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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. I no sooner post this than LKL comes on with a rerun of Paul and Ringo. And they make a liar out of me.
  2. I think fans have a right to ask anything they want according to their preferences -- I also think Clay does exactly what he wants to do and when he wants to do it. There are vocal fans and quiet fans, such is life. Well, have you ever heard Barbra sing Ave Maria? She does it better than anyone, IMO. I think most artists sing songs that they hope their audience/fans want to hear. She's had at least two Christmas albums. I wasn't around at the time, but maybe Clay was being informed that fans loved the spiritual songs on his demo and would want him to sing a religious song in concert. I certainly don't know -- way before my time. I did a rideshare thing with a co-worker a few years ago and she listened to CCM religiously, no pun intended. Most of the time I couldn't understand why the songs were considered CCM since so many of them were inspirational and/or spiritual in a very generic sense, had contemporary production, and a rock beat. Some of them were actually heavy/hard rock. Some of that stuff would have gone on mainstream rock stations in the 70's. Remember "Spirit in the Sky" by Norman Greenbaum? And I also recall "Are You Ready" by Pacific Gas & Electric! I'm certain there are many more if I search my brain, and they were on mainstream rock stations.
  3. Hi, ya'll. I'm back for my fix. CG, I googled and IWCY was written by Jess Cates and the group he works with -- and Eman is one of his frequently co-writers. I was under the impression that Clay didn't pick the MOAM songs anyway. So from what I see Cates writes CCM/Gospel but not exclusively -- he has written for lots of the Idol albums (e.g., Bo and Taylor) and also LeAnn Rimes and Backstreet Boys. I'll take the word of my FCA buddies that there's angsting going on over the song titles -- and that CMSU! Actually, if I were making assumptions by titles, I would guess that Ashes would be a slow ballad, but we know differently. There's just no way to tell except for the snips/demos. I'm happy for Clay that LAA is on the album. There will be credits with Clay's name on the CD -- and more royalties for him. Question, what is AAL? I don't think I've heard of it. Back to Spamalot. I had suggested to my sister that she try for an autograph because Tuesdays would be the best opportunity at SD. She told me today that when she turned the corner after the show there were HUNDREDS of people waiting. Must be a Spring Break thing, huh? Thanks so much for the kool-aid -- the grape hit the spot, jmh! And Kareneh, you knew the only beer I ever drink is ice-cold Corona because??? .... uh, you're psychic in addition to being a brilliant photographer? What a talent! Girlfriend, are you leaving NY on the 25th just as the posse is arriving? WTF? Sis took Daddy home this afternoon and I stayed on with Mother, who will likely be there several more days. After four days of hanging at Methodist Hospital I want to proclaim to the heavens that everyone I've come in contact with has been extraordinarily warm, kind and helpful, with the most loving consideration for both my parents. Dealing with these wonderful dedicated health care professionals has been a silver lining in this whole experience. I don't throw the word blessing around cheaply -- these people have been a blessing to my family. Ciao for now, oh chosen ones of the FCA. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  4. I just read through quickly and don't have long but things have been to the wall for me -- last night I spent the night with my mother because she was too weak to be at the hospital and didn't want to spend the night alone. This morning she passed out cold in the kitchen making coffee and fortunately I was right there to catch her. Called 911 and she went to the hospital in an ambulance. Having two parents in the hospital at the same time in separate buildings is ka-razy and killing. Fortunately my sister arrived back from NY tonight and I got to come home and shower the hospital off of me -- YAY. But it starts again for me in the morning. My mother weighs about 90 lbs and is a stickler for fat-free, no salt diets, and eats like a bird -- so she has a serious deficiency in salt, potassium and all that good stuff. The doctor wants to keep her hospitalized for four or five more days. Daddy may come home this weekend if he continues to improve. So far he has averted some really horrible surgery and it looks good for him right now. I haven't talked much to my sister about Spamalot other than a quick conversation over the phone yesterday. She loved it. She saw Spamalot on opening night in 2005 so she was able to compare casts-- and she thinks the show is way funnier now -- and she loved it in the first place. I told her absolutely nothing about Clay's performance before she saw it, so I think she was a little confused at the beginning because Clay plays a different Robin than David Hype Pierce. DHP was an arrogant Robin who was a chicken at heart, while Clay plays Robin as an innocent, and she at first thought that Clay was "shy" in the role, but she soon figured it out. She loved Tom Deckman in all of his parts -- and she thought Rick Holmes was the very best Lancelot and that he was brilliant as the French Taunter. She LOVED You Can't Succeed and the Drunken Guard scenes. I'll get more in-depth with her at the hospital tomorrow because we didn't discuss it longer than three minutes. When I got in my car tonight to come home and sleep in my bed for the first time in three days (woo-hoo), exhausted, wiped out, all that ... the song playing on the CD was Everything I Have -- and it enveloped me like a warm blanket. ATDW is a very special collection of songs sung with such love and care that I felt loved just listening to it all on the drive home. I'll love it forever. And speaking of former idol contestants, I read an article in USA Today yesterday that Kevin Covais dropped out of college to make a 80's era, R-rated college road trip film and that's he going for a career in acting. I think I'll avoid that flick. Thanks for all the warm thoughts. Even preoccupied with all this stuff, I missed being here and keeping up with Clay and the album developments. This is a serious addiction -- and I wouldn't trade it for the world! More kool-aid for me, please.
  5. Hi Beautiful People! I'm checking-in with a shout out that I'm away from here for a day or two more as my father is in the hospital and my mother is ailing at home -- double duty for me as my sister is in NY! So -- I'm preoccupied with daughterly duties -- and lots of driving to the Medical Center for the past and next few days. And just when things are breaking loose I'm missing it!! Be back soon. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  6. I've been speed reading through here from yesterday and all I want to say is that KAndre, your Rewind recap is the best ever. You entertain me. And I thank you. I am just barely getting in a post while it's still my first anniversary at FCA, at least here in Central Zone. And thank you all for a wonderful year and for giving me a little faith that Clay fans can be diversely opinionated and love each other. My kind of deal. Love you ALL.
  7. I do see the judges getting "old" in more ways than one. Their schtick is getting long in the tooth and oh so predictable. The jokes between Simon and Ryan are still high school, except when they're middle school. I predict that the day is on the way when this tiresome trio will bore the crap out of "America" as much as they do me. I love people and I love animals, and I prefer people that at least attempt to be respectful to all living things.
  8. So Clayzorback, do you think hubby was surprised with Clay's performance or impressed one way or the other? And ... did Clay surprise you? I'm so so glad you got to go. Now, Clayzor darling, he is one of the real stars! His name promotes the show on the marquee, and his face is on the bus. He's real, I tell you, REAL!!!! Yes, girl, I took that carriage ride through Central Park one beautiful September day with my man. Unforgettable. And ... before you go back into deep cover again (and btw I think it's time to come out of hiding with the new album coming on), what do you think of the new album cover?
  9. Although I'm not a sideburns lover and have always thought Clay looked better without them, I do think they are appropriate for this picture. Being that he's so overly gorgeous with all his sexy/adorable features so prominently displayed, he needs them to add a more masculine touch to that face as photographed. I absolutely love pretty men. My favorites were always Warren Beatty, Paul Newman, in their day, and then Rob Lowe in his -- and now Clay. Simply drop dead pretty men all of them. GAH!!!
  10. Damn girl, I thought the light was shining FROM it! He's surpassed himself. I take a backseat to only a few where shallowness over Clay's hair is concerned, and I think he KILLS with this look. Every element necessary for the ultimate Clay photo is right here in this one. I am amazed at how singularly gorgeous beyond compare he is. There's something magical about his look. ** have I heard that somewhere before? ** Muski, someone may need to throw water on you, girl! That kind of stuff will take you DOWN! Okay LdyJ, here's what I really think about this album cover. This picture made it Good Friday and then some. Excuse me merrieeee, but I do detect a quality about it -- maybe it's the profile with the hair falling forward in the light -- that reminds me ever so slightly of a snowflake photo , but there's also this ultra-healthy vibe to the picture. It's quite an aerobic vision, or is it just that MY HEART IS POUNDING? I think I see this as GOOD GOD PLEASE HELP US!
  11. I remember way back in the 60's when my future brother-in-law (guitar player who adored the Beatles) was playing lots of Donovan stuff like Season of the Witch, and Cream riffs and the like ... I asked him to play Beatles one day, and he said that the Beatles had such inventive and difficult to learn chord changes that it was at that point beyond his capability. And those songs sounded so simple. Playbiller, you'll have to draw me a picture of the picture. I'm dense like that.
  12. The problem this week was ... I think I don't really like this group all that much. Best ever, my happy ass! I don't think anyone even had the stomach to repeat that blatant marketing propaganda last night. Besides, it's obvious to me now that nobody can sing Beatles songs in the ballpark with the Beatles. Their great songs are iconic, and I'm even more impressed with their vocal talents the more I hear these lame attempts from the Idol wannabes. There haven't been any successful covers that I recall in 40+ years. Everything else pales by comparison. Give it up kids and buy a copy of Abbey Road and Revolver. If they knew more about the Beatles they would have picked from their GREAT songs -- and they did not. The very idea of singing Here Comes the Sun. It is a GREAT song, but NOT a singer's song! Hello? Too cute by half, Brooke. Ramiele sang a worse-than-karaoke version with the worst instrumentation in the history of American Idol. I'm still trying to forget it. She should have known better. Chikezie singing a Beatles song with a country beat? Didn't we establish last week that "country Beatles" is a big mistake. Just shoot me. David A. did a fine job with Long and Winding Road. He has a pleasant voice and demeanor, but, I wouldn't buy his music. Amanda took my advice and sang USSR ... but I still don't care for her voice. Never did. She irritates me somehow, and her timing was way off on this song. She's a run of the mill biker bar singer. Michael Johns eschewed my advice and sang Day in the Life ... BIG MISTAKE! A 90-second version of Day in the Life is JUST WRONG! But I like this guy .. he still has residue glory from Across The Universe, which I thought was spectacular last week. Blackbird was good for Carly. No great shakes, but it didn't make me cringe. Just ... alright fine. Michelle was one of the Beatles songs that I never liked because it was languid and boring for me. Jason Castro is cute. That is all. Kristy Cook is going. Maybe not today or next week, but soon and for the rest of our lives. Yesterday did NOTHING for me. It's Paul's song and nobody else can ever "make it their own." Just back away, Syesha. Who else? Oh yeah, David Cook. I liked him best of all, and started out not liking him very much because I thought he looked weird. However, I notice they are working on him and he's getting cuter by the week ... and he's got some performing skills and real, actual personality. He's my pick for now. Now Muski, I know that Clay would never cover the Beatles (except for HT&E on AI, and CBML on Jukebox) ... but if he did a full-blown Beatles cover ... and maybe it could happen one of these years ... then the absolute ringer song for him would be OH! DARLING! Yes I can hear it. Being that the Beatles were a band, most of their songs were not singers' songs ... and then there's Oh! Darling! Yes, THAT voice fits THAT song perfectly.
  13. Jason was definitely hot tonight. When the stars for this season were announced it was mentioned that Jason wears a size 14 shoe. I forgot all about that tonight watching him with Edyta. Those two could spark it up. Speaking of feet, add me to the list of those who believe Clay is wearing better fitting boots. They definitely look much smaller than his previous footwear. Maybe dancing has been a life-changer for him -- learning to dance from Broadway choreographers is pretty special, I think. Clay does look enormously happy. He looks to me like someone who not only feels accepted in NY and on the Broadway stage, but realizes the positive buzz out there for him. I think a lot of people are reevaluating their preconceived notions about Clay Aiken. I also hope some of this joy comes from how he feels about what's going on in the recording studio.
  14. I love that picture, treenuts! Clay looks so good there that I'm about ecstatic myself for his apparent happiness. What a day here. I've accomplished nothing but had a good time not doing it. First nice thing was walking outside and discovering that it was actually WARM today and the sea birds were overly vocal. And seeing the kids in their topdown sportscars already showing off tans and having a fun day means April can't be far away ... and NYC for me!!!! But the best thing for me today was running some errands and hearing the entire 1970 Live at the Fillmore East version of Cowgirl in the Sand on the radio . Talk about a blast from the past -- a 16+ minute song on the radio! I watched Rewind and nobody compared to Clay. He owned Billy Joel week, vocally and physically. He does look exceptionally hot in blue and black! KAndre, I too loved that "tick" at Simon you mentioned -- he was showing his goods! I thought Carmen had the weakest performance, by far, but sending Kimberme home was the right thing to do, just on general principles. It wasn't my favorite Ruben performance because I prefer Velvet Teddybear to Scratchy The Bear, and besides, that song has always made me want to barf. "Don't go changing just to please me" -- don't worry about it Billy Boy. I'm just SO not a Billy Joel fan ... and although (for me) Clay single-handedly brought it to a whole 'nother level in Top 7 week with Tell Her About It, no one else fared better than meh for my tastes. Still, when Clay's on TV I lap it up like a dog. He's so freaking CUTE! What's wrong with the mandals? I saw them on some guys today and I think they're almost uniform. Please, let those cute little piggies breathe! Now the blond hair parted like that ... I could easily sacrifice to darker hair with long bangs ... just sayin' ....
  15. YSG! I found out about her just in time. Thanks, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss: As far as what I saw of The Insider thing above, they're doing business off of Clay, just like everything else these days. It's because he's a celebrity with big name value. Also, I think Pat O'Brien was Clay's friend on Insider, and I read that he's out. On the shows that bank on sensationalism or comedy, whatever they say about anybody is usually exaggerated if not completely untrue, and unfair, unless there's some personal relationship involved. For some reason people put up with it. And I don't know why.
  16. I just watched the interview again with Clay talking about "that song" that he listened to on the flight to Indonesia and how Jaymes brought that very demo with her at their meeting upon his return ... and that this song will be on the album, and I'm wondering, just thinking and wondering and speculating and surmising ... could that song possibly, conceivably, oh dear God please be ..... Tears Run Dry? I LOVE that song. And when I first watched JBT clack it was the one that blew me away ... by a mile ... the one that I knew could be huge for him with every ingredient for a smash hit, and that his voice was made for this song and just soared ... yes -- not that song he released to Loverboy and not the one he recorded on ATDW, but, in fact, TRD? Would I just DIE????
  17. Help the helpless, please. Who, what, when and all that .. Yellow Sweater Girl? Not heard of her before.
  18. You know, back in September 2006 on LKL he said that he owed the show and loved being on it and that he'd be there any time he was invited. But after he hijacked the 2006 finale they may be more careful about the inviting! I have had a feeling for a long time that he's going to be on the finale this year, as will Ruben, for the 5th anniversary of The Anomaly. And wouldn't that just be the perfect time to sing the new single, whatever it is. And Ruben can sing Celebrate Me Home. Back to this year, I was perplexed at the song choices for this week. With the whole Lennon-McCartney songbook to choose from they chose songs that were not the best for their style and voices, with a few exceptions. But since they are doing Lennon-McCartney next week, I suggest they dip into the barrel of great songs like: Oh! Darling She Came In Through The Bathroom Window Helter Skelter I'm So Tired All You Need Is Love Blackbird Drive My Car Get Back I'll Be Back Good Day Sunshine You've Got To Hide Your Love Away I Should Have Known Better No Reply Please, Please Me Fool on the Hill Things We Said Today You're Going to Lose That Girl I Want You (She's So Heavy) Heck, somebody should do She Loves You! And one of my favorite dark horse candidates: Your Mother Should Know! They should stay AWAY from the signature songs like Day in the Life, Yesterday, Strawberry Fields, and Penny Lane IMO. Even the Rocker Chick could pull off "Why Don't We Do It In The Road" Or the obvious ... it was 20 years ago today .... or Birthday ... or USSR ... or even You Know My Name (Look Up The Number). Ha! But seriously somebody should be able to KILL on Oh! Darling.
  19. Ruben's CMH was boring at best. I expected a great version from Ruben to sort of revive his career. That's not gonna do it. I just recently found Clay's CMH and watched a lot of clack of it. There is no comparison. Ruben sang that song like it really was the phonebook.
  20. Hmmm. Do you think Clay could step on my foot? Or poke me with a Sharpie? I just have one more little thingy to add about Idol last night. I'm a Ruben fan, to a point, but that version of Celebrate Me Home was journeyman at best. I don't think that's going to kickstart his career.
  21. Here's hoping I've turned the corner on my biorhythm meltdown. Yesterday was just too much. If it was in my hand, I dropped it. First, I spilled a coke on my desk. I hate it when that happens. Then I took three hours of meeting notes on a laptop yesterday afternoon, burned the file to a CD, sent the file to the recycle bin, emptied the trash, stood up and almost simultaneously dropped the CD and stepped on it breaking it into four pieces. So now the laptop is in recovery with IT. When I got to my car last evening I had a fresh crack in the windshield running directly across the driver line of vision -- I knew a rock had hit during the morning commute but thought I had escaped an actual crack. But noooo, I got a doozie. On the drive home, I picked up my cell phone to plug it into the charger when it slipped out of my hand and kerplunk into a full 16-oz cup of water. I totally killed it. I'm a little afraid to go out today. At least I'm getting my biorhythm-bottoming out of the way before going to New York in April. I sure don't want any more broken toes for that trip. FWIW: Clay is so cute in those pictures with Rosie. I love his face. And I can't wait for the new album. I'm still hoping that Clay will be on the Idol finale this year. Which reminds me, Ryan mentioned that the AI7 Finale is moving from the Kodak to the Nokia. I'm assuming the Nokia is a much larger venue? Oh, and last night I saw David Foster with Katherine McPhee and I wasn't that impressed with either of them. I guess I'm with CG on covering George's Something. Lucky Patti Boyd, George wrote Something for her, and Eric Clapton wrote Layla and Beautiful Tonight for her. What a claim to fame!!! But Just NO to covering Something. I still listen to Abbey Road regularly, it's not yesterday for me at all. And I still adore You Never Give Me Your Money. Because boy you're gonna carry that weight a long time! 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
  22. Okay, luckiest1, I see you down there. Give it up.
  23. For the love of God I didn't think that David Archuleta was going to make it through that song. The judges were overly generous in their remarks, even when Simon said it was a mess. There's forgetting lyrics, and then there's basically forgetting the whole song and trying to hang on to the back-ups for dear life, and so obviously. Just sad sad sad. If he was anybody else but Little David, he'd be headed home. But he's saved this week by Kristy Lee Cook with an atrocious, unlistenable version of Eight Days a Week as a country song. That arrangement was a serious sin. And she sang it horribly, with no sense of rhythm whatsoever. I don't think such a dark deed can go unpunished. Seriously that may have been the all time worst performance on the show. Right in there with the bottom feeders was David Hernandez. I just wanted him to STOP!!! That whole thing was maniacally awful for no good reason. Simon said it looked desperate. It did. Get the hook! Even Paula didn't like it. Talk about butchering a great song! The ones that were good though, were very, very good. I loved Michael Johns singing Across The Universe. I loved the tone and emotion of his voice - and the connection (because I felt it). The Jai Guru Deva part was blissful. However, my favorite performance of the night was probably David Cook's Eleanor Rigby and I want to hear that again. He got right to the heart of that song and did a today version. He was hea-vey. Now I can't forget Chikezie, who tore it up and set fire to it tonight. She's A Woman was a blast. He wasn't always right on key, but it didn't matter, there was a party going on. Brooke did an affectionate and moving version of Let It Be. At first I thought this could be a groaner, but the girl can sing and she has stage presence. I tend to be liking her a little more every week. However, the tears could get old fast, so I think she should try to keep it together. One big teardrop was okay for being overwhelmed by the experience, but let's not push it. Although I haven't gotten in the Carly groove heretofore, she delivered with Come Together. I give her an official stamp of approval. She did the song proud. The also-rans: Ramiele and Syesha, I can't remember what they sang. I guess that's probably not good. Jason Castro was sweet but too weak on If I Fell. He's cute, but not cute enough to go very far with that thin voice. Amanda was Amanda on You Can't Do That. It was not so hot in spite of the fact that I really, really liked that song when I was 16 ... or maybe because of it. She should have reworked the chord change for "everybody's green, 'cause I'm the one who won your love." Her beer joint voice didn't fit the tame and dated lyrics of the song -- "if I catch you talking to that boy again, I'm going to put you down and leave you flat." Could you imagine her belting out a gravelly and torrid version of I Want To Hold Your Hand? Maybe that's why she slurred the lyrics, but whatever, it did not work. All in all, I enjoyed the show tonight. I was entertained.
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