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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. Hands down, my favorite Unchained Melody is JBT Columbus: It has nothing to do with the falsetto, the tempo, none of that, nada. It is the overt sexiness with which he first sings "I need ... (delicious pause) ... your love" that makes me think he drank a bottle of Love Potion #9 that night!
  2. Good luck, jmh, and white light vibes and cheery thoughts and positive chants for your success today! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  3. I watched Rewind all over again tonight and a couple of things jumped out at me ... The "Vincent" thing probably would have been unnoticed if the judges hadn't mentioned it. Clay did his usual beautiful job of making it his own and his voice was superb. I noticed for the first time that at the end when the camera panned to Clay's friends and family section, Jamie was there. And then I saw her again briefly during a family shot at the end of UM. So that got me thinking, do you guys know who were the girls that were disseminating messages from Clay online, because if he got the word out that night, and Jamie was in the audience that night ... is that a connection? And I picked up that Kimberley Locke was the conspiratorial one ... she said that she hated "Anyone Who Had A Heart" and she thought Randy gave her that terrible song on purpose. Honestly, it wasn't a terrible song when Dionne Warwicke sang it, but K-Lo didn't do a thing for it. And dressed like she was going to walk her dog in the park didn't help the atmospheres of the performance at all. Ruben, I liked during SSD, but then I've always loved that song. "Smile" sucked to me, and "If Ever I'm In Your Heart Again" sounded like Ruben's voice was hanging by a frazzled thread. The strain was obvious. Clay, regardless of the "Vincident" was pure and clear and deep and strong and brilliant on all three songs -- and I adore his performance of MTK because of (1) the last note that still makes me want to stand up and cheer, because he had the most polished and perfect vibrato that was even possible (I also love the authentic way he sang "Mack-ie"; and (2) that Clay went against type to prove that he could sing Vegas staples -- the Sinatra, Dean Martin, Bobby Darin stuff -- and pull it off with the inimitable Clay Aiken touch. His breath control was fabulous. The UM performance was great for me. The high note was thrilling and the way he was pouring out his heart and soul into that song was unsurpassed at that time ... until the next week when he bested himself with BOTW and TITN. I have to say this, Clay did some songs that I always felt were too short. "Vincent" was extremely short, even with the last-minute extension, so I can see why that happened. Kim and Ruben's first two songs were definitely longer than Clay's songs. I can't imagine there would have been even a skeleton of "Vincent" at the length he sang in rehearsals. MTK was very short, too, but it flowed well and worked because of that huge finish. For the record, I also thought Solitaire was too short. It ended so abruptly that I was kind of shocked when it was over. Nope, for me the Final 3 belonged to Clay all the way. And according to Nigel's comment a couple of years ago, Clay led the voting that night too.
  4. I just have to ask, where did the name "the Trinity" come from? I understand it's three friends of Clay, but referring to them as the Trinity is tres creepie for me. Was this a fan created term? And as for Paula, I lost respect for her and for Randy when they did the big high five when Ruben's name was announced. I'm sure he was their favorite, but I think it was gauche to do a high five about it. It looked like they felt THEY had won something. Had Clay won, I don't think high fiving would have been appropriate either. It was just damned tacky for judges, even non-voting judges, to do that.
  5. Another mystery solved on Rewind today. He didn't forget the words to Vincent. He said that at the dress rehearsal Nigel said the version he was singing was too short and had to be extended to sing in competition, and since Clay wasn't familiar with the song and there was only an hour and a half until the show, Nigel put the added words on the teleprompter for him. So, while the words were right in front of him, he wasn't familiar with the song and came in at the wrong place. But he stressed that he didn't forget the words! And I noticed, BTW, that Clay's voice on Vincent was magnificently beautiful. I never cared much for that song, mainly because Don McLean wrote it, and I could never forgive him for the monstrosity that was American Pie (which gets my vote for Worst Song Ever). Today I just listened to that golden voice and I don't care where he came in with the lyrics, it was extraordinary. He was sooo cute on the Top 3 show. So many adorable Clay faces to melt a heart.
  6. I agree about #1, CG. (Sorry Clayzorback!) I think it's the wispy bangs that do it for me. I just love hair down in his face a bit (or a lot, even). It looks natural and cool and hot to me. If it absolutely positively has to be blond, then at least pull some of it down in his FACE. I adore the CD cover and I think it's burning hot, but those eyes in #1 at least deserve to be seen on a musicpass card. I think the cool bangs to the side accentuate those alluring eyes. BTW, I did check out the vote last night and #3 was gaining ground on #1, so it isn't a done deal. After being in this intriguing group of fans for nearly two years now (OMG two years already!), I have at least a dozen Clay Aiken t-shirts, and I do wear them proudly. I have my standards. I would never wear an Adidas, Nike, Coca-Cola, et al, t-shirt because I won't pay to advertise a product on my back. They should pay ME, or at least give their shirts out for free. I do have brand t-shirts that I currently wear, such as The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Moody Blues, and Clay Aiken. I have more Clay Aiken than anything right now. The difference is that I'm proud to show the colors for things that mean something to me and that I love. Maybe I'm lucky but in my limited experience I haven't actually seen a lot of OTT fans at the concerts. I take the word of everyone that they are there, and I suppose one must go a lot to notice the patterns. That said, enthusiasm and exuberant behavior, from the heart, is all good for me. I'm not one to make a spectacle of myself, but I like to have a good time, and express myself. So I can laugh my butt off and enjoy seeing fans full of excitement and silliness. It makes me laugh for them and with them. If and when I have moments, I hope others will take it for what it is, pure happiness. My past experience, however, is to be stupefied in the presence of the man, so I'd be the one most likely to be tapped on the shoulder with the words ... 'snap out of it, the show's over, it's time to go now." I think I am immune to feeling that other people can embarrass me or reflect on me in any way. If other people want to judge me by what someone else does, I'll just let that be their problem. I've always had friends from many walks of life and some of them don't care much for each other, but I don't think that has anything to do with me. I'm pretty damn accepting, within reason. And while I said I haven't actually seen a lot of OTT fan behavior, what I have seen live and in person was perpetrated by none other than a member of the FBM group. Everything I've heard about FBM and associates is pretty sick, and I think it is an unfortunate fact that celebrities have to deal with over-the-edge people -- the bigger celebrities just can't escape them. Not even Clay. And from what I hear, this FBM business seems to be a recurring, freaky and uncomfortable scene that I hope can come to a conclusion, and soon. About the Top 40 / Hot AC / AC deal ... I've read around today and have noticed a solid group of people who will be unhappy if Clay doesn't get played on Top 40 radio, and mostly because they quote Clay as saying he'd like to be on Top 40 radio -- although I don't know when that happened. But, I think it's common sense that any pop singer would want to be heard by the widest audience possible, and the belief that Top 40 drives sales, etc, etc, regurgitation, etc. seems to be a mind fixture for some. I just don't buy that at all. The last time I checked, Hot AC is a bigger market than Top 40. It pulls from the best of Top 40 and the best of new AC, and has an all-encompassing listener base. Clay could be played on Top 40 if he wanted it that bad, but it's obvious by the musical choices he makes that Top 40 will have to come to him, he won't go where they are today. It's just so different today. Back in the day when Top 40 ruled the music world, you could hear everything from Bubblegum to Terrante & Fleischer to The Doors, The Troggs, The Temptations, the Byrds, Buck Owens and Bob Dylan on Top 40. Marketing splintered new music into the niches that exist today, for better and worse. Everything is a niche. Rhythmic club music favored by current Top 40 is a niche. Que sera sera, I'm wearing a JBT shirt right now, and I'm going to Target in it. So THERE! :F_05BL17blowkiss: LESS THAN TWO WEEKS FOR ME AND CLAY IN NY!!
  7. What I got from that review is that Clay's amazingly warm and naturally magnificent voice will sell this song. His voice is the star, without any lyrics or violins or guitars. He does sell this song with exquisite phrasing and control supporting the gorgeous sound of his voice. And while you probably can't have a Top 40 hit without a driving dance beat or provocative lyrics, the reviewer seems to predict it will be a "smash" AC hit. And if that's the case then the song will be played on the radio for the next, oh, 25 years! The Top 40 "hits" are here and gone; the AC tunes that are smash hits never die. Inasmuch as RCA is releasing OMWH to AC, I think this is exactly what they're after here. And I agree with the reviewer that, while the lyrics alone aren't inventive, Clay brings them to life with a subtle poignancy and obvious emotional connection that is intoxicating. Yes, I think that's what he said. That, and what Muski said -- that it's a good thing that Clay's doing a Ryan Tedder song, the same Ryan Tedder who wrote the cliched lyrics that seem to be the only problem the reviewer dude has with the song. Huh?
  8. The first time I heard Clay say he didn't watch Idol was during the time of the televised audition shows in Season 6. I remember him telling Diane Sawyer that he wasn't watching, and I believe he said that he hadn't watched it in over a year, which would include Season 5. That would make Season 4 the last one he watched, and that was in 2005, which is three years ago. Maybe Clay was counting 2005-2006-2007-2008, which would be four years, but only three years past. It's ballpark for me.
  9. For me it's all about the touchy-feely. He's like that with Angela on stage. He's like that with Tyra whenever he's around her. Enlarge that picture above and check it out -- he's touching her arm with his left hand, and his right hand is holding hers. Come on, there's a visible attraction there.
  10. Those Clyra pictures are awesome. They look so completely happy -- and Clay certainly likes to pucker up for that girl!!! I wish I could see the biggie pictures. I registered at clayaikenpix.com last year, but I've forgotten my password and in the meantime my email address changed from roadrunner to comcast and they stopped forwarding on January 1, so I can't get the email to reset my password. But I can't even get upset about it because there's too much happy happy joy joy going on! I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
  11. mmmmmmmmmmm, that's tasty bass! If I register for QVC, nobody can ever mention this to my family. Please! I have an aunt addicted to QVC - I think she has her own private number - and I've made the jokes at the family get-togethers for years. So mum's the word, okay? This confuses me, do listeners actually have control, or are they just made to feel like they do? Anyway, radio has grown a long beard in the innovation department so maybe this is an attempt at a new paradigm. God know the old one wore itself out years ago. But I definitely like this page from their website when I searched Clay Aiken: http://hothitshouston.com/pages/1821444.ph...n=Search+Videos It's a one-stop shop for every Clay Aiken video I can think of --- it continues page after glorious page of Clay videos! Personally, I would like a station that plays everything from AC - Hot AC - Top 40 - Rock, as in the olden days when radio mattered more than anything. But I just don't see a renaissance in the near future. The teens that I know today don't listen to radio unless they can't escape it! They listen to iPods and get new music from download sites that preview new releases weekly, or from MySpace sites. Things have changed. That's why there are some songs played regularly on the radio for a good long time that never sell well. Payola has become passe for radio. It's the bucks spend hyping at the cool sites on the net that grab attention so far in this millenium. ooooo, ooooo, tomorrow will be TWO WEEKS until I see my boyfriend for the first time since Orlando last summer! ETA: Tyra's got a tight hold on that thumb!! Oh, Lord!!!
  12. I am addicted to OMWH. My innate need to hear it often is increasing. His voice is amazing. I downloaded the Insider video and it looks real good biggie-sized. It's a Flash Video and I didn't convert it, but the bigger the better for me: http://download.yousendit.com/4D6D215960BCF3B3
  13. Edgy: Having a bold, provocative, or unconventional quality <an edgy film> In that sense, I think Clay's voice itself could be considered provocative and unconventional. So he's an edgy cat, all right. Seriously, what's hip, cool, edgy, heavy, hot, or the word of the day is just too subjective for definition. I remember when my house was the haven for the neighborhood teen boys -- and one of the reasons they hung out at my place is because my son was a funny guy, another was that they lusted after my record collection. It amazed me how at the time there were the guys who adored Guns & Roses and thought Axl and Slash were the bomb -- and those who thought they were mere posers and believed that only Metallica, Slayer and classic Black Sabbath with Ozzy and Tony Iommi were suitable listening for the Black T-Shirt Army. The boundaries are always pushed to the extremes and then beyond to find the coolest and the hippest. I know someone who believes that as soon as something is labeled "cool" it becomes "uncool" at that moment (cough*myoldestson*cough). He'd easily go to a Clay concert before going to see a singer or band that was labeled as the "Big Thing Now" - but that's just him. And my youngest son wouldn't be caught dead listening to OneRepublic or Justin Timberlake. He thinks Timbaland has made a fortune emasculating hip-hop. He'd laugh his ass off at anyone who considered any of them relevant or edgy. He goes to concerts at the Warehouse or the Meridian to hear bands I've never heard of and don't want to know about. Like everything else, it's relative. I was a major Moody Blues fan in the late 60's and 70's, and lots of rock fans in the day thought the Moodies were too melodic and orchestrated (even though the orchestrations were their own inventions with the Mellotron.) The music, the lyrics, the vibe went to my soul and beyond, taking the journey out and in, and if somebody didn't get it I considered it their loss. Now Rod Stewart was the "edgy" singer and he did absolutely nothing for me ... and so was Robert Plant (and he definitely did do something for me!) but Justin Hayward? OMG. Well it's now 2008 and I saw the MB's in March and although I've seen the guys in their 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's and now early 60's -- they've never sounded better. Justin's voice, incredibly, is better than it's ever been -- stronger, clearer, full of emotion, and hitting the big notes with ease. The "edgy" guys like Rod Stewart and Robert Plant have seen better days, to be kind. All the voice abuse necessary to be edgy vocalists has rendered them unable to hit the notes anymore. And how can I forget Diamond Dave who can't sing the old Van Halen songs in any way, shape or form like he once did. I see Clay in that category of improving with age, and thrilling audiences for a lifetime. And if I want edgy, I have a whole collection of that stuff. At this point in time, Foo Fighters is as edgy as I care to be most of the time (although old Zeppelin and early U2 can still thrill me to the bone. Zeppelin's Thank You will always be fresh for me.) And I will be quite interested to hear the new Metallica that's being produced by Rick Rubin, even though their last few efforts truly sucked! Here's an anecdote that indicates something, but I'm not sure what. Late last night I was playing OMWH at the computer while writing some powerpoints and both my son and DIL came into my room to look for something. My DIL asked, 'is that Clay's new song?' and I said yes, and she said ... 'it reminds me of something but I don't know what.' My son said to her, 'it sounds like that "it's too late" song you listen to.' She said, 'yeah, that's it. It has the same sound, in a way.' Now I happen to love Apologize a whole bunch and don't see the connection at all. But they did -- and I had to tell them that both songs were written by the same guy. They had no idea. I thought that was interesting. Or maybe they're just nuts. Solo! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  14. LdyJ, I was set to post, let's just ask The Edge! As for the bonus tune for the iTunes pre-order ...... maybe Kyrie? Clay wanted it on the album but said that Jaymes held him back. merrieeee, I'm glad to see you survived the Shell Houston Open. I hear it was a great success this year and the weather couldn't have been better over the weekend! Now you can have fun, sister! I have both parents at home now, so that's a baby step in the right direction. Now to the subject at hand. I FLOVE this song. His voice is like butter and the contemporary production of the thematic title song is a perfect prelude to songs about his five-year journey. I've always been partial to concept, so I'm as excited as a 17 year old waiting for Sgt. Pepper. Clay Aiken has the most luscious, pure, enchanting voice. I have faith that Kipper did everyone proud. I have no question that Clay's voice will keep me over the moon.
  15. Do you think the AOL will go up at midnight Eastern or midnight Pacific?
  16. CG, I can't remember if I responded before to you about Johnny Adams -- but I love him. I first found out about him when I saw the movie Bowfinger and he sang There Is Always One More Time at the beginning of the movie. I went home and did research to find that song and it's still on my playlist. I love his voice. I wish I had discovered him before his death as I would have no doubt hopped over to NOLA to hear him.
  17. I remember reading that sometime during or soon after American Idol, Clay said his favorite album was James Taylor's Hourglass. I don't know what songs Clay liked in particular -- but they're all primo James Taylor. Regarding RCA/SAM -- Renshaw did say that he works closely with the record labels on album promotion. They formulate the plan together. So spake he. I'll trust those closest to Clay, and Clay himself, to do their jobs, and I'll just pull out the cash. That's my job. jmh! I'm so glad you're enjoying Alvin Lee (with a little help from George) -- and I too buy albums that have been out for years, sometimes decades, and play them obsessively as if they were hot new releases. If it's new to me, it's new. All in good time. Well, Mom is still in the hospital. Maybe Monday will be the day.
  18. I have just a minute, but want to say that I'm so anxious for May 6! I weakened and found the As Long As We're Here song on Rhapsody that was released last year by a singer I had never heard of -- and I listened to the whole thing twice. The possibilities of what Clay's voice could do with this song are just WOW! Whoa, I go away for awhile and my old buddies Clayzorback and LMF are posting again! Maybe I should stay away longer. :F_05BL17blowkiss: ETA: Mom may get out of the hospital today, more likely Monday, but at least it's close.
  19. Back during ATDW I sat for hours reading all manner of crap (insider rumors, contacts with any Tom, Dick or Harry in "the business," and general condemnation of whatever was or wasn't happening) and it totally sickened me. I was utterly nauseated by the whipping up of fan fretting and sweating over a freaking press release. I'm a music lover. A serious and to the heart of me MUSIC LOVER! I piss on press releases in general, and I've written and read my share, just not about MUSIC! This time the folly is not even serious for me, in fact I'm closer to laughing my ass off like Walter Huston at the end of Treasure of the Sierra Madre. The cast of characters are in place again, but I don't think too many people actually give a f.., I mean, CARE. Who cares? I don't think we here at EyesWideOpen, Inc. (a/k/a FCA) give a flying. I will love to hear Clay singing new songs, and especially ones that mean something to him. I'm a lyrics person. I couldn't love a song if the words didn't resonate with me, but I've loved a ton of songs with lyrics that carried the music. A truly great song for me is when the music and lyrics are married in meaning -- and doubly great if the music and lyrics become personal for me. I couldn't be more impressed with Clay Aiken than I am right now. He continues to amaze me.
  20. You mean you turn it off? Mine is on and stays on until the automatic thermostat cuts it off under 75 degrees. I think you already know that I want a cool room. August in Orlando with the heater on was memorable. Sleeping in a greenhouse environment was quite the total tropical experience. A hot room and a broken toe, yet I still had the most fabulous time -- and that's a testament to my always entertaining traveling companions. :F_05BL17blowkiss: (Not to mention the cutest, most talented and sexy singer named Clay, who entertained us so well.) LdyJ I LOVED your recap. Thanks for the information about Row A Mezzanine. I'll be there for at least one performance, and I think maybe two. I'm so glad you got an autograph. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! When you saw him outside, was he dweeeeeeemy? ETA: I totally missed everything April Fools today. I remember last April Fools when one board became the Andy Williams site to spoof the uproar over the rumor that Clay would be singing Moon River on the summer tour. He sang SexyBack instead! Ha! Hiya Muski!!! It's good to be here to catch up a little, but the need for sleep is overcoming my desire to spend more time here tonight. I do want to stress that you women on this board are a bunch of sharp tacks -- no matter which direction people are coming from, FCA is interesting and thought-provoking (and highly addictive). It's the best hang out, and I've been missing it much during recent days. Welcome back Ansa! G'night.
  21. That being said, my best guess is that Sacrificial Love is upbeat or whimsical in nature and not a heavy ballad. I wish I could stay and play, but I'll be gone today. Things are progressing, but my mother's condition is unlikely to improve significantly. She's been beautiful and energetic since childhood and advanced age is depressing her. I think that has contributed greatly to her physical issues. There's a critical downside to being Type A when one loses mobility. My mother was never able to sit down -- and now that she has to, she feels anxiety and a sense of defeat. I think learning how to "do nothing" is a life essential. But, of course that's easy for me to say.
  22. This picture of Clay ... WOW I mean, click the full image on that baby. W O W ! ! ! !
  23. This isn't my favorite picture of Clay, except from the neck down. That's the most hair I've ever seen exposed on Clay's chest.
  24. I no sooner post this than LKL comes on with a rerun of Paul and Ringo. And they make a liar out of me. Why, what did they say? They only make music to please themselves and that they are happy with. Ringo scoffed at the idea of 'will they like this? or will they like that?' and Paul said 'if I don't like it, nobody's going to like it." So maybe huh Clay walked into the music business with the same mindset of the Beatles. But then again, deep down they must hope that their fans want to hear it.
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