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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. :Tour3: :TourExcite: California people, have a GREAT evening! Nashua Telegraph Symphony and "Idol" Make an Unlikely Team First paragraph (the whole article is cool): Also.... Fans Protective of Star I'll put the text of this one in the news section. With this one....hmmm....the grannies are back out in force. Heh. OC Register Clay Aiken at the Greek More later!
  2. Yay! Go Carrie and Blaze! That's what I got from the clips too. He's so cute, sure, but golly -- there's some major affection there between him and Q. It's apparent to me that he simply cares about her as a true friend, and is proud of her. And I love hearing him sing "Thank You for Being a Friend." I've always loved that song, and would have loved it if he really was doing that song. *waves at 00lsee* Hmmmm...I chatted with couchie earlier today and she said the California contingency would be checking in tonight. Hmmmm....wonder where they are.....probably
  3. Bridge Falls into Mississippi River I've crossed that bridge more than a few times, since my husband is originally from the area. I'm sure we crossed it in early July when we visited the area. Scary stuff.
  4. Thanks for the clarification, lickiest1. Just didn't realize that, I guess. Whoa...Minneapolis. Wow.
  5. Good luck BLAZE!!! Even if it screwed up your Mom's plans... *g* There's some interesting clack available of a sound check from Chautauqua. It's regular guy Clay. Part of me is a little uncomfortable about it, because it's semi-private time for him. OTOH -- it's adorable. Quiana sings EYGA in one clip, and the most of the TV medley in the other clip. In both cases he prompts Q with the lyrics. He also takes HER part during the Golden Girls theme. God, I hate it when there are moral choices to be had....but I haven't deleted the clips from my computer yet. And because of the recent posts here.... {{{{{{{{{{{Jerome}}}}}}}}}} Love ya, dude.
  6. From moonhead at the CH: KOST streams! EEEEE! luckiest1, that's very cool about your "new friend." I hope you get to meet up with her. My office mate is on a two week vacation right now....in San Diego. She called me from home before she left her home to find out what time and the location for the show tomorrow night. She doubted if she'd go, because she has her husband and 10-yr-old daughter with her and their flight home leaves early Friday. She did say, though....that she might go driving around San Diego tomorrow night to "listen" to Clay. Heh.
  7. For bottlecap and her collection: And I love this one of Clay and Angela listening to Quiana singing: The thread for these pictures is here at the Clayboard. Some really fantastic ones here!
  8. bottlecap, the Indio show starts EARLY, as in 6:00 PDT. You should be able to stay up for that one, right? I'm going to force myself to stay up for all four of them, even if it kills me the next day. The only one I'm really concerned about is staying up for the Greek, because I have to be at church by 7:30 a.m. CDT the next day. I'm providing a handbell solo as special music for two services, and I really should try to be awake at that time! I hope everyone traveling has a safe and enjoyable time! :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:
  9. Cheese curds Fried ones are the BEST! Clay, Lonely Boys help recovery *sob* I want to be in California! Have fun Ansa, couchie, muski, CG, YSRN, Totally, jamar and everyone else who will be partying these next few days. Think of us stuck at home, OK?
  10. Earthtimes.org Caregiving: Clay Aiken to expand camps
  11. couchie, that's exactly what I was thinking about regarding the DOOL thing, that if EIH had become a "theme," I think more people would have sought out ATDW. atinal, I remember the Martha ATD working especially well...but I think that was partially because the cameraperson (whom I think MUST have been a woman!) knew exactly what we were looking for too! Meanwhile, in more charitable things: Earthtimes.org Caregiving: Clay Aiken to expand camps Well, now we know how Jerry Aiken is related to Clay. Also, I'm trying to imagine Clay golfing, and find myself
  12. I was really hoping that it would cause in a jump in sales that next week, and if I remember correctly, it didn't....or at least, not enough for MY liking. *g* I agree that it was good exposure for Clay, and it got him into some print media that doesn't normally cover him. Also, the blurbs when it was announced he was doing this were really great. But I was hoping for more sales because of it. I was hoping that the soap fans would be all over themselves trying to get this CD after hearing the song, and I'm not sure it did. Of course, "successful" is in the eyes of the beholder. Since Clay seemed happy doing it, I was with him 200% for doing it.
  13. First of all -- I love my fries. I love my cheese curds. I love my gravy. Mixed together? Sounds like an unappetizing mess to me. *shrug* Found this on the Clayboard, something for the southern California peeps to keep an eye out for: Advertising coming up for the California shows...with new pictures! Here's the pictures: I'm glad they are using pictures from Frisco -- including SKIN!!! Hee. Karen Eh?, your stories always crack me up, and your pictures always make me swoon. BTW, please don't buy your next Volkswagon through Ticketmaster, OK? Glad you've got that "cut & paste" thing down too. *g* This reinforces something I've always believed, that there is no standard playbook as to how an artist should be promoted. So often, fans complain that Ruben got this or Kelly got that, that the label must hate Clay because he didn't get precisely every single promotion that another artist got -- even when Clay received different promotional opportunities. Seems like every artist is promoted differently, so what applies to others may not necessarily apply to Clay. And he is, admittedly, a unique individual with an atypical fanbase. I'm not saying that necessarily excuses RCA for anything, but to me, it may explain the label's difficulty in trying to fashion the ideal marketing strategy for him. They aren't going to promote him like, say, Daughtrey, because guess what? He's NOT DAUGHTREY. Nor should he be. Amen! The other thing too is that I think Clay realizes this as well, and is always on the lookout for a promotional opportunity that maybe the suits wouldn't get. The one that I can think of off the top of my head, that wasn't ENTIRELY successful IMO, was the DOOL connection. It sounded to me in interviews that Clay himself was looking for that. Anyway -- I've always looked at promo opportunities for Clay just like I look at things in my own life. I know that while some things will work well for others, they may not work well for ME, and I plan accordingly. When it comes to Clay, I know that it can be difficult not to do comparisons, but in my case, I just have to trust, you know? And realize that sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Another tidbit from couchie's cousin: You know, in a way, this kinda frightens me. Yes, I've checked stock for Clay at my local stores, but that's only been for my enjoyment. I guess I have a REAL hard time with what I'm seeing here as the blurring of my "job" as a fan versus the job that these people are supposed to be doing. The mix there makes me very uncomfortable. And one more: Another thing that I've always 100% believed. The people complaining about stock issues and taking that directly to the top of the marketing departments without going through the local people first confounded me. Working the way up the chain first always made more sense to me...especially (and unfortunately) when you are talking about people who are barely making minimum wage as stock clerks and wouldn't know Clay Aiken from Ruben Studdard. ITA...and yet, for some reason, your statement here jmh combined with this from couchie's cousin: ...made me think that I might be understanding a bit where the suits are coming from. They truly believe that if an artist varies from their "norm," the fan's won't come back. Worse yet, if "we" like one particular style of music, whether on the radio or from a particular artist, they think that we'll like similar stuff from other artists. Of course, WE know that's not the case...but I think the suits still hold on to their beliefs. They really don't understand, IMO, that almost everyone changes their minds regarding musical tastes at some point...probably several times throughout their lifetime. But yet, that confuses people who are trying to market to a particular niche. Anyway, to the suits, it seems like "variety" is a dirty word, IMO. I will say, though, that I think it's a fine line to walk/tread regarding all this. I keep going back to Jaymes' "stay in your lane, but swerve a little" comment. Now, what I don't know when she said this was if she was talking from a "suits" POV or a "creative" POV. Hard to tell, really. All I know is that I want Clay to stay true to himself. I'm simple that way. YSRN, thanks for bringing that blog to our attention. The interesting thing to me was his feeling on Clack. I think early in the fandom, it was a big advertisement -- I mean, how many of us, if we hadn't seen the "OMG, OMG" Invisible clip, would have gone to an AI show? I wouldn't have! But I think he's right in that the die-hards really know more about where the clack is than a general person....although he might have to revise that thinking a bit with the advent of YouTube. *g* That was a sweet story to end the blog too. Good luck with and for your sister, YSRN! Oh dear. Keep us posted! Oh dear number 2. Hope you feel better! laughn, I think it had to do with Clay and self-tanner. I think. But I still want to know why he was supposedly kinda sore ("don't squeeze too hard") that week!
  14. pkmiller, that's an interesting picture. Considering that I was at that concert....maybe it was heat waves emanating from Clay. Of course, he would emanate heat even if he played in Antarctica.... jmh, you are just rolling out more and more pretties. Guh. I like the one from artquest too....man, I wish I had his cheekbones... Meanwhile.... NEW THREAD!!!!
  15. Gosh, I hope I do this right....and I don't step on any toes either *waves at my boss couchie*... Two more days until the California 4-fer! EEEEEEEEE :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:
  16. The San Diego Symphony website has a cute little video promo-ing the show this week. jmh, thanks for all the pretties, and I love your new avatar too! No kidding. No kidding. No kidding. Heh. It seems like I've heard about a technique, though, called "cut and paste." Maybe you should try that. :medium-smiley-070: Going to work soon....I wish I could just say, like Clay, "screw it."
  17. Everyone knew I'd want that one reposted again, didn't they? *sigh* He's so dweamy. :F_05BL17blowkiss: to cindilu2 for my new avatar. He's so silly. I wuv him.
  18. That picture of Jerome? What you talkin' 'bout, Willis? BRAVO KAndre! More, please?!?!?! Thank you cindilu2 for all your gorgeous work. OT: Does anyone here have a Wii? My husband picked one up last week, and I love it! It's so much fun to play. Just curious if anyone else here has one....
  19. Posted on the Clack House by strummer6 *waves* on Sunday, July 29: Posted thanks to permission of the author....
  20. From the BAF page here: Keep an eye on this page for tickets, especially you California peeps! ETA: I've added a skit posted by strummer6 *waves* to our collection of skits pages here. I thought it was a good one, myself. Check it out! *waves to Shady as well* As far as the "conspiracy" thread title...sowwy. I'll put it in the suggestions for next time!
  21. New thread title poll at the top of the screen. 8 different choices....and I tweaked the last one a bit for it to make a bit more sense (or at least it makes more sense to me now, if you want me to change it back, I will do so...). Sorry this is late, I've been incredibly tired after that wedding on Saturday. Yeah, where IS that underware clack?!?!?!? Glad everyone had fun yesterday.
  22. BWAH! And I really can imagine it going this way too.... First of all, now I'm really curious, and can't wait to see this recap. Off to read.... Secondly, hmmm....I think there might be a thread title in there some where....*g*
  23. YAY for CG and playbiller and all the rest who had got to see a fantastic show last night. I'm enthralled by the clack from it. Both bigappleforclay's and joanne's LAA are outstanding. muski, thanks for thinking of me with the Frisco dogtag. I think I'll wait until the end of the tour, and then order a bunch of those. Definitely need the first three shows (2 of them because I was there, the Frisco show because of that killer picture), and for some reason, the Sterling Heights one is calling my name too.... Ooooo, that would be way cool. *crossing my fingers* I wonder if because those people were there, some of those "slips" in his banter (such as the pay statement) were more than just "slips." Who really knows but Clay, eh? Heh. *sob* I wanna be in California, drinking margaritas and watching clack and laughing and looking at YSRN's pretty flowers and house and such. *sob* If anyone has any last minute suggestions for the thread title poll, please post them here or in the thread. I'll probably set the poll up tomorrow morning. CG you are selling yourself short. This one made me swoon. Gah. Damn it, in preview she posts MORE pretties, and there's another one that I've got to quote just to see again.... There we go....
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