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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. General liberal arts degrees and humanities degrees are essentially the same thing--some places call it one and some the other (I know this because I have an AA in liberal studies and a BA and MA in humanities--same stuff (art, literature, music, history, religion).

    I'll beat the shit out of the person who tries to dress Clay before me!!!!

    (Unless we can agree that I get the bottom half.)

    Band: I can play the piano (quite badly, but HEY, it's still got to beat cowbells!)


    Liberal: Out and proud!

  2. I just want Clay to stay in ONE spot while I circle him staring at him for as long as I want and trying to memorize his face because even though I've had a meet and greet and stood at the stage door a number of times and in lines at concerts and seen him up close, I TRULY do not have a good image in my mind of what he LOOKS LIKE because he freaking looks different every time I see him. It's maddening.

  3. man, I sure hope he DOES tour at all!! after all our conjecturing as to when and where--I hope we're not going to go to "IF"...

    plus I have a question. where did all the recent pictures of him regarding boob-gate and the ones with his friends come from? I'm loving them but wondered whose they were....

    I read that they were taken off of a private site from one of the dancers and posted online by someone--don't know if that's true or not.

  4. ETA: Oh never mind...was asking about viruses... I'll check out the thread for answers.

    So I just donated $5 to the inauguration...I'll go pack now as I'm sure I'll be one of the ten selected to go attend the festivities (/delusional)

    ETA: I already am. I never got tired of hearing Invisible. I loved how he sang it during JBT.

    Then we'll be TWO of the ten. Maybe we can room together!! LOL.

    It's POSSIBLE to get tired of hearing Clay sing Invisible????

  5. I'm askeered to know what it says about me that I've consistently lusted after been attracted to a man who I thought was straight and single but now know to be gay, a dad, taken and apparently in the midst of a gender reassignment... :unsure:

    Maybe you are looking with friendly eyes.

    PS: That snowflake picture with Clay holding the little girl is my all time favorite!

    His goodness just shines through.

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