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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. I really hope so....one day! I think he would need to find someone with similar interests and one who would be happy living a simpler and somewhat quiet life with him in NC during down time first. I hope for his sake and Parker's, one day he has a chance to experience that kind of relationship with his soul mate.
  2. Bwah!! luckiest, I believe my hubby's reaction was the same as yours. I think I'm more into "corny" than most of my family. Hey maybe that's what attracts me to Clay so much. He's been know to be quite corny too. hee
  3. We rented (On Demand) the film Knowing last night, with Nicolas Cage. I must say even though it was very intense I really enjoyed it. It had me on the edge of my seat and I was talking back to the people in the movie. Loved it. I usually do like fantasy/sci-fi films but not the "end of days" kind of stuff. They tend to be over dramatic and full of nonsense. And yes this film had some of that too but it was very well done. It gave me chills. The ending might be a bit OTT but I still liked it...a lot!
  4. I appreciate your reponse, Scarlett. My intent was meant as humor with love. It's how I handle stressful situations. If I didn't it would overwhelm me. Sometimes what I think to be obvious perhaps isn't......obviously. lol ETA - preden and all who are anxiously awaiting the Gala ticket sales, I wish you much LUCK!! I think it's going to be a very HOT TICKET and I hope they make allowances for the additional fans who are desparate to see and hear him as well as support the foundation. Maybe they are working on adding some additional space? One could hope. I won't be able to participate/attend but I'll be thinking of all of you
  5. I'm sorry, but I did not get this response whatsoever. That was very hurtful. My "sharing" comment was from the heart and I love my mom very much. She is a wonderful person as am I. content: I'm sure Clay Aiken is a wonderful, caring & sharing person too.
  6. Scarlett, I won't let you adopt her but I'd be more than happy to "share" my mommy with you! I know she'd LOVE the company and attention, not to mention she's a h00t to hang with... even at 87!! Ya just have to remember to plan for plenty of additional space when traveling for her 1,001 assorted pills/medication.
  7. And when I heard it I never for one second thought that ever would be me. One more good thing Clay has done for me--prepare me for this. So very true! One never imagines this will be a part of your adult repsonsibilities when you're young. At least I didn't. I'm grateful though that I at least still have one of my parents to care fore for!! OT - I just get a feeling (nothing specific to base it on) that Clay may be in a funk right now both professionaly and personally and I want to send him a hug! Well, I'd love to hug him even if he's not in a funk, but just in case he really needs one too right now....
  8. Ya know, that thread title poll almost reads like a mini-series, chapters 4 and the Epilog! :thbighug-1: Hugs all around to all those caring for the parents! I hope things begin to look up, ladies!! content: Yoohoo, Clay! In the immortal words of The Three Degrees -"When Will I See You Again" :clay:
  9. Great job, Caro!!! I actually went through and read many of the blogs today. Geez, I didn't realize just how many there are. Nice pictures, videos and some very good write ups too! Good effort, team :thbighug-1:
  10. :3: aikim & liney, I'll be glad to bring some party supplies That would certainly be better than sitting around feeling sorry for myself since I can't get to the Gala
  11. Actually Clay, I'd like to do a whole lot more than that around you OMG and he cussed in his blog too!! lol Be still my heart!!! ...doesn't even begin to cover it! I wonder who kicked dirt in Skippy's face (or in his case blew smoke) to cause such ignorance and hatred. BWAH!!
  12. I can't watch anything MJ related any longer. I'm kinda fed up with it all now, especially since it seems more like an "event" than anything else. So Hollywood, but I guess he is far more deserving than some of the others the media seems to devour in death. Who's paying for this? I sure as hell hope it's not my state taxes. Perhaps an IOU from the state will cover it? Have they mentioned anywhere if the rights to the Beatles' music was indeed reverted back to McCartney in the will? I believe I read somewhere that was supposedly MJ's intention at one time.
  13. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE This is so cool you guys!! Thanks! Cognito, I'm glad nobody was injured on the 4th. I have a little gift for you - (be sure to double click) :chair:
  14. gbmifan wrote: Holy crap, that's impressive!! And it will never be me I fear But I am in awe of anyone who can do that!!! From your lips to Clay's ears. Did he or did he not mention making a UNICEF trip somnetime this summer/year? Did I just imagine that? I have been listening to MOAM this past week in the car and I still get goosebumps when I hear I Survived You! So I took to watching several videos of that perfomance on tour and it only made me miss him more. My god he was all kinds of awesome
  15. Just getting back from our family reunion. It was very.....memorable. As only family reunions can be. I am so grateful for family though, so I'll take them anyway they're served! Well, as long as they are served along with some alcohol lol And so nice to come back to read Clay's blog! I love him *sigh* BWAH!! Are you kidding? Socks!! Feet!! You could follow in lindylo's footsteps....so to speak. hee And the pink shoelaces?! I must admit my first thought was of the...um....Clay pink shoelace pic. Did you ever get your mug with that on it replaced, couchie? Or was that someone else I'm thinking of? LOL And since I missed page 69 I'll just end with this
  16. That was a fun blog, Claysmelody, thanks! I have a family reunion tomorrow so I will take the time now to say ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, USA Have a wonderful and safe July 4th everyone!! Clay's feeling a bit patriotic too
  17. hee ...and thankyou for the explanation, clayzy! I am so envious of those who were fortunate enough to witness Merrillville live. Cognito, I'm sure you will have that memory to keep you warm when your old and gray. *sigh* And thanks again to Scarlett and all those who 'render' Clay (takes a moment) ldyj, I got in a 4 and a half mile ride today. Which is pretty tiring in the heat for me so I applaud your stamina & strength! I also got to see Andy Roddick advance to the finals at Wimbledon so I am a happy camper today!! And while I'm at it -
  18. I'm unfamiliar with AT, clayzy. Can you elaborate for me please? I'm not a Reba fan but I always thought she could sing pretty well. This sounds interesting to me.
  19. Great story aikim, thanks for sharing it! *sniff* I miss him soooooo
  20. Oh man, I almost forgot about that. The heart he showed those few nights on the JNaT was amazing and unique! But what's the story behind the part I bolded? There's gotta be a story there! Tell?
  21. Flove the blend, SueRue AND your new avi too!! cindilu, THIS is my new favorite PS Well,right after this one justclay, excellent question! I'm not sure there is one answer, just as others have said. But if I had to put it into one sentence I would say "it's like magic"! He just hits the right note both musically and humorously. He is an improvisor like no other I've seen. He is so comfortable and quick and in command on that stage. Not to mention a hunk a hunk of adorable man/child/sexgod/prankster. Which altogether results in FUN!! He makes me smile like no other The primary difference between he and MJ is that MJ could dance GREAT. Clay can't really dance much at all. MJ was a musical innovator, Clay is a vocal stylist and puts on a show in the old classic sense of the word. MJ has a lot of modern technical cool stuff and major choreography going on. Clay's shows are more of an old fashion kind of fun which is refreshing but not everybody's cuppa. But he has a great natural wit that MJ did not have. He is also a decent comedic actor which MJ was not. There. Clear as mud? Happy Cananda Day
  22. Can't speak for anyone else but I reserve that particular activity for...well....another particular activity
  23. :thbighug-1: :thbighug-1: :thbighug-1: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE BonBon Just for you darlin' - ...and in honor of the curly Reed love -
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