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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. This is such a great day! I got up at the crack of dawn to make fresh muffins and coffee so it would be waiting when friends arrived so they could snack while I fixed breakfast. We ate our way through the inauguration- crying.

    I feel so hopeful--first time in 8 years.

    I've tried to avoid political discussions as I have absoutely no understanding of how it's even possible to vote for a Republican--and today, we all stood, raised our coffee cups, and CHEERED when CNN showed Bush's plane flying out of Washington.

    Oh, happy day!

    (Plus, I love the pictures of Reed wearing Clay's shirt!!!!)

  2. couchie Ativan is an awful drug for a lot of older people. Doctors prescribe it all the time because they want to control demenita and confusion so they don't have to deal with it, but it rarely works and often makes things worse. My Mom's doctor kept insisiting I try different medications but almost everything made Mom more confused, I finally just refused to give her anything except the one Alzheimer drug that seemed to help--Aricept. It's very frustrating. One drug made Mom so confused she ran started to get paranoid.

    Claylove, you have taken on a lot. As a person who was a caregiver for years, I can tell you that it can consume your life, so be sure to keep your own life and needs in mind.

  3. Don't know how many people do the view new posts thing and saw my posts in caregiver thread...but my mom had a horrible last 2 days and I was worried that we had "lost her" in the mental sense. But they took her off the medication she was on for anxiety and she went through a nasty bout of withdrawal, complete with hallucinations and really she was very confused and incoherent. Today, however, SHE WAS BACK! thank god.

    Couchie I'm so glad to hear that things are finally looking a little better for your mom. I can imagine how stressful this has been for you.

  4. beautifully said Claylove.

    Everyone has to be open to "listen" to the other with an open heart because just because we accept Clay doesn't mean we are without issues. Clay and us (gramm.. police here heee) have had to deal with a lot over the past few years. I know I've learned to deal with some of what has been dished at him. It's a bit tougher to deal with it coming from fans and friends. That's why for me I've lost a bit of patience at people who come at this in a place that shows him no respect. Those may very well be the people who told you they feel pushed out. You certainly haven't done that and I appreciate it. But yes in many ways my patience has run out and I'm being more blunt about how I feel. I'm very sorry if that hurts people but I have a right to an opinion too. And that's the way of message boards and communicating in general whether it's live and in person or behind the keyboard.


    I can't help but feel that the statute of limitations for pissing and moaning about the person Clay is (or someone thought he was) has run out.

  5. Interesting "discussions" going on.

    Hmmm.....let's see. There ARE cultural differences in attitudes toward education, but cultural generalizations that are true for the group can never be assumed to be true for the individual (the Bell curve has a low end and a high end). Not worth fighting over since our own kids--and especially our grandkids--are always the smartest anyhow.

    Packing? I am assuming that Clay is packing what his genes gave him. Hardly his fault if prurient-minded hussies comment on it.

    (Speaking as a card-carrying prurient-minded hussy.)

    Pictures? Impossible to know what's going on if we're not there. I'm NEVER there. I'm just grateful as hell to get some candid shots that give us a glimpse of Clay having fun with friends.

    Goody-goody Clay. I would never have been here in the first place if THAT's the image I had of him. I always assumed that Clay kept a public and a private profile because he didn't want pictures of his drinking, carousing influencing young fans. That seems totally responsible to me.

    Not two-faced. Mature and sensible.

    Religious Clay? Totally and completely his business. I have never observed that religion and morality/goodness were in any way related. I've known just as many good heathens as good church/synogogue/mosque goers.

  6. I think I must be the only one around that isn't thrilled with that picture. It makes me feel like I don't even know who Clay is.

    I fell for the guy that wore the WWJD braclet and sang You Were There in concert. I look at this picture and I think of that young man and I can't find the connection between the two of them. It isn't his being gay, other then since he came out he doesn't seem like the same person.

    I feel so out of place on all of the boards anymore. I never have posted much but I always enjoyed reading. Now it seems like the further Clay gets from the person I thought he was, the happier everyone seems to be. I feel like I must have created a Clay that never really existed. You know the guy who wore all the layers of clothes and changed the lyrics of his songs because he didn't swear. I wonder if he was ever real.

    I will probably be sorry I posted this but I just needed to say it. It doesn't matter I guess.

    I'm not sure I understand being upset about a picture--this was when they all dressed up for the new actor as I recall. So, they were all just goofing off.

    However, maybe the further Clay gets from the person you thought he was, the closer he gets to the person he really is.

    To me, that's cause of celebration. People are complex....and they change with age and experience. That's life. I think Clay is very real--just HIS real and maybe not the real that people imagined in their minds.

  7. I guess the thing that I really don't understand is why people go to CLAY's messageboard--knowing that he reads there--and say horrible insulting things about how he looks, what he wears, and what he does.

    This is like going to a friends' house and proceeding to ream them with every negative thought in your mind.

    What is the point? What do they hope to achieve? It's bad enough to read the crap on other boards, but on CLAY's board??!!

    It's purposefully hurtful.


    Sorry if that makes me judgmental--but so be it.

  8. I don't think that anyone cares if someone doesn't like a particular look, but some people at OFC have been REALLY nasty about it--and if they're not ugly on the outside, they sure as hell are on the inside. Clay can certainly wear whatever he chooses without being chastised for not presenting the proper public image. Judging anyone by a PHOTO, in the first place, is ridiculous considering that pictures capture only a split second in time--not a posed perfect image.

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