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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. I think this is a fabulous idea - and more money for BC/EFA too. If somebody will adopt us, I'd love one too. I bet they'd think it's a cool idea too. Actually, that IS quite a good idea. Plus, I just thought of an added bonus -- muski and I each share the same first name. We could each make a donation (if muski can afford it, that is), with just two takes of the same "sign." Will take however many signs you guys need on Thanksgiving weekend -- assuming he's ok with it. Suggestion -- you can be v. creative with the signs and personalize them (eg. with icons/pictures that say something about yourself, a message, etc), by sending me a .jpg by Friday and I'll print them out at Kinko's. I'm not sure that the polaroid resolution will allow complex shading & photos to come out well but relatively simple ones should be fine. ldyj, I'd put something about your Broadway question on the sign someplace Smuttiness limits are up to Jerome... just don't get me thrown out. LOL!
  2. That's a cute picture!!! Thanks, claytonic! {{{Cotton and Clay}}} I hope you both feel better soon!
  3. I hope that whatever he has is the type of thing that you just sit & wait out, and that he's not hurting or miserable in any way. {{{Sir Robin}}} *wonders if there's an easy way to kill the 3G network in NYC for a day or two*
  4. Awww, Sweet P (tm:FromClaygary) has been growing quickly and is getting cuter by the minute!! Wouldn't it be nice to see him in hoodies that match his dad's? I think those university coops stock some of those adorable baby-sized spirit hoodies...
  5. ISTJ - Inspector as in Inspector Javert... suddenly I'm appreciating my exuberant ENFP: Fictional ENFPs (Characters): * Ariel - The Little Mermaid * Balki - Perfect Strangers * Dr. Doug Ross - ER * Lara Antipova - Doctor Zhivago * Steve Urkel - Family Matters * Will - The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Fictional ISTJs (Characters): * Angel Eyes - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly * Bruce Wayne - Batman Begins * Cliff Clavin - Cheers * Dallas - Alien * Darth Vader - Star Wars * Eeyore - Winnie the Pooh * Evelyn Cross Mulwray - Chinatown * Frankie Dunn - Eastwood in Million Dollar Baby * Fred Mertz - I Love Lucy * Gen. Yevgraf Zhivago - Doctor Zhivago * Jet Black - Cowboy Bebop * Joe Friday - Dragnet * Julia - Cowboy Bebop * Lornette 'Mace' Mason - Strange Days * Mama Montana - Scarface * Mr. Martin - Sitting in the Catbird Seat * Puddleglum - Chronicles of Narnia
  6. I already griped about this 2 weeks ago and felt so out of place during the eHP outing last weekend but I'm whining some more... For years and years I've been an INTP. I took the test in 2004 and I still was an INTP. Then cindilu2 mentioned this last month so I retook it and found out that this fandom has somehow turned me into an ENFP. I still figured it was a fluke but after Clay brought it up (heh! He brought it up), I'm even more ENFP than ever! Wah!!!
  7. You need to take my word on this. I've seen this show from many, vantage points in the theatre, quite a *cough*number*cough* of times. Tonight was the HOTTEST show ever!!!! In one of the scared "about to run away" scenes, he faced the audience, picked up his tunic and pulled it up to his waist and turned and ran away! He talked about getting mounted with the King and looked quite shocked that the King seemed to imply that the photos tonight involved mounting on his part! He kissed one of the dancers at the end of the show! He didn't do Patsy and Belvedere's dance and instead gave us several, very vigorous hip thrusts! I watched it from front row center and it felt like I was about to get impaled (but didn't want to duck). The Lady of the Lake tried to hit him in the tummy but he was too far back. He caught her armor though and shared with the knight above him. Yesterday he put in on. Tonight he again tried to touch the top of the underwear of the dancer dressed like a silver castle. He kept telling girl with the mace to be careful and to watch it. At the "dance" part of "to sing and dance and keep a eye on Lance" he did a very high kick. He picked up something from the ground and gave it to the lady who gave him the torch. The girl in green who was serving the drinks let her fingers do the walking down the length of this thigh. He kept blowing kisses and mouthing "I love you" to the Jewish girls in YWSOB. I'm still in a stupor, because after all that I got to have my picture taken with him. I'm sure I'll remember more later. Oh, and he did an extended version of the long, soul-filled, glorious amen! Rick was also on a roll tonight. I was sitting next to little boy, well not so little, maybe South Park age and he was in stitches.
  8. Which one of the eHP is going to fess up to having snuck back stage and secretly taken the place of one of the regular Camelot girls? I'm with dancermom (*waves*). It was a fun, fun show! Many of the shows I attended last spring were special to me as "family outings" with the fandom. Last night, it was like wandering in to a great new show on Broadway. It was more complete, more cohesive and more about the show than about having a reunion with friends in the audience. I love how this cast works together! BTW, complete signed posters and playbills are available at $40 for a poster and $20 for a playbill -- anyone want one? Thankful4Clay I have your October playbill here with me all packaged up, just need to actually mail it. The only teeny disappointment last night was being puzzled at not having anything else to pay for after the show. The King spoke about Broadway Cares and told about how during the auction back in September someone had bid $10,000 for a backstage tour with Clay -- the most expensive item in that entire fundraiser. But then... he simply ended by inviting everyone to sing along to Bright Side of Life, nothing else. I guess they haven't figured out what to do yet. Looking forward to a fun day today -- the rest of the eHP will be at the matinee while I'll be picking apples from the orchards of New Jersey with play and then tonight I'll have a great seat for the evening show. Thanks for all the greeetings & well-wishes for the eHP! Have a great day everyone!!! :nature-smiley-014:
  9. Eeeeeeee! What a fun show we had tonight! I haven't seen the full cast in a while so it was like a great new show had just opened. Hi claytonic! These are available on AT&T FOR $1.99. They don't have "Scarlett" in there but they sound great! AT&T Answer Tones Transcripts: "Hey what's up? This is Clay Aiken. We're a little busy right now but hold on and we'll be right here with ya." "Hey this is Clay Aiken. Don't hang up. Just be patient. We'll be right there."
  10. Wow, humidity in Houston is 58% and in NYC it's 93%?!! What's going on? Oh yes, merrieeee, KAndre, Solo, PerusingOne and I are on our way to NYC!!! Have a great weekend everyone!!! {{{00lsee}}} we missed you. Let's have another get-together soon!
  11. Oh, never mind. I just saw some of the ideas on that people have -- so how much time does he have to do this thing? 2 hours a night for 2 weeks? We need something that's worth enough per minute so that they can raise something equivalent to what they had for spring... Need to dream bigger I guess. But not so complex as to be impossible to execute in the amount of time until that thing starts. ETA: This is still small but some of those stuffed toys now have teeny sound boxes that are customizable (see Build-a-Bear's Build-a-Sound module). How about a killer bunny stuffed toy that'll repeat some of his funnier lines in the show or a custom message? Would be great to take one of those off to bed... Advantages: you don't have to be at Spam to buy one, it'll take him only so much time to record each one, the end product -- a unique, personalized stuffed toy that plays a special message when hugged provides a huge added value -- imagines: "Let's run TO where the grail might be, merrieeee". And regular spam fans would love stuff like "<Insert name> the black knight always triumphs!"
  12. He knows how to crochet?!!! I haven't even made a complete doily in my life (don't tell my home ec teacher, I somehow came up with one) How about if he lets us bring a pair of socks (any kind striped, non-striped, halloweeen, christmas), he puts one on and then have a picture taken? That's pretty quick, will let us have a "personalized" item because we can be as creative as we want with the sock, there's touching involved (ok with his foot but how bad is that) and a lasting memento of the occasion that they can slip into a pre-signed sleeve? We get to keep the one he wore and he keeps the other -- so that he could replenish his stash of stripeys & it would be fun to see him wearing a familiar one at some concert in the future. Some of us might even dig up some socks that have shoelaces on them! (And if folks choose not to bring their own, provide some stripeys for them to buy)
  13. Just popping in to say how fun it was to meet Lotus tonight! And it's was good to brag to merrieeee and KAndre how Solo and PerusingOne let me pick our eating places in Raleigh the other week -- unfortunately every single bbq place we tried was closed, are all the good ones closed on Sundays? Oh btw, I don't bump into things; they come right at me! Like the side of my garage door did the other night. Tonight, the food and the company and the conversation and the main subject of our musings were all verrrrra verrrrra niiiiiice! We closed down the place again but this time they didn't boot us out, we politely left about half an hour after they closed and all the servers and cooks had eaten their dinners. And eeeeeeee we're gonna see him this weekend!!! (wish we could squeeze Lotus into our carry-ons and take her with us!) Thx for the pretty picture, bottle! Any more where that came from?
  14. Leaving for work now to face a rather large number of sad co-workers... All I'm saying is that this is a historic moment and I'm proud to have seen the country transform its views on one way to discriminate within my lifetime. I see more hope in the future for acceptance for all. This is regardless of the government's performance over the next 4 years.
  15. Two reasons to smile today... ETA: Sending a cozy teapot of hot virtual ginger tea to the cute one... ETAA: Is there any chance for a banner based on his Capitol Fourth performances? EYATA: Looking forward to seeing Lotus tonight! Have a great day, everyone! :nature-smiley-014:
  16. Yay, ldj!!! :09: Thanks for bringing in the cute pictures, gibbly!
  17. How about just adding doubles under the new names so that the old posts remain intact and people who know either the old or new name will be fine?
  18. Awww, I wanted to go to Spring Awakening too! Glad he got to go and looks like he had fun! I like that outfit and I'm glad he didn't throw it away. Have a great day, y'all!!! I'm looking forward to watching for the results tonight. :nature-smiley-014:
  19. If it's 7:30 then let's make it Kirin2 - Japanese Seafood & Sushi Buffet (Lotus, it's just a couple of restaurants down from Macaroni Grill heading east on 1960 and there's lots of non-seafood dishes too in case you don't like seafood -- chicken teriyaki & grilled beef & steamed pork dumplings and more). This way we can sit and munch on edamame until you get there. (who am I kidding, I'll be munching on snow crab) I just don't want to sit in the office waiting for 7:30. I left at 6 pm today and it was pretty dark already. I think merrieeee gets off early too. Or if you guys are dead set on a Benihana-like (hibachi) Japanese place there is one on the other side of 249 but I have to think of the name. Lotus, would you please pm your cell? We tend to make last-minute decisions (in case you haven't noticed yet) On Topic: all i see are sparkling eyes and a huge grin that makes me weak in the knees -- was there anything else important i didn't catch? Oh, and these too! and ETA: Couchie, we NEED to go to Kirin on the next eHP SF trip!
  20. I'm easy. Just tell me by 5pm Wednesday... or pick a country/cuisine and I'll find us something. what does Lotus want? ETA: thanks for bringing the pretty pics, annabear!
  21. There were 3 people who wanted October playbills. Please let me know where you want them sent. Thanks for bringing the pictures and recaps over ldyj, luckiest and bottle! *waves hi back at FromClaygary* Have a nice day everyone!!! :nature-smiley-014:
  22. liney, that's terrible! We're surely going to get hit with windfall taxes but our PR department's too good for anything that blatant. People were even flaunting our record 3rd quarter earnings this morning.
  23. ... this time next week we'll hugging and eeeeing, "Wasn't that great?!!" (because it'll be the intermission)
  24. Thanks for the gorgeous banner cindilu2! Niiice collection of natural Clay pictures, luckiest! This last one's my favorite. Yes, they look very beautiful and it's good to see him so happy! thanks for leaving that as :Iluvclaysbutt: ... and here let me test it just to be sure (hee!) Wonder if this has changed... :Kolobok_Laie_haha: (ETA: I guess it did! :hahaha: ) Nice to meet you at the gala georgiesmybaby. I see we both like this smiley :nature-smiley-014: I know I will regret not seeing it...but can't do much about it...am now in Austin...Blue Bell icecream is yummy and of to hear Andre Dubus III tonite. See u soon. Awwww! :thbighug-1: I'll take lots of pictures on Friday and you can be my virtual Quilt Show companion! Have a great time in Austin!
  25. Looking forward to having dinner with you here next week and I hope you have fun at the Book Festival!!! However, I don't think anyone who is the least bit interested in quilts should miss the IQF if they're within 200 miles of it. Is there no way for you to stay here until Friday (or even take the bus from & back to Austin?) I will be going on Friday night and maybe Saturday -- and once you see the pictures I post you might feel like driving back here. People fly in from all over just to see it, even from some Asian and European countries. I love Blue Bell's Homemade Vanilla but since you'll be in Austin, how about trying Amy's ice cream too? Their Mexican vanilla is another favorite of mine and who can resist their motto, "Life is uncertain, eat dessert first!" If you have a free evening, The Oasis has a spectacular view and relatively cheap food. Just before sunset is the best time to go. Waterloo Records is an independent record store that's great for browsing. The people who work there are passionate & knowlegeable about music, unlike your average Tower/Virgin/HMV salesperson. It's also catercorner to the huge Whole Foods flagship that's quite an experience to visit (yes it's supposed to be a grocery store but it's much more than that) and across the street from a fun independent bookstore (in case you aren't book'ed out from the festival) called Book People Congratulations, Phillies!!!
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