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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. I wish I could be as good a fan as you and your board are couchie. There doesn't seem to be a board out there that suits me anymore. All of them with their own little cliques and unless you tow the line you are not accepted. Sort of harkens to what I was saying about how many fans have been run off by the behavior of other fans and their treatment of you. This board used to be filled with a bunch of smart ladies. I miss them.

    Dumbass shit reporting in.

    On my beloved Mac.

    (YAY APPLE!!!!!)

    I ordered Clay's CD--it was #6 at the time.

  2. god I'm such a girl. But I did discover the clubhouse has showers, just in case :hysterical: I have a little thingie and I keep sticking it in but it won't open. Office is on the way.

    ETA: YAY..the office lady gave me a lesson on how to do it..and gave me the little tool. Sigh.

    Once you have done it successfully it gets easier. You know how it is supposed to feel so you just jiggle a bit until it hits the right spot.

    I cannot begin to describe how pornographic this sounds, you shameless hussies.


  3. The need to go on and on about Clay fans that can't let it go is no different to the way they go on and on about THEIR feelings. There is a simple solution, but it involves choice. I chose to take your advice.

    You're kidding, right?? There is nothing the same about evil-hearted bitches out to ream Clay every chance they get and the sapheads trying to pretend it's ok as opposed to people who are offended that (supposed) Clay fans attack Clay. There's a limit to how far one can stretch a simplistic platitude.

  4. *pounds head against a wall*

    Does anyone know where on earth videos are typically saved to in iTunes? I can't find them to convert them... I tried the library, but it's just showing me music... Yeah, completely computer-illiterate. That's me. Argh!

    Well, I have a Mac, so if you have a PC it might look a little different, but under "Library" I have a listing that says "Music," and under that is "movies" and that's where the movies are.

  5. Look--I'm NOT angsting. I don't worry about Clay one bit. I simply find these whiners and bitches and complainers sickening.

    That's different from angst--it's pissification.

    It's not something I'm losing sleep over--just clarifying a point. It's pretty much a fact that they have poisoned the OFC--and I find that disgusting.

  6. Silly thought I had reading at the OFC, where several posters are still asking for time and consideration of those who still can't come to terms with Clay being gay or Clay lieing (sp), take your choice. The reason I personally have very little patience is that it I compare it to having a significant other who keeps saying, "I'm not sure if I love you, just give me more time to decide". In that I case I would have said "Adios, life is too short". And I sometimes wish Clay would tell them this.

    Peope who are still "coming to terms" with this aren't coming to terms with anything, they are using their martyrdom to get attention--and they make me want to gag. Those who rush to their aid--"give them time"--are getting secondary attention by being "tolerant" of this bullshit. They make me gag too.

    So shoot me.

  7. So, I just want to ask everyone... how did you become a part of the fandom and when did you realize it was special?

    I didn't really find the message boards until AI was over. I was looking around and happened to find videos of the AI performances and I about peed myself with joy. Then, I started looking more and found a board with a link to Emmanuel, and I had to join the board to get it, so I did. I couldn't figure out how to manuever about a message board for quite awhile, but finally started posting. I was so excited to find other people who loved Clay--I didn't even know about Claymates. Then, I discovered RHT and cellcerts. Jesus--I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Then, along came boobgate and I LOVED that picture, but there were huge battles over that and then over KG, and I just about left the boards (not Clay) because I thought that there were too many frigging lunatics in the fandom. I wandered around for quite awhile looking for a perfect board to just celebrate Clay without having to put up with his being picked apart relentlessly.

    This is about as close to perfection as Claymates can get, I think. At least, if someone is attacking Clay, we don't have to suffer in silence.

    Now, THAT's special.

    ETA: Oh yes, does it count that I charged hundreds (well, thousands) of dollars on airline tickets, concert tickets, hotels, etc for New Zealand Claymates I'd never met, trusting that if they loved Clay they were good people?

  8. This country need jobs. I'm very worried. My DD's husband was laid off from Dupont and another 120 that same day. They said there were grown men that had been there for 10 years or more standing outside weeping. It's very sad.

    I know what you mean. My DD's company is going through hard times and she's scared to death she will be laid off. Every day when I read the paper I read about thousands of more people being laid off. It's so scary. My heart aches for people who are having such a hard time now.

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