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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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The way Taste of Chicago works is that you buy tickets -- I think a ticket is $1.00. Then, the food and drinks are "sold" to you via the tickets (most in the $5.00 range). Sizes of portions vary wildly, from barely a nibble to full entre size. When do you leave? Because the Chicago Tribune website usually has a good guide in what is a good value for your ticket, but it's not up on their site yet.

Unfortunately, since I have friends in the suburbs, I've never had to rely on public transportation in Chicago. I think for getting to Greek Town, though, you almost need to take a taxi if you are staying downtown. I THINK people would be helpful in getting you on the correct El train though.

Speaking of staying...The Hotel Burnham is where my husband and I stayed when we saw Clay at the JNT 2005. It's just down the street from the Chicago Theater -- my husband and I had a great view of the marquis! It's a great old hotel with a lot of nice new features -- and a complimentary wine tasting at 4:00 every evening. Another possible place is The Palmer House, which I've stayed at for conventions. Another grand old hotel. However, neither are cheap -- stay in the suburbs if you want cheap.

Topic? Um, I think Clay likes Chicago. I think. I hope.

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ooo I love these food festivals. They used to do this in Halifax too...you pay for a ticket and then you can sample lots of food from different restaurants of the city. I would definitely go if its 25 bucks to enter.

So will we hear about your adventures in the windy city?

eta: yeah but does chicago like Clay??? Remember the infamous chicago AI2 concert?

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Can't help with the Chicago questions, but I am already looking forward to the trip recap. Which reminds me, when are we going to hear the details about the Ireland trip?

I need some help too. Somebody needs to explain to me why I'm actually going to tune into a hockey game on the miniscule chance there might possibly be a Clay sighting. Good thing I can surf and monitor the TV at the same time. :blink:

Edited by bottlecap
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Can't help with the Chicago questions, but I am already looking forward to the trip recap.  Which reminds me, when are we going to hear the details about the Ireland trip?

I need some help too.  Somebody needs to explain to me why I'm actually going to tune into a hockey game on the miniscule chance there might possibly be a Clay sighting.  Good thing I can surf and monitor the TV at the same time.  :blink:

Hee...I can't even get my hubby to get interested in the game...and he is a Canadian...I mentioned it to him and he didn;t even turn away from the soccer game he was watching. Oh well...I'm sure if he is there we will get clack.

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Well, no Clay sightings yet at the hockey game yet, and the National Anthems were sung by the normal RBC girl singer. Crap.

I was inappropriately amused by watching all the hockey players bounce up and down and jiggle around the whole time she was singing. I realize they were probably trying to stay warmed up before the start of the game, but they looked just like a whole line of little boys doing the "I have to pee reeaaalllllyyy bad" dance. :Pogo0:

So anyway, I actually kind of hope Clay is in New York or LA right now, 'cause he's getting ready to start that big promo blitz tomorrow. Push the button on that press release, Roger. It's time, dude. Or if you want to get all literary and stuff: "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!"

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Can't help with the Chicago questions, but I am already looking forward to the trip recap.  Which reminds me, when are we going to hear the details about the Ireland trip?

I need some help too.  Somebody needs to explain to me why I'm actually going to tune into a hockey game on the miniscule chance there might possibly be a Clay sighting.  Good thing I can surf and monitor the TV at the same time.  :blink:

I'm eye-deep in pictures at the moment. Once those are ready, I'll get my recap of Ireland up and running. Patience, right?

And while I'm processing pictures, I've got a hockey game on. I'm so pathetic.

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[i'm eye-deep in pictures at the moment.  Once those are ready, I'll get my recap of Ireland up and running.  Patience, right?

Sure thing ldyjocelyn. Will that require "Quite soon" patience, "Very Soon" patience, or heavy-duty "Crap, Clive is making me start all over again" patience?


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:wein: Just got home from work and immediately turned the hockey game on (clay sighting, clay sighting. Need a Clay sighting) LOL.

:foto: If we don't get any pictures from the Raleigh game tonight, then maybe we will get some from LA or NY and then we can do this when Roger releases the information that we are waiting for with baited breath. :nanaonacid:

Kandre, I am so proud for you and your son. I hope you have a good time in Chicago. Eat some pizza for me.


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Well, it's June 20th.  It could have been today.....

Instead its:  REFRESH Sigh REFRESH Sigh REFRESH Sigh...... :blink:

Press Send, Roger!

well I asked the industry observers on CH if there really is a reson to expect the press release on Tuesday...apparently not...the CD press release can come anyday. So I think it will come when we don;t really expect it...

but yeah...we could've been EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing right now listening to the CD...


I still think they would need to come up with new info before June 28th which is the OFC renewal date. They need to give fans incentive to renew...

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Hmmmm :unsure: I'm still hungover from the cyber birthday party for couchie....and NOW I'm expected to party AGAIN for Ansa???!?!?!??!?!

oh.....all right....you talked me into it.


HUH? :unsure: You want me to have a drink?

:drink: :trink3: :trink4: :704: :bier: :juul::voll:

Oh.....all right....you talked me into it.

But just one. B)

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A huge clap of thunder woke me up about 15 minutes before my alarm clock went off this morning, so I thought: "Aha! It's a sign that Clay has blogged!" I dragged myself out of bed early, booted up my computer and checked in here, expecting to see one of Couchie's late night messages saying that Clay had blogged. And found - nothing. [sorry about the synchronized sickie emoticons in my last post - perhaps they have put people off. :P ] A couple of quick yahoo and google searches also failed to uncover anything new from overnight. Well, crap. I guess sometimes thunder is just thunder and not a "Sign". <_<

I did decide maybe I'd go ahead and print out hard copies of all Clay's blogs in case Clique goes away or something. I can't believe there's been no new instructions about renewing OFC memberships yet.

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I know...I keep saying to myself...they have a whole week before renewal... They should take advantage of that so maybe its today!!! sigh...getting really tired of waiting.


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Ok...so someone on EAYOR posted that someon on CB posted that she saw a sign in Circuit CIty saying


and then a list of artists' names....

Clay Aiken was just under Busta Rhymes (rimes?)

which is all kinds of wrong on so many levels. :blink:

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Yeah, muskifest, I've seen a picture of the sign at CV and we've been discussing it there. The consensus seems to be that the sign has old information, based on the 6/20 target release date for Clay's CD that was floating around out there for a while. The other artists on the sign have mid-June and early August release dates for their CDs - actual, official, people-know-they-exist-and-their-fans-don't-have-to-scrape-and-claw-for-every-last-hint-of-a-clue dates. <_<

Yeah, I continue to be a little testy about the lack of official news that Clay's CD even exists.

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From cruiseroo at CV regarding OFC renewals:

I got a response to my OFC ticket, that might be helpful. I got my renewal notice from them on 6/14/06 and I think a lot of you did also. Note the date mentioned in the response:


Dear ______________,

Thank you for contacting the Clay Aiken's Fan Club Support Team.

Our records indicate that your account is set to expire on 07/01/06.

Please note that an email regarding account expirations and membership renewal

was sent to some members in error. Please disregard any renewal email

notifications sent out prior to 06/16/06, as renewal options are still currently

under development. Please stay tuned to the fan club website for further

information on how to renew.

Also please note that you will be able to renew even if your membership does

expire. Once we have further details we will contact you with that information.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

If you require further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Clay Aiken's Fan Club Support Team


My area had massive thunderstorms and a ton of rain last night, and I am still trying to recover from the trauma of having to stay off the computer all evening. Clay, a little bit of news this morning might help me with my stress levels, 'kay? Thanx. ;)

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I got a reply from OFC about my missing order - they asked if I could supply the order number - of course, when you do a ticket, that would be part of the ticket - but that is OK, I went and e-mailed it back and had the e-mail bounce - so I added it to my ticket comments on the OFC - I think the anger and spelling errors really threw them. I was kind of pissed because I opened a second ticket after the first was ignored for a month - so maybe Clique still thinks it will get this renewal.

Clay content - Hey, where is he?

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No one is here to play? OK. I am starting to feel likethe kid in the car who keeps whining "when are we going to get there ?" - and in the distance a voice says "Soon".

It never was soon enough for me when I was little. I think all our car rides ended up with me being sick, someone cleaningthe car and yelling at me for being sick. I used to run and hide so I did not have to go on these endless rides, and I would be found and put in the car - why? Because all the relatives wouldget in their cars and the last family on the road, who was found at home, would have to feed and entertain them. I had a big family.

Well, this CD has become like that for me. I don't want to argue about it with people, Heck, I am sick of discussing what might be on it, I am tired of fan wars and think I am way overdue to get off the internet for a while. I was going to take my lap top to the beach, but when I brought it in because I could not get past a security issue, the geeks have declared it dead and it would need 500 dollars in repairs - cheaper to buy a new one. Where do old computers go to die? After shopping for a belated birthday present for my brother, since I can't find anything old in the house to give him (recycling is your friend), I will be off for a visit. Then free to leave - except now it is supposed to rain every day for a week and I just bought a new flat of flowers to plant. (oooh, I could give my brother some flowers!)

So, is it only me who feels they are in CD burnout and starting not to care?

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I am profoundly puzzled by the complete and ongoing lack of official news on the CD, am burned out on the constant hunt for miscellaneous tidbits (and the ensuing board discussion which seems to feed directly into the gossip blogs - or was that just me that was weirded out about how the RO'D thing progressed yesterday?), and if I never see the word "soon" used as a pacifier again, it wouldn't hurt my feelings. <_<

Other than that, I'm good. :) Have fun planting your flowers, playbiller. I need to spend the week-end catching up on yardwork myself. After my area had torrential rain a couple of days below, and seeing coverage of damaged houses and ruined belongings (some within a few blocks of me), I am very thankful my house is safe and sound and all I have to deal with is picking up some small branches from the large tree in my front yard.

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I joined Clay's fan club on June 8th and my payment was confirmed, but I haven't received anything in the mail as yet and I can't figure out how to contact anyone on that site. Can anyone help me or am I expecting results too soon. I have been a fan of Clay's since AI2, but became almost obcessed with him after his performance on the AI5 finale! Is he the most amazing man or what? Thanks for any help.

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