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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. Stuff on the internet.

    Some people have reported things that were, in fact, true but got all kinds of shit when they reported it--being called liars and worse.

    Other people just make up shit.

    So....I believe news I like and don't believe news I don't like.

    But, I'm not invested either way should it turn out I was wrong.

    I'm just not into worrying about Clay.

  2. I am slowly joining. I have joined myspace, but only use it to read a couple blogs (as in Clay's). I THINK I had to sign up for facebook to access something. And I just joined Twitter, but I have no clue how to find the Clay fan group. Does twitter have groups? Jesus. It's just too confusing for my meager brain.

    I may need a sedative to get on a plane again, after the recent rash of crashes. *yikes*

    Yay for a Facebook thread! View new posts is my friend! :lilredani:

    Disasters come in 3s. There have been 3 crashes.

    You are safe.

  3. All I can say about the TV show and the issue of disability it this:

    Thank God there are shows like this to compensate for spawning morons.

    Clay's CD--just because it says his "favorites" doesn't MEAN it's his favorities. Who knows which his favorites really are.

    Is it MY list of favorites?

    Not exactly, but close enough. (It's not as though I don't already have the songs.)

    I can live with RCA leaving "Everything I Don't Need" off.

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