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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. I love hearing him introduce everyone...and the "I'm Clay Aiken" is so cool to hear. Yeah, I know it's him...tell us something we don't know Clay! Sounds like it was a good show...and now fireworks going off! That's pretty cool. On that note....I'm not staying for the after concert report. I have to work tomorrow, so it's bedtime. 'night all. Looking forward to the report from the concert goers.
  2. And the crowd goes WILD! And there was much rejoicing!!! Fantastic Clay, just fantastic! Giving his appreciation to the fan speech now, "even if it's your 50th show...we see you following our bus." BYLM. I'm going to tear up again right now....this is such a good song for me.
  3. "Good night, ladies and gentleman. I can't follow her...I'm gonna have to fire her." Jaymes encouraged/nagged/insisted/forced him to write a song. "I'd rather just be a singer." Oh no, more puberty!!! Hee. "It only took him 5 minutes...and 7 months to write the lyrics." LAA now. So thankful that the audiences are good for this song. Nice balance in the cellcert between Clay, the piano and the cello. Very nice.
  4. Yep. I can. I kinda do too. I think he was talking about feeling cool now...."but it might just be gas." He's such a goof. Plugging the SD symphony now, how they just learned the music in 2 hours. Time for Listen from Angela.
  5. The energy he gets from this medley is just astounding. SexyBack -- stupidest.song.ever. JMO.
  6. Asking the girls how long they've known him. Now he's acting as host of his own talk show...asking Quiana about how cool he his. The people on the radio are "the pinnacle of cool." This sounds like such good snark to me. I've loved the way this "cool" schtick is working out. (See: my new location). Meanwhile, waiting for Quiana to get a new microphone. Asked Jesse to find the coolest songs he could find. "I like big butts...."
  7. I don't personally remember that, but I've been told about it by others. I could use a Coke right now, I'm starting to drag, even with the pretty cool concert going on. He's such a silly man. I'd love to hear him sing this all the way through, and yet, I think he gets a real kick out of making the fans do some of the work too. "DON'T SIT DOWN!!!!" "Every single show where there are tables....it's like people are in their own kitchen."
  8. "We were going to do our Bach medley, but decided against it." BWAH!! "Jesse argued with me about finding a fast song, as he always does." TWYMMF now. Time to stand up!!!!
  9. I noticed that muski. What's funny is that I think we're listening to different streams -- but we're both hearing it fairly clearly. WY always seems to bring the house down...figuratively, of course.
  10. Sean's sister is in the audience. She came in from Dallas. More than a few people from Dallas. Talking to a M&G person, from Virginia. Thought she was from Canada. Asking her what's on the top of a house, and she can't come up with "roof." Now talking about the Japanese fans -- who are sitting WAY in the back. "They might as well have stayed in Japan!!!!" Bought their kimonos at the Benihana down the street. *g* Lost his train of thought...asking Quiana for help, she's not helping. "Took a long time off after the Christmas album. If you thought there was a long time between the last album, wait for the next album!!" "If you're not out of your chairs, you'll be waiting for a new album until 2012." I love that snarky man. WY now.
  11. Right into MOAM. I really love Jesse's arrangement of this song....it was never my favorite off that album, but live with an orchestra is simply thrilling. It sounds like he's wailing on this too. He wails a lot, doesn't he? *g*
  12. I enjoy this song, but it's really lickiest1 and atinal's song.... He's really throwing some change ups into this tonight. Very cool! Don't know what's up with the clapping to the beat though. SSTBTHW....which sounds to be fantastic. The voice really shows on this one, IMO. Love that last note so much.
  13. That's cool about the Japanese fans. If spot's there, there will be clack. People seated near security are having a hard time with clack, but others are having no problem.
  14. EEEEEEEEEEEe for merrieee and Orlando Bloom. *sigh* Clay was cute and shit while you were gone. Newark clack is excellent! There's a concert now....we're in intermission. Can you stay up to listen to the last half and join us in the San Diego thread? Almost forgot....so sorry about kitty. That's so sad. {{{{hugs}}}}
  15. Intermission time. CV cellcerter says we've seen shirt before, but can't remember what show. Still has the AIW hair. Slip on black boots/shoes. No jacket. The girls aren't feeding him a lot of funny tonight, as his sidekicks, but he's still getting lots of laughs. Kept doing the Jefferson's dance after the song was over. Fell down on his knees, so the girls came over and started cooling him down. Hee. Not a big standing ovation crowd. The setup with chairs and tables keeps people sitting down.
  16. I didn't catch that muski, but it's hard to hear on the cellstream honestly. I thought HYCA sounded good. He didn't mention anything about an intermission, did he? And has he left the stage, or is he watching Quiana sing like he did at Newark?
  17. "When doing interviews, I always get asked about who my favorite singers are. I didn't buy a lot of records when I was young. Saw James Taylor in concert. Back to the LP's -- 12 LPs for a penny." Asking his mom what else he got, except Crystal Gayle. She can't remember! "The people on the radio don't do it for me. They don't play Clay Aiken! The people I think are the most talented are these two ladies right here. Sing something for us Quiana." What a sweetie. WTLGD.
  18. Snarking on the fans with the tables and the seats and the drinks. Talking about bringing the same 3,000 people to his shows. Telling the orchestra to get their own 3,000 fans. TOA!
  19. I played this for my husband the other night, and the Welcome Back Kotter theme was the one that picked up my husband's ears! Love that theme. Jeffersons now. Will he rip off a jacket? Is he wearing a jacket?!?!?!? Very extended break here. "I feel the spirit! Weezy!!!!"
  20. Another good belly laugh from him..."if I had my way, I'd have a big screen TV up here right now." Ooooh, now he's snarking on the fans who are like "why is he doing this TV stuff?" Heh. It's cheesy, sure....but damn it if he's not right, these things stick in my head. I find myself singing these things when I wake up in the morning.
  21. Telling a story about growing up, watching TV on this big entertainment center. His parents could see from the street if he had the TV on or not. So he started keeping the door of the entertainment center out a bit so they couldn't see. Talking about how TV shows don't have theme songs anymore. Singing the Gilligan's Island theme. Starting now with the AI audition story. "Didn't want to give everything away...."
  22. With apologies to muski, I think there will be just one show with glasses. He seems to do that almost once a tour. Of course, it really doesn't affect ME, because I'm not seeing him again. He's wailing on this song tonight. Good for him! West Wing theme now.
  23. Think we'll ever get a glasses concert? EYGA....which I'll now always think of as "the soundcheck song." Heh. Love that clip.
  24. No kidding. Wonder who won? Angie is home on the west coast...been a long time since they've been on the west coast. Big group came in late in the back of the hall..."yeah, that's my Mother." Got up for the radio interview, and then went back to bed again. Early rehearsal -- so Jerome came to wake him up, but Clay doesn't remember it! I can't tell what Clay is asking the girls about... WISYS muski, ITA on IWKWLI...I was so looking forward to the recorded version, and it's turned out to be my least fav on the album. But live? Wow. The cellstream on CV is pretty good on the singing, and just OK on the banter.
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