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Everything posted by muskifest

  1. page 69? meh Good smut knows no page restrictions... I went to a girl's blog (from Google Alert) and she was just sorta writing in a stream of consciousness about random things...she remembered when she was so in love with all the boy bands and then she mentions Clay Ha! Honey, I'm with you....
  2. Bwah, canfly! Ah...were it so easy as that.... liney, I'm super proud of you! That's really quite an accomplishment. And Jaycee, this CMSU, too Lord knows I know what you're talking about. Thing is, losing weight and getting healthy is not rocket science, is it? The formula's pretty straight forward. More healthful food + more exercise = less fat and more muscle. End of equation. But actually DOING it requires mental and emotional commitment---the food and exercise are actually the easiest parts, IMO. Of course, I sit here on my fat ass , so WTF do I know... :glare: Nothin' much except....
  3. I just let the photoshop artists do their THANG and either , , , , or at the results.... But yep, 00lsee...that mouth/those lips. No need to mess with perfection, fo' sho'
  4. okay, calurker! I see you down there...it's 1:45 am where I am....what time is it for YOU?!!??! Never mind why I'm awake .....why are YOU awake? nighty night....
  5. Heh....oh, I imagine that things are far past the 'hypothesis' stage, canfly..... yep. Let's see...how does the progression go? Is it a theory after a hypothesis? And then, once REAL proof ( ) is available, THEN what's it called? Fact? Irrefutable fact? Hell, Clay's lips are too damned sensual and hot NOT to get chapped 'that way', IMO...regardless of who helps them get there....
  6. jmh....if you find out the name of whatever it was you were reading, please let me know! The people at Mom's residence home and I are still having 'issues' getting her to take showers. When the staff goes to "tell" her it's time for her shower, she starts cussing and yelling at them, evidently. She told ME that she got pissed because the staff person interrupted her in the main room downstairs while she was having a conversation with someone and then loudly enough for everyone there to hear said, "C'mon Hazel. I'm going to help you with your shower." I talked with the staff coordinator and told her that the staff should be sensitive to and respectful of the residents' in the way they talk with them and that my mother still has dignity and doesn't appreciate being humiliated. The coordinator apologized for her staff member and we talked in general. Basically, though, Mom usually either refuses or insists that she 'just took one', etc. Couchie, so glad getting the Ativan stopped seems to be helping your mom. It certainly did when my mom went bizarre on us after her surgery and at another time her mental abilities drastically and precipitously declined---both times Ativan was involved!
  7. BWAH! God, I love the San Francisco Bay Area. In today's SF Chronicle (an excerpt): The whole article is really interesting. It goes on to talk about the connotations of the term "cougar" and the reasons younger men might be attracted to older women. Very cool.
  8. Jaycee---you go on with your bad self! I think you did everything you could to express your feelings well. I've found that on a message board, with only words (and even with the addition of emoticons), a person's post becomes as much or more about the reader's own feelings and opinions than about the author's! Each of us is reading from our own 'place'---where we are (metaphorically) at the moment re: our 'relationship' with Clay---and how our own life experiences have shaped how we view others. I know that sometimes I'm like after I post something and then see what a reader 'got' from my words. I know what I meant and I THOUGHT I'd been careful to express it, but then a reader refers to my post and takes a phrase as a launching pad for either supporting or challenging an opinion with the effect that MY phrase comes across very differently from what I intended! I also think it's a byproduct of message board 'speak' that posts that ask questions or offer a different take on something seem more like a challenge than an opinion because we can't really 'discuss' as we would were we to be sitting around together and shooting the breeze. It's a linear progression online rather than a natural conversation with interruptions and facial expressions and various sounds of agreement or disbelief, etc. So instead of a bunch of hawt, intelligent women exchanging ideas over coffee or tequila, we become a list of people taking her turn to post words. JMO, etc. So...given the description of Clay's entourage THIS time, who's the chick with the short dark hair? Did Jamie get a haircut? Or perhaps (as I've seen on another site) Reed is a 'beard' and this chick is really the love of Clay's life? Hey! I know! Who's ALWAYS with Clay? Jerome! Of course! That's it! All this time, it's been Jerome and Clay. Those sneaky dudes.
  9. I remember that my heart jumped up in my throat when I saw the Boobgate picture---not because I didn't believe it was real, but because I thought, "OMG...he has a girlfriend. OMG...she's not me I!" Then I LMAO! because it seemed so....Clay....to me. I could SOOO imagine him doing this. And I was sooooooo pissed that it wasn't me he was doing it to. But I remember the outrage and indignation among many then and the pages of posts PROVING that the pic was a photoshop, along with every imaginable convoluted line of rationalization that explained just why the pic could NOT be real. The people who made those posts truly, truly believed that Clay---the Clay they "knew"---would NEVER behave in such a way, and some were quite vicious toward those who had a different view of him. Likewise, they were the targets of some pretty mean things, too. Ugly time. That picture of heavy-lidded Clay with Hannah? Yum. He seems verra, verra pleased to be in that picture, doesn't he? I bet he's so much fun to be around....sigh.
  10. oooh, Gibby! I'd forgotten about those piano pictures....heh. And that makes me remember a certain story I told back in my story-telling days...yessirreeeee....I believe it was called "Piano Man"??? Yeppers, a four parter (three? five?) inspired by that series of piano pics....ah, those were the days.. What fun! Clay and his 'entourage' (per CV report) in Greensboro watching Ruben, Frenchie and Trenyce! Kewl....I hope they go back to Raleigh to party in Clay's 50's diner-themed playroom...it's fun to imagine that. gulp Didn't he have a pool table in that room? er.... Now my imagination is just being ridiculous. excuse me while I take a moment....
  11. Thanks, Thankful! And I just noticed something in that pic that I hadn't noticed before. The girl with the "I swallow" hat is wearing a necklace with a CROSS! BWAH! Just shows to go ya', you know?
  12. Well, personally I'm not sure there's much of a change in the Clay who sat in a public restaurant BEFORE we knew who he was and wore a white chef's hat with 'Even my hand rejects me" on it, next to a friend with "I go both ways" and another friend with "I swallow" on their hats. (Where the hell IS that pic? Is that what the hats said?)... I was reading something recently (nevermindwhat heh) in which a gay man was 'advising' a younger man who had just come to terms with his own homosexuality. He was telling the young guy about the ways in which he should 'be careful' in public. Things like "when your mom asks if you've been dating any special girl, be careful with the pronouns in your answer" and "when your male friends start making gay jokes or slurs, try to steer the conversation elsewhere or, if you feel confident with those friends, suggest that that kind of talk really isn't good, etc." This man went on to tell the young man about safe sex and how there's never a reason NOT to use a condom whenever he decides to hook up with someone. He also told the young man that until he was comfortable with everyone knowing his sexual orientation, he needed to make sure that his family and close friends couldn't see any real difference in his behavior.... ...since he was from a Southern Baptist upbringing and around people who for generations were not exactly tolerant and accepting of homosexuals and other 'different' groups from what they considered themselves to be---the moral, upstanding, Bible-and-God-fearing "righteous" population. !!!! Wow. Now this particular example was NOT about Clay Aiken, but it could have been. And it made me think of all those years that Clay must've known about these 'rules', even if he had nobody to talk with about them. And how living that way---"always on parade" "will this glass house break" must have aged and matured him way beyond his chronological years. He says Kim Locke was the first person he came out to. He was 24 years old then. How he must have struggled to be 'himself' and still be the "man" those he loved so much thought he was and expected him to be. Maybe that's why it seems that some fans seem happier with 'this' Clay---not because we like him 'better' when he's all silly and campy and whatnot or because we approve or encourage anything, but because of the fact that he's free to be silly and campy and whatnot without feeling that he has to hide while doing it. And, at least for me, because it means that he has other people to talk with, to listen to, to learn from, to confide in about things without being condemned for who he is. Things that for 24 years he couldn't share with anyone. ETA: I'd like at this time to beg the admins to please bring back that whistling emoticon to the main panel over there to the left. I use it a lot and now can never find it! And as we all know, it's all about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  13. I'm lousy at keeping memorabilia. Just like I'm lousy at keeping family 'history' like photos, videos, scrapbook things. I have a couple of boxes that mostly have Clay stuff in them, but there are ticket stubs and keychains and pins and playbills dotted here and there and everywhere, too. Oh...while I was in NYC, Alex used one of the cars most of the time--I'd left my keys. When I got back home I was looking for my keys and couldn't find them. I rifled through the various clumps of keys at 'Key Central' in our house, checked various pockets, etc....but couldn't find them. I started getting nervous that maybe I'd taken them with me to NYC and LOST them! Then Alex oh-so-casually said, "Oh, by the way, Mom. I took the Clay picture thingy off your key chain." No doubt she was too embarrassed to be seen with such a thing. Not too embarrassed to use my car, though of course. And THAT'S why I couldn't 'see' my keys! They'd been hanging there amid the other various keys all the time, but without my Clay picture thingy I didn't recognize them! Now I've got that feeling that I get after telling my kids a 'story' about something that I think is funny or interesting and then Alex says in that dry, sarcastic way she's perfected, "Great story, Mom. Yeah...really....interesting." heh
  14. 00lsee.. and please...don't /levity 'kay? Not to perpetuate a discussion whose time might have ended but I just wanted Jaycee to know that my post wasn't in any way trying to change her opinion or get her to agree with ME. I got something in the tone of her post that seemed sad to me and I just wanted to try to offer a way to look at things that might help her process. Anyhoo....Clay content: anytimeanywhere That is.... This morning on the first page of the sports section of the SF Chronicle there is a pic of the owner of the SF Giants baseball team. He's wearing a white shirt, dark jacket and a big, fat bow tie! It's a light brown with big red and blue polka dots! BWAH! Of course, he has a head full of WHITE hair, too. heh My cheek is still swollen. I look very 'jowly' and it's quite attractive. [/prevarication]
  15. Jaycee...you might be surprised to get this post from me--Muskifest, Smut Queen (heh)---but I DO understand what you're saying. I think the only thing I can offer to help you in this 'transition' is that I never had Clay quite as angelic as the initial media portrayal and subsequent "saintly" popstar image building made him out to be. I always smiled whenever I heard him say things like "If I'm a saint, my halo would be crooked" (or whatever that was). I always felt it was the media and some fans who truly built that paragon of virtue that became Clay Aiken. He always seemed to be a bit of a naughty boy to me---not in any kind of disgusting, dangerous sense---but more of just a regular guy, one who has a wicked sense of humor and can be very bawdy if the mood strikes him. Not to say I wasn't shocked (SHOCKED! I tell you!) during the IT when he was feeling his oats with Angela on stage! BWAH! I loved it! And that made me love him even more than I did on AI and immediately after in his interviews post-AI. Because it made him REAL to me. He was still an unreal vocalist, a funny guy, a true entertainer. He still loved his mama and his god and he still reached out to the less fortunate. He still smiled and warmed the world. But he also did "naughty" things. And he had fun doing them! And it cracked my shit up! So I never had any other 'sense' of him than that he was good man--a much better man than such a large percentage of the 'average' guy---a man who always TRIES to be a good man. And I don't know about you, but I swear that's admirable to me. Re: that pic? Totally camp. Totally fun. Totally just being real with friends, playing a prank, kidding around. I LOVE it! I'm just happy we're able to see the pics. It makes me feel good to think of all the 'families' Clay creates wherever he goes. I do understand what you're feeling....but please don't feel the need to stop posting. I think Clay would understand, too. In any case, gay or not...the man floats my boat.
  16. Okay....calm down, everybody...yes, that guy's arm seems to be quite comfy pressed up against Clay's crotch. Indeed. Of course, whose arm WOULDN'T be? But I don't think (as I've seen posted elsewhere) that Clay's sportin' a woody in this goldmine of a picture. His glory is just gloriously bunched up...as any man's glory would be if an arm were to be pressed up against it in such a manner. Just bunched up, displaced, forced to find a place to rest. Yep. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. (But DAYUM! he's filling those jeans out nicely, isn't he? ) ETA: tribeca, The Rick to whom you're referring...is it THIS Rick, whose arm advertises quite a familiarity with said crotch? Or Rick Holmes, who I'd not suspect has intimate knowledge of the crotch since Rick Holmes is married with children, I believe. Inquiring minds and whtatnot.
  17. Maybe since I haven't been on the boards for a few hours I've avoided the angsting element of the gerbil wheel elsewhere. When I was reading I didn't really gather the same degree of RCA=EVIL that used to overtake the masses in times past. Seems a bit more 'clinical' these days--like, "Hmmm....looks like it might be splitsville...wonder what's next" vs "OMG! Clay's going to be buried by uncaring RCA execs! He'll never be a success as long as Clive has him by the short hairs...!!!!" etc. Whatevah. I'm more concerned about how the HELL I'm supposed to eat the pizza sitting here next to me. My mouth is still a mess (shut up) from the oral surgery but the danged pizza smells and looks soooooooo good. Now THAT'S worthy of angst, lemmetellya!
  18. At least that's how I would've instructed my students back in my English teacher days. I always suggested using active voice verbs and the simplest language possible first, then doing the "subject/object" test to determine which case the pronoun is. For example, in the first sentence, "John and me" is the object of a preposition so it's in the objective case "me". In the third sentence "John and me" is the direct object of the verb "pushed", but in the second sentence "John and I" is the subject of the verb "paid" so any pronouns must be in the subjective case. And now, if you'll excuse me....my suffering after my oral surgery is getting worse from all this grammar. Now I have a face ache and a head ache! Clay content: For someone who has said one of his flaws is correcting other people's grammar, he shore does make his own share of FU's, doesn't he?
  19. CG, that CMSU! and kinda creeps me out... but CMSU more! Whatever he's wearing? It would ALL still be lotsafun to take off... ETA: Couchie....so glad to hear about that your mom will be on the mend.
  20. OMG, this one drives me nuts. That and the incorrect use of 'would have' instead of 'had'... i.e. WRONG: If I would have known you wanted company, I would have gone to the movies with you. RIGHT: If I had known you wanted company, I would have gone to the movies with you. But I know that so many people use the 'wrong' way it has become accepted now, too. Whatever... So....the 'signs' that Clay and RCA are no longer the uneasy team they've been these past years seem to be increasing. The RCA site basically redirects people to the OFC and the RCA-run MySpace looks like a ghost town, with nothing since last October and some previously posted info (causes) missing. Of course, I never go to those places anyway, so I'm only saying what I've read on other message boards. Actually, I won't be surprised either way...the only thing that would surprise me about Clay Aiken is if he were to become predictable.
  21. Damn. yeah, that. Especially at the very beginning of that clip before he changes his stance to make the front of the ma'awis less.....er..... defining He knows.
  22. KAndre...LOVE that 'book' re: single women....I think I need to write a book, too, though. Something like "You Don't Have to Be Single to Live the Single Life!" 'coss I pretty much do all those things even though I'm married! Home today, folks, since I'm in danger of tripping over my right cheek (not ass cheek, either, although as time goes by that is more and more a distinct possibility, demmit). Had my oral surgery and although the in-office time was less painful and traumatic than the three previous torture sessions, the post-surgical hours have NOT been hearts and flowers. I plan to just stay home today with ice packs, drugs, a novel and my pillow, thank you! When I saw those Prof. Aiken pics, I thought how I'd like to unbutton his sleeves and push them up like the dark-haired guy in that first pic is doing. That would look , IMO. I DO like 00lsee's suggestion of slowing untying that bow tie, too. As a preliminary step, donchaknow....
  23. sitting here in a Vicadin fog....unfortunately, through the fog slices pure agony so I ask you.....how the HELL can I still be hungry when my mouth is screaming with pain?
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