, "That's embarassing" to me.

    gg, I'm glad you have your ringtones now. Are those the main choices at Rogers or are there other songs that are available?

    luckiest1, good to hear that the rain subsided after a while. Here in Houston, the problem is the heat which reached 104 sometime yesterday afternoon. Luckily we can have parades at night.

    ETA: {{{liney}}} I hate losing trees that hold memories too. Back home, we lost several that I had known since I was little and it was so sad.

  4. I don't have an answer tone. I have a ring tone for calls and one for texts (I do have other songs on my phone that I can switch to) Right now calls are 'Falling' and texts are EIDN. I never had a cell phone with ring tones before Clay SO all of my songs are Clay. I have DSIAFCD for Christmas and I have Sorry, WYSYLM and WY.

    Thanks! To answer my own question, my ringtone is the one he sent all the fans last year, "I'm sure you all recognize this voice...you must pick up this phone right now." while my new answertone is the "we're busy...hold on" one I fussed about last night.

  5. Had lunch and a small shopping trip with MiniScarlett today to get her all set up for her 3-week overseas trip later this week. She's all set with her international data plan and overseas text plan, knows exactly what she can do and has reset her usage so that she can easily see where she's at on her limits (50 MB of data transfers and 100 text messages). Some tips for travellers: keep data roaming off except when you're actually using it, use wi-fi when you can and turn off "auto-check e-mail".

    Also, took care of other phone items this morning and finally got that answertone I always wanted but had been having problems purchasing. Yay!

    Just curious... to everyone else who's using a cell phone here:

    Do you use a ringtone or answertone and would you share what they are (name of song/artist or words&speaker)?

  6. I only have 2 hands...

    There are these things called "hands free" headsets. I believe you have several. Of course they're in one of the hundred boxes you haven't unpacked yet so I'll give you a few hours.

    I am so going to get that answertone of someone saying, "We're busy right now..." if it takes me 3 hours with customer service!

    (BTW, thanks! Turns out my phone was still in the car and that's why I couldn't hear it...)

    On topic: :Iluvclaysbutt:

  7. Hi Suereu! I've been working on the Asheville DCAT clips today and I remembered the Eugene JNT -- did we meet at that show? I know I haven't done the clips for it yet.

    I'm having to render at the same computer where I surf the boards and it doesn't like it when I multi-task; rendering's a hog and wants to take all the resources... *pulls hair*

    BUT... you don't really have to surf do you? :cryingwlaughter: not really.

    *shuffles feet* I guess not. But Moam's done. :) The mp3 has been uploaded here and the XviD is uploading to the same place. *shuffles feet some more, and hurries off to do WY*
  8. Looks like a scorcher of a day. Hope everyone finds a way to escape the heat.

    SueReu, I don't think I sent you a welcome the first time you posted. Sorry about that and thanks for all you do. :thankyou:


    FromClaygary, glad you're getting things moving. Our group hasn't posted since we tend to plan things v. v. late & nothing's definite; if there's no space we'll just swing by to chat with everyone like we did last year. :BlowKiss:

  9. he came over this morning he was still wearing his Storm jersey. But when I go over this evening to celebrate my niece's 7th birthday -- what do I find the 10 year old little league champ doing? KNITTING!! He loves it. He's making a blanket. LOL. I love that kid.
    Your nephew is one amazing kid! He'll surely be successful in life, whatever he chooses to do!!!

    Didn't address the book 'report' earlier because I was trying to pretend I didn't see it. I know that during droughts everyone is eager to share whatever news is available. However, I feel that we're doing ourselves a disservice by getting into all the twisted processes through which a product goes in order to reach us. To paraphrase a well-known saying, if I had to watch them being made I probably would never eat sausages nor obey the law.

    'course if it were Clay making the sausages or trying to lay down the law, it'd be a completely different story! *congratulates self for managing to work 'Clay', 'sausages' and 'lay' into a valid sentence*

  10. "When it came to writing about a rat, I said, 'You can't write about a rat.' I mean, I'm not going to use words like 'cheese.' I thought the best thing to do is write about friendship." :cryingwlaughter:
    It was on the first cassette tape I ever bought and I always thought Ben was a mouse, not a rat. :cryingwlaughter:

    Thanks for the background info -- nice to know about the Donny Osmond connection (who was on my 2nd cassette tape).

    But my hands-down all-time favorite MJ song -- Man in the Mirror.
    I only heard Man in the Mirror today, and yes it is great. Thanks for the link, aikim!

    I agree about the "honesty." But I do not know if what he was accused of doing was true or not. He is the only one who knows what the truth is. I do see him as a complicated man who became reclusive and eccentric possibly because he never really had a "normal" childhood. He always seemed like a gentle soul to me, and I have always hoped that he was truly innocent of all he was accused of. That is just me.
    I'd like to remember him from the best of times. He brought a lot of joy. What else matters?

    ETA: Oh right, KAndre. It was "Happy" and you swore it wasn't an MJ song. We had to go to google to settle things.

    it was some other cut I still have never heard because you still haven't got it to me)
    Here's the YouTube link!
  11. like many have said -- he was fantastic - not just during the Thriller era - but his complete body of work. My favorite MJ album was Off the Wall but loved Thriller and tohers. I can't even begin to pick my favorite songs from him - there are a ton of them for me.
    My favorite was from a very early album -- one where I shocked KAndre by naming a song of MJ that she didn't know about -- it was "Ben".

    Favorite Clay performance of MJ stuff is "The Girl is Mine" with Reuben.
    My favorite Clay MJ song is that slow song that can be performed with an orchestra, TWYMMF!
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