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Everything posted by muskifest

  1. Couchie....how scary! And for you to be feeling like shit yourself when this is all happening. I'm so sorry. Please do what you can to take care of yourself, too, while you take care of your mom. My oral surgery was an hour and 45 minutes...actually less traumatic than previous excavations on this poor tooth since he gave me drugs to take before I got there and then had the nitrous over my nose the whole time. HOme now....and the novacaine is wearing off which means it's gonna be time for more drugs real soon. He said that he'd discovered the problem. A canal of the tooth's root was actually poking out through the bone of the tooth! Or something. :8: I'm not quite sure. He was explaining and drawing pictures for me immediately afterwards so I need a refresher explanation, I think. Sooooo....has CLay announced his next tour yet?
  2. Mercury in retrograde, folks... Couchie and CouchMama, warm thoughts your way! Now y'all send some for me as I leave work now to go to a dreaded endodontist appointment for oral surgery. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  3. calurker, how much time ya' got? (and how smut-sensitive are you? ) Oy, what a mentally exhausting day! Hotel contract negotiations all freakin' day long....hotel sends me a draft, I go through it and then send them an email pointing out all the things that need to be different. Hotel sends a revision. I go over it again and send another email with all the things they tried to slip by me. Hotel sends.... You get the picture. I've messed with THREE hotels and event contracts today and I'm losing it! LOSING it, I tellya! And tonight hubby and I get to go listen to somebody talk about how to get grants to get your kid to college. Oh joy. I need Clay. I want Clay. Demmit! Move over, Reed! ETA: Now THAT ass is a bit more like it....looks like there's actually something to grab on to in that pic....hmmmm, maybe he's been working out on his own time.... You know....doing those squats and thrusts and whatnot.....
  4. This is GREAT! I say we FCA women make a pact that the next Clay concert in Philly will find us congregating at this cafe!
  5. BWAH! The relative anonymity of a message board DOES seem to give some people brass balls unusual courage to be judgmental, doesn't it? Lawd Jesus! Sometimes when I see pics of the crowds at the stage door and then read some of the criticism of Clay's hair or clothes, I just have to Er... ...mirrors, people! Of course I never look less than perfectly coiffed and draped in the very epitome of high fashion, donchaknow... But hay! (t/m Sir Robin et al in YWSOB) The man is himself and the look he 'wore' last night is, IMO, most likely the look he sports 90% of the time in his own time. So I suppose I just must deal...won't stop me from substituting other pics of him in my more vivid fantasies, though... That's what the word 'fantasy' means, you know...I can make him be/look like/rock the bed slats any ole' way I want to!
  6. Hell, Couchie...if a cold is the only disease you got from sleeping with a stranger, count yourself 'good to go'! Interesting about the OFC's 'ban' on the "Clay+Reed, sitting in a tree" posting. I get it, of course, but just what do they need before it's 'okay' to say they're 'together'? Why, yes....I'd like a video clip, too, but...
  7. Did COUCHIE !!!!!! just smut? (heh...I always KNEW she was a smutter at heart... ) liney, that's it! He's channeling Mr. Rogers! Can you say, "It's what inside that counts, boys and girls? I THINK ya' can! "
  8. All righty then. We have our picture of Professor Aiken. All righty then. The man looks happy. Ergo, so am I. He wasn't dressing for ME, after all....on his own time and doin' his own thang, and whatnot... And that is all I'll say about that. All righty, then.
  9. luckiest, I can understand what you're talking about here. Personally, my idea of a fan being 'respectful' in a situation like this would be their keeping away from Clay, but that's me. I've never been an autograph seeker--even if I were in a situation where I was 'meeting' a celebrity, I wouldn't ask for one. And to me, Clay was a spectator Sunday, not a performer. He was on his 'own time', not mine, so I'd never 'approach' him at all. As for the couple thing? I'm with you in that I've basically assumed it to be true for some time. The fact that Clay and Reed attended this last Spam show together makes me happy because it lets me know he's comfy in the relationship and proud to be seen with someone special to him. Would I like to see a pic of him and Reed together? You betcha! 'Coss I AM nosy that way! ETA: One reason THIS time I'd like a pic is to see how Clay carried off the "bow tie, glasses, sweater vest" look. I'm in the 'rather see him ala The View, Tyra or Hollywood Virgin signing look' car myself, but am ridiculously curious to see this latest manifestation of the Clay Aiken Couture!
  10. OKay, photoshoppers! Get busy. We have a pic of grey flannel pants. We have a pic of the sweater vest (OMWH pic) We have the bow tie from the Spamalot tux. We have the long beige overcoat from stage door. We have numerous pics of Clay in glasses. So? What cha waiting for?
  11. And I throw my smelly shoes at the OFC, too, just for good measure.
  12. Woot! I'm still waiting for a hair report! And I've got that sweater vest from the OMWH photo shoot in my head...wonder if that's the one he's wearing? Glasses, eh? I can picture it all---long beige overcoat? Love long coats on guys...especially long tall drinks of water... But I really need a hair report.....
  13. Who's worrying? I'm either or or when I watch him do his facial contortions and his 'overacting like hell' (t/m LOTL). The man should've been alive and on screen during the silent movie era. He'd have been a HUGE star! Ain't no worrying going on here. One thing's for sure...if my daughter DOES decide to go to the U of Oregon, we won't be driving to and fro! Lawd Jesus! 8-9 hours each way...drove up on Thursday, attended an all-day information day for potential incoming 'scholars' yesterday and then drove back today. Long ass drive. Whew. I'm getting too old for this.
  14. Those videos are making me and at the same time! I mean, I agree that he looks amazing and hawt....but he's such a ham. That lip synching is CMSU...the exaggerated mouth and lips enunciating the non-words. The calculated eyefucks. The carefully timed eyelash sweeps. The emotive head shakes as Andy does his thang on the guitar riff. He's such a p.t. (Now in college that was a common expression---p.t.--and it meant a girl who liked to get a guy all worked up with no intention of following through---i.e., "prick teaser". Before Clay came out, we could have substituted another 'p' word to indicate that he does the same thing to a woman. Of course, now we can assume that the original meaning applies. ) I love that p.t.
  15. . Yeah...and I keep thinking about in LTS---when Clay made that remark about his Aunt Diane and how she needed to worry about something different from him appearing on 'that' woman's show (Ellen Degeneres)...I'm sure Clay grew up hearing a number of unwelcome comments among his family and friends regarding homosexuality. Ooooh, an FCA Clay Band! And as for which instrument I want? I'll be the one that likes to play with wood.
  16. liney...I'm pretty sure May 25 is Memorial Day this year...It's my Carrie's birthday and she's all excited because this year it's actually falling on a holiday!
  17. Send white light my way, folks! I'm getting ready to embark on an 8 and a half hour drive with my 17-year-old daughter! Going to a campus for a day-long meeting/workshop tomorrow about possible scholarships, honors programs, etc., were she to choose this college. (She's already been admitted.) Then we just turn around on Saturday and do the drive again to get home. The rule of the road will be: Whoever is driving can connect her iPod to the car speakers for musical enjoyment. I imagine Alex will be volunteering to drive quite a lot! Tour? Clay? I'll be there whenever he decides to do me one.
  18. HEY! I just noticed something! tribeca, your avatar is the same as mine! Now that just won't DO! (JK ) I was actually looking to change mine to a cap of this most recent wave from the roof of the Shubert....I know just the frame I want but I'll wait 'til I get back home before I start cropping and resizing...(hmmmm.....that sounds kinda kinky, doesn't it?)
  19. jamar....revisionist history is alive and well in many hearts and minds! (and posts) I'd be surprised to see anyone exempt. heh and 00lsee... I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I haven't met Joy. Should I go up to her and introduce myself before coming with her? And now for something comPLETEly different! I have an urgent question: Why the HELL am I still up when I have to actually GET up (down smutters---oh wait. that's me ) at 4:15 am?
  20. And cindilu, you so very easily feel called to judge others self righteously. Know what? I don't happen to agree completely with CG. I think she sometimes gets overly heated with her reactions to things--that although there are opinions she holds about a specific thing that others here might actually understand and share if she'd present those opinions in a different way--- and I've told her so. I do have to agree with one thing, though. It is noticeable that when she makes a thoughtful, very positive post, it seems to just blend into the threads without being acknowledged. When she fires off an opinion that isn't so positive, everyone 'notices' and is quick to take their "positions". Just sayin'. Just sayin' this, too. As I've said to Couchie more than once...there are times on this board that the 'everything is beautiful and I just don't understand why you notice anything less than wonderful' mantra can become a bit overpowering too---sorta like that cologne my great aunt used to wear whenever she went to church. But hey! She was my aunt..whatchagonnado? So if CG's pointed criticisms of Clay or Clay fans rub some the wrong way, I certainly understand. Hell, she's my friend and sometimes I wish she'd phrased her words a bit differently! But please, let's not start with the name calling. It's just as tempting sometimes---after a few pages of reading posts glorifying Clay and all his choices to a point of making him into some sort of creature above reproach---to fling out a few names in the other direction, but let's just not. It's ugly, regardless who flings them.
  21. Hey, ldyj! Lookie what I wrote way up thread! AND! Well, actually, I DO believe I DID talk about how HAWT Clay is---'womanly' makeup or not....Although it seems that only the first part of my observation---that I thought his eyeliner and pretty face and nice hair all made him rather feminine looking---was actually absorbed and commented on. See? And ldyj, although I understand why you might try comparison of the fan approaching Reed with a Clay fan approaching another Clay fan from a Clay fan message board, I really don't think it qualifies as a true analogy. Apples and oranges to me But on to something REALLY different! I'm getting a wake up call at 4:15 am tomorrow! That's barbaric! Early flight means early arrival back home, though, so it's all good!
  22. The first thing I thought when I saw those pictures was, "Whoa! He looks rather womanly there! His face is so damned beautiful that with that eyeliner and whatnot and his hair looking pretty good, he looks QUITE feminine and almost too pretty to me. The second thing I thought when I saw those pictures was, 'Whoa! He's HAWT! I'd do him in a heartbeat!" Yep..he DOES look feminine in those pics. and Yep..he DOES look hawt and happy in those pics. And that's the truth. My observation of the fan who approached Reed was very clear. The man was sitting there minding his own business during intermission. A fan tapped him on the shoulder, needing to lean over the chair and sort of over Nick to get to him. He finally turned around and accepted her hand that she'd shoved between the two men. What the hell was he supposed to do, tell her to fuck off? Of COURSE, he was nice and accepted her hand and smiled and said, 'Thank you" or whatever. It's the polite thing to do. Inserting yourself into his space when he doesn't know you from Eve is NOT the polite thing to do, IMO---I don't care how many comments you've posted on his myspace or facebook or how many 'adds' you've gotten from his websites. The man does NOT know you and you are NOT his 'friend'. Oy. And yes, that one fan is the only fan I saw approach him like that---totally out of context and with the sole intention of 'meeting' him. It was enough, though, because sneaking peaks is one thing---what she did is entirely another. Was I embarrassed? Yeah...I'm like that, I guess. I know she isn't me, but I can be embarrassed for a damned character on a tv show when he or she does something imbecilic (is SO a word)....like Steve Carrell on "Office". Lord, my daughter and I both cringe repeatedly watching that hilarious show. Can't help it. Sure, that fan is not me and does not represent me. Doesn't matter to me. She's a 'fan' and behaved, IMO, in a way that feeds into all the negative stereotypes of "Clayfans/Claymates" that I don't identify with. And I remain uncomfortable when I SEE that kind of behavior. That's me...not asking anybody to agree with me. Did you guys NOT read my report earlier that I spent the day with "Little" Reed? I was about ready to ask him if he was 'bendy'! ETA: wanda, I was about to comment about BettyJean's 'off topic' post, but I see you've already covered it! BWAH!
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