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Everything posted by muskifest

  1. Heh...well, he and I are great friends (and if he were batting for my team, I'd be all over that sweet stuff, lemme tell ya! --jk of course...I'm married and whatnot...)...so we had a good laugh over it. He just shook his head and said, "Y'all are passing pictures of Clay's man around." (talking about me and my Clay friends) I said, "Sure are....it helps, you know, when I do my fantasizing...helps with the imagery." He gave me a sly look (be still my heart---he really is super HAWT and we flirt shamelessly all the time ---the tease.... )...and raised his eyebrows like he was waiting for me to say something. I've told him about my erotic romance writing, so I knew what he was thinking. So I said, "No...I haven't delved into that realm of literary expression, yet, dear....but I'm thinking about it." Then we had another good laugh.
  2. Yeah...I'm not cut out for all that drama, either. I wish the turd stirrers would just cut that shit out. All those cutting remarks about this fan or that one just don't make the cut with me, that's for sure. Personally, I just like to enjoy Clay when he's cutting up on stage or when he sings so sweetly that you can cut the silence with a knife in an arena of thousands. There's no doubt that Clay Aiken is a cut above the rest when it comes to pure talent and heart. If he were to back away from singing, that would cut my heart out. If we're lucky, Reed (or somebody else) will make sure that off stage our man is happy and sated and won't cut him off from lots of good humma-humma sex. Speaking of Reed....he's definitely cut, isn't he?
  3. BWAH!, 00lsee! I just showed that pic of Reed to my co-worker buddy. He's the HAWT gay man who's been with his partner (another HAWT gay man) for 17 years....and I said, "So....does this appeal to you at all?" He looked and said, "Oh, is that Clay's boyfriend?" "Yep" He looked, nodded and smiled. Then he said, "He's definitely cut" I said, "OMG...are his pants that tight? You can tell?" He looked at me a second or two, perplexed, and then started guffawing! "I'm talking about his BODY, for God's sake!" I---chagrined---said, "Oh...right. Yeah.
  4. Hmmm...I can't seem to make Reed bigger.... Oh....CLAAAAYYYY! Could you help me out here a minute, please?
  5. Oh, annabear....Eric is sooooo yesterday! I'm sure a different friend of Jaymes' will be our definitive source for the next baby.
  6. Well.....I will say that if indeed a second pregnancy IS true, I hope Clay will choose to just say so instead of waiting until the baby's birth. Gawd, the last IIT/IINT months before Parker just about killed me!
  7. ncgurrl...that's fascinating, thank you! I lived in Japan for 3 and a half years in the mid 1980's and was very, very interested to learn about that country's own cultural history, including their prejudices and injustices. From ancient times, the Ainu in Japan are much like the USA's Native American culture in that they were displaced and then denigrated--cast off to a 'lesser' standard of living. In more modern times, the descendants of Korean ancestry---mostly people from unions made during Japan's colonization of Korea---are still discriminated against in some important ways. At least when I lived there I found out that not only did I have to carry an "Alien Registration Card" with me at all times as proper identification and permission to live and work in Japan, but even 2nd and 3rd generation Japanese citizens had to also---IF they descended from Korean ancestry! And in some extreme cases, that identification limited a person's opportunities at elite universities, some of the more desirable companies, etc., even membership at the very exclusive and expensive golf courses! I was really shocked. There was more than one of my students who carried that 'alien' registration card, even though they spoke only Japanese, had never been to Korea and knew little to nothing more about Korea than any school-aged student would know from their history classes. To look at them, one would never think "alien" as they ''looked" Japanese. I, of course, didn't really need my alien card to identify myself as someone outside of the Japanese culture. But them? It really opened my eyes and helped me view prejudice and cultural attitudes from a new perspective.
  8. I was wondering when someone was going to see the smutty version lol you know Ive been on the clay boards too long, before I would never have noticed that lol Well, as Gomer Pyle would say, "SurPRIIIIIIZE! SurPRIIIIIIZE! SurPRIIIIIIIIIIZE"...'coss that's the FIRST thing I thought of when I saw that picture. I thought, "Yeah...right, Clay...like you have to show us where it is."
  9. You go, girl... And may I compliment you on your lovely white spaces in your most recent post?
  10. (Bringing this over from where I posted on main...I forgot we HAD a book thread!) Hey, wanna read some fun books? Great characters? Really good writing? Exciting storylines that make you want to just find a corner and read until it's all over? And then get the next book in the series? Man, I stumbled onto a really super-dooper writer, Tara Janzen, who's written a series of "Crazy" books---Crazy Hot, Crazy Cool, Crazy Wild...etc. and then continued with a "Loose" series--"On the Loose", "Cutting Loose", etc....I can't get enough! And talk about some hot sex and romance---she does 'slow burn' equally as hawt as the "Oh, YES!" parts...and I just LOVE both the women and the men characters she's developed. And Gibby, you'd really like them 'coss the setting of the home base of operations of this crew of characters is Steele Street in LoDo, Denver, Colorado! I enthusiastically recommend all of her books---they're paperbacks and I've found some in my library! Couchie...this is the kind of reading that's fun and fast, but still has interesting character development, just enough hawt sex, and storylines that won't exhaust you but do require SOME thinking...I've really become addicted to this whole series and to this author's style. I look forward to disappearing into the exploits of the people she's created.
  11. This has nuthin' to do with nuthin' but....I love my new Clay avatar, but I want it bigger. (yeah, yeah....I know.... ) I cropped it from the pic I posted earlier and tried to make it as big as I could (which is my usual modus operandi, of course... ), but it's still smaller than some others. (not that there's anything WRONG with that I mean, I'm sure SOMEBODY still believes that BS about 'size doesn't matter' ...)... Would anybody like to help me make Clay bigger?
  12. OMG...I've always fantasized about Clay doing me covers of old soul/R&B songs! I remember when CG came to Casa Muski and put Clay's "If You Don't Know Me By Now" on our player in the living room for both Mr. Muski and me to hear for the first time. I hadn't bought that WalMart CD version. Gah. That voice filling the five speakers in the room...and then Mr. Muski said, "And somebody decided THAT shouldn't go on the cd?" yeah...that. Australia? Hell, yeah! I've always had a fantasy of going down on Clay under. Hey, wanna read some fun books? Great characters? Really good writing? Exciting storylines that make you want to just find a corner and read until it's all over? And then get the next book in the series? Man, I stumbled onto a really super-dooper writer, Tara Janzen, who's written a series of "Crazy" books---Crazy Hot, Crazy Cool, Crazy Wild...etc. and then continued with a "Loose" series--"On the Loose", "Cutting Loose", etc....I can't get enough! And talk about some hot sex and romance---she does 'slow burn' equally as hawt as the "Oh, YES!" parts...and I just LOVE both the women and the men characters she's developed. And Gibby, you'd really like them 'coss the setting of the home base of operations of this crew of characters is Steele Street in LoDo, Denver Colorado! I enthusiastically recommend all of her books---they're paperbacks and I've found some in my library! (With Clay doing who knows who what for a while, it might be wise to find some good reading material, ya' know? )
  13. Heh...how about some nuzzling and then a wet, juicy raspberry in his belly button! liney, you're really good for a smutter's ego, you know? And tribeca...although I've dabbled in Clay hetero fiction , I've yet to 'get modern' and write any REAL LIFE fiction staring Clay....as in THE REAL CLAY! Not sure I will....life goes on.... Ah, in days of yore, I LOVED writing about Clay..... But now, instead of actually writing full stories, I think I'm using my message board posts as an outlet for all the smut that simmers 'neath the surface...all the erotic fantasies boiling silently in my fingers...all the forbidden dreams of the bliss that could be, but never will....all the images of long, strong limbs writhing and sliding...all the..... See what I mean? (Sorry, Prof. Aiken. Muski's being a bad girl again ...may I please stay after class? )
  14. He got a sunburn! WOW! Clay got some color on his face! And neck! Oooooh. That's...... hawt.
  15. Interesting...David Cook is starting a tour in February---all on college campuses for $5 a ticket! . And David Archuleta is doing a solo tour, too. Two strategies, it would seem---one to appeal to a young crowd at a very affordable price and the other to play small/medium venues... Oh well.... muski starts singing, "One day he'll come I love...the man I love...."
  16. BWAH! His hair in that pic makes me think of Cameron Diaz in "Something About Mary"... Yeah, that's certainly the most flattering pic I've seen of Clay lately....I'm tellin' ya'---he looks so much better with dark colors near his face, IMO. Love that smile. Oh justclay! I loved End of the Road, too! When I listen to that now I always think..."Hmmm...Jacob sounds pretty danged good...and then.....THEN...the VOX enters and immediately it's like "Jacob Who?" Gah...I love his voice doing soul and R&B and Motown stuff...Talk about some exploding heads if he ever decided to record an R&B covers cd. Oh! Wouldn't that be GREAT if that's what he was talking about in that "Talk Back" session when he said the next cd was going to be covers?!!?!?!?!??!?!
  17. jeez, jamar....didn't you read my post? (Psst.... would you like to pre-order an autographed copy of the first edition? I'll see if Clay wants to sign it, too! )
  18. Oh, ALL RIGHT! :glare: I'll spill the beans. I swear, there's no keeping a secret in this fandom. Yes, it's true. Clay is writing a tell all, but the really exciting part is that he's asked me to write all the sex chapters! Of course, I told him that I'd really have to get into the characters I'm writing about, really find out what makes them hot tick. I need to shadow them 24/7...do what they do, participate in their activities, have lots of pillow talk sessions to make sure I represent them accurately and fairly. I especially requested a good vantage point for causing observing his "O" face...He got a little shy there, so I told him if he'd prefer we could just begin with him demonstrating for me telling me about the experience...slowly and in much detail, ideally while sipping some cabernet, lying in front of a flickering fire and giving each other sensual massages. He said he'd get back to me on that one... ...soon
  19. Scarlett....thank you SOOOOO much for your intrepid, awesome Clack Gathering! God, what a different experience this whole Clay fandom would be without you and others who always bring it home to us. Thank you. And although I don't always hear perfection or personally approve of every.single.thing.that.Clay.says.or.sings. I cannot and don't even want to think of the void in my life without Clay and his music in it. I'll always look forward to him and his talent. (even though I might reeelly, reeeeely dislike the song he chooses to sing or prefer one accompanist over another that he hires to play for him! ----it doesn't have to be all or nothin', folks....)
  20. but...merrieee! How did he LOOK!?!?!? So glad you and Scarlett got to see and hear the man up close and personal-like. How cool. And re: grumping 'coss he sang only 'soft' or 'slow' songs...Speaking only for me, I just gotta say that it's not so much that they were slow or soft songs, but that I'm not a fan of 50% of the ones he chose (because either I'm just tired of hearing them or because I've never been a fan of them in the first place!). And because since I wasn't there in person, I can't really appreciate the musicality of the performances the way they should be appreciated, I'm sure. And because I don't think Ben's piano playing jives with Clay singing live in an intimate setting. Ben is an orchestra/Broadway musician, I guess, and I've never really enjoyed his 'interpretation' (or lack thereof, imo) of the songs when he's accompanied Clay. The notes just seem to be plunked and thumped haphazardly rather than coaxed or stroked. Just my personal tastes, is all. That Clay Aiken, guy, however. He can SANG! And according to merrieee, he is kinda gorgeous, too!
  21. hrmpfff! :glare: In MY (and Couchie's) opinion, that capacity was reached and exceeded long, long ago.... barf. (canfly--TITM + This Is the Moment from years of yore when Clay was in sparkly vest and with teenaged acne, belting out that tune for Pieces of Gold...sigh)
  22. And BWAH! that Clay actually told Scarlett to be sure to video tape him singing POYB!
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