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Everything posted by FearofH2O

  1. I wish someone would find a way of capturing these. I don't think I'm alone without an apple device. My husband has a Mac desktop and a n IPad but it is version 1. Oh well, I can live without seeing everything.
  2. Now that's a tweet I really believe in. NC has had a war with teachers for the last several years. I hope that is ending. I'm sure that more than a few corporations have expressed displeasure with that position.
  3. Thanks deemer! Very nice. Ldyj and merrieeee, don't work so hard. Stop and smell the roses. Spring is here in NC. My granddaughter was running around in the woods with a white sleeveless dress and bare feet. I drove around to pick her up and she was dancing in the sunshine.
  4. Nice banner! I don't comment on articles and rarely retweet. I think I'm clean.
  5. Wonder what Clay has up his sleeve after the documentary? Usually someone finds a hint about it. I am as usual overcommitted and am at the mercy of others to look for hints. I hope your personal issues are resolved couchie. I hope all of you who read here are doing well. I need to get ready for another meeting at my home.
  6. Wasn't he going to change it back to clayaiken.com ? Maybe I imagined that.
  7. We had our first big snow in NC this year, 3 inches. A lot of people lost power so we are cancelling doing taxes today. Plus i have to go down a hill that is rarely plowed to get to the library. So day off. Yay! Of course we will have to add an extra day to make up for it. I hope every one has a great day today.
  8. Marked the date for the gala on my calendar. After doing Wrapping for Inclusion since it started, about 10 years ago, this year is the first time I have received a personalized thank you note. It was very much appreciated. The person in charge of our group for the first 6 years always gave us a nice gift. So looking forward to the Gala and thanking Christy in person. In regard to that article, since the Republicans took over the legislature and governorship of NC, they have been running it like a monarchy. From what I have read, they don't believe in liberal arts and think every degree should provide training for a specific job. So a Poverty center in NC would just make people upset. I read an article where one of the state senators said that the state was not running a deficit after all the tax law changes in 2014, despite the fact that revenues are below expenditures budgeted. He said it was because the revenues are greater than the previous year.
  9. Our exciting Valentines day was eating at Panera's, but bought a Valentine cookie, and going shopping for light bulbs at Lowes. Worked on one of my son's taxes last night. That's always exciting. I guess I've been married too long. Hope Clay had a more exciting day!
  10. I really have to admire his heart. What a contrast to that hypocritical governor of ours.
  11. Ninna, did I read that you are a new fan? If so, you have a bunch of pictures yet to download.
  12. Welcome ninna721. We may post more often when w get a clue of what Clay is going to be doing.
  13. Clay sounds pretty excited. What an amazing varied career he has had. I'm sad that politics didnt work out but really looking forward to what is yet to come.
  14. Although it hurts me to defend her, she and her husband may have been separated for years and she just forgot to tell her constituents.
  15. It is very sad that Art Pope funded the Republicans takeover of our legislature, as the NC economic policy maker oversaw the laws from ALEC put into effect and now wants to take over our state college system. What next becone the religious leader of the state.
  16. Thanks. I didn't think of that. I took it as ugly people are entertained by politics but I definitely see the other interpretation. As I said there will be a lot of parsing of words as this documentary appears.
  17. I am looking forward to this series also. Having seen Clay on the campaign trail a few times, I can attest to his legitimacy. I also made some calls for him and heard the pull back from some of his constituents. I would love to hear what Clay meant by only ugly people follow politics. It's something I have followed since childhood. I have feeling that he meant ugly in personality rather than in appearance. It is a little curious to me. Whatever he meant I'm sure it will result in some discussions both with fans and the media.
  18. That is so funny. Wonder where they got them? They actually look pretty comfortable. ETA: Not quite my style merrieeee. But I'll probably buy one when they are totally unfashionable and $15.00 at T J Maxx.
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