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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. Awwwww Congratulations, gbmifan! Niiiice banner 00lsee. And the face, crotch and jacket aint bad either Saw this at CH via CV re: TVBOCA I repeat: " Images ( Hubba hubba)" hmmmm THIS has sold me! I need two now!! One for the car and one for the bedroo....erm....house. Yea, that's it, the house. I wonder if Clay really did produce the whole thing? If it says he did then I wonder why something more along these lines isn't posted at the OFC instead of the basic stuff? This post brought to you by things that make you go hmmmm...
  2. justclay, what this from just a few hours ago wasn't good enough for ya? You're right! Maybe I should have mentioned the kingpin! and his big balls better?
  3. It's from Rosie's Gala. The one where they took the picture of Clay & Reed for The Star article -
  4. I'm thinking I need to take up bowling again! I mean if for nothing else than the big balls alone. Whaday'all think?
  5. Mah bad! The first thing that popped into my mind was...ruh roh, new rumors....BEASTIALITY? But apparantly not, so WHEW! Although.... kareneh, I love those Frisco pictures. I think I have always prefered his hair parted on the left instead of the right. I wish he did that more often. /endshallow&gratuitouspost
  6. Hola, peeps. There's a bunch more pics from "the party" but I'm only going to post the ONE that I'm currently drooling over. I'm sure someone will bring the rest, since I don't belong to FB. ENJOY! Awwwwwwwwww, I'm all scmoopie...
  7. I'll drink to that!! I flove me some Simon Baker :sm227: WARNING: I watch TVLand a lot. 1. The Dick Van Dyke Show 2. The Andy Griffith Show 3. Monk (closely followed by Psych) ...but this list changes annualy...hee
  8. And a bazillion more from the appearance on AI5..... Oooh, that would be me!! :pickme: Ok, so there haven't been too many of these so I'll add another.... "I teach all mah men to rub their meat" ~ Paula to Clay on Paula's Party
  9. Posted by mainenanaj4clay at the CB: *nuts slaps Kimberme upside the head*
  10. "Playing with the wood"! I started watching AI season 4. Stopped after season 6. Started again this year, and stopped again...already. I think of it as just another set of initials, you know.....AI, PH, JP, BS...
  11. Well, since everyone else is doing it... HAPPY SPRING y'all wait....wrong spring? oh..... nevermind. How about "It's spring and LOVE is in the air"? whoops, wrong love. Although we all know how Clay loves him some boobies THIS is more like it: crawling back under my rock now <3
  12. Well, I gladly DO my part! But Clay get's some of the credit As for Constantine....he still reminds me of Sarah Gilbert (Roseanne)
  13. Well, I don't know about you but my first thought when I read this was "eating in bed"
  14. Yes. But as cindilu said, it probably doesn't mean much. although, I do recall seeing it in several of his pictures when they were all up on his piblic myspace. It did make me wonder too at the time. hmmmm Thanks for the tip! Great sighting FromClaygary and cute picture
  15. :clay: I had to come out of lurkdom to reply to this! Muski, I have heard of this book but didn't know the title or who the author was so I want to say THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU I'm heading over to Borders with a gift card today and hoping they have it. eta - Dropping this off. Please forgive if this has laready been posted.
  16. De-lurking cause I gotta respond to this by djs111 (bolding mine) :lmaosmiley-1: heeheehee....my side hurts! and of course - "OMG! You're right!!" I think from what I've read, the "pop-up hell" aside, it has more to do with some feeling it's suspect. There is a sense of distrust within this fandom (for good reason perhaps?) that tends to lead to some being more cautious about this sort of thing. I personally see it as a win/win but that's just my opinion. Holy cow, YOU are ME! Except for the whole grandchildren thing. *eyes 15 year old suspiciously* crawling back under rock now...
  17. I tend to agree, Iseeme, although I wasn't a fan back before ATDW. But it is definitly a combination of things aside from just his absence. I know I am a skeptic when it comes to the IIT shit but I vasilate so much that it makes my head spin. There is one thing that we can't overlook and that's the point you made about putting out such a kick ass CD that they worked so hard for and then pretty much just let it ride. True, there may be much more happening behind the scenes with future promotional plans that we know nothing about. I CAN ONLY HOPE & PRAY!!!!!!!! And/Or maybe it's all about the intent to get it out and get home before the baby is due. Ack! I said that out loud didn't I?! Yep...sho nuff did! tic tic tic Well, I went for one longass bike ride today. The temps were a tad bit cooler with a slight breeze so I went for it. I'll pay the price later! I'm leaving tonight for my moms. She's having eye surgery and I'm going to stay with her for a few days and make sure she's ok. So I'm hoping maybe some "news" will break while I'm away :clay: Hey, just tryin' to do my part! Nope, I am
  18. I couldn't agree more! That's why I'm STEALIN' IT for mah avi Thanx :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  19. For a second I thought this read "hoodie" and I got a bit excited thinking something with chest hair was to follow but then.... I snapped out of it! Dear god, just how bored is everybody?! People are talking about oil changes and lube jobs. I mean what about Clay? Wait never mind
  20. Yah, it sucks! Well, actually THAT would be kinda nice... Well, ok, but no promises I know, I know "forboden" Thanks, cotton, for the lovely oasis in the midst of our desert!! He really is one damn good lookin' man :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  21. Oooh I had to jump on when I saw "wine talk". Yup, it's my other addiction/hobby next to Clay. Well, ok I don't actually lust after any one particular wine but I can be just as enthusiastic over some. Having grown up just over the hill, literally, from the Napa Valley it has been a slice of heaven for someone like me. Although there are some great wines I've discovered from Argentina, New Zealand, Australia and even Washington state in recent years. Currently my favorite is something I never liked much...a Syrah. It's from the Longboard winery in the Russian River Valley. I swear on a stack of bibles and a Chateau Lafite-Rothschild 1969 that even if you dislike Syrah THIS will knock your socks off! or were you guys talkin' about whiiiine? cause I may know a thing or two about that subject too cheese anyone? Clay content: In the infamous Tangerinee zipper photo (with the blue shirt above) he truly was/is a "Beautiful Disaster"
  22. Hey salty, by any chance is that Mr. Salt in your avi who Clay slaps hands with?
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