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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. You mean this one ..... It gave me chills too when I read your post. I had forgotten those black and white floors. Now I'm really schmoopie!
  2. Well, if I stuck to my guns, I wouldn't have bought AIW at Walmart --- or several copies of OMWH w/bonus at Walmart. We all have our price.
  3. The blurb at TMZ said the video was of Clay, Jaymes and baby "leaving the hospital yesterday". And the site with the pictures said they were leaving Durham Regional Hospital. While these gossip sites aren't my cup of tea and I only go there when I hear of something I really want to see -- like Clay and his baby -- when I do go there I don't feel guilty about it. Hell, the whole corporate system is so monolithic with TMZ owned by Time Warner as is CNN, and I still watch CNN sometimes, so what does it matter? A few hundred Clay fans hitting a website on one afternoon won't amount to a hill of beans compared to the hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of hits these gossip sites get on a daily basis. I'm not a regular customer by any means, and I don't think I'm corrupted by a couple of hits either, or that they're getting rich off of my two hits. It's probably more corrupting for me to watch the Olympics given how I feel about the situation in Tibet.
  4. Boo-hooo, I don't have the software at work to rip the video. Hopefully someone else will have it. Apparently this happened yesterday -- and from the background noise, there were a lot of onlookers or other media there. Awwww, Parker's little bootie is visible. Such a tiny baby -- reminds me of my daughter who was just over six pounds at birth and was just about two handfuls when we took her home. Clay looks mighty confident holding him.
  5. Are we all expressing ourselves completely tonight. Okay then, it drove up my blood pressure to see you refer to Clay's only-hours-old newborn as "the kid." I think that is totally bitchy, by the way.
  6. Never!!! I actually would like to have an emoticon that states: I'm down with whatever wandacleo says!
  7. Kim, the difference in you and me is that I'm such a lazy ass about things like showers that I would have been overjoyed that the co-hostess was controlling. I know I'm a sad case ... :3: but I'd be more than happy to kick back and be the Queen Bee Mother of the Bride and enjoy not doing the work. :thsmilies-6728: Age is putting things in perspective for me. :thusedtocare: and Isn't he just the Bee's Knees!
  8. {{{Perma}}} I was shocked to hear about the death of Bernie Mac. The last I heard he was improved and scheduled to leave the hospital in a few days. The world is losing laughter these days and Bernie will be so dearly missed. As far as some of the stuff I read briefly at OFC yesterday, I'll just say that there are some so-called Christians out there who don't seem to understand the meaning of brotherly love. So sad that too many proselytizers and cheerleaders for religion are themselves lost souls trapped in the darkness without a clue -- clinging to structure and oblivious to content. And in opposition to my predominant Mary Sunshine attitudes ... all I could think of when watching the Olympics Spectacular yesterday was that this was the biggest show that American jobs and American dollars could buy. Hardly a fair trade in my opinion.
  9. I think Quiana may well be named Parker's godmother. And, it occurs to me that she and Chamberlin actually may have been shopping in a furniture store with Clay recently. Maybe he's been refurnishing/rearranging his home --- for some reason. I'm a total Falling fan at the moment -- he gives me chills with that killer voice. I love the inflections, holding out the notes, the depth of his sexy delivery, and the contemporary sound. I adore the raw emotion in The Real Me and I love David Foster's piano. The Real Me hits me hard. There are no words for the powerful intricacies of As Long As We're Here. I often think Weight of the World is the best track on the whole CD. Forget I Ever Knew You is a consistent repeat and a song I already know that I'll be listening to permanently. I can't be still during Everything I Don't Need, and in the last section of that song Clay is teaching a voice clinic. Sacrificial Love is deliciously haunting. But, the one song I didn't believe was commercial at first, Something About Us, I now think may actually be his best shot at big success on adult radio, because Clay is fairly consistently identified as a crooner and this is a crooner's tour de force. Clay blows it away with such smooth control. I think it's a remarkable recording and could become a standard if given half a chance. That song is light years away from the type of music I normally listen to, moreso than anything he's ever done. So if I think it's addictingly gorgeous and swoonie ...... swooney? Also, I think it would be masterful for Clay to make another round of appearances on the talkers, discuss the baby, and sing Something About Us. I think that right now that would be playing to his best crooner strengths. It's another part of his great big entertainment package. I love that it sounds like it's already a classic, with a simple structure and beautiful lyrics, that Clay delivers with flawless understatement -- just the kind of vehicle known to knock down doors. Now, for something completely different, I was thinking all day about the name Parker and Parker Stevenson kept popping in my head and then remembering Kirstie Alley's acceptance speech at the Emmys when she thanked him for "giving her the big one."
  10. I can't stop smiling thinking about Clay and Jaymes and the baby. The first-born for both of them, and Faye's first grandchild, don't you know this is a day of pure joy and excitement that none of them will ever forget. They must be high as a flock of kites, and I'll bet Clay is still grinning from ear to ear. From what I've observed in life, the chances for Clay and Jaymes to stay close and loving may be enhanced if they don't have a romantic relationship. But I do know that what's going on between them today is about as close as two people can be, looking into the face of the baby they made together. I was one of those people who mentioned seeing sparks between Clay and Jaymes from the beginning of coming into the fandom in 2006, and especially after reading her OFC blogs and other stuff that year. I don't know if they're in love, but they certainly love each other deeply, without a doubt. I am so happy for them all. As far as North Carolina, I have an idea that Jaymes has already been spending a lot of time in Raleigh when Clay's there. It made a lasting impression on me when Jaymes showed up in NC for the last two nights of the 2006 Christmas tour that ended the night before Christmas Eve. To me it was a solid indication that Jaymes was spending Christmas with Clay in Raleigh. And, I've said this before, but David Foster, to my eyes, acts toward Clay like a brother-in-law. I find it all incredibly lovely. I love that he referred to himself as daddy in the blog, and to Jaymes as mama, and the baby as the little man. So precious. Did I mention that I adore babies? All babies. But especially the newborns, the pure angels.
  11. Anyone notice that the People article now says ... In May, it was confirmed that Foster became pregnant via in vitro fertilization. There's more than one article at People: Clay welcomes a son: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20217863,00.html (Clay and Jaymes pic) Clay Aiken son has "powerful" birthdate: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20217890,00.html (musicpass pic)
  12. http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20217863,00.html Am I missing something? I love this picture!
  13. What's wrong with the People picture? It's the same one that's on the MusicPass, isn't it? Regarding the significance of the name, I think since boy babies are named after their grandmothers, and the baby was already named Aiken and Foster ... that Parker was the only choice left in Faye's case and it included Uncle Brett as well!
  14. Awww, this is such wonderful news!!! I noticed that Clay called him "the little man" in his blog. I think I'll refer to baby Parker as Sweet P for a while. Congratulations to Clay and Jaymes ... and Grandmommie Faye!
  15. Muski, I believe that's called a jersey, babe. I've always thought of a muscle shirt as a t-without sleeves, and a tank in the basic design of a wife-beater, with a scooped out neck. Clay in a wife-beater? Okay, maybe he's rehearsing for a Broadway revival of Streetcar. Stella, anyone? Using KAndre's handy calculator, Clay was born on Thursday and has far to go, as if we didn't know! I'm a born in October on Sunday girl. I am still in the process of shaking off the trauma from having seriously drama-drenched company for ten days. Man, it feels so good to return to my meek little life.
  16. This is my first time to read this thread, but I completely agree that Katee or Joshua should win. Too bad it can't be a tie, because they are great together!
  17. Regarding the pinnacle thing ... I'm thinking of it in terms of the Beatles, which is my natural reference to most things musical. The Beatles reached the "toppermost of the poppermost" during Beatlemania, but it was after a period of withdrawal and reinvention into Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band that they were embraced and became the band revered throughout the music world. And that's because they were excellent musicians and they were constantly growing. This in no way demeans I Saw Her Standing There, Please Please Me, I Want to Hold Your Hand, nor the serious transitionals Revolver and Rubber Soul, nor would I part with my still vivid memories of early Beatlemania excitement. I'm just saying that they did consistently get better, expanding in every way imaginable, and the legend lives. Believe me, I'm not for an instant saying that I wouldn't give anything to have had an awareness of Clay's career in 2004-05, and to have seen IT, NAT, JNT and JBT, news just never reached me. It did in 2006 when I watched the AI5 finale and was surprised to see a Clay Aiken I didn't even recognize, until he began to sing. And he was beautiful inside and out. His stage presence was overwhelmingly powerful in his reaction to the reaction. He was a real prince. Having the artist known as Prince follow him was anticlimactic. I believe that it was as a result of this night that he became Clay Aiken the star in his own right, transcending the American Idol factory in public consciousness. There's no question for me about why Clay gets the heightened speculation about his sexuality in the media and why references to sexuality are forever mentioned in the tabloids. It's because he's overpoweringly sexy -- and everybody wants some. He's got the stuff and he keeps it close. I guess he still believes there's an advantage in not showing his cards. Damn, it just makes him sexier.
  18. Wish List: Clay in a recurring role as Kenny's brother or cousin on 30 Rock. Clay as Willie Wonka on Broadway. An edgy TV-variety show on Sunday nights (in the vein of the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour from the 60's) with recurring skits and musical guests. A movie, not a musical, but a straight comedy role, in something directed by Mike Nichols. Clay eventually recording an album of songs with his own lyrics and titling it "Clayton" I have been entertaining the thought that Clay may actually be rushing through albums because he has some other options when his contract with 19 Recording expires. Could it be a 5 album deal and Clay has done 4 of the 5 obligated projects? I'm thinking that Kelly Clarkson was on Idol in 2002 and has put out 3 CDs, while Clay was on Idol in 2003 and already has 4 1/2 albums under his belt, a bestselling book and a successful run on Broadway. I know RCA gets a rap for handling Clay's recording career, but do we know anything about 19's influence? I'm curious that 19 Recordings owns a piece of Clay's contract and yet wouldn't have him on AI in May because, as Clay said, they want to move on. I think Clay has been working regularly since 2006 and I'm happy he's on an extended break to recharge. As far as absence making the heart grow fonder, I'm of course reminded of AI5 when I hadn't heard Clay's name mentioned in at least over a year (I never heard of the Jukebox Tour, among other things) and when I saw him on AI5 it was like a new incarnation of Clay Aiken that I fell in love with -- for the first time. I liked him before on AI2, but from my perspective he had reinvented himself and this was a signal that Clay Aiken was back better than ever, and I fell right in line. People just have different preferences, and while I know each and every one of you here adore the early Clay from Independent and NAT, I watch a lot of that clack and he is still green and learning the business so that some of it is just okay for me, yet I realize and respect that for most of you it's a pinnacle for him. I'm in the boat that Clay is still coming to terms with what he wants and how he wants to accomplish it, but he's always growing and improving and maybe even surprising himself a little all along the way. If I could change one thing about Clay, it would be for him to stop declaring boundaries for himself, because I think he can do anything he wants to do. He could say I choose not to do this, rather than I can't be taken seriously doing this. But, to sum up, I think the longer he's "away" the more changes we're apt to see when he returns. It's long-term advice from David Foster that the best career move an artist can make is to disappear from the scene for a while and come back with a BANG! If I could change one thing about the fandom in general, it's the sense that if Clay ever said it, he still means it. I couldn't count the numbers of times I changed my mind about some pretty important things between the ages of 25 and 30, and 30 and 40, and 40 and 50 -- and I think the plot, or subplot, of OMWH is that of change. So I don't go back to things Clay said four or five years ago to determine what his current mindset may be, or to hold his feet to the fire on something he said in a magazine interview once upon a time -- time and change are inevitable. I do know that there are immutables, and I still feel the same way today about some things that I felt at 13, so there are core beliefs in each of us, but a lot of stuff is variable, and should be, IMO. Life is for growing. FYI: My company left this morning. If it took the threat of a storm to move them along, Viva Edouard! Not that I don't love my family, but to get a call out of the blue saying .... I need to get away for a while and I'm on my way to your house, and it's 10 pm when you get the message and they arrive at 11:00, and they stay for ten days ..... I am hospitable, but that's pushing it, don't you think? My mother was all, Tell them it's time for them to go home! ... but I have a hard time with that. I was, however, considering having KAndre give them a call for me. If I only had her gumption!!! Again, thank you Edouard! LdyJ! :F_05BL17blowkiss: ETA: Just because Clay's out of sight, doesn't mean he's on vacation. He could be working quite diligently -- reading scripts, rehearsing, putting together a tour band, taping, filming, writing, letting his hair grow longer, etc. Just because we can't see him, doesn't mean he's not working. Maybe he's working out in the gym and he'll come back in muscle shirts.
  19. Someone send me white light ..... PLEASE Starts with computer problems at the office when my profile disappeared and that was a bitch ... then unexpected family shows up Friday (still here) ... then last night I get in my car and it's just dead so I had to mess with that in the evening heat and find a ride home (30 miles) and then today get a tow truck to go downtown and bring my car (less than 2 years old) to the dealership ... and so I thought since I'm home I'd fix a big breakfast this morning, and I sliced my thumb pretty good. I keep hoping every day we'll have some kind of news from Clay, but for now I'm just having vicarious thrills through you Gala Gals. Congrats to you all! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And you Californians, stay safe for God's sake .... earthquakes and fires, oh my!
  20. Hi, Scarlett! My granddaughter has that build-a-bear, named Rhianna. She has another dino build-a-bear named Rexy. She's addicted to build-a-bear, I think. YES! for the DSIAFCD Clearwater baybay. Maybe that's the magic word for Clay, as in first thing he ever sang on AI in Always and Forever: Baybay I'll always love you ... forever.
  21. I watched Rewind AGAIN today, and I watched it and DVR'd the first time, so yeah I like to see Clay on my TV. This is to say, that for the very first time I've fallen under the spell of Everlasting Love. Sometimes it's just time, I guess, but every sound, every look was perfect -- and the cameraman was his verra verra good friend that night. Oh, the lipbites!
  22. It's more than capturing a look, it's the lingering look, the hesitation to look away ... Beh-beh.
  23. It's under Montages / Goldarngirl (better than half way down)/ SRHPT Best of Texas / Banter & WISYS. I've been downloading from the "Best of" series all morning and afternoon -- SRHP and JBT. Fantastic trove of treasures!
  24. I'm watching some of the Best of Houston SRHP and there is a motherlode of sexy Beh-beh here ... When I see you smile ... Beh-beh when I see you smile at me and Beh-beh there's nothing in this world that could ever do What the touch of your hand can do And one look at you Beh-beh is all I'll ever need I just watched some sexy hot Clay Aiken in Houston Best of WISYS from 4:30 to 4:46, and specifically 4:41 - 4:46 may be the hottest five seconds in show business in the category of making love to a camera with your eyes, Baby. :F_05BL17blowkiss: goldarngirl and luckiest1
  25. And I didn't want to leave out this one, and this one, and this one. Was he just happy to see us?? I love his silky, swirly hair. and his gripping hands .... and his stripey feet in soft shoes ... and the way he puckers up ... and other stuff ..... Who is he anyway? Really. Because looking at this, I swear I'll bet he can raise the dead.
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