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Posts posted by liney23

  1. Caro.... congrats on 400!!!!! I'm extremely impressed and applaud you for the love, caring, and fun you have brought to everyone!!!

    All that's over for Clay and he's now the master of his universe.

    keeping.... BWAH!!!!

    The truth as I see it is that Clay is incredibly magnetic and attractive to a segment of the population who are his fans, online and off, who love him and care about his career - that is as much or more than any artist in the world can have. No matter who the preceived superstar giants are at any given time, whether Elvis, MJ, The Beatles, U2, whoever, there are literally thousands and thousands of people who can't stand them. I mean who can't abide them in ANY way. It's human nature. To let that sort of thing affect my enjoyment of what I love, it's impossible. So I do not commiserate with people who are afraid for Clay's future success, and I will scroll over angsty remarks when they become repetitive and freaked out or bored and burnt out, because to me it's just damned unfortunate that they don't grok that invisible magic Clay walks around with. I can't see it, but I'm inspired by it and thrilled by it and all kinds of stuff, and I need not know why. Because it just doesn't matter.

    keeping.... the bolded parts are particularly great!!! He has IT!

    I'm thinking about the 2007 DCAT in Tampa, the pre-TWYMMF banter, when Clay made the "be proud of your instrument" comment to the french horn player and the audience went crazy and Clay said we had dirty minds. Just after that Clay called out for the oboe player and said, "Put your reed in" and Jesse looked at Clay with the funniest look on his face. In retrospect, could that have been an intentional double entendre there? Makes me imagine that Clay and Reed could have been seeing each other more than two years. Of course, he could just be saying "put your reed in" for no meaningful reason. Still, I haven't forgotten that from sitting in the audience that night. Maybe things just got serious two years ago. Ahhh, shipping! I've missed it!

    keeping... that was very funny and now that you mention it, I bet you that was one of Clay's favorite "who, me... I'm too innocent to have meant anything dirty by that remark." :cryingwlaughter:

    O.M.G!!! That one of him and Reed (full length shot) in the gondola is so dang sexy... I put it on my screen immediately! Whew!!! I haven't hyperventilated like that in a long time!

    He blogged!!!... and such a blog it was... I'm just so excited now! I cannot wait, cause I believe him when he says he loves this cd. This one is for him.

  2. If Clay's happy, I'm happy.

    I don't care shit whether he rocks, sways, or jiggles.

    Oh yeah I vote for the jiggles!!

    Bolded... thread title???

    If Clay's happy, I'm happy.

    I don't care shit whether he rocks, sways, or jiggles.

    Oh yeah I vote for the jiggles!!

    Me, three. And a glinting rivet. Holysheep.gif

    Thanks for the update, Couchie. Hang in there, my dearie-dear. I'm still looking for employment, too. One thing I have started saying to myself lately is, "Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours". There are a lot of things working against me, but I'm not going to help them work against me anymore. LOL Your determination inspires me!

    And yes, I think 2010 is going to be an exciting year. :)

    00lsee... I told one of my secretarys that got laid off last summer that she had lots of skills and would be perfect to get two part-time jobs. People are hiring part-timers so they don't have to pay benefits, so if you have health benefits outside your job, think about it. She found one job from 10 to 3, then another on the week-end and works 38 hrs/week. She says the short days during the week totally makes up for having no weekends.

    All I know for certain is that I want to see this -

    or this -

    or this -

    Clay Aiken singing again in front of an audience, on my tv, in concert!!!!!!!!!!!

    And maybe some talking and tight pants too :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

    Or some talking tight pants could work also :hubbahubba:

    tree.... BWAH!!!

    Clay's going to sing.

    Life is good.

    wanda... you're on a roll... great thread title!

    Clay's going to sing.

    Life is good.

    :yeahthat: *and* Thread title! :clap:

    anna... great minds run in the same circles! LOL

    aikim wrote:

    Clay could surprise us and sing songs we are not even expecting.

    And that's exactly what I'm expecting. Sure, there are songs that I think he'd be great at singing, and I like reading people's suggestions (for example, I'd never thought of "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes," but he'd KILL on that). At the same time, though -- my realism sets in, and I tell myself that I have no expectations. OK, that's not quite true. My expectations are this: Clay will sing, he'll sound great, and I'll be a happy camper.

    What more could a girl (or guy) want?

    Another thread title...

    Someone upthread suggest "Don't leave your gum on the bedpost overnight" for awful songs. I cannot believe anyone but me ever heard that song. I was 13 and my mom played that song over and over and over and... on her 45rpm record player. Did I say over and over???? Just checkin' :cryingwlaughter:

  3. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    From CV:

    Decca just tweeted:


    Listening to the upcoming @ClayAiken album in the Decca office and it sounds amazing! Fans will definitely not be disappointed!

    ETAETA: Clay's team just tweeted back a smiley face: @clayaiken

    merrieeee.... :yeahthat: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

    Thanks for being the bearer of such good news!!

    I vote in favor of not caring what people on other boards are bitching about, or disappointed in. I'll just say this, if I hear the new album and Clay's voice sucks, then I'll be disappointed. Barring that, I can't wait to hear Clay sing romantic songs in that sexy, sultry, and sometimes whispery, and other times demanding, voice of charismatic clarity. And if he didn't sing romantic songs, I wouldn't get that edgy, emotional throatiness he seems to have a patented. Now, if we get to make suggestions for romantic songs, I vote for "To Love Somebody" pretty much exactly like he sang it on AI. And I can think of about 40 more right now that I'd DIE to hear him sing. :wub:

    I love that voice so much that I'm not at all particular as to the category or style. I like some songs in just about every type of music and I believe that Clay can make me love anything he warbles and trills so effortlessly in and around that sexy mouth of his. And I seriously don't give a hoot (or a crap) if other people need more than that. Not my problem. I love the guy, and that's why I pay to belong to the OFC and post on this Clay Aiken fanboard.


    Oh, and one more thing .....


    keeping.... Once again, I agree with you completely! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

    justclay... I agree that those who condemn the CD before hearing it should be ignored! I do know people who love the rocker Clay type songs and are always disappointed when it appears that Clay doesn't like those types of songs. However, they stick around cause they love the man... but, they are going to share their "dang it's" with his not doing rocker type songs.

    Double however, to me, is that when he tours, he always performs fast songs and makes the tour so much fun that multiples are fun and easy to do. So, since I have loved all his CDs and adored his tours, even tho, I, too, love when he sings fast songs, he can record whatever his little heart desires and I won't ever complain... unless he stops touring or performing on tv... then you're going to hear some major complaining from me!!! LOL

  4. Thanks to kimiye, I'm mostly working with an external webcam. Skype was EASY. Gmail video chat worked except that she couldn't hear me -- we could see each other and I could hear her just fine! I'm trying to find someone else who can work with me on the gmail chat to figure out if it was my problem or not.

    Best part -- totally free! Well, except that I pay for my internet service! LOL!

    That's great re: external. I have always had issues with externals. The internals are a no brainer. Great that it works for you though, it's nice to be able to see and hear your friend without extra costs.

    goldarngirl... I have an external with Skype and have only ever gotten a black screen. My friends husband was supposed to help me get it working, but they then went thru a rough patch in their marriage and I didn't want to ask. Maybe soon?? I wanted to figure it out so I can see the grandkids that live the furtherest away more often than once every 4-6 weeks.

    Desertrose... I'll have to try MSN Messenger, that sounds great!

    treenuts... Eeeeeeeeee!!!! What a good way to refresh peoples minds who Clay is before a new CD comes out! I just feel that this is going to be a good year for Clay and us'n!

  5. Thanks, everyone... the good vibes worked! See below.

    liney! I am so sorry, I hope that it is something that a simple surgery can fix.! I am having cataract surgery next week which I was dreading until I heard your news! Was it sudden or gradual?


    The doctor said it was blood in the eye. He said sometimes the vitreous fluid in the eye will pull away from the wall of the eye and will break a tiny blood vessel. He said he couldn't see 100%, but it didn't look like the retina was torn. He said there is a simple surgical procedure that can put it right if it doesn't resorb on it's own in a couple of weeks. So, I go back next week to get it checked on. So, I will continue to drive R.E.A.L. carefully and put paper towels under when I pour cause I miss more often than I hit (depth perception). He won't know for 100% that the retina isn't involved, but I feel much better.

    This was the first time I had my eyes dilated. What a trip. The dr's office is across the street from a shopping mall, so I went over to kill time until I could see well enough to drive... O.M.G. I was totally bored. I couldn't go to a movie, I couldn't read, all I could do is shop or eat... oh, poor me! LOL

    At 6pm I could drive home and I was never so glad to leave a mall in my life... do you think there is something wrong with me??? :cryingwlaughter:

    Luckiest, Congratulations! In today's economy, getting a job is really cause for ceebration.

    Liney and Claycherie Good luck to both of you.

    I've been holed up in a motel for 2 days with 2 cats and 2 dogs. My idea of hell. My house is being tented for termites. We all get to go home tomorrow. Thank God.

    {{{{{wanda}}}}} Sorry, I don't have any tranquilizers to send you!

    {{{liney}}} Hopefully it's nothing more serious than a detached retina

    {{{claycherie}}} Good luck with your surgery

    {{{wandacleo}}} Hang in there, it's almost over!

    Regarding Ruben, didn't Clay say in the OFC Q&A that he wanted a male back up singer. Ruben could be that as well as singing some solos.

    Somehow, I just can't see Clay relegating Ruben to a back up singer position. If they do anything together, I would bet that Clay would make Ruben his equal on stage, at the very least.

    For everyone, if you experience "flashers and floaters" - seems like camera flashes going off just outside your field of vision, and little dotlets floating around in your eye, get thee to an eye clinic ASAP. They can do wonders these days!!!

    Interesting. I have terrible floaters, and have had for years. I will be sure to mention it at my next appointment.

    The new job feels more like a promotion than a new position. Not a whole lot is going to change, other than who I report to. I probably won't need to switch desks, and if I do it will just be a shuffle to a different corner of the quad we sit in. Honestly, I've been programming for quite a while now, I just haven't really been recognized for it. So I'm very happy to now call myself a 'programmer' and actually have the job title to back me up. :)

    luckiest... the important thing... I know you said an extra week's vacation, but do you get more money???? LOL

    djs... I think the fact that I have had no flashers is why the dr thinks it was just a capillary tear rather than retina tear.

    desertrose thanks, the eyedrops are a pain anyway you have to use them 4 times a day for one brand and twice a day for the other brand for at least 6 months plus you would still have to go regularly to have your eyes checked. I am just going to opt for th surgery! Mostly I resisted it bcause I have so many animals it is going to be very difficult to take care of them as you aren't supposed to lift anything or bend over etc. for a week. My gd lives with me but she works and is going to college to be a Vet-Tech and isn't the most helful human being in the world! She is very good about taking me places but as for anything in the house forget it!

    Surely we should be hearing something about the cd soon? Come on Decca! Don't some singers release a single months before their cd? I am a bit uneasy about Ruben's tweets! I like him but he wont sell any seats for concerts so I don't understand why Clay would tour with him. It should be all about Clay's new cd. However we really don't know anything so hopefully it will be a little reunion or an appearance on tv. That I would like as they sound very good together. I would love Ruben as a backup singer but I know Clay would not do that and although Ruben has had only moderate success he always seems supremely confident about his success and sales!

    claycherie... My friend had cateract surgery (at 85) and her dr told her not to lift anything heavy, but said if she kept her head upright, she could squat down with her head upright to get stuff off the floor, you just can't look down. Maybe that will make it doable. Before you have your surgery, put individual servings of dog food in baggies so you don't have to lift a dog/cat food bag. You could do the feeding, etc by doing the squat down instead of bending over.

    Hi everyone, still here waiting for the man to show himself. I can not wait for the cd. My concert body and I were able, for the first time in about 4 weeks, to get together today. We sat and watched Christmas in the Hearland in Kalamazoo today. That voice is just beautiful and I can not wait for more. After watching this I really miss him. I have a ski trip planned the week of the GFI and no internet access. It will be hard to wait one week to read and see anything. Hope you all have a great new year and we get to see Clay over and over.

    gbm.... BWAH!!! (see bolded above)... your concert body???? Where do we get one of those???? :cryingwlaughter: Typos are just so dang funny sometimes! I proofread all the time and get highly entertained sometimes. Once the title of an article one of my guys was writing had the word "but" in it and after it going around to four different people, I noticed that "but" had an extra "t" on it. :cryingwlaughter: Put a whole different spin on the title... BWAH!!! Since it was caught before it went to a client, everyone thought it was very funny.

  6. Tweet:

    jordanFREAKOUT: It's my parents aniversary ... this is what my mom said,"FWD: We are at the same restaurant as Ruben studdard and Clay Aiken"

    merrieeee... thanks for bringing the twitters. I'm feeling that they really are going to do something together, just what will it be??? That is the question!

    Everyone, please send good vibes my way tomorrow. I have lost sight in my left eye and am going to the eye dr tomorrow afternoon. I'm thinking it might be a detached retina. Even with having to undergo surgery if it is, I just want to see well enough to drive and work. My right eye is fine, but making a left turn or moving into a left lane is really scary right now. Thanks!!!

  7. I GOT THE FREAKIN' JOB!!!!! :04:

    luckiest... Whoooo hoooo!!!!!!!!

    :04: :04: :04:

    I wonder if the rumor of Ruben and Clay doing a tour together without her has yanked KLo's chain. Too bad!!!

    I would love, love, love it if Clay did some green-eyed soul and/or some jazzy tunes on his new CD. He is so very good at both of those. :wub:

  8. The new banner is verra, verra niiiiiccee.

    Wut? I'm just feeling a little nostalgic about Spamalot, okay? :killer_rabbit:

    Sneezes and grabs a shot of KAndre's Nyquil on the way out. :704:

    ITA on the banner Cindilu and also on the Spaminostalgia Bottle.

    ITA with ausdon about Cindi's banner and Bottle's (whatever word ausdon used up there) :cryingwlaughter:

    And, Bottle... I loved your picture where Clay's tongue was waiting for the snowflake to hit it. Kewl!

    Caro... glad Poppy is ok now. Scary stuff and strong DD!

    Claycherie... why don't you write to the Rose Parade committee in Pasadena and tell them your concerns and see if they will cut down on edible food being used. It sure seemed to be that it was more unedible than edible, but I didn't keep track.

  9. The show tonight about The Blind Side is 20/20. It's on at 9:00 pm CST on ABC (I think that's the right one). I heard that it's on from a co-worker and ran to set it up (U-Verse has a nice perk -you can set up from a computer). Makes it nice when you hear about a program at work and you don't have to remember to do it when you get home! I' m looking forward to seeing it. I enjoyed the movie quite a bit so it will be interesting to hear from the real family.

    spikesmom... thank you for the directions. I, of course, didn't see this till just now. I tried abc.com/20/20, but all they had was the full episodes and nothing about Michael Oher anywhere, so I went to hulu.com and found it. What a fantastic thing the Tuhoeys did. It was only 7 minutes... I had hoped for more. I think they did about that much at the Raven's game the Sunday after the movie came out. They showed more of the family and Michael told how they had changed some of the facts to make the movie more interesting. Not enough to make any difference to the story, tho.

    I loved the message in the movie about how far kids under-educated like Michael have to go to succeed. I hope it made a lot of people think.

  10. Thanks for bringing that over, ldyj. I am happy to know that he is still involved with Unicef.....that's the first we've heard of it in quite some time. I wonder if they'll issue some sort of a challenge, or if those who can should just pledge individually.....

    I don't think I am meant to see The Blind Side in theatres......I've tried twice now. I guess we could have seen it yesterday as it wasn't technically sold out, but who wants to sit in the first row? Not me. Too hard on the neck when you're old. :P

    luckiest... I saw Blindside and it is great. I am about half way thru the book, which is great if you like to learn more stuff about football history. The movie did take license a few times, but it made for a better movie. I now watch him (74) when the Ravens play. I heard they were doing a special on his life on some tv station tonight, but don't know the details.

    I am glad he is still UNICEF, too. I wonder tho, if he will ever be able to visit a foreign country again now that he is openly gay. It might be too dangerous and he will be restricted to working within the organization just in this country. We'll see, I guess.

    :clap: Clay!

    Have a great day CV, off to work today- year end and all.

    ETA: Had an email from my son. He is feeling bad but thinks he has turned a corner.

    Fear... glad you son is feeling a bit better. However, see bolded above... did you forget where you were this morning... LOL

    Couchie... should we make her write, "I am at FCA." 500 times???? :cryingwlaughter:

  11. {{{{{Fear and son}}}}}}

    I make the best pumpkin pie, but I get the pie crust from the grocery store ready to roll out into the pie tin. Cinnamon rolls I have to buy already made.

    I have had friends tell me that Avatar was great and It's Complicated was very funny. I haven't gone to any movies, but it seems like there are several good ones out right now. Sherlock Holmes looks good but both the friends who tried to go to see it said it was sold out.

    FromClaygary.... great decorations!!!

  12. Enjoyed reading up on what ya'll did for xmas. The thing that tickled me most yesterday was my nephew being so thrilled with his basketball sweat pants with the snaps that he could just yank off in one pull. When we drove up, he came to greet us and promptly snatched off his pants LOL. Then he kept finding reasons to do it all day. He spent half the day snapping them back up.

    Enjoy your weekend!!

    Couchie... that's funny! Kids are a riot sometimes... when they aren't driving you crazy, that is. LOL

    Had half of my Christmas with my daughters Christmas Eve... my daughters and I had a jewelry making party after the kids opened their gifts and were occupied. I made a bracelet and two pairs of earrings I have been wanting to do for ages. Last night my 18 yr old grandson and his friend came over for dinner and the latest Harry Potter movie. Tonight I have Christmas with my son's family. Tomorrow I do NOTHING! Hopefully! :cryingwlaughter:

    I sure missed the JNT this year. I'm hoping we have one next year. After a new cd, a PBS special, a summer tour, I'm crossing my fingers that he feels he can sell a Christmas tour well and does it again.

    Happy Boxing Day, everyone!!!

  13. I received my NIP flash drive today. It was a thank you from the Gala.

    It came postage due!

    lily.... BWAH!!! Look at it as an additional donation!


    Another WFI story...hope I am not boring people...end of the evening last night, we were getting ready to close up...when a lady stopped by to have some gifts wrapped...as we are wrapping we are telling her about the Project. She is very interested and then becomes quite emotional telling us about her brother with special needs and how much the Project would have meant to him when he was younger.

    She told of them attempting to send him to camp and being told to take him home. He is 19 now so past the age, but she was so excited about The Project that she actually volunteered right then to help us wrap next year and took information to pass out at her church. She left us names and numbers and said her mother would also be interested. It was such a wonderful and heartwarming way to end the evening and we are so excited to have additional wrappers next year...that means we can do more days!

    42 Days until GFI!


    Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

    Everyone have a great day!


    aikim.... I love the stories! Thanks!

    I added a new member to my family this weekend. :puppykiss: This is Gnocchi's new little brother, Shubert...

    th_Shubert1-1.jpg th_gnocchishub1.jpg th_shubert3.jpg

    He's an 18 week old Bichon Frise/Yorkie mix, rescued :snoopy: by local volunteer organization (HART) from a puppy mill. :grrrr:

    What a cutie!!!!

    annabear and jmh... C.U.T.E. puppie!!!

    Haven't made a graphic (that wasn't a calendar) for a while now, but I got this phrase in my head this morning and it just wouldn't go away!

    I believe it. Bring on 2010!!!



    cindi... love the graphic. It is very intricate and very kewl!

    Aikim, I love all the WFI stories! In addition to the comments already said, I really think they help fuel the volunteers enthusiasm! I have a short WFI story I'd like to share.

    On Friday afternoon I had two volunteers scheduled for Borders. The change from one shift to the next happened when I was still at work. Unfortunately, one of the scheduled volunteers did not show up. My other volunteer, Marissa, is hearing impaired and primarily communicates using sign language. I just want to share how very proud I am of her. When the other volunteer did not show up she did not panic. She did not even text me. Instead she had a friend of hers, who is also hearing impared but hears a very small amount and does speak, come help her and translate some. I know this is "technically" against the WFI rules because he had not signed a waiver BUT in this instance I think it was very resourceful of her. The two of them worked the 4-hour shift on their own and communicated quite a bit with the public by writing things down back and forth, pointing at things, etc. At first I felt really horrible that Marissa had been left alone. Not because she was hearing impared but because I don't ever want any volunteer to feel they have been abandoned to work alone. But after I thought about it, I realized all was well. Marissa and her friend may not have been able to desciribe in audiable words what the National Inclusion Project does, but they represented the mission of full inclusion beautifully and they did an awesome job! I am so thankful to have Marissa as a volunteer and I hope her friend will join us officially next year.

    Luckiest1, I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your friend. I did not know her but she sounds like a wonderful person.

    Preden, Glad your daughter is OK!

    annabear, Shubert is so cute :-)

    claylove.... love your story, too!

    From BONILEE a CV:

    EEE! I just talked to Rubenin the store today. He was behind me in line. I told him I heard that he was going to be touring with Clay this year. He smiled and said he couldn't say. Then I said hypothetically if there was to be a tour when would it be? He smiled and said,"This summer, if it were true" I asked him why did everything always have to be a secret and he said, with me? I said, no, with Clay. He started to say something when the check out girl took his money and was taking care of his change, so he never got to answer. We left and he was parked next to us in the parking lot. We were both putting our things in the car and I told him I tried his vodka pasta dish, and it was very good. He said oh, so you are on my site, and I said yes. He seemed to like that. He said, "Yeah, that Clay, he really loves that vodka sauce!" He said he had never had it til Clay told him how great it was. He said Clay raves about it.

    He is such a sweet, kind, soul. I really like him a lot. I can see why he and Clay are such good friends. He looks very good. Lost a good amount of weight.

    bottle... thanks for bringing this over. I hope it is true. #1, I want to see Clay in concert!!! #2, Clay ALWAYS brings out the best in Ruben and I think they would have a bunch of fun and that means we would, too! I saw Ruben on some show recently and he looked great! Hopefully, he keeps up the good work and keeps getting healthier and heathier. I wonder if his wife had something to do with his finally finding a diet that works for him.

    HBD georgiesmybaby and spikesmom!!!


    I'm also stealing Scarlett's Happy Birthday emotie. It says it all!!!

    I have an O.M.G. story (not a good one, I'm afraid). I'm sure you have heard about the Coast Guard cutter that hit that boat in San Diego on Sunday. The 8-yr old boy that was killed was the grandson of one of my co-workers. Everyone is just devastated over this. I have been on a boat to watch the boat parade near here and there are hundreds of boats anchored to watch the parades. It really doesn't matter whose fault it is, it is still just awful... and at this time of year.

  14. Sorry about sassafras!!!

    Yesterday afternoon, my 26 year old daughter who was coming home from Vermont for the weekend, lost control of her car and fell in a ditch. Thank God!! she was not hurt. She is very sore this morning. We had her checked at the ER last evening, it cost her $800. before seeing a doctor, they took an Xray and everything was normal. her US insurance will cover that fee. Good thing she had a credit card. Her car is probably totalled, too bad she had just finished paying it. I told her a car is replacable not a daughter. I'm thankful to God for watching over her.

    preden... glad your daughter was ok, even if her car wasn't. Whew!!!

    I am so busy at work, I may have to work this weekend... and next year's budgets are due by the end of the month. I may come in Christmas day and work on them. Before you go "bummer", I will be spending Christmas Eve with one half of my family and the day after Christmas with the other half, so I have nothing planned for Christmas day and the thought of working without the constant interruptions sounds really good right now... LOL We'll see.

  15. I FF'd thru AL last night, so didn't hear him and barely saw him. That's the way I like him best.

    My theory is that people are going to be so turned off by him as a gay Idol singer that when they see/hear Clay, they will be so relieved and appreciative of his normalness and talent that they will buy his CDs by droves... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

    Keeping... I read somewhere that AL is trying to bring glam back into rock... well, bless his little heart... we'll see who else besides him has any desire to bring glam back. :cryingwlaughter:

  16. I didn't know all that... no tour???? That's a shame, cause of the money the kids get. It sets them up well for not having to be a starving artist. LOL

    I was, of course, thrilled that Russell won. Jakob will be just fine as he is an awesome dancer and Nigel will help him get a place in a group and he'll be exactly where he wants to be. How does Russell make a living now? I loved his reaction and also wish they had shown more of it and, as you say, Jakob. I hate the big fanale's on all the shows that show you who won at the last possible minute with no reaction time allowed. Whatsupwiththat????

    I don't think they should compete with DWTS either. Let them be on in Spring and Summer when DWTS is not on. I agree with you on that.

  17. Couchie... they did the same thing with the last season. Finale, then auditions for this season 2 weeks later.

    I voted for a solid half an hour for Russell. Jakob is the best dancer, but as they keep telling us, it's America's favorite dancer and he's mine. Elanore is great, but I like Russell better cause he has stepped up from being a krumper to being a great all around dancer. Elanore already was a good dancer when she started and just got better.

    You just like Ryan's FANTASTIC body... LOL He's just there cause everyone wanted him to be in the finals with Ashley, IMO. He's good, but definitely third place guy. Which is fine, cause Ashley is third place girl. Again, IMO.

    I do love this show and will watch it again, even if it is in 2 weeks. I am TIVOing the finale and will watch later so I can fast forward thru everything but the dancing... Adam Lambert... UGH!!!!!!!!

  18. I got some good news yesterday, which I really needed because otherwise it was a bad day. I have a friend who has gone to Clay concerts with me and likes him, just not like we do, called me to tell me about her son. He's about 17 months and is going through a stage now where he's not sleeping all through the night. She told me that she started playing Clay's Christmas cd to see if it would help him sleep, and loves it. He'll point to the cd player for her to turn it on. Kid's got great taste.

    justclay... awwww. That is a very sweet story!

    luckiest... how soon before you hear who got the job?

    I had a neat thing happen yesterday. I sent an email to my DIL and son to ask what everyone wanted for gifts this year. I also suggested that I could put all the money I would spend on each of them into one pot if they wanted something for the whole family. Well, my son called and said they had been wanting to take the kids to see Nutcracker at the Pantages and could they do that with my gift. I said sure and now they get to do something they want to as a family (the kids are already getting 101 gifts from all the relatives and don't need even one more thing) and I don't have to shop or wrap nor nuttin'! I'm so happy!!!

  19. cindi... LOVE that new banner!!! And, he's in Minn. with Reed... that just melts my heart. I wonder if Jaymes and Parker are in Vancouver, so Clay will go there or if Raleigh and family will win the "where to go for the holidays" war this year.

    LOL..yep..sounds like one more thing Clay won't be doing bwah. So it's one more thing I can bypass.

    Happy Friday everyone.

    I was in a mood last night -- one that called for heavy dossage of Good News. I think I listened to it like 20 times in a row LOL. As usual, did the trick. Don't know what it is about that song.

    Couchie... I feel the same about AIW... repeated playing has lifted my mood more than once.

    Annise Parker becomes mayor of Houston!

    Parker's win makes Houston the largest U.S. city ever to have an openly gay mayor.

    merrieeee... :04: I just read People about Meredith Baxter coming out as gay. The more "normal" it becomes the better. I just want no one to care. That may never happen, but it can and should get better and better and that would be good enough, I guess.

    Maybe just maybe when a person who is gay wins an election it won't be big news. On the other hand it does bring awareness. She seems like a low key, intelligent person from the few news snippets I saw on CNN. Here's hoping she can do her job without every move she makes getting judged by the media and/or those who may be haters.

    Congratulations to the residents of Houston. :clap:

    It wasn't a big issue for most of the campaign. It was only toward the end when some groups started getting into it in a rather nasty way.

    And it is newsworthy/historical because it's this first time with one of the largest cities (houston is 4th in the country). nyc, sfo, la haven't accomplished this yet.

    Scarlett... wasn't that Milk guy/Sean Penn that got killed the mayor of San Francisco??? Not a good advertisement for being a gay mayor, tho.

    I'm back from my vacation, but I have so much to do that it makes me almost regret having gone... Argh!!!

    It was very nice to be greeted by the new banner and the Caro blog that is certainly putting me in the holiday mood.

    10 days... Eeeeek! I have done nothing. Well, money always works... LOL

  20. I have walked my little toes to death... We went to the White House to see it and the Christmas tree. Then we walked to the Smithsonian and toured the Gem and Mineral section. Un-freakin'-believable!!! We then walked to the Washington monument and then home. At least a 6 mile round trip.

    Saturday we went on a tour of Capital Hill. Since it was a slow day (rain/snow combo), then let us go and sit in the Senate gallery and watch the debate on the healthcare bill. Very impressive the research that was done to show the problems with the bill. We then went to the Library of Congress, got Reader's cards and went in and looked at a couple of books. Very kewl!!! 5 miles of walking.

    Sunday we walked down Embassy Row, then into Georgetown, then home. I loved Embassy Row... each Embassy is different and all those flags a flyin' are impressive. 6 miles.

    Today, I had to rent a car and drive an hour away to our company HQ and work. Got back to DC easy enough, but was lost for 45 minutes trying to get back to the car rental place. They have all these traffic circles and streets that curve, plus one-way streets. It was awful and I never want to drive here again. Now I know why Washingtonians walk everywhere... LOL Only 2 miles.

    I have 2.5 days left, with some BAD weather coming tomorrow night, so we'll see how much more I get to do and see. National Geograhic is close to here and they have the terracotta warriors there from China, so I'm going to try and get there for sure. I have loved the antiquity and history of almost every sqare inch here. I'm so happy I decided to come.

    Did you go see Washington Cathedral and the British Embassy? I was married in the cathedral and had my reception in the Embassy! (Hee I used to be a contender :hahaha: ) In the room where the reception was held there was a drape that went completely round the huge room. It was made of one piece of fabric and had Shakespearean characters woven in it. Just gorgeous!

    The Terra Cotta Warriors were here in Houston and it was worth every one of the very expensive pennies to see them!

    OK now back to coughing up my lungs. I've been sick for 5 days but at least it is not the flu!

    GO TEXAS! My DD was at the game and said she was soooo glad they won!

    ETA: When in the he** did I get to be a chairman and who wrote all of my 2570 posts? Couldn't have been me! I'm never that verbose.

    Chairman Merrieeee... I think you done all that posting and I'm very glad of it. The Terra Cotta Warriors only cost $10 here. There were 15 of them and some other artifacts. And, no, I didn't go to where you were married and recepted. You need to talk to them about putting that on the list of "things to do/see in DC"! :cryingwlaughter:

    I guess I've missed this controversy til now. But my first blush reaction is ... I don't get why this is a controversy.

    I found a link to Clay's voter records from 2004 way back at the beginning of my fandom, which was 2006. Clay was on record as voting in every municipal election in Raleigh and every state and national election in Wake County in 2003-04. He was mostly voting absentee, because he was living in California at the time. Did no one object to that at the courthouse? Wasn't he well known there? Wouldn't they know he was living in California? And wasn't he living in NY during most of 2008? Voting under the address of the home he grew up in has been a constant all these years, and he established a precedent in the community. The people going after Clay on this are really showing their asses.

    keeping... I so agree. I loved Clay's blog. So dang articulate! Boy, you sure could tell the first was written casually to fans and the second was written for the media. Way to go, Clay!!!

    Clay's blog is already making news. Be sure and read the comments. JP is making stupid comments.

    Your post was enough to make me *not* read the comments. I am not sure why anyone would want to.

    I am happy that Clay blogged, but I kind of find it ironic that his private blog has become so public that he can address the Wake County School Board in it.

    luckiest... :yeahthat:

    My DC saga continues (if anyone is interested). Tues I went to visit the Kennedy brothers at Arlington. I was very moved. Then went to the Lincoln Memorial. He is massive! Then I walked thru the Korean, Vietnam, and WWII memorials. The WWII was most impressive to me. So much intricacy. I then walked to the National Archives and saw the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the other documents they have there. Loved it! Then on to the Native American Indian museum. O.M.G. it is totally awesome and I recommend it to all. Then I walked home. 10 miles today.

    Wed I walked to the Natural History Museum again, then to the American History Museum, then to National Geograhic for the Terra Cotta Warriors. On my feet from 10:30am to 5:30pm, but I think I only logged 5 miles today.

    I go home tomorrow and think I'll just spend the morning doing laundry and packing, even tho the shuttle doesn't come til 1pm. My feet and lower anatomy are pooped from all the miles I have walked this week. I can't wait to get home and check the scales. It had better be down a few pounds or you are going to hear a scream from anywhere you are... LOL Back to work Friday, dang it.

    I have truly enjoyed seeing Washington DC and am very glad I came.

  21. :GM_FCA:

    WOOHOO for Houston's snow alerts! Enjoy and stay safe! :whistling-1:

    Enjoy your California visit, Scarlett! :snoopy:

    The new Carolina On My Mind blog is entitled "Clay Aiken Music Heralds Holidays" and features Aspiegirl's "Christmastime" montage, a new December calendar (with and w/out dates) by cindilu2 with other graphicss by Fountaindawg, Invisible926, and Clayquebec1. Just as important -- to Grandma Caro -- are the pictures of Kai and Lia. :wub:

    th_Kai_Th2a.jpg th_cind_DEC09nd1.jpg

    Clickables of Kai and Clay

    Hope you enjoy! My festive siggy was sent to me by A Beautiful Mind. Have a great weekend, all! :yahoo:



    Drop by anytime: Carolina On My Mind

    Click to stream Clay Aiken at MySpace

    Caro... I love your festive siggy! Very cool! I can't wait to get to play at your site.

    Helloooo FCA!

    I haven't been here in a little while and won't be for a while yet. First computer problems and now a bulging spinal disc have been keeping me away. Doc and physio both say that sitting is not my friend at the moment so I am lying flat out and taking some strong pain killers ( hooray !) and getting bored to tears! Hopefully the exercises and rest will have me right in no time and by then there will be exciting juicy clack to drool over view with polite, restrained admiration.

    Hope you are all doing well, happy Thanksgiving, happy birthday, merry Christmas.

    PS: Couchie, I have not forgotten, just been delayed. XX

    ausdon... good to hear from you, but sad to hear you are in so much pain. Get well soon!



    *thanks Caro profusely, then weeps on her shoulder*

    I guess doing 85 on US 59 (when traffic clears enough to allow it) isn't very useful when you finally park the car, turn around and discover that your laptop is still at home....

    Wah! "Monday got me"....

    But ok, I learned my lesson and will drive carefully back to work now... *sniff*

    Scarlett... O.M.G. You are so so adventurous! It is always so much fun to read about them and the many directions your busy life goes. Stay safe, tho, please!


    What a busy Clay news day -- from Raleigh to Germany to Twitter and back again! :snoopy:


    'spain, please? *bats eyelashes*

    ((((ausdon)))) hope you feel better sooner than soon!

    *pout* just read on my homepage that AL is getting a spot on SYTYCD. The kid sure couldn't ask for any more breaks than he's gotten, could he? Does 19 own his soul as well?

    cindi... UGH!!! I watch SYTYCD faithfully. I'll have to mute and FF when AL is on.

    I have walked my little toes to death... We went to the White House to see it and the Christmas tree. Then we walked to the Smithsonian and toured the Gem and Mineral section. Un-freakin'-believable!!! We then walked to the Washington monument and then home. At least a 6 mile round trip.

    Saturday we went on a tour of Capital Hill. Since it was a slow day (rain/snow combo), then let us go and sit in the Senate gallery and watch the debate on the healthcare bill. Very impressive the research that was done to show the problems with the bill. We then went to the Library of Congress, got Reader's cards and went in and looked at a couple of books. Very kewl!!! 5 miles of walking.

    Sunday we walked down Embassy Row, then into Georgetown, then home. I loved Embassy Row... each Embassy is different and all those flags a flyin' are impressive. 6 miles.

    Today, I had to rent a car and drive an hour away to our company HQ and work. Got back to DC easy enough, but was lost for 45 minutes trying to get back to the car rental place. They have all these traffic circles and streets that curve, plus one-way streets. It was awful and I never want to drive here again. Now I know why Washingtonians walk everywhere... LOL Only 2 miles.

    I have 2.5 days left, with some BAD weather coming tomorrow night, so we'll see how much more I get to do and see. National Geograhic is close to here and they have the terracotta warriors there from China, so I'm going to try and get there for sure. I have loved the antiquity and history of almost every sqare inch here. I'm so happy I decided to come.

  22. I have a Twitter account. Why, I have no earthly idea. Apparently people stalk me using it. I've never even looked at Facebook. I did look at my MySpace - once - for a couple of minutes - a few years ago. My social tolerance is very limited.

    And on another, petty note: (WARNING: I am snickering at one Adam Lambert).

    Mr. Lambert's album, which dropped this week, sold 198,466 copies. That's with an AMA appearance, "street cred" out the wazoo, everyone (including him) declaring him the coolest thing EVAH, critically acclaimed, RCA golden boy, yadda, yadda, yadda.

    One Mr. Clay Aiken, with ATDW, noisily panned by many his own fans (some of which are currently in love with Mr. Lambert's current output), no award show recognition, couldn't define "street cred" if they spotted him two words, held up as a poster boy for "not cool", critically savaged, apparently RCA's red-headed (or red-headed at some point) step child, yadda, yadda, yadda, dropped 211,234 in it's first week.


    Works for me!

    happily cabbage patches around

    I did say, petty, right?

    cabbage patches some more

    It's not like I compared apples to apples - Clay's debut vs. Adam's debut, now it is?

    tosses in a little funky chicken just because

    Now one Ms. Susan Boyle (who's musical stylings I also dislike, but doesn't seem to be an ass) dropped 770,779. So somebody is buying CDs. At least half a million more somebodies.

    does the funky penquin for Susan - because I can!

    KAndre.... BWAH!!! I'm sure glad you're bored and decided to converse wid us. :cryingwlaughter:

    I'm not out of town, but may as well be with what's been going on in my life. Enough is enough!Just here for a sec -- but did notice last night that Andrea Bocelli sold more than Adam Lambert, and it was Bocelli's week 2. Could it be a result of the PBS Christmas special he did with David Foster last week? If so, then apparently PBS Specials can be more productive promo than closing spots on the AMAs ... with controversy. (I'll bet RCA took Lambert to the woodshed over that performance.)

    Oh, and I love that Bocelli records for Decca too.

    I have to mention that when I am out of touch with the board and can just peak in from time to time, it seems to grow my obsession with Clay, and my thoughts of him. What is it? I'll never be able to shake this guy! YAY!

    keeping... Glad to see you woman! Missed you! People who stereotype only need to look at Adam and Clay... both gay, but both so very different. Adam is always described as flamboyant... ugh! I have to admit I don't care for flamboyant. Clay is just always just flat out classy. Yummmmm!!!!!!

    cindi... congrats on making the move... may you and your cats recover swiftly!!! Be gentle with yourself... new job and a move are big things separately... to do them both close together can boggle your mind... at least the unboggled part left after being a Clay fan forever... :cryingwlaughter:

    I'm leaving for DC for my vacation tomorrow morning and don't know how much computer use I'll have, so don't be surprised if I'm not around much. MWAH!!! to you all!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be back the 11th... then I get to go frantic over Christmas. LOL

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