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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. help! How do I get rid of a raggedy ass sofa -- the love seat is actually pretty good - without spending an arm and a leg.

    ETA: clay is cute heee.

    You can put them on Craiglist as free or cheap if you just want to get rid of them--and some charities will still pick things up. I think St.Vincent dePaul picks up here--not sure which other ones. Maybe Salvation Army.

  2. Just ignore the comments on YouTube (post a good one if you like).

    Most good people don't bother to comment--just the sickos.

    They attack anything gay.

    I just finished watching Prayers for Bobby--it was wrenching. I just keep wondering if people believe that people "choose" their sexuality, why don't they believe that they can choose their religion?

    Clay must have gone through hell--and just imagine how he felt whenever anyone made the slightest suggestion he was gay and fans starting a ranting and raving campaign against those people. OR when he did Madonna's song--and he was SO funny--but he stopped doing it after there was such an uproar over his looking "gay How many times have fans showed him that being gay wasn't ok?

    He must have been so frightened to tell the truth.

    It hurts my heart.

  3. I think maybe it's a good thing that Clay and Reed's pictures are out there.

    I think they should have been able to make that decision for themselves.

    Not that Clay should be forced to be the poster boy (man?) for gay rights,

    but....isn't that exactly what you are wishing for?

    I feel badly that evidently there is no part of his life that people consider off-limits or not usable.

    Just to clarify....the pictures are already out there, and what I'm saying is that while it's an invasion of privacy and they shouldn't have been released without Clay's permission--the deed is done, and with that in mind, I don't think it's something terrible that people see Clay and Reed in what appears to be a loving relationship.

    NOR am I saying that Clay should be forced to be the "poster boy" for gay rights, but that I think that it's good when people are willing to do that--whoever they are--because I think that will further the cause of equal rights. I would never presume to tell anyone how to manage their ethnicity or sexuality, but I admire those brave enough to confront prejudice head on.

  4. Post-hoing today (Feel free to scroll as I rarely have anything worthwhile to say that takes more than 20 words--just musing here.)

    I think maybe it's a good thing that Clay and Reed's pictures are out there. If gays are to achieve equal rights to marry (live, have children, etc) , then people need to see gays in loving relationships. Not that Clay should be forced to be the poster boy (man?) for gay rights, but if African Americans hadn't stood up for their rights, the civil rights movement would have progressed a lot more slowly. My one real annoyance with the campaign against Proposition 8 in CA was that the ads showed FAMILIES of gay people rather than gay couples themselves. I read it was because the organizers were afraid gay couples would turn people against gay rights. I don't think so.

    I think brave gay men and women need to live openly as gay and not be afraid to show their feelings.

    (With the emphasis on brave.)

  5. Last summer when the fires were raging in CA, I was reading news reports on lines and happened to read some of the comments. Holy crap!!! You just wouldn't BELIEVE the horrible things people were saying--they were fighting and calling each other names---over a FIRE.

    All famous people get the same crap--we just don't read it as much. It really only means that Clay is famous.

    There are sad sick pathetic people who just sit at their computers and spew hate. It makes the smallness of their lives less crushing because for a minute or two they can feel powerful.

    Some of these people pretend to be Claymates.

  6. I honestly just have no understanding of people complaining about Clay's lack of blogging. When I look at what other stars do to reach out to their fans and then compare it to Clay--there's just no comparison! And, I REALLY don't see any point in trying to quantify the complaints of those who always want more of Clay. I think it's pretty clear, he blogs as much as most stars. But that's only a little portion of what he does:

    Who else walks the line after concerts touching everyone's hand? Who else put himself out there for Broadway Cares night after night? Who else of his stature does the SD night after night and signs and talks and poses for pictures? We have a wealth of Clack. We have so many stories to share. A blog is not the only way to reach out.

    I'm just sick to death of people who never think that Clay gives enough to the fans.

    Claymates are blessed.

  7. I'm glad that they all had such a great time and I hope they won't let the nastiness in any way spoil the night for them.

    I was PMing with one of them and she said that NOTHING could take away the joy they felt.

    too bad there's no way to share with everyone but the nasty pm'ers. The entitlement is mind boggling. If it were me I'd post those PMs on the board.

    I was thinking exactly the same thing.

  8. bwah Wandacleo.

    My mom was sprung! Yay... So we're just sitting here watching the parade!

    So glad to hear that your Mom didn't have to miss this. I can only imagine how exciting it must be for her.

    I love watching the Obamas dancing around and looking so happy.

    Such beautiful children.

  9. You'll probably never see me post in here again. LOL. But I managed to stream CNN radio and listen to the swearing in and the first half of Obama's inaugeration speech today, before the boss interrupted me. Hee, imagine wanting me to do work! :P

    I think it's downright un-American to make people work during the inauguration.

    Oh yeah...........downright un-Canadian!!!

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