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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. I've never heard Clay sing Celebrate Me Home ... must be before my time. But it was a huge hit for Kenny Loggins and when I think of that song, Kenny's singing it (maybe because I've never heard Clay sing it). Christmas song? Never thought of it as a Christmas song but obviously Clay used it in an early JN tour. I'll look it up later. Any suggestions for the premier venue for a virgin CMH with Clay experience? There's a hubbub because Ruben's doing it as the going-home song on Idol this year? I don't get that. I'm sure Clay's very happy for Ruben. Now, the question burning in my brain this morning is .... am I the only one who has "turn around and see, what love's done to me" looping in her head over and over and over and over and over ...? I'm in my cowboy duds today ... such as they are ... and getting ready for Goode Company Barbecue and a little coconut pie (or peach cobbler) for dessert. GO TEXAN wherever you are!
  2. I came into this discussion late as usual, but have now googled and linked enough to know that I'm really happy with this producer just from what I've read, and what Sting said about him. A free spirit with a great sense of humor and originality who started as the guitarist in a rock band and is a songwriter to boot, sounds good to me. I see why Clay likes him ... he wrote jingles for McDonalds, and he has a passion for Apple Macs. Kipper likes the one name thing, so maybe they'll call this album .... CLAY.
  3. So Clay is with a more reputable and classy organization than the one with which David Foster is affiliated? Well, isn't that special. There is no label that will win an award for artistic nobility, but at least Clive didn't hire Perez Hilton! Clive was excoriated in Clayland for inviting PH to one of his parties -- but at least he's not on the freaking RCA payroll! With Winehouse winning Grammys and PH working for Warners, the current popular culture has become absurdly insignificant. Winehouse winning those Grammys for Rehab is a near total devaluation of the worth of a Grammy Award. When "bad" in the literal becomes popular -- what's left but to bring out the broom. That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it.
  4. All I can say about Jimmy Kimmel's video is that I watched it last night after the Oscars, and I saw WAYYYYY more of Jimmy's body than I cared to. It's now a documented fact now that JK does not work out. Just EWWWW to having to see that! I much preferred Sarah Silverman's video, maybe because it's nicer to think about f***ing Matt Damon. KAndre, I'm right with you on Simon in that I think he's more honest in his opinions than are Paula and Randy, but then again he has biases that I don't care for. I just don't believe he can take any credit for saying Clay would find success on the Broadway stage rather than in recording, because I don't see it. To me he was excluding any other career for Clay outside of musical theater. I think Clay will do more on Broadway in the future and I see leading parts for him and I'm sure they're being offered right now, but I believe the BIG money in the business is in solo concert tours, more so than recording and/or songwriting, and I believe a singer pretty much has to be a recording artist to sell concert tickets. So, I stick with my inclination that Simon was dead wrong on this one. I'm more than willing to agree that being a Broadway star is a great big deal in prestige and profitability, but I still say that Broadway's not big enough to hold Clay Aiken's talents. He's still getting started. My daydream of the hour is that Mike Nichols has taken such an interest in Clay, and Clay's comedic instincts, timing and mimickry, that he will cast him in one of his films. Clay on the big screen, in the flicks, would be my dream come true. Clay in a Mike Nichols film ... with a percentage ... OMG YES!
  5. I'm one who doesn't see Simon's comments regarding Clay as being on target at all. Simon told Clay: "You'll make a forture on Broadway off of this (Idol). I just don't see you as a recording artist." Clay has made a fortune as a recording and touring artist -- and has his fourth (YAY) album coming out in a couple of months. The first three were: Platinum, Platinum, Gold. Period. I doubt what he makes on Broadway compares to the fortune he's already made as a recording artist, and will continue to make. Simon has no claim on All-Knowing-Recording-Expert. To me, he's just another guy with an opinion.
  6. I love the picture caption on that Newday review: And also: This is news? I guess she's new to the world of Clay Aiken. Ain't it the truth! Love that line! No, just a typical day for Clay Aiken.
  7. I think the Rewind editing cuts both ways. I noticed last week that Simon's critique for Somewhere Out There was edited. Originally he had some snark about loving songs about mice, but on Rewind his only comment for Clay was "After this performance you're the one to beat." I'll take that.
  8. Is Lance(lot) the other guard in the tower at the beginning? Is that why Robin and Lance are friends?
  9. Whatever do you mean with the strikethrough, merrieeee? That you're not obsessive? Yeah, me neither.
  10. I adore the AP review. The fact that it's from a serious drama critic is more than wonderful. Some of these so-called "reviews" don't ring true to me, the EW review being one of them. I was wondering on the ride home tonight if some of these reviewers bother to actually see the show or just throw up a Clay Aiken review for web hits, and basically play to the "cool" cynics. Then I get home and see a link to this story on the MSNBC home page that speaks directly to such things. In this case the Black Crowes are charging that a reviewer for Maxim slammed their new album without hearing it. The payoff is this: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23300690/ My opinion is that fans should make an effort to totally ignore comments and especially reviews from sources that are not reputable and from critics who have no credentials. They're just whores. I'm sorry, but that's all they are.
  11. Muski, don't forget this one: Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans! Playbiller, may I humbly suggest you stay close to FCA. All the nasty scar tissue that built up from the battles over the mass paranoid delusions of 2006 have dissolved away since I came here to play. I feel fresh and clean again. LOVE YOU PEOPLE! And I miss certain ones of you who haven't posted here in a few months ... and you know who you are!
  12. I pre-ordered a copy of ATDW from Sony/BMG for the magnet ... but the best part was receiving the CD on Saturday before the official release date, and the copy I ordered from Amazon arrived on Monday 9/18, which were very good things considering that I went to Walmart at mid-morning on 9/19 and they didn't have it yet. I doubt I'd be interested in a release party, but if there's another CD signing at Virgin, before a Kimmel appearance, that's another story. Couchie, maybe Clay will do an official CD signing extravaganza at the Virgin Megastore in Times Square while you're in NY, to be followed by a Letterman appearance that day. What a day for a daydream.
  13. Muski, :F_05BL17blowkiss: Get your resume out there and remember two important things: If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. If life throws tomatoes at you, make Bloody Marys.
  14. I know, I know, I know .... but how do you feel about .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9Gjd_EAa64
  15. I have posited for a long time that it's a defense mechanism that some people need. Like my dad, who loves his football team but rarely has anything positive to say about them during a game, or the coach either, and seems resigned to defeat before the games begin. He just doesn't want to get his hopes up, you know. This would be okay if he were like this when the team was 2 and 14 -- but he's been this way forever and never more so than in winning seasons. Just his nature. I've only seen Dressed to Kill, but I've watched it at least a dozen times. The "he's a doughnut" bit will CMSU every single time without fail. And I love the Disney World bit, too. KAndre, I have every faith that at some point you will see the light about Open Arms, that frickin' mouse song, and especially Here, There and Everywhere -- well actually too much light on that one. So, I'll be lighting a candle for you and keeping faith, as I tend to do. But do you really think there will be people who will hate his hair and certain outfits? I hope I can adjust.
  16. I haven't taken Idol seriously since Season 2, and while I do watch it, it's more to keep up with the water cooler conversations than any other thing. I guess Idol thinks it has become too big now to trust itself to amateurs and be a legitimate search for undiscovered talent. I think the producers and judges would be scared to death to go to airtime with a stage full of true amateurs, ergo the ringers and lip-synching, and the show will continue on a downhill slide as to real enthusiasm and believability. Do any of you vote? I haven't voted, or attempted to vote, since the AI2 finals when I was on the phone for three hours getting that blasted fast busy signal.
  17. I was expecting better of Idol than what we got last night. None of these guys tripped my trigger. I thought David H and Michael J -- the beginning and end -- were the best last night. The guy who did the Lovin' Spoonfuls song was interesting and cute -- but no American Idol IMO. I thought there was obviously extra air time granted to David A. -- and I don't know why. He was passable, but sang Shop Around in a key too low for him, but that didn't deter the genuflecting from the judges. Sort of reminded me of judge behavior for Ruben when he had an off night. I thought most of the song choices sucked. The 60's had great music and to hear reheated ear pablum was less than exciting. Poor Mr. Moon River -- how sad was that? Now to Danny Noriega, who I was predisposed to root for because I thought he had a great voice and personality in the auditions -- what a dismal performance. Maybe Clay has ruined me for anyone else covering Elvis, because I won't even discuss the guy singing Suspicious Minds. Garrett is a goner sometime in the next three weeks. How did he get into the top 24 with that high-pitched stringy voice? David Cook was okay, but come on Randy ... Alice In Chains? He was okay but not even to the Chris Daughtry level for me ... and I'm no fan of Daughtry. I think the hype about Best Season Ever is just that ... hype. At least David Johns can sing. He may be a ringer but at least he seems to have some confidence and talent which were rare commodities last night. I can't see one of the guys winning this thing unless some of them are big time sandbaggers.
  18. merrieeee, I use this one and I believe I got the link to the freeware from Scarlett. It works and it's very easy. http://www.geovid.com/Video_mp3_Extractor/
  19. Oh GAH, look how far down that shirt is unbuttoned ... or is that an illusion?
  20. I'd rather hold onto a strap in an overflow lounge car than have a first-class seat with the hand-wringers. Besides, I don't think they'd like me. I don't worry much, normally wake up cheerful* and other obnoxious stuff like that. * (As long as coffee is in the picture -- preferably strong black coffee with whipped cream on top).
  21. As if the boards weren't angsting enough already. :lmaosmiley-1: Thanks for all the birthday wishes! Soooooo, if Roger Wydnowski now works for Idol, then this plays into my dream-theory about the Finale. But, what if it's just that Roger actually LIKES Clay? Could it be that Roger never hated Clay at all, and never plotted his downfall, but actually likes and supports him? Wouldn't that just blow the roof off! Oh the angst! The Horror!!! Congrats on the iPod, Lucky!!!!!
  22. So there's another RCA hatefest brewing? When it comes to speculation, I can easily do that. Why do I always seem to be speculating about things other than RCA and Clive? Simon Renshaw has publicly stated that he's heavily involved with the label in promotion of his clients. So what kind of total mind trip promotion would it be for Clay to be on Letterman promoting an SNL appearance, either as host or musical guest, the week after he closes in Spamalot? And then how kick ass would it be it be for him to follow that with the AI7 finale? Umma, umma, followed by word of Clay starring in a future original Broadway show? Maybe Clay has an original career path and he knows exactly what he wants to do. I do think that Clay will be a huge star on Broadway, but also that, ultimately, Broadway won't be big enough for Clay. You may say I'm a dreamer ... but I'm happy. Do I expect all my dreams to come true? Am I counting on it and I'll be totally bummed if it doesn't happen? No, but it beats the hell out of thinking about tired old crap.
  23. Hey, Luckiest Birthday Girl! ..... Have an amazing day and enjoy the new laptop!!!!!
  24. AAAGH! The CH vault doesn't have it yet, and I don't have a key at CV! AAAAGH! Anybody got a sendspace?!?!?!?!? Or a YouTube? I made one for you -- 'cause I love ya! http://www.sendspace.com/file/dpa3b2
  25. I need another analogy because I hate roller coasters. If I ever get on a roller coaster, I will die. Simple as that. So .... I think the eHP is like bumper cars and we spin around and bounce off each other and laugh our fool asses off!
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