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Everything posted by Skatejoy

  1. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE bottlecap loves the Edge too. Thanks for the reminder to set the TiVo. Thanks to buzztechie and diamondjake for getting me tickets while I calmly sat through long boring meetings today.
  2. I seriously couldn't live without mine. But then I have very long drives to meetings for work and walk long distances at work. Plus, I love having all my music in one place so I can plug it in the car, at home or just carry it with me. In fact, I often pop it in my back pocket when I'm washing dishes. While it may seem very "gadgety" it's actually a pretty simple device and is worth the investment of time in getting it set up.
  3. Help? I've been swamped with real life stuff and have been trouble keeping track of Clay's life. While this is good for my real life, it's made it really hard to keep things straight in the Clay world. Wasn't the baby shower piece on the Insider supposed to be last night? Did I miss it? I've seen the Kimmel teaser (LOVE) and the Kimmel appearance (he's so much fun). Am I up to date? Do I need to turn in my claymate number and fan club t-shirt? When he was talking about Zoe the goat last night was anyone else bracing for the next PETA attack?
  4. bottlecap I'm with you on the penguins. And the halloween candy. I was just at Target and was going to get my candy (since it's on sale) and realized that with a month until Halloween I was setting myself up for failure. I'm hoping tomorrow night is full of lots of snark (maybe snarking on his new career as a fluff "journalist").
  5. Hey, this is cool. We can post anything we want and blame it on a Ms. Tomato edit! Whoo hoo. Clay content?? Clearly Couchie took it out. Hee.
  6. Just a minute. Clay subverting penguins?? That can't be right.
  7. Um, I'd like to offer my services as a helper at Jerome's seminar. I think I need some extra training on approaching Jerome without stammering or drooling.
  8. bottlecap, you can add a breakout group on the photography and videography workshops called "Focusing on his face" taught by buzztechie and myself. For the scattered few not attending the other photography/videography breakout. Sign me up for Rhythmless Nation!
  9. Hee bottlecap. I'm not mad. I'm just swamped with work and not posting because I'm afraid all the work frustration would show in my posts. Better to stick with pictures for now. Emmy dress huh Couch Tomato?? Or is it Ms. Tomato to the rest of us?
  10. I don't think Clay is as "hayseed" as some people perceive him. He's a pretty smart guy and he's been a part of the celebrity world for a while now. I do, however, think that he works hard to stay a "real" person and that he has a wicked sarcastic sense of humor.
  11. Postho'ing to drop off my Boston pictures. Whole Album Cutest thing evah Oh Mandy Hey You Are Those Freckles? Goofy Clay Bendy Clay Oh My Angry Clay Enjoy!! With many thanks to the lovely Couch Tomato and LdyJocelyn for being so sweet as to take seats to the side to allow me to take these pics. You Rock!!!
  12. BWAH!!!! Oh, that wasn't the kind of Bwah you were looking for??? Clay can get pissy at the photo shoot as long as I get to be the one who "talks him down". Hee... Hmm.... this is fun.
  13. Thanks so much for the link bottlecap! I think you've just taken care of a chunk of my Christmas shopping. Okay, maybe some "me" shopping too.
  14. Ooo - this is a fun game. Guess what happened to the alcohol. - Night of fun for Couch Tomato with Jerome Jr. (you know you want him.... hee) - That's what was in buzzie's blender after the Boston show - The reason that Clay kept coughing when the lights went down in Boston? Couchie replaced his water with whatever as in those bottles.... - Consumed in A/C while trying to think up a skit involving bottlecap next...
  15. Pics from the Kenneth Cole fashion show. How cool is it that he sat next to LeAnn Womack (she of I Hope You Dance fame)?? bottlecap - more installments of the tale??
  16. Okay - I'm laughing so hard I hurt!! She's looking for bribes, not good ideas. Perhaps some CDs of mp3s for your new friend?
  17. Skatejoy reaches for Claritan and shuts up. I do think Raleigh is a very cute dog (with a cute owner). Does bottlecap realize she's speaking in the third person??
  18. I'm reading!! Or C) Raleigh, like all animals, immediately senses H/P's allergic to her and proceeds to shed as much as possible over H/P. Am I the only one who thinks bottlecap may just be CF??
  19. So, which 8x10s did you say you wanted?? I'm getting no work done with these scenarios growing...
  20. Hmmm... why do I suddenly feel inspired to take up sports photography???
  21. Nick's pretty buff too. Anyone see that pic of him playing basketball shirtless during the last tour?? Yeah, I'd guess he was doing some working out too!
  22. Well, we know he's great at reading the weather. That could come in handy. I'm off to a RL party. Can someone post at what point he appears in the festivities, so I can FF as necessary?
  23. Don't know if this is news to anyone but me, but Clay is on the bottom of p. 34 in this week's People magazine (Katrina on the cover). It's a really short article on the sale of his house (their usual feature "On the Block"). Small picture of him (pretty old) and a picture of the living room. Always nice to be surprised by clack. Even if it is small.
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