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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. Thankgoodness for the 2 women and their families!! And a good move by our diplomatic team! As an aside....or not....the North Koreans are IMO behaving like a petulant child! They really want/need the attention and will not be denied it. What a load of shit! I think they have a better pr team than Clay sometimes.
  2. NOTHING can beat a Clay Aiken smile!! He makes my heart smile
  3. I'm in the mood for some deep throat uhm lower register Clay!! Sing to me, blondie "Listen" Clay & Quiana
  4. This is FUN! Thanks for putting it together, ldyj FromClaygary, I am so gald for you and all of the Gala attendees that you found a wonderful place to work with you! It looks great and sounds like so much fun, I wish I were able to go. Have a blast everyone and good luck with the tickets!! :thbighug-1:
  5. Oh #2 for sure!! I simply have a hard time voting on "sweater" clad Clay and he does rock my socks in a suit! But it did cross my mind to go with #1 for a about a milisecond...I mean, afterall he is giving us the criteria there for special measurements and that has to count for something. Don't ya think?
  6. Great blog, Caro!! I love this! JanWhatever just posted this by lady4clay http://clayaikentheidealidol.com/There-Rea...Clay-Aiken.html - *sigh*
  7. merrieeee to your entire post, ldyj! I'm also looking forward to the "bracket" tourney!! Anything that has me looking at clack is a good thing
  8. Interesting reading about all the ebay items this morning. Especially the Ugly Duckling promo in the shape of a duck. Too cute! I would have thought the winning bid would have been higher. I wonder if Clay attended the Raleigh Town Hall Meeting today! I can't imagine him passing up an opportunity like that if at all possible Time for a musical interlude? Here are two of my favorite Clay montages! This is set to Clay singing "If You Don't Know Me By Now" which I think is amazing!! This one is really great FUN set to "Sex Bomb" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgK0yo9rvL0
  9. Here ya go, Clayzy- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKmc_Nxlwpc Well since it's so slow I'm bringing this over from 2 pages back to make sure Clayzy sees it. And anyone else who may be looking for some clack to pass the time! This was a really good performance and the first time I had ever seen him strut across a stage like that or even on a late night show. Seriously
  10. {{FromClaygary}} How frustrating. I hope you are able to work something out that will be even better Have you considered informing Aaron or someone at BAF about their treatment of this situation over the past two Galas? Here is a new picture I saw at OC with Reed & Clay posted on Reeds FB. From EuroDisney I think -
  11. Here ya go, Clayzy- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKmc_Nxlwpc
  12. treenuts

    Top Chef

    I love the comradery between all of the Top Chef Masters as well! They are far more respectful of each other and I prefer that to the back biting that usually goes on on the other Top Chef shows. Even if they do make for good tv sometimes, I still cringe when it happens.
  13. Well I finally saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince! I really liked it a lot. But ...something was a bit off with this film. Can't quite put my finger on it. The acting, at times and not by all characters, seemed just a bit stiff. Like, the delivery of their lines was sort of wooden, at least early on in the film. And my goodness, Ginny is TALL I do hope they begin the next film with Dumbledor's funeral. It would make sense, in order to layout the plotline for the last adventure, last two films. I still would highly recommend it. The 2 and a half hours really flew by!
  14. Happy Birthday, Caro! :04: Good god, it took me a second to figure out this was not what I.....you know.....thought it was. But it was lovely just the same! And while I'm on the subject
  15. Woohoo, 1st page, baby! Clay does indeed rock my socks...and undies!! But if he prefers I wear t-shirts & boxers I'll happily oblige
  16. Well, I guess if you count re-reading the last two books as getting excited then I AM!
  17. Love the pictures kf, looks like a great holiday with family! My dad was born and raised in Houston and my brother lived in San Antonio for 20 years. I've spent many a scorching hot summer in Texas when I was younger where even just getting to the pool was a mad dash to minimize the pain of the burning heat on the feet. Just thinking about it makes me crave one of these
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