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Golden Globes


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I am really enjoying this....everyone looks hammered, Ricky Gervais is being brutally funny, and there are a few surprising winners.

and, well, Stephen Moyer is hot.

Robert Downey Jr. was perfect, I love Scorsese for The Last Waltz, I am happy he won something, the German guy from Ingourious Basterds was so sweet, Mo'nique was awesome in her winning speech, she made me cry....a fun night!

Jeff Bridges is turning into Kris Kristofferson.

Mickey Rourke looks like he is made of vinyl.

The Hangover guys are still incredulous.

Tina Fey did too expect to win - and I lurve her and her show bestest anyway.

I think Julia Roberts is drunk. Heee....she turned down Blind Side, Sandra Bullock took it and won a Golden Globe. Cheers.

Lessee, DeCaprio is not an attractive man (IMO), Jody Foster looked fabulous, Jennifer Aniston looked petulant, and this is the first time I have ever watched an awards show in HD (courtesy a good friend and some house-swapping) - verrrry interesting.

Toni Collette won a Globe - I have lurved her ever since Muriel's Wedding.

And Yay! for Avatar!

And for the three people who will read this thread - I bought a magicjack and it does install itself in three minutes and so far it works perfectly.

Way cool.

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I enjoyed the show too... thought that Gervais was pretty good. He cracked me up with the beer (at least I think that's what he was drinking?). Loved the accent... interesting too how he could do that whole thing, stretch the limits of what some would find acceptable (I thought he was mostly funny) and yet, not swear once. Some "comedians" could take a lesson.. and I know this was Prime Time but that hasn't stopped some... now, if he did swear - I didn't catch it so oops.. but I'm pretty sure he didn't...

You know, I thought Robert Downey Jr. was great too and I see via Yahoo that he's getting some crap for supposedly NOT thanking anyone. The headline is really misleading - something about selfish speech not thanking anyone. I thought he just put a funny spin on how he was thanking people. Just me maybe. But I didn't think he was selfish. And I'd forgive him anyway cuz I like looking at him. ;-)

I was surprised that the young woman (Gabourey Sidibe) who played Precious didn't win. I saw both those movies (Precious and The Blind Side) and as much as I like Sandra Bullock, I really expected Gabourey to win. I thought she really did a fabulous job.

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And for the three people who will read this thread - ...

I enjoyed the show too... thought that Gervais was pretty good. He cracked me up with the beer (at least I think that's what he was drinking?). Loved the accent... interesting too how he could do that whole thing, stretch the limits of what some would find acceptable (I thought he was mostly funny) and yet, not swear once. Some "comedians" could take a lesson.. and I know this was Prime Time but that hasn't stopped some... now, if he did swear - I didn't catch it so oops.. but I'm pretty sure he didn't...

I can so relate to the part I bolded. Swearing doesn't offend me in general if it's done out of anger or frustration in a quick fire type of response. Rather like "in the heat of the moment". But when it is done intentionally for either shock effect or pure gratification as in then I'm completley turned off...big time. I know my DH loved the latest Robin Williams HBO special and I absolutley hated it. I use to like him and thought it was a lazy, sloppy and disappointing show.....for me. The sheer # of "fuck" words were mindnumbing and I found the routine in general to be lacking any major original humor as well. So I think the constant gratuitous swearing just shut me down to the rest of it.

Sorry....too OT? :wordpooper:

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I know my DH loved the latest Robin Williams HBO special and I absolutley hated it. I use to like him and thought it was a lazy, sloppy and disappointing show.....for me. The sheer # of "fuck" words were mindnumbing and I found the routine in general to be lacking any major original humor as well. So I think the constant gratuitous swearing just shut me down to the rest of it.

I watched part of that, and I quite agree with you.....I felt uncomfortable, but - it sucked. And Robin Williams used to make me weep with laughter.

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