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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. Oh, I finally found the link--in blue at the top.

    I think some stranger took my test as it says I'm an introvert. HUH? News to me.

    ETA: I'm an INTJ along with 0.5% of the female population. Jesus. AND, my fictional characters are Clarice Sterling and Hannibal Lector.

    I guess when I said I'd like to eat Clay, I meant it.

  2. What am I missing? I went where he told me and started taking one test that was like an IQ test. It was too much work so I stopped. Went back later and took another personality test but at the end they wanted $39.95 to see the results!

    Where is the free test??

    Me too! Same thing--then they emailed me a couple of teaser reports and tried to get me to fork over the money. LOL. Too late for me to improve my personality.

  3. My sympathies go out to those that lost a friend and to the family. 38 is so young.

    Wandacleo..I love Bryan Adams...where is he playing?

    thanks for the wreath info..my mom likes that kinda stuff. me? bah humbug heee. Surprised she hasn't asked me to take down her boxes yet.

    Aw sorry Clay wasn't on tonight for those that traveled.

    Get well Clay.

    Bryan is at the State Theater in Monterey. It's an old theater that was refurbished and is used for concerts now--about 1000 seats. The concert is Wednesday December 3. You're welcome to come down and stay if you want to get a ticket and see the show.


    Here's the link:

    State Theater ticket info

  4. I'm feeing sad about the passage of Proposition 8 since two members of my family--my nephew and Clay--and many friends (incuding Luckiest!) are gay. I take this very personally.

    My only comfort is that 8 years ago a similar marriage-is-only-a-man-and-a-woman measure in CA passed with 61% of the vote and this time it passed with 52%. As Clay says, we have to be patient. If the vote came down 9 points in 8 years, and we can get an amendment back on the ballot in 2 years, those supporting gay rights should be in the majority.

    I am cautiously hopeful.

  5. I used to cringe every time Jerome passed on a request from Clay, knowing the harshness against Clay that would be boiling up like smelly gas from the mud pits at Rotorua.

    But familiarity has bred hilarity. In fact, I think there should be a prize awarded to whoever can use "fucking" and "Clay" (or variations thereof) the most, in a non-sexual manner, in one post. It is sorta like watching a disembodied frog leg twitch when an electrode is applied.

    Of course, perhaps my sense of humor has taken a dark turn, because if I were Jaymes, I would have one room at my house and at Clay's house covered entirely with fringe, and make sure that's where all pictures are taken. And maybe have a box full of fringey props to drape around Parker's room, too. Although that would be rewarding with attention, gotta think about that.

    I really appreciate the continuing recaps - who knew that Spam would turn out to be like a soap opera? Good guys, bad guys, threat of cancellation, cancellation - who knew Broadway would be so dramatic in FRONT of the stage? Bwah!

    I have to say that I've arrived at this point too. Entitlement and fake outrage have gotten to be an ongoing black comedy.

    I just like to celebrate!

  6. I read the Secret Life of Bees and loved it. Haven't seen the movie.

    I DID see FLOW--for the love of water this morning, and it was fascinating.


    I've been busy getting ready for a big O election celebration party on Tuesday--it keeps expanding. We're going to eat, drink, watch CNN, and cheer lustily. (That is, if I don't have a nervous breakdown before the election.) Wish you could all join us!! I'm going to actually drive to the Dollar store and buy party noisemakers!! LOL.

    I've been out picking apples like mad as they are starting to fall off of my trees because of wind and rain. I took bags of apples to all my neighbors. I feel like Wanda Appleseed.

  7. Life goes on for me--I have retirement and income from freelance writing--but I can see that I'm a lucky one. My daughter (in St Louis) lost her job and it took her 4 months to find a new one. She thought her fiance's job was fine--working for Verizon in technical support at a big center--then the company made an announcement that they were closing the entire center at the beginning of November. Talk about anxiety! They are praying he can get another job soon--even if it pays less. LOTS of people are really having a bad time with the economy so bad. I see it everywhere.

  8. I'm back from NYC--didn't spend much time on the computer as we saw Spam 4 times. the Lion King and Billy Elliot (GREAT SHOW!!). We also took a train ride up the Hudson River to see the leaves and spent a couple of day trips to Long Island--Sayville and the Oyster Festival at Oyster Bay. On Sunday night, we rested.

    And watched Clack from the Gala.

    THANK YOU to all the clack goddesses (we started with YOUR videos, Scarlett!).

    It was a wonderful trip.

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