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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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AAARRRGGHHHH! Without You is now streaming on Clay's myspace page, and I'm stuck at work without access. Stooopid filters! Rumor is that WY is the first single....

And time passes soooooo slowwwlllyyyy until I can get home and listen to it for myself. :blink:

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R.I.P. Muskifest

Here lies Muskifest, smutter til the end. "Without You" did her in.


He is perfection. His voice. The wailing and need and emotion and OH,GOD! HE CAN'T LIVE, IF LIVING IS WITHOUT HER! It's true...really true. I believe him....He just can't go on....she's everything to him...and now his life has no meaning....

And the end...of the song when he does all the individualized treatment---the runs, the shocking notes, so strong and pure and ...

Then the catch in his voice on the last run...oh, God, CLAY! Let ME comfort you...please....Let ME take that woman's place. Bitch. She left you, but I won't. Oh, PLEASE let me comfort you........ :em0400:

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Actually Without you (with skipping) is streaming on my CD palyer as I typoe this - sounds much better and I don't have to wear headphones - it is a touch warm today.

I was going to take my dog to the park, but we had another attack of fleas, so she gets to stay in the yard until they are gone or repulsed from her body. I am powdering and defleaing again. I just don't understand how this virtually ahirless dog can have fleas and my 4 coats of fur border collie only got them once and they were quickly dispatched.

Well, one more day and we will beach again. Less space for fleas to hide and nice cool weather to sit outside in.

I will take the lap top and some CDs to burn with me. Always be prepared.

ETA - are you sure it is "her" he can't live without or... is it you?

Edited by playbiller
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Okay, add me to the list of DOL (dead on listening).

All I add is OMG OMG :04:

It is official, I will absolutely die when this album is released if that song is any indication of what it is all about.

p.s. I am going to KILL ME A CAT!!!.

:laola0: :trink3: :party20:

Thanks again for the link to all my friends especially you Bottle :)


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muski, I WISH I was going to Kimmel with y'all. But unfortunately, the sane part of me punched out the insane part of me, and no tickets for me. I'll be with y'all in spirit, though (otherwise known as a bottle of Merlot the night of the show). *g*

As for WY -- OMG. This is the most beautiful I've ever heard his voice. Ever. I've listened to it too many times to mention today, and I'm still floored by the last chorus. There's EMOTION there people, true feelings and emotions. Gah. Swoon. Thud. Dead.

Radio play? I think it could totally happen -- the teenies will have their Homecoming song for 2006. Or, as far as that goes, their prom song for 2007. If it doesn't happen -- I'll still have my CD, and I'll smile and sing along.

georgia, please don't kill a cat! Wah! Can we kill gnats instead?

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You know that song, Without You? When that Clay Aiken guy from AI sings it? And at the end when he kind of riffs around a bit? I like that bit very very much.

And to think that WY wasn't even my favorite from promosquad. I Want to Know What Love Is is gonna make me lose my mind. Or at least my job.....

Just saw Fergie (who is also releasing on 9/19) on So You Think You Can Dance. How come every time she comes around my supper want to come up? :kotz0: Hate you long time Fergie Ferg.

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So anyhoo....

I called a buddy of mine. Her daughter plays softball with mine and during a tournament game last summer, somehow we got talking about Clay... ^_^ Turns out she dissolves into puddles of goo over him, too! So we have so much fun now during softball season!


I told her to get ready, I was coming to take her for a little ride. Picked her up, handed her my laptop to show her the Library Dude picture and then cranked up my downloaded "Without You" from my iPod that I connected to my hubby's new car stereo (a birthday present from me!) and we went tooling down the road.

I mean to tell ya, that song was BLASTING and I could still hear her moaning. :lol:

One: It was the first time she'd seen the new pics. She petted the pretty lapttop screen.

Two: She started mumbling something about wanting to be alone with the song, that she needed privacy.

Three: She insisted I keep driving while she replayed the song, trying out different settings on the Equalizer. "Powerful" "SuperBass" "Vocal (my fave)" "Flat" "Pop"....

Four: She's ready to do favors or scrub somebody's bathrooms for a ticket to Kimmel! :lol:

So while we're tooling around town with Clay crying so amazingly in our ears, I get a call from Couchie! And we oohed an aaaahd a while. Then I got a call from another Claybuddy who lives near Philly. She's coming out to visit with me and go to Kimmel, too! :04:

Here we go again, Clay people! B);)

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Oh to have tickets to Kimmel, but planes tickets, hotel, time off from work, plus eats, I think I will have do to the Bottle thing, hold the cat (that if she is still alive by then!!! If she does not ease off tonight, she will not live to see sun up (LOL) and drink some lovely spirits. I feel a pitcher of strawberry daquaries (spelling) will do for that night.

I officially cannot wait.

Off to listen to the song again, swoon, sweat and have all kinds of impure thoughts running through my head. Definitely smutting big time.


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For some reason, the Raleigh News & Observer felt the need to post an article that compares passages from Ms. Holleman's tome to portions of Learning to Sing. The article seems very pointless to me, but I did have a reaction to this gem from Ms. H.:

"Did I ever mention that his eyes are a beautiful light green, kind of like celery or lima beans? All right, that's not very poetic, but it's descriptive."

Oh my..... :blink: Lima beans? Do they dance? :bounce::bounce:

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Well, I saw that comparison and I think it pointed out which book was interesting VS which book is crap.

I see this is rock star crap on Clay time again. Will Kid Rock ever shut up, the man needs to have people look at him and see him for the poser he is.

Clay also got quoted in the askmen poll, that has generally been nice to him and his fans

AskMen.com's readers submitted nearly 15,000 nominations for the Top 49 Men of 2006. Readers now have the opportunity to cast their votes from the list of 100 men.

"What criteria will you use in deciding who makes the final list? Well, we want to know which of these men AskMen.com readers consider to be the best representatives of our gender. Who among them best exemplifies what it means to be a man? Who are the top 49 ambassadors of male-kind?"

Other men to make the list include Hugh Hefner, George Clooney, Jude Law, Clay Aiken, Clive Owen, Bill Clinton, Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, Michael Dell and Vince McMahon. Microsoft's Bill Gates failed to make the list of nominees.

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Well, the day is something close to half over, at least in here in the eastern time zone. I need a daily tidbit of news, a picture, the rumor of another scheduled appearance, or preferably a BLOG. I have no access to stream Without You here at work, and I'm starting to feel a little antsy. I have the promosquad bits on CD, but now that we know that promosquad left the best part off of WY, I'm not sure I can be satisfied with snippets of the other songs any more.

Just for kicks, some more vegetables that might might be used as metaphors (similes?) for various parts of Clay's anatomy. "His hair was not quite as orange as a carrot and his skin was as cool as a cucumber to the touch." I think I need to go have a V8.....


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Ok, bottle, surely you jest by 'dangling' this in front of me...

Just for kicks, some more vegetables that might might be used as metaphors (similes?) for various parts of Clay's anatomy.

Let's see....(insert whistling emoticon here Hey couchie! I want a whistling emoticon on FCA!)

How about


corn on the cob?

Miracle Grow cucumbers?


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Alrighty then, Mr. Lima Bean Eyes, your last blog was a week ago - you owe us something today. <_<

Seriously, we need some news - an appearance date, a blurb about an upcoming print interview, a new picture, a salsa receipe - something.


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Yeah....what she said.

Lima Bean Eyes, eh?....I can imagine Clay busting a gut laughing at that one.... :lol: Well, hell..why not Lima Bean Eyes? There's 'PinkShell Lips' and Wingnut Ears and....



It's early....I'll stop there. ;)

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You are one cool SMUTTY Gal. I think that we will keep you around for while. LOL.

I see lima bean eyes - more like sparkingling sapphires - bling bling.

Pink shell lips - more like pink diamond dust - smooth and delectable.

Freckles - manna from heaven. Love me some manna from heaven.

HAIR - dewey, dawn, delectable, softness - a cross between a bunnies coat and a young fawn (baby dear) and a young white coated seal. Just the kind of coat that you just want to run you fingers through, snuggle and enjoy. I will have to stop right now and go listen to without you for more ammunitition.

Have a good day ladies


:wein::trink4::party20: :704: :nanadance2::dancemexicannana: :13:

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Without You is now streaming on clayaiken.com! I have been wanting to send a link to the song to an acquaintance of mine, but I hesitated to send her to myspace, since some of the comments can come off as a little over the top. (Ha!) I feel a little more comfortable sending out a link to Clay's official site. I think she'll be knocked out by the voice.

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