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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. The sooper secrit again? Nope, not buying a single word of it. A friend of a friend of mine in the music business thinks it's the same load of crap. Clyra? Oh, I can't wait for a Scarlett report!! Officially signed up to be notified by Amazon! Oh, that makes it so real. Speaking of real, real life dictates no Mardi Gras for me today -- just when I was getting ready, I answer the phone and that was that. Egads the timing of RL! So as a consolation prize for myself I'm headed to Randall's. If I have to have company today, they WILL eat King Cake!
  2. oh YAY -- just a bit over an hour until the Wildcard Show on Rewind. My personal anniversary of seeing Clay on TV for the first time.
  3. Nah, nah, nah, where's your math, baby? Zula + merrieeee = HIP
  4. I read where Zula is for those that bling, or want to be blinged. HA! I haven't eaten there, but it has a good rep and I'm hip to go if that's the call. Birra's is less pricey, and has those stuffed mushrooms we adore, but I like trying new things. Too bad we don't have a Sugar Daddy picking up the check for Brennan's on the eve of Mardi Gras!!!!! I'm being tempted to go to Galveston tonight especially since it's going to be in the 70's .... DARE I???? A girl I went to high school with has one of those old Victorians on tonight's parade route and invited a bunch of people to party. Personally I prefer the music and madness of The Strand ... but maybe I'll hold my powder for Monday night! http://www.mardigrasgalveston.com/
  5. And the singer for Stealer's Wheel was Gerry Rafferty who went on to big hits like Baker Street and Right Down the Line -- just more of the useless music trivia that overloads my brain and prevents me from retaining anything truly meaningful. This FBM and M&J in the autograph line -- they're probably selling his autograph on EBay. I don't think they're insane or loony -- I think they're criminals. JMO. And ... I cannot tolerate angry cursing -- but I love a healthy dose of profanity with my humor. To me it's all about the emotion behind it. Coming from a time and place where my peers used the F word as every perceivable part of speech -- and enjoyed the fuck out of it -- I'm immune to being bothered by it.
  6. Playbiller, I don't understand your concern regarding personal info regarding Clay? I interpreted it as the musician blogger was talking to a stranger who was trying to push him into listening to a track he emailed after getting the musician's info from MySpace and was trying to establish credibility by name dropping, i.e., Clay Aiken and Live Aid type events -- and the musician didn't buy any of it. That was my read. ETA: Oops I just realized that the two things weren't related and your comment about the personal info was about another blogger. Regarding Carrie Underwood not talking to the local press, I think Clay has gotten some decent interviews from local press -- not so much the LA, NY and national media the past few years -- but local press interviews as I have seen them posted have been much better. I like that Clay was the example cited of an artist who cares about local fans. That was nice.
  7. i LOVE it. Pass the barf bucket, wanda. Dumbass me, I just had to read around a couple of boards this afternoon to see what all the stink was about. Much ado about ab-so-lutely jack. Fans giving advice and instructions about how to watch the show? I've seen it all now! I've yet to see Spamalot -- although my days are coming -- but I'll be damned if I need to follow "Instructions for Clay Fans." If I want to watch Clay the whole time, dammit I will, openly and unabashedly. Since I'll be seeing it mumbledy-mumble times I may do just that one night. But, you know what, it goes beyond Clay. For instance, I'm a fan of Antonio Banderas and if I had had an opportunity to see him on Broadway I probably would have paid my money, taken a seat, and stared at him all night long. There aren't any freaking rules!!! Are you banned from Broadway if you have too much fun?
  8. Yes I smell the presence of that pony!!! Except actually, like, coveringthe news? There is a lot of news - I was shocked to find my state wants to privatize the lottery, they think it will bring more money - why not cover the prvatization of America and how it is agive away to rich friends? I think John Edwards has been trying to get this across for years. Regulation is not a dirty word when the alternative is sanctioned profligate theft at the expense of the middle class and working poor. If rampant cronyism didn't catch fire as an issue after 9/11 and Katrina -- is there hope? In my opinion the devaluation of the news didn't start with cable TV. The day Russert/Meet the Press put Rush Limbaugh on, and attempted to bestow some credibility or even acceptability, that was a sign of the apocalypse and the mark of that beast hasn't been removed.
  9. Talk about liberal use of ellipses ... I resemble that remark!! Seriously the edited version of your remarks above pretty clearly condenses my entire opinion of the mainstream media -- print or electronic. I'm almost to the place with the "news" that if I don't read it in the foreign press, or a blog I trust, I don't believe a word. The American news establishment IS all tabloid all the time. "Monica" was the final confirmation of that ten years ago, and in the past decade it's worsened exponentially. Does anyone think Clay is singled out for abuse? Well, it's just not true. Yellow journalism is rampant and ugly. We all probably believe something about a celebrity or public figure that is patently false yet settled in the mass consciousness. The only way to counteract it is to let it go. Pay no attention. Give it no power.
  10. I don't understand the big surprise people. Clay told an interviewer that he doesn't have the desire, that he's shut it down -- this after the speculation and rumors about his sexuality for the past two years? Of course it's news on the entertainment pages. If it weren't, that would be the big surprise. Now, the lingering question that I've had about all this is ...... drumroll ..... The subject Clay responded to, as I read it, was "romantic relationships" and I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but you sure as heck can have an awful lot of satisfying sex without a romantic relationship. At least, I hear it's been done.
  11. Reminds me of "What's for supper, Grandpa?" Well, we got: Chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes Buttermilk biscuits with chicken gravy Collard greens Stewed okra and tomatoes Crowder peas seasoned with ham hock and Grandma’s fresh-baked blackberry pie. Yum Yum
  12. Marilyon, the picture is a WOW! I mean, he is so freaking CUTE! How cool is a picture with Clay and Q and A!!! Could you stand it? Got Spamalot pins today. Yippieeee. Now I just need a place to wear them ... like in New York ... in Three Months??!?!?!?!
  13. So why is Clay being compared to him...I don't get it? Kim Ron Paul is a candidate for the Republican nomination for President this year. He's getting roughly 10% of the vote on a good day, but his supporters are devoted and have raised tons of money for his campaign. I believe he holds the record for the most money ever raised in one day on the internet at $7 million. Paul espouses that we haven't been told the truth about 9/11 and that the occupation of Iraq is a war crime. He also believes in abolishing the IRS, abolishing drug laws, and laws prohibiting gambling, prostitution, etc. -- and scrapping every social program including Social Security and Medicare. He ran for president on the Libertarian ticket in 1988. The implied comparison to Clay has to be that Ron Paul is not taken seriously by the mainstream media, but has the most dedicated supporters who give their all for him -- the difference being that probably 90% of Paul's followers are young males.
  14. I'm starting to suspect that it's Clay's detractors who go to these sites and comment as "Claymates" -- because reading "fan" comments usually pisses me off more than whatever is said in the offending articles. Most of that stuff makes me CRINGE! Another thing that makes me CRINGE .... is that Ron Paul actually is my congressman!
  15. Looking back at the mistakes I made in my life ... I wish I could have shut it down for a few of those years.
  16. Well, at least Huffington's entertainment page didn't use the NY rag's awful picture!
  17. I've just got a couple of things .... When did fans throw panties when he sang Everything I Do (I Do It For You)? and When did Clay even sing Everything I Do (I Do It For You)? Was that the same year he voted for Jesse Helms?
  18. I always take "no comment" from anyone as an avoidance of a question because .... there's something to it. It's in the air. A no is a no, but a "no comment" says to me ... "we're not ready to discuss it -- don't jump the gun." That's good enough for me. BTW, when was Clay asked this question about a tour? At the stagedoor?
  19. I love being blissfully ignorant when it comes to gossip and attention-seekers. I was once at their mercy before I got too busy in RL to check other boards and that happy situation led me to my latest mantra: Do Not Stray From FCA. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I think there's nothing I need to know that I don't find out being here ... the company is fabulous, and apparently I'm missing a lot of crappola! YAY!!!
  20. Regarding fan behavior, fans asking cast members questions about Clay and stuff like that, is very poor judgment but doesn't bother me all that much because the sad fact is that some people have little or no judgment in real life and aren't going to develop it just because they're fans of Clay. I try to not condemn people who may make asses out of themselves without actually hurting anybody else. What gets to me are the supposed intelligent professional fans who meddle in Clay's business by contacting the record label and distributors and putting out press releases and interviewing people only tangentially associated with TC and then broadcasting opinions and rumors as if sourced and causing a hullabaloo on the boards. That sort of thing is harmful in a systemic way, and crosses the line for me. Clay's the only one who could ever attempt to exercise control over the fanbase as a whole -- and I don't think he's interested in doing that. This fanbase is full of people of all ages, from all walks of life, with a myriad of personalities and behaviors -- there are fans that project, pretend and think it's a power contest, and there are fans who buy tickets and albums and merchandise, and never express an opinion. This really is a Clay Nation and I'm looking forward to the day when the Clay Nation truly extends around the world. There's something unifying, purposeful and joyous about being Clay's fan that papers over a lot of behavior that I don't find laudatory, but I try to let it be.
  21. How about I try the whole goldarn thing! Seriously, I'm getting it all in my clackstash! I'm so glad this came up tonight because I most obviously was asleep when it first went online!
  22. goldarngirl, I just want to thank you for the Facets of Clay montages you did to When He Shines. I get goosebumps whenever I watch either of them. If forced to choose favorite montages, I would have to say they've had a greater impact on me than any other montages I've ever seen. The song kills. And ... I just downloaded Without You from your Houston montage because I was on the front row that night (thank you Scarlett :F_05BL17blowkiss: ) and he was KILL-ING me with this song. I have a place in my heart for the beginning and ... I guess that's just the way the SONG goes ..." Now on to more downloading. YAY for Saturday nights with nothing to do but download clack and watch the women skate for the US title.
  23. That blend is my new desktop. And I thought exactly the same thing about it being a CD cover.
  24. I looooove that second picture. Give me scruffy hair Clay. Sexay! And then there are those lips and those eyelashes and that whole face
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