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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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Thanks claystwinkle...I will keep that in mind.

Well...I should've known...that concert date that we thought was confirmed is now unconfirmed. They didn't say its not going to happen but they cannot confirm it until Clay signs the dotted line.

I suspect TC didn't want any prenature concert news going out. Good news for those who made any membership purchase...they haven't charged the CC...if they do they are willing to refund.

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Hey, the Reply box got all funky... :blink:

Ansa, another case of "It's not Official until it's on the OFC", I guess. That's one of the reasons I'm not holding my breathe over the 9/19 release date. I gotta hear it from Team Clay / RCA before I believe it's for sure. Right now, it's quiet.... Too quiet.... :unsure:

Yesterday was such a rush, with the new picture from the Y and maybe / maybe not concert date, today seems like a bit of a letdown.

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Sorry it took the "password change" memo to get me back here. It's been a while.

Been a rough few months for all of us and the roller coaster is still running along. Where are the days of the nice little train cars with the cute little names that were on level ground? Have seen more in the last few months than I evah knew existed and I'm NO kid!

Hope we hear something about the CD (insert any applicable alternative four letter word here) before we implode!

Have not been to the pin gallery in a long time. Think I'll check it out.....

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KAndre...oh great dominatrix !!!!!


:04: :balloons: :04: :balloons:

I see Clay had a birthday gift for you. It may not be about the CD but I think there is a Bday message for you there somewhere...

Kidding aside...Clay's blog was all about UNICEF and what they are doing for the Children that are affected by the Middle East Conflict.

One thing I will never question is this mans committment to helping children.

I wuv him!!!!

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OH NO - Itis Kandre's birthday and I have nothing for her. my new computer hs no downloaded files or pictures. I don't have the passwords to any of my storage sites (I was supposed to sync the computers last week) What to do, what to do? I guess I will have to go swimming in this 90 degree heat and come up with an answer tonight!

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BWAH! Methinks someone has been online playing with her profile; unless we blame it on the hackers. Nonetheless, I have been trained by Clay to jump through hoops as directed (You want to to be able to brag to your UNICEF associates about the generousity of your "Mates? Let me get my credit card. Geez, it's rough being so easy... <_< )

Anyway, back to the original purpose of this post:


Who knew the unending quest for world domination would lead to eternal youth? That might come in useful in the ongoing wait for Clay's new CD. :unsure:

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I do, I DO look wunnerful for 100, don't I!

Thank you, thank you, darling minions, minions-to-be, minions who don't know they're minions but will be getting the notice in the mail soon, and people I will have to make an example of later.

Pink Long Island Iced Teas are tasty, though it's hard to wake up the next morning.

Ahem, I knew the unending quest for world domination would lead to eternal youth...learned it in my handy-dandy World Domination for Dummies.

play, you are forgiven this ONCE in exchange for me sitting on your lap the next time you get a front row seat....

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It is going to be a long wait - I have yet to get that 1st row, or 2nd row, or 3rd row, or 4th row seat. the only 5th row seat I had was behind a 20 foot wide aisle they put between row one and the stage.

If I am forgiven, I could get something up Monday, when I get within a hundred miles of my external drive and my home computer.

Whee, I am no longer stealing slow wifi, but am on cable. I can download and have a secure link.

Now I can search around a bit......

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UMMMMM. Pink long island iced teas, again UMMMMMMMM.

Almost as good as the redheaded/brownheaded/nuhaired/UNICEF leader might be (Lord, I am going to HELL for sure thinking like that).

Please pray for me, went to the doctor today and was told that I have to have an upper and lower endoscopies. Why do that have to do two, so both scopes will meet in the middle (LOL). :blink: I just have a TINY, LITTLE case of anemia. Most people's blood runs between 12 and 14 and mine is 7.5 with a ferritin level of 4 (UGGGG). And I thought I was tired because I was trying to keep up with the Clay man (LOL). Anywhoo, they scheduled that for a month away, but at least they give you good drugs. The only problem with having that procedure is you have to "clean out your system with Fleets enema". Again UGGGGG.

I think I will need those Pink long island iced teas.

Love ya,


:wein: :704: :bier: :voll:

and then I will be doing this


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I love Clay so very, very much - the Clay Nation (thank you very much) has made a significant donation to UNICEF and he gave us a hint which seems to track to this cover by Bad English - When I See You Smile.

My, John Waite had a....LOT...of hair. I do believe we have found the definition of Hair Band...but I think I will like the song!

Pink LIITs will be always on tap for ya chickie! {{{{georgiaclay}}}}.

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Anemia is a big problem with me too...I usually am around 9, and have to take Iron to restore my iron stores. It is difficult to really figure it out cos you simply feel fatigued and sometimes it is mistaken as the flu.. hope you are feeling better.

AWWWW Clay got me verklempt again this morning. His blog with an update on the UNICEF fund drive is so sweet. I am also excited about this cover...I think it couls be a winner for Clay!

I really think I will fall madly in love with this CD...can;t wait!!!!

eta: YAY clayfans raised 47,000 since Clay asked us to do this. This is the final tally today...way to go. This will help a lot of children.

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Well, Clay said the 19th is official! And we are to buy 8 instead of 7.

The greedy little cutie! I wuv him!


uhhhh, Clay broke the board! Yeah, that's right - he was ANGRY that I wasn't available for his duet and he smushed it!

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sorry for the inconvenience...we hope it wont happen again...

BUT NOW...time to...


Check out promosquad!!!

they are testing ATD and I want to Know What Love is...

IWTKWLI...is a duet , with a really good singer that soudns a lot like Kelly but not really sure its her. The clips have more of the girls solo than Clay's but I relaly love their harmony...

This is really exciting!!!

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<===As you wish, Oh Fearless Leader and Dominator of the Known Universe!!!!

I have all kinds of EEEEEEEE's! and other stuff stored up from when the board was on the fritz. Thanks, Couchie and Ansa and the Invision board tech types for getting us back up.

Hugs to georgiaclay, but not too hard 'cause I don't want to accidently, you know, squeeze sh--, um, stuff out of her. ;)

EEEEE! for the UNICEF totals. (Boo that my credit card also just got dinged for $700 in car repairs.)

:nana: for the 9/19 release date!!!! (He did mean 2006, right?) I had long ago given that up as a realistic date.

When I See You Smile - We only have the Bad English version so far; I have to say - not my favorite 80's song - I'll wait and see how Clay sounds on it.

Promosquad: I almost had heart failure when those posts starting popping up. I had been rating stuff earlier in the afternoon, and had emptied out my jukebox. I haven't had anything come back up yet, so I may have to wait until tomorrow to see if I get Clay. Ding Dang it - I have listened to hours and hours of dreck in order to get the opportunity to rate Clay's music, and promosquad better come through for me.

Anyway, on the new songs. A Thousand Days - Clay still sounds a little spitty to mean on a couple of the "thousands", so I have been giggling a bit. Love the orchestration.

I Want to Know What Love Is - LURVE the original version by Foreigner, and dig the kind of dark and moody vibe of the song. I'm loving the Clay parts of the song, and think the blend with the Mystery Chick / Duet Partner sounds good. Can't wait to find out who it actually is - I think it sounds a tiny bit like Kelly Clarkson, but to my ear, the female voice is a little lower and maybe more mature than Kelly's is.

Press Release, press release, press release!!!! C'mon, Roger!!!

Yeah for being on vacation this week! Boo that it's been the hottest week of the year so far. Yeah for being able to spend alot of time online! Boo that my schedule for the rest of the week will be weird.

[And tiny, delicate snorts over the gnat thing. So silly. bottlecap casually kicks the brass knuckles that fell out of her purse under the car with one sensibly-shod foot. Don't mess with the "middle-age" 'Mates, ya dumbass!]


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KAndre picks up the brass knuckles as they match her designer cattle prod and stilletos.

This was incredibly funny though:

SIZZLER: The First Rule of ‘Fight Clay Gay’ Is…

…You DO NOT talk about Clay Aiken’s homosexuality. According to the NY Daily News (last item), John Paulus, the ex-Marine who made headlines by claiming that he had a tawdry gay tryst in a hotel room with the squeaky-clean pop idol, has been denied protection from the FBI, which he apparently sought out after being “bombarded” with death threats from crazed Aiken fans. “The Claymates”, described as “a loosely organized army of middle-aged women”, have been operating under the radar for some time now, beginning with secret after-hours “Claymate Club” meetings in church basements, Olive Gardens and suburban salons across the country, where they would plot ways to fight the rumors about their idol’s sexuality that keep popping up in the press. Little did Paulus - or anyone else - know that the group has quietly grown and organized itself into one of the most frighteningly sophisticated terrorist cells in the nation, now rumored to be putting into motion their most ambitious plan yet, “Project Cure the McPheever”. Best be watching your back, Taylor Hicks!

Has somebody been tattling about my underground lair and minions again? Man, nobody can keep a secret anymore

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As if that silly little gnat deserves one more minute attention from the Legions of Doom. We have much more important missions now, like searching for leaked album shoot photos and running vocal identification scans on the duet partner. And don't we have somebody on the inside at Amazon, yet?

[Just in case] Jaunty waves to the NSA monitors! Brass Knuckles and Cattle Prods are simply new brands of energy drinks, dontcha know. Calcuim fortified, too, 'cause us gals of a certain age need to be worried about bone density and whatnot. B)

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damn, it is so hard not to be able to chat about Clay all day at work...and not listen to his songs but weeeee I enjoyed catching up. enjoyed both snippets..looking forward to hearing the Claycentric parts of the duet and i'm sure they are there. I'm just a happy camper right now.

KAndre..too funny. Thanks for posting that. Yeah we're some scary bitches all right.

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The promosquad snippet of "I Want to Know" starts mid-song, based on the lyrics, so I am hoping that the beginning is much more Clay-centric. As it is, his "I'm gonna take a little time. Uuuhhh, a little time to look around me" has me passed out cold in the corner from ectasy. [unless someone spiked my drink or something.... :drink: ] I love what I've heard so far. I have a serious-type thing to go to tomorrow, and I worry I will be grinning uncontrollably at inappropriate times. :D

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Heavens, no one would dream of spiking your "cattle prod"...KAndre makes a note: spiked brass knuckles...EXCELLENT!!!!! HA!HA!

I am looking forward to haunting the freakishly expensive internet access at my resort!

OK, bottle, weren't you watching the joy that was Rock!Star! last year? I watched just enough realize how much I disliked INXS back in the 80's and really wasn't impressed with any of the contestants as I couldn't remember any of their names. Suzie McNeil, huh?

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AAHHH...I wasn't too happy with the duet at first...

them I listened on Nero showtime and good earphones...and GAH!!! Its so much better. I still want more Clay of course and I think we will get that.

Yup the first part with just Clay...swoooony

ATD...all I needed from that song was good production and I liked what they did. Not very innovative instrumentation but the vocals are front and center and the music is a good support.

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I did watch Rock Star: INXS last year, and once I was reminded of her, I remember Suzie McNeil. If it is indeed her on the "I Want to Know" duet, I wonder how she got hooked up with Clay and Jaymes. Off to do some more catching up, to say what the overnight board posters have discovered. (Yeah, it's not yet 5:00am, and I don't need to be up for another 2 hours, but the lure of the boards is very strong...)

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Well Bottlecap she is Canadian...I can see understand why she would be on Jaymes radar.

Apaprently CV is comparing a picture of Suzie with a picture of the blond that was Clay;s guest in the broadway play...it could be her.

I actually like the fact that they didn;t go with a well known duet partner...it tells me they don;t feel the need for some additional pr...

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