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Everything posted by muskifest

  1. So if your 12-year old niece is online with you here at FCA, tribeca, does that mean I shouldn't post any of my lovely photobucket pics? You know, like these? (Hmmm....looks like Hannah is a fan of 'groping, too! ) (Dang! Clay's even groping himself!) (Ah, Clay REALLY likes this song evidently ) (And the pic that started it all....) OMG, guys, you're not going to believe this! I'm in Providence, RI, now on business and today I was squired around by the convention and services guy. I swear, I did a double take when I first saw him in the lobby this morning...and I've been trying not to stare at him all day. He's like a 'little' Reed! Holy crap! Same type hair, his eyes are not as huge as Reed's and they're brown but they're liquid and similar to Reed's in their 'look'. And he's thin and in shape and has huge hands and feet! And his lips/mouth are shaped like Reed's (from his pictures at least)---you know, how the jaw is forward? It mesmerized me as we were talking...He's about 5'9", which is why I call him "Little" Reed, but the resemblance is remarkable. CMSU!
  2. I just noticed that in that pic of Ace Young---the one of him shirtless in front of a mirror, he has a "Reed" nose. heh
  3. CG here........ In the interest of research, you've got this: versus this: Discuss amongst youselves. to both!!! I ain't choosing! I want them all!! (Like I have a chance with any of them....) Do we know Reed is no longer dancing in Wicked?? I mean, maybe he just took the day off. I am still wondering how I missed Brett. Lurker Friend and I both commented there was no Faye, Jaymes or Brett. We saw Nick, Reed and an older man and a woman standing right outside the theater as we went in. I made a point of looking closely at Reed them and I KNOW I would have noticed Brett if he were with them. Then inside there was Nick, Reed and the older man sitting in a row, but again I didn't see Brett! Now since EVERYONE else did except muski, Lurker Friend and I, he must have been there, but I am perplexed how we missed him! I can't really add anything to muski's recap. The show was WONDERFUL. Clay was great, Rick was out of this world, Tom was amazing - everyone. It was truly the beginning of the end for Spamalot. The beginning of their last week; the departure of one of their major cast members.... It must all be so bittersweet for everyone. I just kept thinking as I was watching this show how much joy, how much laughter, how many smiles this show has brought - not just since Clay has been associated with it, but since it debuted on Broadway - what was it, in 2005? No matter how bad things may be in your real life, walking into that theater gives you a little over 2-hours of unadulterated joy. I remember the first time I saw it. My father lay dying. It had been a very emotional and stressful several months. My mother told me I should go - I NEEDED to go. And I did and I have never laughed so hard in all my life and it was like for at least a few hours, a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders - and my heart. The next day reality returned, but man, that show was a gift for me then. And it doesn't even have to be something as heavy as that. You could just have had a bad day, or been in a bad mood - whatever. I dare anyone to walk out of that theater after seeing that show not feeling better than when they walked in! What a great job it must be to be able to lift the spirits and the hearts and the minds of so many people! I will miss Clay - but he will be back Don't know when but he WILL be back. But soon the lights will go dark on the Shubert and the Knights of the Round Table will be no more. I am so grateful that Clay was in the show, not only because of being able to see him in his Broadway debut, but because he was in Spamalot I got to see Spamalot and experience all the joy it had to give. So farewell not only to Brave Sir Robin but to Lancelot and Galahad and Bevedere and King Arthur and the Lady of the Lake and Herbert and all the others. Thanks for the laughter and the fun. There is no greater gift you can give and you all gave it so well.
  4. Well...I guess I'm just Brett blind, 'coss I didn't see him. Now one of the older guys with Nick and Reed might have been Jeff, for sure---I doubt I'd recognize him. But in the seats Nick was on the aisle seat, then Nick then two other guys, but I swear I didn't think either of the other two were young enough to be Brett. Plus I'd recognize him, I think! Anyhoo....the last show was perfect...well, almost. He didn't sing "Amen"--only a brief note on '"Ah"...I was crushed! I really wanted to hear the soulful, long drawn-out "Amen" Oh, by the way....did I mention that those white pants were FIIIIIINNNE for all this last weekend's peformances? Verra, verra, verra fine indeed. And today's two thrusts were to DIE for---those thrusts along with the fiiiiiinnnne white pants made for entertainment, let me tell YOU! I was happy to see that he toned his performance down a bit today---not so OTT, which the other shows were, IMO, in this second round of Spam that I saw. Some faves of mine from today (with warning that I do NOT take notes, nor try to remember everything, so my report won't be at all comprehensive!) 1. When he sat down at the piano, he very carefully did NOT show any bum! The whole audience went, "Awwwwwwww" quite loudly and then he turned his head around and gave and "Neener, neener" smirk! Priceless... 2. YWSOB was superb---the best, I think, ever. And at the end the crowd was NUTS---everybody stood up and just kept cheering. He did his kneeling for the applause and the place was SCREAMING! He went to stand in front of the king and the cheers wouldn't die down....Just went on and on. The king was smiling super big and when the cheers wouldn't stop, Clay started just looking up and all around in the air, waiting....Finally, the king could say, "Well, I guess we'd better go find some Jews" and they walked off. 3. The next scene was Lancelot and Concord and when they came out, Rick said something like, 'Here, Concord...this way...where the screams were coming from!" 4. When the Knights of the Round Table part was happening, people were cheering for every knight when Tom was announcing them from the tower. When Clay came out, the sound was deafening, of course...and Tom said, "Brave Sir Robin" (out RAAAAGEous cheers) and with all the cheering, Clay walked off the stage! and then walked back on to more cheering! Then Tom picked up with as you probably already know, slayed the ...." 5. You've heard that LOTL did "Invisible"---Clay didn't react at all, the little shit. When Rick (Knights of Ni) sang "as long as we're here" and then said, "It sounds better in a lower key"...the Clay audience was cracking up; the cast were looking amused and Clay was just looking around at the king and other cast members as if, "I have no idea what he's talking about...he's very strange." (I wonder about the non-Clay fans at this point. I can't imagine they knew what the HELL was going on! I mean, they'd know about "Invisible" but not ALAWH) 6. Tim the Enchanter was CRACKING UP when the beheaded knight fell down and then stood back up and took a bow! The other knights and Patsy were just looking at each other and grinning, amazed! It was a riot! 7. French Taunters! Off the chart! Rick pulled down Tom's pants and then put his hand inside the front and rubbed. Then he took it out and sniffed it! You could see Clay's shoulder's shaking--he was trying not to lose it. 8. The yellow dice girl would NOT let him go. They kissed and she kept pulling him to her for more! He'd already gotten a big on-the-mouth kiss from the blue Camelot girl! 9. During the finale song when he, Patsy and Bevedere were standing together, Patsy was banging his tamborine on Clay's FIIIIIIINNNNNNe ass. 10. When the LOTL had taken her bow, she indicated with a look and a sweep of her hand that....."HERE HE COMES!" It was sweet. I loved that the audience showed love to ALL the cast today---everyone got very loud cheers. In fact, when Tom first came out to do the prologue, we cheered so loud he sorta looked at us and shook his head and rolled his eyes, as if to say, "Oh, puh-leeze!" I'll try to remember more. BUt I read upthread where someone had said that she hoped people left Reed alone. Alas...it was not to be. During intermission (when Reed immediately began texting, by the way... ), a well-known fan came up from the back, tapped him on shoulder and then put her hand out to shake when he turned around. She said something to him and then left. I noticed that Nick, while she was talking to Reed, was just looking straight ahead. (Nick was on Reed's left so the handshake took place between the two men.) and then when she was gone and Reed turned back around, he sorta hit his playbill against his leg (not angrily or anything, more like he's counting to ten!) a number of times...I could be projecting, of course, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was also rolling his eyes at that point. Personally, I was cringing. Sorry, all those who think there's nothing wrong with that. But I just think it's sooooooooo wrong. However....the show was absofuckinglutely amazing. Wonderful. And when he came out without his wig....he looked hot! and when he came out on the balcony in his sweater and jeans? Holy HAWT man, Batman! He was smokin'! Sigh. I miss him already but also am so very happy for him and hope he enjoys his time away from the spotlight.
  5. Muski checking in....and I saw NO sign of Brett, by the way. I did see Reed and Nick and a couple of older guys with them, but no Brett. Maybe somebody else saw him somewhere, but nope...no Brett. Reed IS very nice looking in person. Great smile. Heading to a book store right now, though....later! P.S. Claygasm just said (for bottlecap) that ACE is hotter than Reed...although perhaps their arms would rival each other!
  6. CG here. (Notice I have been on Muski's laptop more than Muski??) No Spam report from me but I do have an Ace report!! The man can wear a pair of jeans! AND his arms!!! OMG they are sculpted! Oh yeah, the show was great. Lots of fun. When we walked in they had a guy as a DJ playing music and getting people to dance. And Ace can move! The man can dance and he wears jeans really, really well, and he has a wonderful smile and his arms......... Seriously he does a good job. He sang really well, his acting was good and he moved great in those jeans and used his finely sculpted arms very well. During the curtain call he got to sing "Grease' and he did a fine job (and no red jacket or embarrassing hip thrust). I am glad I got a chance to see it before it closes. And we got out in time to get to Shubert Alley to see our wild-haired boyfriend do the stage door. Then my Lurker Friend, Couchie, Permaswooned, Muski and I headed off for a bite and a drink before heading home. Tomorrow I see Spam!!! 'Night all! Oh, and I saw the lovely Scarlett again, which is always a pleasure! P.S. Muski and Lurker Friend are now having a debate on the size of Daniel Radcliffe's pee-pee and balls. Lurker Friend saw them from the 3rd row today, so I think Muski is conceding. But they both agree he has nothing on Clay! At least as far as we can tell in his white pants.
  7. CG here. Muski went to the box office at the Shubert and scored a good ticket to the Spam matinee, so she's there. Lurker Friend decided to go see Equus. We stood in line at the TKTS place in the cold but I didn't really want to see it and there was nothing else available I did want to see. So I decided to just walk around and stuff. But it is cold and my feet hurt so I came back to the hotel before I run down there to meet up with them. Muski is going to Spam tonight but Lurker Friend and I are going to see Grease and Ace Young in tight pants. I know. I know. Bad Clay Fan - but as far as I know there are no tickets for Spam tonight and I have see it many times and Grease is closing too and Ace looks so good in tight pants . Still haven't caught up with Couchie. She called but I didn't hear my phone. Hopefully we can catch up tonight after the show. Well, I better take off and see if I can find Muski and Lurker Friend!
  8. CG here! My Lurker Friend and I have arrive in NY and in Muski's hotel room. She is at Equus but she was so kind as to leave her laptop password for us!! So I couldn't resist playing a little. We walked from Penn Station (the hotel is at 51st) and didn't find it particularly cold. The CA girls are a tad wimpy when it comes to the cold! Of course, it isn't as cold as yesterday and not at all windy..... We don't see Spam until Sunday but will meet muski at the theater, which happens to be next door to the Shubert, which will happen to be around stage door time, so we may happen to see our boyfriend! Then we'll probably go to a bar! Now its off to get a bite to eat. Later all who are left!
  9. Uh........ Maybe TMI? Oh, joy! I just saw the Spam matinee...and I'd forgotten just how much FUN it is! I was sitting there with a stupid grin on my face all the times I wasn't guffawing! What a wonderful way to spend a couple of hours! And Couchie was next to me and all was right with the world. Interesting, though. This was my first Spam, the Sequel show and of course I noticed every little difference in Clay's performance. No sing song "any waaaaa" in the tower No kissing (demmit) in Camelot Rick moved quickly through the Knights of Ni---Three Stooges He DID snap the girl in nasty tights with his fingers during YWSOB I like this King Arthur. He does have that 'mush in his mouth' British affected enunciation and although at times it was hard to understand, I thought it worked. LOTL---nice voice but nowhere near Hannah's, IMO, in range and power. She did a great Rhianna reference during "Find Your Grail"...at the end of the word 'grail'...she held the 'el' sound and then did, 'ella, ella, ella'---re: Rhianna's "Umbrella" song. It was funny. I did like her Diva's Lament, though. Hallelujah! Clay did sing 'Amen', although it was quite short (something I never thought I'd say about the man) Absolutely NO real play with the ribbons during the guard scene; in fact, that interchange was very 'straight' with hardly any extras. It was very well done but very fast and sans 'gags' He DID do two pelvic thrusts at the finale, but they were rather tame... Although those white pants don't really hide very much, do they? Crowd was very family-full---with young kids, too! A cute little girl behind us caught the LOTL's bouquet and was super excited and a couple of kids next to me were talking about how scary the bloody scene was with the Black Knight. LOVED Rick's "I throw my shoes at you" line! Sigh And as I told Couchie, I MISS hearing Clay sing. I really, really do. Every now and then when he'd sing a certain note, hit a unique "Clay-tone", I'd just catch my breath, wanting him to continue---just keep on singing SOMETHING, so that I could hear that voice again. No stage door today, although Rick and Merle signed autographs. Tonight I see Equus! (I'm being a good girl and actually seeing other shows this time around. heh.) And Claygasm and lurker friend get here tonight. Woo hoo! AND today was much less bitterly cold than yesterday, even though we got a light dusting of snow right before going into the theater! Later, friends!
  10. So a woman walks into a bar.... ...and ends up having a blast with a family from Dublin! We talked and laughed and drank---Peter and Betty and their three lovely daughters aged 21, 17 and 13---and we talked about things serious and silly. When it was all over we had agreed on politics, disagreed on homosexuality's influence on the self image of women, remained puzzled over the States' contradictory ages of 'legality' for fighting in a war and drinking, and agreed that Hillary Clinton most likely will NOT get another chance at the presidency. We also thought the bartender was trying to kill us all! But in the end I gave them my business card with my cell number and told them I hoped their next trip to the USA (they love it here and have traveled four times before to various spots) would include the SF Bay area so that I could show them around. Fun! But all good things must come to an end and I was eager to get to a bed. Unfortunately, it would have only me in it, but still....At the desk the woman said, "I'm sorry but since it's after the date of your first check in day, the room was released." "But that is through no fault of my own. The police...the stairs...the barricades....the subway wouldn't stop...the people were all going in the wrong direction outside....the exit was closed....I had to drink with an Irish family..." She offered to put me in a room with one bed and then move me to my reserved room with two beds later. Fine. Just give me a room, please. (By this time it was 2 am.) So I trudged to my room. The hotel, unlike the freaking subway stations, had elevators! And I put the card in....and I opened the door....and I.... ...almost gagged. The 'no smoking' sign was as clear as day, but the room reeked of cigarette smoke. I mean REALLY reeked! I immediately called but was told the hotel was sold out and there was no where to move me, so I told them to get someone up there with some heavy duty air freshener---and I mean HEAVY duty!---right away! (About this time I was comparing this hotel experience with the types of hotels I usually am working with in my job. oy.) I waited. I waited. I tried to get ready for bed but I honestly could hardly breathe. So I took my paperback book out into the hallway, sat down and read while I waited...and waited...and waited.... FINALLY, somebody came, sprayed and left. It changed the stink somewhat, but I kept waking up and smelling it all over again. And THEN! the hotel phone rang at a little after 7 and the front desk person said, "Sorry to bother you but could you confirm your last name for me, please?" Say WHAT? WTF? After telling them my name was Lucille McGillecutty, I got up and sprayed the room with hairspray, hoping to give myself a couple more hours of sleep without too many carcinogens. The phone rang. AGAIN! This time it was Couch Tomato---whom I love beyond reason but wanted to ignore at that particular moment in time. But of course I didn't. I remembered that she had just arrived after a red eye flight, so who the hell was I to be grumpy? And the rest is recent history. Oh...except that after dinner with Couchie tonight I got a wild hair and decided to try for tickets to Spring Awakening. Went and stood in line with others waiting for cancellations since it was sold out. Then a woman came in asking if anybody wanted to buy a ticket, that she couldn't go. I ended up in center orchestra in row P for $50! AND another person in line bought her second ticket for sale, which was next to mine, and we ended up chatting. He's a young guy from Moscow visiting NYC for the first time. It was really interesting talking with him.... I love traveling. I'm in my 'real' room now and even though the electrical socket in the bathroom doesn't work and I have to dry my hair at the desk instead, and the bathroom is the size of....a very small bathroom, there's heat and a comfy bed and no rank, stinky smoke stink so I can sleeeeeeeep. AND...... I get to see CLAYYYYYYYYY! tomorrow AND....since my friend from Delaware couldn't make it to NYC after all, COUCHIE bought her ticket so she and I are going to see CLAYYYYYYY! together! So good night, FCA, and Happy New Year!
  11. Ah...cross-continental travel---gotta love it. My flight delay fears were unfounded; we boarded only ten minutes late and were in the air only 30 mins behind schedule. I took the train to Penn Station and then the subway, ready to get out only one block from my hotel! I'd be bypassing all the chaos and crowds above ground and could just slip into my room and chill. Woo Hoo! Uh....only not. As we pulled into Times Square, the announcer dude said that the Times Square stop and next one were now CLOSED! because of the New Yea's Eve festivities. But....but....MY stop was the next one! The train started again and chugged along---right through my stop---didn't even slow down. Shit. I looked at my watch and wondered if I was destined to spend the stroke of midnight on a smelly subway car with two outrageously dressed persons of questionable sexual orientations, a girl in the tightest jeans I've ever imagined in my life, and a guy who---despite the cold temperature----was proudly displaying two burly arms covered with tattoos. (Don't ask me what the tattoos actually were: I didn't want him to catch me looking at him. He was kinda unsettling.) So I got off at the first possible stop and lugged my freaking suitcase up the freakin' stairs. You do know, don't you, that some stations have no elevators so if you have luggage it's just tough titties for you? This particular subway stop was one of them. There was a mob of police when I got to the top of the stairs and I grabbed one asking for HELP! getting to my hotel. He found out that an east-west subway line would take me there, but that I'd probably not be able to go anywhere once I got above ground since it was almost midnight and the streets would be barricaded. Sure enough, when I got to the top of the stairs (yep, another station with no elevator), huffing and puffing, I became part of an already well-established mob scene. There were partiers pushing and shoving and being all happy and shit---and then there was I, sweating from getting the damned luggage up another interminable flight of stairs and then freezing because it was freakin' COLD outside! I told the cop I just wanted to go to the Sheraton and he pointed to my right. Great. Everyone else was looking to my left, and pushing in that direction, too. So I did some pushing and shoving of my own and finally made it to the front of the hotel. But then there was a noticeable increase in decibels from the crowd and I turned to see everyone going nuts...and then I heard..."four! three! two! ONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" So instead of being alone in my room I was among the crazies out on the streets of NYC when that ball dropped. I called hubby and let him listen to the wildness and then went inside to the reception desk and showed the guy my confirmation. "M'am, I'm sorry but there are actually two Sheratons here and your reservation is for the other one. It's across the street." "Oh...okay, no problem. Just across the street? Which way?" "Well, it's actually that way, but you can't go out that door now. THe police have closed off the street." okay. "Soooooo...what would you suggest? Oh...wait. There's a bar in here, isn't there?" Problem solved. It was now about 12:20 am and although over two hours had passed since my plane touched down, it looked as if I still had a journey ahead of me before I reached my room. Tune in for the next chapter in which I: 1. join an Irish family in the bar, with whom conversation includes Obama, homosexuality in the fashion industry, the Clintons, Clay Aiken:cute or not?, and the difference in drinking ages around the world and 2. end up sitting in the hallway outside my room between 2:12 and 2:30 in the morning reading a book---even though I had the room key in my hand....
  12. HAPPY NEW YEAR, FCA! I'm finally in my RIGHT room at my hotel (story later)...took a nap and now will brave the frigid temps to see if there's a good same-day ticket to a non-Spam show I can get at a cheapo price. I have a great New Year's Eve travel story for you that I'll write up later.... Hope to meet up with Couchie again later (we had breakfast together ) for some chow. It's cold as a witch's tit here! But at least there's no precipitation today.... Later, all!
  13. Thanks, luckiest...and I will at every opportunity!
  14. Evidently, my plane's delay is only 10 minutes! Fog, I guess. So I'm good to go.... Well...except for my next step in packing. You see, the night before I pack what I think I'll need. Then the next day before I actually zip up the bag, I go through and pull out a bunch of crap that most likely I'll never wear. This trip, since I'm going to be dressed like Nanook of the North throughout, I'll just pack a few turtlenecks, some tank tops for layering, my BAF sweatshirt, my Clay Aiken Invisible tee shirt, a sweater vest and jeans. Oh, and scarves and gloves. AND after rummaging in the garage last night I found a pair of short, lightweight weather boots I'd used on trips to Tahoe. Perfect for this trip! Packed my binoculars. Packed an extra pair of eyeglasses. Loaded my iPod. Everything's charged up. Have I forgotten anything?
  15. Oh lookie here--this is info from my airline's website: Guess where I'm flying out of? San Francisco! Guess where I'm flying in to? Newark-Liberty! Oh, JOY!
  16. Well, good luck indeed. I just got up and checked my flight status---DELAYED! They offer an earlier flight for an additional $50 that is ON TIME and would get me into Newark at 8:30 pm, supposedly. Another flight that leaves two hours later than my original flight also says DELAYED... So it looks as though the early flights are counting on okay weather to land in the NYC area but later ones aren't being given the same chances. Do I pay $50 for the earlier flight? Easy answer this time: no. I have no real desire to be in NYC for New Year's Eve so I guess I'll take my chances with my flight. Here we go, folks. Hey couchie! Who knows...maybe I'll end up doing the red eye thing, too! Too bad we'll be landing at airports on the opposite sides of Manhattan! ETA: keepingfaith...I'm with you on the "less forehead" perfect Clay. I do like some sideburns, though--not wild ones, but some.
  17. Excuse me...but did that forecast say that on Thursday the HIGH is 27 and the low 22? The HIGH is 27?!?!???! Holy crap. I think I'm glad I have a nice snug hotel room waiting for me! (And if I can get a cheap ticket I imagine it would be nice and cozy inside the Shubert, too!
  18. claytonic, that 2008 review is a hoot! Thanks for the laughs! My clothes are in the washer as I type...I'll pack tonight and we'll be on our way to the airport at 11am or so tomorrow. Now I have to research the options for Newark Airport to the theater district transportation...keeping in mind that I'll be trying to get to my hotel close to that DAMNED ball starting to drop in Times Square!
  19. Oh! Where's 00lsee? I see in those pictures that Clay's curly nape hairs are resurfacing...I'm sure she'll want to tame them somehow. One more work day before my journey to NYC begins! Woo hoo!
  20. :freezing: ETA: Couchie! BWAH! Seems we Californians are having the same reaction to the weather report!
  21. This...THIS is what I'm so hoping to hear. I want it looooonnnnnnggggggg and lowwwwwww, too. heh
  22. Welcome, tribeca! What your niece said is a hoot! I bet you'll be able to see just fine. Re: stage door....seems that either the weather or Clay's increasingly filled social dance card plays a part in whether he'll be there or not. If it's the former, well...I probably won't be looking to brave the elements either....and if it's the latter, I say... You GO, boyfriend!
  23. In that last picture I swear I can detect about five different colors in his hair, brows and sideburns! It's cool that he rushes out to the stage door in his stage makeup---you can even see the line of pale skin on his forehead where the mesh of the wig was. And those 'burns are quite...wiry and wild, ain't they? I'd love to tame them with my tongue. oops...did I just say that out loud? heh...of course I did.
  24. Hubby and I saw "Doubts" today with Meryl Streep and Phillip Seymour Hoffman... Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. Truly one of the best movies I've seen in a very long time. And, fool that I am, I kept thinking of Clay during some of the revelations happening in the story. I certainly hadn't expected to find anything in this movie to make me think of him...but Anyhoo. I found myself wishing I could sit down with another Clay fan who's seen this movie to talk about it. I heartily recommend the film, with or without any Clay associations.
  25. That freakin' bear is freakin' adorable.....(enter cynical Muski now) and soon to be in the hands of one or two predictable Clay fans to join other memorabilia of adorable-ness. Now see....instead of auctioning one bear off to the high rollers, I'd like to see them being mass produced for purchase at a reasonable price for those of us who don't have $20,000 or so hanging around with which to purchase a stuffed animal. I'd probably buy a few and give them to kids I know as presents. Proceeds could still go to charity and more people would be able to feel part of it all. JMO... So..day after Christmas. Movie day, traditionally in my family. Hubby and I are debating over seeing Benjamin Button, Milk or Frost & Nixon...any recommendations?
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