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cha cha trusty

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Posts posted by cha cha trusty

  1. (I've been working on this post all day - so there are probably other discussions going on already....... nevertheless...)

    Allow me to clarify about the pix in my bedroom, they are on a shelf, and one is a Christmas card (pic of Clay in the outdoors looking down) this one:


    one is the Rolling Stone issue (propped up so I can see the cover) and the third one is a CD box of "All Is Well" (which is one of my faves at this time!) I am not a victim of JHS, my hubby actually likes Clay, and I hope I can get him to a concert this tour!

    luckiest - What do the letters in your siggie mean? I will probably post one as soon as I can come up with something more clever than "visit my website"! (and links won't work anyway!)

    ChaChaTrusty - your web site is a labor of love and positivity so you do have a happy corner of your world - and you share it with everyone.

    Thanks playbiller! I love your avi btw - I just figured out it's "Running With Scissors" which I take to mean you are a risk taker? (or just a fan of that crazy movie?)


    and just for good measure.....


    I had more to say, but it'll have to wait till I can get my thoughts together again! Mwaahh!!

    waves to couchie, Diva, and bottle!

    ETA: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for the Christmas tour....... BUT

    .......ONE TOUR AT A TIME PLEASE!!!!

  2. I've just come from the control panel and I want to test out my new avatar!

    And also.... I'd like to see if siggies show up. I don't recall seeing anyone have one.

    Are they disabled? Just wondering............. (since it isn't showing up - I'll take that as a yes...)

    After all the discussions about what pod people are all about, I just want to throw in my 2ยข worth about a couple of things.

    I don't visit the OFC message board much, and the last time I posted there was during the "Circle Your Wagons" campaign. I like Clay's blogs and the media section, and that's about all I ever see!

    Some posters on some boards, and we all know which ones, just love to pick apart everything Clay says does wears goes sings etc to the point of dissection. I just don't get it!

    and finally IMO, Clay probably thinks his career is going just fine, thank you.

    And one more finally... I have no time to worry about what other fans are doing to help or hinder his success. I'm too busy enjoying my own little corner of Clay Fandom that I inhabit all by myself!!


    (recently at a bunco game one of the ladies asked me if had pictures of Clay in my bedroom - and the answer is YES! Actually I have pictures of Clay (and the Beatles) all over the house. I also have pictures of my kids and their spouses and other members of the family. My family is used to this already, and I plan to wear a Clay t-shirt to the next bunco game!)


    sorry if this post seems a bit 'rant-y' - going to bed now!!

  3. Hello from a very tired cha cha!

    We had a massive party on Saturday and things got long - as in into the night - we were heard (and I say heard because it was kinda dark) throwing a keg around the back yard around 2 am. This was after we had tossed the 8-ft post earleir in the day! I called it a 'night' and collapsed around 5 am, and then yesterday we sat in the kitchen and passed and finished off a huge guitar-shaped bottle of wine, and giggled a lot!

    TG it's quiet here today!

    Checking in on the pods issue, I love ATDW and listen to it almost every day, since it is in my CD/clock/radio/alarm thingie. It starts with Lover All Alone (I lurve that song!!) and cuts off an hour later almost to the end of Broken Wings.

    And as for Clay singing the phone book?? Just look what he did with a bunch of candy hearts!!

    Did I mention I love Clay Aiken? I can't wait to be in the same room (if you can call an outdoor venue a 'room') with him this summer and let him sing to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

    I'm in on the diet! I did stomach crunches before I got out of bed today, and I'm trying to cut out carbs and late-night eating. And sadly, chocolate, sniff snurf! (and I'm only 5'2")

    djs - please send me a contest entry form - and Kandre - I can sing! (a little) heee! Just a little hoarse today, tho, can we postpone the audition a few days? *G*

    Can't wait till July!! I am working on a page for the tour schedule btw, here's a preview of it. (not quite finished yet)

    waves to Diva in SF!

  4. Now I need a few drinks, though....anybody wanna join me? :bier: :juul::trink4:

    Hee! I'm always ready for a drink! :voll::juul: :bier:

    Sure!!! It's past 5 here!!

    :bier: :juul::voll::trink4:

    Praise the Clay-ini and pass the appletinis!

    That was weird - the first time I hit Post - I got an error message that I had exceeded the number of emoticons allowed and please remove some! How is this possible!! ?? So, you can have 10, but not 11??


  5. muski - can you send me the 'War n Peace' novel? (NBTT) It would be great to have it all in one place to print out (or not) and read! I looked for it at CV but didn't find it yet!

    And what kinds of issues did you have with the HDs? What kind were they?

    playbiller - how much would it cost to be your 'friend'?????

  6. I am sharing the LOVE for the Beatles. Have you heard the album LOVE?? Which is the 'soundtrack' for the Cirque du Soleil's new show in Vegas. (Diva is seeing this show TONIGHT!) It's all the best parts of all the Beatles' songs jumbled up together into little montages of music.

    (forgive me if you have already discussed this!)


    Starting with a road trip to PA a couple weeks ago, I listened to Beatles LOVE for about 2 days and then I moved onto disc 2 of the Beatles Live at the BBC, and then to disc 2 of the Beatles Anthology, and from there to Beatles 1. I am looking for all the little bits and pieces they used in the LOVE album. I was surprised by the BBC album - there are lots of songs on there I'd never heard! I must not have listened to it when I bought it! What? Or else I don't remember - CRS you know!!

    I LOVE George! Even though Paul was always my favorite - I wanted to marry him. He would have liked me too! Being a blonde photographer and all.... what?

    muski - your pursuit for all your writings brings two words to mind! EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE! (ok that's three) You really should get one. Some are fairly small and not that expensive. I have a 6 gig one about the size of a box of matches. OR - did you mention you have an ipod? Can't you store files on that? (assuming it's one of the bigger ones...)

    Anyhow, external hard drive is the way to go! They range in size and capacity (you can see some HERE) and the smaller ones you just unplug from the USB port and stick them in your pocket. I have several with all the Clack there ever was (practically, probably missed a few here and there, dating back to AI and AI tour) and the biggest one is 250 gigs. When your computer crashes or whatever, you just unplug from one and plug into another!

    OK - I'll stop rambling now.......

    Diva is right about all the angst going on at the CH about ticket-buying. I am trying not to get too caught up in it...... But I AM EXCITED ABOUT THIS SUMMER!!!!!

  7. Why is he always wearing those shorts and flipflops???

    At least the flipflops look new!

    He looks like the guy that came to fix my computer last week.

    So - he was coming into LAX and getting into a car.

    WHY?? WHY?? WHY??




    Clazorback - my hubby is just the opposite. He'll change out of his jeans to go to the hardware store.

  8. HEY!! What happened to my post!!?!?!?!? Is this your way of telling me not to ramble on about my laptop break-ins and burglaries? :happens:

    What I said to muski was -- I'll send you the 93-pg document ASAP -- well - soon! Send me your email address!

    And I waved to Diva :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    ...... and I said......

    Thanks for all the welcomes and kudos for my site :::oh, that part's still there...:::

    Praise the Clay and pass the cabernet!!

    Diva and I will both be in Philly - so where's the party???????

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO ready for a road trip!!

    no post of mine is complete w/o the edit line!!!

  9. Thanks for all the welcomes and kudos on my site!! Keep checking for up dates as you'll never know what this claymatized brain might come up with next! Here's a link for your convenience! :wub:


    Arrgghh! I pulled a Couchie and edited a post inside of responding to it. I'm so sorry cha cha trusty!!

    muski, send cha cha your e-mail address and she'll send you Southern Heat.

    Now I need to slink away and die of embarassment. :blush:

    ~ bottlecap :ninja:

  10. muski - I know what it's like - someone stole my laptop about 6 months ago..... right outta my house! And a desktop computer tower..... AND 2 cameras..... and some jewelry.

    ...I had just gotten a new computer (which wasn't touched) and had transferred most of my files from the desktop already. Which is why it was in plain view on the dining room table! The laptop didn't have a lot on it, but it still hurts! It definitely helps to lock doors when you leave the house!

    {{{{{muski}}}}} (I have a 93 page file of the Clyra for you!)

    BTW - this is my first post here HELLO EVERYONE!! (muski - I am NOT stalking you!!) :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I signed up a couple of weeks ago and things have been crazy so this is the first chance I've had to sign in.

    :::settles down in a comfy chair to overlook the festivities:::

    I think I'm gonna like it here!!

    ::thoughts on the summer 'tour' -- ROAD TRIP!!:: :medium-smiley-070:

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