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Posts posted by cindilu2

  1. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE for merrieeee!!! cocktail.gif

    jmh123 I take it we still don't know our Charlotte seat assignments? whistling-1.gif

    cindilu2, welcome back. Were you in the freaking front row? twinklewhore.gif

    We were in the third row left, but I don't think we were very much farther from the stage than first row in Orlando was. I'm still kicking myself because I was SO freaked out after all the dire warnings about Hard Rock and the camera police that I didn't even bring my camera with me. As it turned out they were fine with anything but flash and could have had some primo stuff. Oh well.

    Sarasota UM...watch the hands...Oh my:

    That was the first thing I watched this morning.... it was a great way to wake up!

    cindilu2 I just watched your video of Love Story, AMAZING!! I can't wait to hear that in person and see it for myself! I think that song along with UM and Solitaire just might be my favorites of the whole set(s).

    Thanks, shortyjill. It's intimidating to even think about taking clack when you're in the same car with Scarlett, LauraQ, MBLovesClay and goldarngirl, lol. Mine will have to do until theirs is all posted. I haven't seen another Love Story though. I don't think I could've taken clack of that in Orlando even if I'd had my camera. I was SO blown away by him - the sheer power he puts into that song is something to behold. Incredible doesn't begin to describe it. Sorry about the first minute and half though - first the curtain doesn't come up til about 45 seconds in (as it is planned to) and then it took me another 45 to find him and get focused as I was still trying to be discreet about it at that point, lol.

    I do have a couple more to post tonight, including the banter before Something About Us which was really cute.

  2. I'd love to hide in a corner and just watch him, but apparently that's not really an option. I've heard that the more you engage him (make the questions interesting, etc) the longer he'll stick around. So my next 2 weeks is dedicated to thinking of something to say. If I don't have at least one question scripted in my mind, I'm apt to sound like an idiot. I'll be lucky if I remember how to spell my name when he asks! :P

    To those who haven't yet won, don't give up! I never thought I'd win either. I've been entering every M&G contest offered and this will be my first time (other than an autograph at the stage door of Spamalot and a couple of hand slaps in bus lines over the years.) I have to thank cindilu2 and Claymatron, my travel mates, who graciously declined to enter the OFC contest for Cleveland, in the hopes that it would increase my odds this time around. Seems like it worked! ;)

    I am just so happy for you, luckiest1. I don't think there's anybody I know who will be more excited for this than you!!!

    Our non-posting friend from NC has a question suggestion for you: Hey Clay, would you come visit me in the bighouse if I accidentally on purpose ran over some of your 'fans' with my pickup truck? :smack:

  3. I read on another board that some people have received their Miami PBS tickets, and the M&G will be post-show. That's different. I wonder if all the PBS M&G's will work that way? That would actually work out well, if the OFC ones are pre-show.

    Weren't one of the Christmas tour M&G's post show?

    Couchie - sorry to hear about your mom. Long days for you, for sure. :hug:

  4. Finally had a chance to watch the PSA from GLSEN and I have to agree, that is a great look for Clay. :)

    So cute...but can I just slap the makeup person for ignoring Clay's natural skin tone? *SLAP!!!* There, I feel better. :whistling-1:

    Bwah! If it ain't the clothes, it's the hair. If it ain't the hair, it's the makeup. If it ain't the makeup, it's the weight. If it ain't the weight, it's the clothes. One of these days he's gonna fool us all and get it just right.

    Good luck with that, Clay! :cryingwlaughter:

  5. Sorry you had a bad morning. Sounds about par for the course in my house (currently have 3 dogs and 2 cats, someone's always puking or waking me up LOL).

    Clay blogged and no one told me? LMAO. cindilu2, you never even mentioned it last night! I had no idea! :P

    My laptop is (hopefully) being repaired so I am kind of computer-less right now. Just have my work computer but don't like to do too much non-work stuff on it, if you know what I mean. ;)

    Ummm, I was with you! smack.gif

    Good luck with the laptop - hope it gets fixed!

  6. Saw Burlesque tonight with luckiest1 and luckiestdaughter + friends. The story was predictable, but the music was outstanding. Christina Aguilera has some lungs on her! What a showcase this movie is for her. And Cher sounded freakin' amazing for 64 years old. Thoroughly enjoyed it!

    Thanks for the review. I was wondering how that movie was. How was Christina's acting? Definitely will put that one in my netflix queue.

    Tomorrow is December. The older I get the faster time flies.

    Happy Birthday Clay. Wow 32 Wasn't it just yesterday that he was 24 ?

    There wasn't a whole lot of acting on anyone's part in this movie (IMO) except maybe for Stanley Tucci, who was awesome as Cher's gay BFF. I would say Christina very successfully played a super-talented singer and dancer. Still enjoyed the movie very much!

  7. I think one of the most amazing moments of my fandom came when Clay appeared on top of the marquee after his first 'final' performance. A lot of us who had no prayer of getting anywhere near the stage door were just standing back and taking in the sheer emotional overload that was Shubert Alley that night. As it turned out we were in the best possible place to see it all unfold.


  8. Ahhh, Spamalot, how I miss thee. Love looking at those pics and remembering the wonderful times - truly some of the best memories I have. It still tickles me that this Canadian gal from Nowhereville, Ontario can give travel/accomodation/dining tips to people planning a trip to NYC. Thanks Clay!

    I recently saw the road show of Spamalot here in London (dunno if I mentioned that or not) and I thoroughly enjoyed it, even if it made me a little misty for our people. I still left the theatre with my face sore from grinning.

    On another note - went with luckiest1 to see Red tonight. Most fun I've had at a movie in a long time. Bruce, John, Morgan and Helen were excellent - and I even enjoyed Mary Louise Parker (whom I normally can't abide). Excellent flick!

  9. shortyjill, The National Inclusion Project put a voting pop-up doodad back up on their website, so you might try that again.

    luckiest, I get what you're saying about saving money for Clay trips, but I haven't seen him since August and won't until February, so I'm feeling disconnected. (I realize others feel differently – it just happens to be where I am in my mindset right now.)

    A blog or a tv appearance or something would cheer me up, and wouldn't cost the fans a thing. One of those out-of-left field surprises - like Phineas and Ferb - would be good, too.

    I'm with you, bottle. A blog or some other OFC participation (Q&A) wouldn't cost him or us anything and would go a lonnnnng way.

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